B.C. Ministry of Environment Climate Investment Branch Validation Report, Cover Letter and Statement of Assurance Template November 2014 Visit the Climate Investment Branch web page for more information Validation Report Project Plan Title: Project Proponent: Document Prepared For: [Name, Address, Contact] Document Prepared by: [Name, Address, Contact] Date: [month, day, year] [Reference/Project/Number] [Grey text within square brackets [] provides explanatory text. However, validation bodies should refer to the Regulation and the guidance documents provided on the Climate Investment Branch website to ensure requirements are met. Please ensure that all fields are completed and that explanatory text is deleted prior to submission. Note - Electronic records management: 1. Documents submitted electronically to the Climate Investment Branch must use the following file name format: Validation Report-[Project Name]-[Name of Verification Body]-[month-day-year] 2. This document file name must be included as a footnote on all pages of the Validation Report along with the page number. Right click the file name in the footer to update this field or see MS Word help “Add or update the file name to the footer”.] Page 2 of 20 File name: Document1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 VALIDATION REPORT – COVER LETTER ............................................................................................. 4 2 VALIDATION REPORT – STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE ......................................................................... 6 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 VALIDATION REPORT – CONTENT .................................................................................................... 8 INTRODUCTION / VALIDATION OBJECTIVE........................................................................................... 8 VALIDATION BODY ............................................................................................................................. 9 EMISSION OFFSET PROJECT DETAILS ................................................................................................. 11 GHG ASSERTION .............................................................................................................................. 12 VALIDATION METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 13 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION RESULTS ................................................................................................ 15 IDENTIFIED DISCREPANCIES AND RESOLUTIONS ................................................................................ 19 4 APPENDIX A: VALIDATION PLAN.................................................................................................... 20 Page 3 of 20 File name: Document1 1 VALIDATION REPORT – COVER LETTER [Project Proponent] [Project Proponent’s Address] [City], BC [Postal Code] [Date] Dear [Project Proponent], Validation Body Qualifications [Validation Body] maintains an accredited business management system consistent with ISO 14065 for the validation of [sectoral scope of the Project Plan] projects. [Validation Body]’s accreditation number is [Accreditation Number] issued by [Accreditation Body]. -or[Validation Body] maintains a business management system undergoing ISO 14065 accreditation with [Accreditation Body] for validation of [sectoral scope of Project Plan] projects. This validation was conducted in conjunction with a witness audit by [Witness Auditor] from [Accreditation Body]. Validation Team Qualifications [Validation Body]’s validation team was comprised of individuals with the education, experience, accreditation, professional designation, knowledge, and competency in the project’s sectoral scope to validate the Project Plan. The validation team consisted of individuals with the following qualifications: [Position on the Validation Team]: [Validator’s Name, Title] [Qualifications including the validator’s educational background, experience in validating projects in the project’s sectoral scope, accreditation and training, professional designation, and knowledge and competency within the project’s sectoral scope] [Position on the Validation Team]: [Validator’s Name, Title] [Qualifications including the validator’s educational background, experience in validating projects in the project’s sectoral scope, accreditation and training, professional designation, knowledge and competency within the project’s sectoral scope] [Include the above information for each additional member of the validation team] Independence and Conflict of Interest Page 4 of 20 File name: Document1 [Validation Body] and the validation team have avoided any actual or potential conflicts of interest with [Project Proponent] and the intended users of the GHG assertions in the Project Plan. The parties involved in the validation of the Project Plan were not, in any way, involved in GHG consultancy services for the development of [Project Name]. To ensure independence and avoid conflicts of interest [Validation Body] requires [description of procedures or policies the validation body implements to ensure independence and conflict of interest]. Quality Assurance and Quality Control [Validation Body] maintains an accredited business management system designed to ensure quality assurance and quality control consistent with ISO 14065. To ensure compliance with ISO 14065 [Validation Body] requires [description of procedures or policies the validation body implements to ensure compliance with ISO 