Year 11 Revision advice booklet

Year 11 Revision
GCSE English Language
& GCSE English Literature
Information and Ideas
This is your English Language Exam – It is a two hour exam with two sections:
Section A- Reading
Spend about one hour and ten minutes on this section, you will read two non-fiction texts and answer 3
Question 1- Summary
You will be given one or two areas to focus on from one of the texts, you will be asked to ‘Outline
concisely’ ‘In your own words’
 You should write one sentence for each point or piece of information which is relevant to the
focus(es) of the question.
 You should not repeat any information even if the text does.
 You MUST use your own words- do not use words from the extract and definitely do not use
 You should only list the relevant information- you are not being asked to comment on the effect in
this question.
Question 2- Presentation, Information and language
You should write a PQA essay in response to this question- about 1 1/2 -2 sides in length,
 Three sections:
 Presentational devices – evaluate how these engage and influence the reader- how do they
help the writer to achieve their intended purpose?
 Information- how does the writer use facts and opinions to achieve their intended purpose?
 Language- what linguistic devices has the writer used and how do these help the writer to
achieve their intended purpose?
Question 3- Language and Tone
You should write a PQA essay in response to this question- about 1 1/2 -2 sides in length,
 Remember to:
 Identify the focus of the question- what are you being asked to write about- only write about this.
 Identify how the writer has used a particular tone or tones in the writing – analyse the ways in
which they have used language and structural devices to create the tone(s)– evaluate how using
this tone help them to achieve their intended purpose – link to task.
 Language- what linguistic devices has the writer used and how do these help the writer to achieve
their intended purpose? Analyse in detail evaluating the techniques and word choices and the
effects these create.
Section B – Writing
Spend 50 minutes on this section. 10 minutes planning 30 minutes writing 10 minutes checking, proof reading and
editing your work. Your work is marked for content (AO3i & 3ii) and Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (AO3iii)
You will have a choice of two tasks- they are both marked with the same marking criteria so whichever one you choose
you still need to demonstrate the same skills in your writing.
Read the tasks carefully- don’t just look at the heading and guess at what you are being asked to do!
Make sure that you plan carefully so that you are addressing the task in a clear and relevant way.
Remember that the mark scheme states “An engaging opening” and “ A convincing and deliberate ending”
“Remember that the mark scheme states “effective use of linguistic devices” use similes, metaphors, power of three,
rhetorical questions, the five senses and as many other devices as you can.
Include emotions, vivid descriptions, and humour- your purpose will be to entertain/engage your reader as well as to
Proof read and edit- Remember that the mark scheme states “uses a variety of sentence structures to create effects.”
Descriptors AO3i & AO3ii
shows sophisticated control of the material and makes
effective use of linguistic devices.
demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the task,
addressing it with complete relevance and adapting form and
style with flair to suit audience and purpose.
uses precise vocabulary which is fully suited to the purpose
of the writing, conveying subtlety of thought and shades of
meaning, and where appropriate is imaginative and ambitious
in scope.
uses structure to produce deliberate effects, developing the
writing coherently and skillfully from a confident opening which
engages the reader to a very convincing and deliberate
is organised into coherent paragraphs which are clearly
varied for effect and used confidently to enhance the ideas
and meaning.
Band 1
shows full control of the material and makes some effective
use of linguistic devices.
demonstrates a confident understanding of the task,
addressing it with consistent relevance and adapting form and
style with assurance to suit audience and purpose.
uses imaginative vocabulary which is appropriate to the
purpose of the writing, conveying some subtlety of thought
and shades of meaning, and where appropriate may show
some ambition in scope
uses structure consciously for effect, developing the writing
coherently from an opening which engages the reader to a
convincing and deliberate ending.
is organised into paragraphs which have unity, are varied
for effect and are used to control the content and achieve
overall coherence.
Band 2
shows generally competent control of the material but may
not always convey meaning clearly when using more
ambitious linguistic devices and structures.
demonstrates a secure understanding of the task,
addressing it in a relevant way and adapting form and style
with confidence to suit audience and purpose.
uses varied vocabulary to create different effects which are
mainly appropriate to the purpose of the writing, conveying
thought and meaning clearly.
uses structure deliberately and with direction - a focused
and interesting opening, events and ideas developed clearly
and in some detail, an appropriate ending.
uses paragraphs of varying length and structure for effect,
which effectively organise and link ideas and create an overall
sense of coherence.
