display - Edge - Rochester Institute of Technology

Project Readiness Package
Chem E Lab Hardware: Lab Implementation
Rev 5/19/2012
Roadmap Overview
The Chemical Engineering department at the Rochester Institute of Technology has expressed
interest in creating a new lab exercise that is both engaging and educational. The development and
subsequent implementation of this lab and any corresponding equipment is the task of the
multidisciplinary senior design team that is chosen to pursue this endeavor. Guidelines for producing a
laboratory that meets the needs of the department are outlined in this package. The design team
should in no way feel bound by the contents of this package; they should instead use it as a reference to
maintain the scope of this project throughout its duration.
Project Overview
The new equipment will be designed and built to demonstrate conductive heat transfer for use
in the chemical principles lab. The chemical principles labs I and II (1011-205 & 1011-206) are a two lab
sequence, the first of which is intended to develop and apply statistical analysis techniques to
experimental data. Within this lab a student will also be introduced to several basic laboratory
techniques through experimentation, one of which is thermal analysis. The equipment and procedures
developed by the senior design team are intended to supplement the thermal analysis portion of the
current Chemical Principles laboratory I.
The primary objective of the new Chem E lab exercise, that is to be integrated into the current
curriculum, is to provide students with the ability to observe conductive heat transfer while
providing means to measure the thermal conductivity of a specified material.
Secondary objectives of this project include the following:
Develop the basic skills needed to perform scientific experiments and report the results.
Develop the skills to effectively communicate the outcomes of a lab experiment.
Develop the skills needed to interpret an analyze data using popular engineering tools
(MATLAB, LabVIEW, Microsoft Excel).
Incorporate student’s current knowledge of conductive heat transfer principles through
physical application and experimentation.
Develop skills beyond those directly related to chemical engineering by requiring
students to physically assemble the apparatus used for the experiment.
Project Readiness Package
Chem E Lab Hardware: Lab Implementation
Rev 5/19/2012
Administrative Information
Project Name: Chem E Lab Integration
Project Number: NA
Project Family: Chem E Lab Hardware
Parent Roadmap: R12310
Planning Term: 2011-3 (Spring)
Start Term: 2012-1 (Fall) (tentative)
End Term: 2012-2 (Winter) (tentative)
Faculty: TBD
Project Customer: RIT KGCOE
Chemical Engineering Dept.
Project Sponsors: Dr. Karuna S. Koppula
Mr. Paul Gregorious
Project Budget: TBD
MSD Project Context
The overreaching objective of the Lab Implementation portion of the new Chem E lab hardware exercise
is to fully integrate the hardware developed by the Chem E lab hardware project into the existing
structure of the current Chemical Principles lab. The integration of this lab will consist of three main
areas of focus; facilities preparation, data acquisition and apparatus integration.
Facilities Preparation
The current Chemical Engineering labs (GOS 2173, GOS 2273) will be used to perform the lab developed
by the Chem E lab hardware project family. These laboratory rooms are large enough to house 3
stations, each consisting of 3-4 students as well as the apparatus itself. Each laboratory also features
standard 120 volt wall outlets as well as access to a continuous water supply for each station.
The apparatus that is developed will be designed to fit on the current Chem E lab carts to ensure ease of
mobility. These carts will be made accessible to the team throughout the design process.
Data Acquisition
The ability to collect data both manually and through the use of software is a critical aspect in the
integration of the laboratory exercise. The functions that an apparatus must perform to make data
collection possible are outlined in a function tree (found in a later section of this package). The lab
requires the proper equipment to make various forms of data collection possible. This equipment
includes computers equipped with data acquisition software.
Apparatus Integration
The integration of a new lab apparatus will be the final stage of development for the new piece of
equipment. The equipment’s assembly and disassembly will essentially become a part of the lab
exercise procedure. Because the assembly will be performed by a group of students, it is crucial for the
design team to pursue a design that is simple enough to be assembled within a specific time frame.
Careful consideration of how the components of the apparatus are labeled is also required. This will
avoid unnecessary confusion for the team doing the assembly.
Project Readiness Package
Chem E Lab Hardware: Lab Implementation
Rev 5/19/2012
Apparatus Integration (continued)
To ensure the assembly of the apparatus does not pose an ergonomic threat to the end users, it is
recommended that the design team employ an industrial engineer to perform a NIOSH lifting evaluation
for assembly of the apparatus.
Customer Needs Assessment
Figure 1. (below) depicts the needs of the customer and a corresponding rank of importance for each.
This information was obtained through interviews with Chem E department faculty. Also captured in
Figure 1. are the measures of effectiveness by which each need was assessed.
Figure 1.