14065]. Record Keeping and Data Management [Validation Body] maintains an accredited record keeping and data management system consistent with ISO 14065. To ensure compliance with ISO 14065 [Validation Body] requires [description of procedures or policies the validation body implements to ensure compliance with ISO 14065, the location of the records and data and the time period the data will be maintained for]. Sincerely, [Validator’s Signature] [Validator’s Name] [Position] Authorized on behalf of [Validation Body] [Address] [City], [Province/State] [Postal/Zip Code], [Country] [Date] Page 5 of 20 File name: Document1 2 VALIDATION REPORT – STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE [Project Proponent] engaged [Validation Body] to validate the [Project Name] Project Plan dated [Month, Day, Year] submitted by [Project Proponent] for the [Project Name] Offset Project (the Project) located [Project Location]. The Project Plan describes emission [reductions or removals] occurring from [brief description of the project activities]. The Project Plan estimates that the Project will result in a total net reduction of [XXX] tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) over the [# of years (maximum of 10 years, with the exception of forestry projects, which have a maximum validation period of 25 years)]-year validation period from [Month, Day, Year] to [Month, Day, Year]. In this work, [Project Proponent] was responsible for the preparation of the Project Plan in accordance with the British Columbia Emission Offsets Regulation (the Regulation). This responsibility included the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation of a Project Plan that is free from material misstatement, whether due to error, omission or misrepresentation. This responsibility included the development of the Project Plan, which encompasses the collection of data, performance of calculations and presentation of information. As an independent validation body, [Validation Body] was responsible for planning and executing the validation in order to deliver an opinion as to whether the Project Plan is presented fairly and in accordance with the validation criteria as specified by the Regulation. [Validation Body] is accredited by a member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), in accordance with ISO 14065 (Accreditation ID #[XXXX]) for greenhouse gas (GHG) validation. [Validation Body] is also accredited under the [applicable sectoral scope] and is therefore eligible under the Regulation to complete the validation of the Project. The validation criteria require that the validation be planned and executed in a manner that could enable the validation body to reach a reasonable level of assurance about whether the assertion(s) in the Project Plan are materially correct and are a fair and reasonable representation of the project’s estimated GHG reductions and removals enhancements. Based on the procedures undertaken and described in this report, the Project’s estimated GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements for the validation period [month, day, year] to [month, day, year] are free from material discrepancies, are a fair and reasonable representation of the Project’s expected GHG reductions in accordance with the validation criteria specified by the Regulation, in all material respects, and are substantiated by sufficient and appropriate evidence. This independent reasonable validation report and statement is intended for [Project Proponent], and Climate Investment Branch (CIB). [Lead Validator’s Signature] [Lead Validator’s Name] Page 6 of 20 File name: Document1 [Position] Authorized on behalf of [Validation Body] [Address] [City], [Province/State] [Postal/Zip Code], [Country] [Phone Number] [Date] Page 7 of 20 File name: Document1 3 VALIDATION REPORT – CONTENT 3.1 INTRODUCTION / VALIDATION OBJECTIVE The objective of the validation was to evaluate key assertions, data sources, methods, and procedures described in the [Project Name] Project Plan dated [Month, Day, Year] in accordance with validation criteria under the British Columbia Emission Offsets Regulation (the Regulation)1 and the following: [Identify applicable protocol documents, version and date]; and ISO 14064:2007 – Part 2 Greenhouse Gases: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements (ISO 14064:2007 Part 2). [Validation Body] considers completeness, relevance, conservativeness, consistency, accuracy, and transparency as criteria to facilitate the assessment of whether the Project Plan and estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) assertion(s) are presented fairly and substantiated by sufficient and appropriate evidence. The following validation report describes the scope of the engagement and the validation procedures for the Project. The report includes the techniques and processes used to test the GHG information and associated assertions, along with any additional information used in validation. The validation was conducted in accordance with ISO 14064:2007 Part 3, ISO 14065:2013 and the Regulation. A copy of the final Validation Plan is provided in Appendix B. The activities described therein were executed during the course of the validation. The sampling plan, a subset of the validation plan, is outlined along with the final results in Section 3.6 of this report. The Validation Statement is included in Section 2.0. 