Band 3
Descriptors AO3iii
In this band a candidate’s writing:
uses a wide range of sentence
structures to ensure clarity and to
achieve specific effects relevant to
the task.
uses ambitious vocabulary with very
few spelling errors.
uses punctuation consciously and
securely to shape meaning, with very
few errors.
In this band a candidate’s writing:
uses a range of sentence structures
to ensure clarity and to achieve specific
effects relevant to the task.
uses more complex and irregular
vocabulary, almost always securely
uses punctuation to shape meaning,
mainly securely, with errors only in
more complex, irregular structures
In this band a candidate’s writing:
uses generally well controlled
sentence structures which are
varied in length and type and show
evidence of being used deliberately
to create specific effects appropriate
to the task.
shows secure spelling of complex
regular words and generally secure
spelling of irregular or more complex
uses punctuation to enhance or
clarify meaning - is accurate both
within and between sentences, but
may make some errors.
Unit A662- Modern Drama
This is an English Literature exam and your set text is Journey’s End by R.C. Sheriff.
This is a 45 minute long exam with a choice of two questions. You are strongly
recommended to do the extract question (a).
You should spend 10 minutes unpicking the task and planning your answer.
You should spend 30 minutes writing your essay.
You should spend 5 minutes checking your Spelling Punctuation and Grammar.
 Read the question carefully and identify the focus- all your points should relate to
 Remember to PQA with PETER
 Remember you are writing about a PLAY: the Writer is a PLAYWRIGHT and you will be
evaluating the effect on the AUDIENCE. You should also refer to and quote from
stage directions and consider how the scene would appear on the stage.
 Write a very short introduction which explains where this extract fits in to the whole
play- e.g. what has happened prior to this- and why it is an important moment in the
 You should focus about 60% of your answer on close detailed analysis of the extract
but also refer to how it links to other parts of the play.
 Your quality of written communication (Spelling Punctuation and Grammar) is
assessed in this exam.
Unit A663 – Prose from Different Cultures
This is an English Literature exam and your set text is Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
This is a 45 minute long exam with a choice of two questions. You are strongly
recommended to do the extract question (a).
You should spend 15 minutes unpicking the task and planning your answer.
You should spend 30 minutes writing your essay.
 Read the question carefully and identify the focus- all your points should relate to
 Remember to PQA with PETER
 Write a very short introduction which explains where this extract fits in to the whole
novella - e.g. what has happened prior to this- and why it is an important moment in
the text
 Remember you are writing about what the writer does- evaluate how he uses
language and structure to convey ideas and themes to the reader.
 Remember you MUST draw links between the extract and the social and historical
context of this text- this is the only exam which expects you to do this but it is
worth over half the available marks (15% of your total Literature GCSE mark).
Unit A644- Literary Heritage Prose and Contemporary Poetry
This is an English Literature exam and your set texts are Animal Farm by George Orwell and
The Poetry of Seamus Heaney.
This is a 90 minute exam with two sections:
Section 1-Literary Heritage Prose Animal Farm
You will have a choice of two questions. You are strongly recommended to do the extract
question (a).
You should spend 15 minutes unpicking the task and planning your answer.
You should spend 30 minutes writing your essay.
 Read the question carefully and identify the focus- all your points should relate to
 Remember to PQA with PETER
 Write a very short introduction which explains where this extract fits in to the whole
novel - e.g. what has happened prior to this- and why it is an important moment in
the text
 Remember you are writing about what the writer does- evaluate how he uses
language and structure to convey ideas and themes to the reader.
Section 2 – Contemporary Poetry -Seamus Heaney.
You will have a choice of three questions. One question will have the poem printed in the
exam booklet; the other two questions will each give you a choice of two poems you could
write about.
Choose one question and write about one poem.
You should spend 15 minutes unpicking the task and planning your answer.
You should spend 30 minutes writing your essay.
 Read the question carefully and identify the focus- all your points should relate to
 Remember to PQA with PETER
 Remember you are writing about what the Poet does- evaluate how he uses
language and structure and poetic devices to convey ideas and themes to the reader.
Revision resources you can use –
BBC Bitesize, Past papers and mark schemes from the OCR website, and
resources on Pearltrees.
P- point- your idea or opinion
relating to the task.
E- Evidence to support your point
T- Terminology / techniques the
writer has used
E- Evaluation- evaluate the effect
created by the techniques
R- Relate, link to either the task or
your next point.