The customer needs captured in Figure 1. (above) are those that relate not only to the physical
attributes of the new Chem E hardware, but also to the implementation and utilization of the hardware
as well. Further assessment of needs pertaining to the capabilities of the equipment can be found in the
Voice of the Engineer section of the R12310 EDGE website.
Project Readiness Package
Chem E Lab Hardware: Lab Implementation
Rev 5/19/2012
Functional Decomposition
Figure 2.
Figure 2. (above) provides a graphical representation of the functional decomposition for the new Chem
E lab exercise. The functions that best correlate to the implementation of the hardware are outlined in
Project Readiness Package
Chem E Lab Hardware: Lab Implementation
Rev 5/19/2012
Engineering Metrics (specifications)
Figure 3.
Figure 3. (above) is a partial list of the engineering metrics associated with the Chem E lab hardware
project. The particular metrics shown above were chosen because they were those most related to the
integration of the lab hardware. For the complete list of engineering metrics, see the Voice of the
Engineer section of the R12310 EDGE website.
House of Quality
Figure 4. (below) features a segment the house of quality. This tool is used to correlate the customer
needs to the engineering metrics based on a 1, 3, 9 scale of correlation. The entire customer needs have
been mapped to either one or more engineering metric(s). For a more detailed description of the
customer needs and engineering metrics refer to the House of Quality section of R12310 EDGE website.
Project Readiness Package
Chem E Lab Hardware: Lab Implementation
Rev 5/19/2012
Figure 4.
Listed below are constraints that have been derived from various segments of the design project
Regulatory Constraints
The design shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
The team's design project report should include references and citations that are in compliance with all
applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.
The design shall comply with all applicable RIT Policies and Procedures.
The team's design project report should include references and citations that are in compliance with all
applicable RIT Policies and Procedures.
Economic Constraints
The team will be required to budget any allocated funds and not exceed the amount that is agreed upon
between the team and customer.
The team will be required to keep track of all expenses incurred by their project.
Project Readiness Package
Chem E Lab Hardware: Lab Implementation
Rev 5/19/2012
Purchases for this road map will be approved and channeled through the corresponding department for
which they are needed. All purchases must follow any departmental guidelines that are currently set in
Environmental Constraints
Adverse environmental impacts of the project are to be minimized.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are required for all materials used.
Social Constraints
Laboratory exercises and demonstrations that result from these projects should be applicable to
students of various learning styles and educational backgrounds.
Ethical Constraints
Every member of every team is expected to comply with Institute Policies, including the Policy on
Academic Honesty, and the Policy on Academic Accommodations.
Health and Safety Constraints
Wherever practical, the design should follow industry standard codes and standards (e.g. Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (RoHS), FCC regulations, IEEE standards, and relevant safety standards as
prescribed by IEC, including IEC60601). The team's design project report should include references to,
and compliance with industry codes or standards.
Manufacturability Constraints
Commercially available, Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components available from more than one vendor are
Students should articulate the reasoning and logic behind tolerances and specifications on
manufacturing dimensions and purchasing specifications.
Sustainability Constraints
All equipment that results from this family of projects should be able to be re-used over the course of
several academic terms.
Project Readiness Package
Chem E Lab Hardware: Lab Implementation
Rev 5/19/2012
Industrial Engineer
(2 Students)
The primary focus of the Industrial Engineer on the team would be to focus the design so that it is easy
to use and can be used (assembled, performed, disassembled) in a time efficient manner. The student
would be in charge of all instruction manuals that supplement the hardware as well as insuring that the
design assembly is a reasonable task for the students to perform. The Industrial Engineering student
would also be expected to assume a leadership role in managing the project, ensuring specifications and
time deadlines are met as well as conducting an ergonomic review of the associated apparatus.
Mechanical Engineer
(1 Student)
Much of the work for the apparatus integration of this project can be done by a Mechanical Engineer.
These students must have a strong grasp of Thermodynamic principles, as they will need to design an
experiment which has consistent and clear results. These students will also be responsible for the testing
of the hardware to insure that it produces the desired results which can be repeated within a reasonable
Computer Engineer
(1 Student)
This student would be responsible for controlling the flow of data throughout the experiment that is to
be developed. Integration of the lab to computers equipped with the proper software if vital to success
of the lab experiment.
Required Faculty, Environment, Equipment
Prepared By:
RIT Senior Design
RIT Senior Design
Online and local
Michael A. DiRoma
Faculty experience from each department for
consulting. Expertise in DAQs (ME/EE), Computer
Programming (CE), and Processes and Workflow (IE)
A designated place to work and store all materials
necessary for project completion and organization
Group should have access to the MIC Lab (09-2230) for
Existing furniture, computer workstations, and
DAQs/Sensors if available
Date: 5/19/2012