COLEGIO CATÓLICO JOSÉ ENGLING EDUCAR AL HOMBRE NUEVO PARA EL MUNDO DEL MAÑANA SYLLABUS FO-PD-01 School Year 2014 – 2015 10th Grade TEACHER: Lorena Donoso mail SCIENCE BRIEF DESCRIPTION To integrate one´s own understanding of natural sciencesrelated toscientific knowledgeand interpretation of nature asintegrated, dynamic and systemic. Realize questions, formulate hypotheses,and apply theories, reflection, analysis and synthesis demonstratingthe application ofbiology, chemistry, physics and geology;enabling them toapproach scientific knowledge. To make sense of theworld around usthrough interrelated ideasand explanations, allowing them to learn how tolearn andto convertinformation into knowledge. The description, analysis,relation, comparison, deduction, recognition, explanation andargumentationare thekey skillsto achieveknowledgeandthe objectivesin this area. GENERAL OBJETIVES: Observe and interpret the natural world in which we live through the search for explanations, to propose solutions and devise strategies for protection and conservation of ecosystems. Assess the role of science and technology through critical-reflective awareness in relation to its role in the environment to improve our quality of life and that of other living beings. Identify and understand the basics functions of our bodyand the consequencesto our healthbyevaluating the benefits of habitslike exercise, hygiene and a balanced dietto improvethe quality of life. To guide the process of scientific methods through the proper practice of valuesand ethics toadopt a criticaland proactive attitude. Apply strategiesconsistentwith the proceduresof scienceto the great problemsthatarisetoday within the relationshipbetween science and society. Demonstrate an open mind through an awareness of the human condition that unite us and the responsibilities we share in taking care of the planet, to help build a peaceful and better world. Design strategies for the use of information and communication technology for its application in the study of science. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Compare the features and components of bioregions, especially Neotropical ecozone which is located in Ecuador by interpreting maps and satellites images to assess biodiversity conservation. Analyze the human impact on soils of different regions of the country through analysis to promote reflective awarenessaboutthe importance of monitoring, mitigation and remediation of soils and their influence on reducing the environmental impact. Evaluate the relevance of the sources of surface and groundwater through deep analysis and research experiences literature as alternative supply water for human consumption. Relate the influence of natural phenomena and climatic factors in the biotic and abiotic ecoregions through of scientific inquiry and experimentation, to adopt a critical and proactive in the care and conservation. Interpret the cycles of matter in nature and their changes by interpreting models and experimental demonstrations, to explain the chemistry of life. Develop practices of respect and care for their own bodies, to establish prevention strategies in their health. TRANSVERSE AXIS IN THE CURRICULUM Good living as a principle guide in the transversality of the curriculum Interculturalism Formation of a democratic citizenship Protection of the environment Healthcare and recreational habits of the students METHODOLOGY: Through analysis, observation, reflection and investigation, students as individuals and within teams, will build new models for interacting with the natural world, in ways that benefits all living things. CONTENTS : UNIT 1: EARTH: A PLANET WITH LIFE 1.1 Explain the movements of plate tectonics along time, and its influence in American geography. 1.2 Characteristics of World’s bio-regions. 1.3 The importance of the geographic location of Ecuador in the Neo-tropical Bioregion as a determining factor to its biodiversity. 1.4 The geographic and environmental characteristics of the “Chocó” area. 1.5 The importance of conservation, as well as the sustainable management of the representative biodiversity of the different Ecuadorian regions. UNIT 2: EARTH’S SURFACE 2.1 Environmental human impacts as: oil exploitation, mining and urban enlargement that influence in the soil characteristics 2.2 The influence of soil polluting activities, in the different regions of the country. 2.3 The importance of prevention measurements: control, decrease and cure of the soil. 2.4 The relationship between endemic and foreign flora, and the effects of human impact along history in the competitive patrons inside the same habitat. 2.5 Explain the impact caused in ecosystems by substitution or replacement of foreign fauna, its influence in the inter-species relationships and its consequences in the process of conservation and environmental protection. UNIT 3: WATER: A MEANS OF LIFE 3.1 The importance of superficial and underground water extraction, as an alternative solution for human water usage. 3.2 Soil formation with transport media and hydro-electric facilities. 3.3 The influence of the Pacific Ocean and Amazon riverbed in the biodiversity of their regions. UNIT 4: CLIMATE: THE AIR IS ALWAYS CHANGING 4.1 How climatic factors influence eco-zones, as well asthe biotic and a-biotic elements of the eco-regions. 4.2 The polluting activities in different regions of Ecuador. 4.3 The causes of the Green House Effect and its influence on global warming. 4.4 The causes of destruction of the Ozone layer, acid rain and photo-chemical smog effects on weather changes. UNIT 5: CYCLES IN NATURE 5.1 Matter transformation. 5.2 The atom configuration from its basic structure: nucleus and electronic cover. 5.3 The properties of the chemical elements with the atomic number and mass number. 5.4 Different types of E¬: electric, electro-magnetic and nuclear. 5.5 The properties of bio-molecules: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids in biologic processes. 5.6 Human integration systems and neuro-endocrine control system. 5.7 Causes and consequences of eating disorders: malnutrition, obesity, bulimia and anorexia. 5.8 Steps of human reproduction as a biologic mechanism for specie continuation. 5.9 The importance of responsible mother/fatherhood, as a conscious decision that guarantees respect of the new born rights. 5.10 Causes and consequences of sexually transmitted diseases (STD). 5.11 The importance of the immune system as the organism’s defense mechanism against infections. ASSESSMENT: Students are assessed in the following categories: Homework Individual Work – which can be within a project, notebook grade, investigations or lab reports. Group Work – there will be 2-3 project per term according to the topic we are seeing in that unit. Quizzes – there will be a quiz after each topic. Term Test – there will be a Term Test at the end of each term which will cover the units seen within that term Semester Exam – the school year is divided into 2 semesters; there will be a semester exam at the end of each semester. GRADING SYSTEM: Grades will be calculated over 10, which will be comprised as follows: SEMESTER EXAM PER TERM 20% HOMEWORK INDIVIDUAL WORK GROUP WORK QUIZZES / TERM TEST 20% 20% 20% 20% 80% RESOURCES: Books: Physical Science. Prentice Hall Magazines: Science Today. Discovery; National Geographic. Newspapers: El Comercio, El Universo Internet. OFFICE HOURS: PARENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES I will be happy to meet with you on Fridays 13:30pm. Please make appointments with the Maestro Jefe of your child.