1 Relavant guidance documents can be found on the Climate Investment Branch web page. Page 8 of 20 File name: Document1 3.2 VALIDATION BODY General Information Validation Body [Validation Body Name] Contact Information [Name] [Title of Lead Validator] [Address] [Phone] [Email] Accreditation Agency [Accreditation Agency] Accreditation ID [ID#] Scope of Accreditation [Identify Scope(s) Validation Body is accredited to.] Date Accreditation Expires [month, day, year] Statement of Compliance with the Regulation [Describe how the Validation Body is in compliance with the Regulation] Validation Body Team Lead Validator Independent Peer Reviewer Technical Expert Validator(s) [Lead Validator’s Name], [Title] [Qualifications including the lead validator’s educational background, experience in validating projects in the project’s sectoral scope, accreditation and training, professional designation, knowledge and competency within the project’s sectoral scope] [Peer Reviewer’s Name], [Title] [Qualifications including the peer reviewer’s educational background, experience in validating/verifying projects in the project’s sectoral scope, accreditation and training, professional designation, knowledge and competency within the project’s sectoral scope] [Technical Expert’s Name], [Title] [Qualifications including the technical expert’s educational background, experience in validating/verifying projects in the project’s sectoral scope, accreditation and training, professional designation, knowledge and competency within the project’s sectoral scope] [Validator’s Name], [Title] [Qualifications including the validator’s educational background, experience in validating projects in the project’s sectoral scope, accreditation and training, professional designation, knowledge and competency within the project’s sectoral scope] Independence/Impartiality Assessment of Conflict of Interest (COI) [Validation Body] and the validation team have avoided any actual or potential conflicts of interest with [Project Proponent] and the intended users of the GHG assertions in the Project Plan. The parties involved in the validation of the Project Plan were not, in any way, Page 9 of 20 File name: Document1 involved in GHG consultancy services for the development of [Project Name] Offset Project. To ensure independence and avoid conflicts of interest [Validation Body] implements [description of procedures or policies the Validation Body implements to ensure independence and to mitigate conflict of interest]. [Validation Body should also identify if there is a COI and how it was mitigated] Quality Assurance/Controls Quality Assurance and Quality Control Record Keeping and Data Management To ensure compliance with ISO 14065 [Validation Body] requires [description of procedures or policies the validation body implements to ensure compliance with ISO 14065]. To ensure compliance with ISO 14065 [Validation Body] requires [description of procedures or policies the validation body implements to ensure compliance with ISO 14065, the location of the records and data and the time period the data will be maintained for]. Other Considerations Intended User This report has been prepared for the [Project Proponent] and the BC Ministry of Environment Climate Investment Branch (CIB) for the express purpose of facilitating the creation of emission offsets under the British Columbia Emission Offsets Regulation (B.C. Reg. 393/2008). Limitation of Liability [Validation Body to insert limitation of liability clause here] Page 10 of 20 File name: Document1 3.3 EMISSION OFFSET PROJECT DETAILS General Information Project Name Project Contact Project Location [Project Name] [Name] [Title] [Address] [Phone] [Email] [Identify project location. Include project coordinates (latitude and longitude or similar). Reference appendix as applicable (if there are many project locations).] Project Overview Applicable Project Plan Project Plan dated [Month, Day, Year] Project Start Date [month, day, year] Validation Period [month, day, year] to [month, day, year] Applicable Quantification Protocol (Version & Date) [Identify applicable protocols and modules, versions and dates] Applicable Project Scope [Identify accredited scope applicable to project sector] Page 11 of 20 File name: Document1 3.4 GHG ASSERTION [For each year, enter in the estimated baseline, project, leakage and net reductions removals in the table below. As needed, add additional column(s) for any discount or leakage values.] Projected Project Reporting Period (MM-DD-YYYY to MMDD-YYYY) Baseline Emissions or Removals (t CO2e) Project Emissions or Removals (t CO2e) Net Emission Reductions or Removals (t CO2e) Total Page 12 of 20 File name: Document1 3.5 VALIDATION METHODOLOGY Validation Methodology Validation Standard(s) 14064:2007 Part 3, and ISO 14065:2013 • Validation Criteria Level of Assurance Validation Scope Materiality The British Columbia Emission Offsets Regulation (B.C. Reg. 393/2008); • [Identify applicable protocol documents, version and date]; and • ISO 1406:2007 – Part 2 Greenhouse Gases: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements (ISO 14064:2007 Part 2). The validation criteria require the validator to conduct sufficient procedures to deliver a reasonable level of assurance. The validation was planned and executed accordingly. The validation covers [describe the key project activities] and the equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide (tCO2e) emissions from the following greenhouse gases specified by the Regulation that are relevant to the project: [List relevant project greenhouse gases (i.e. carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs).] [Identity threshold and justification for material errors, omissions or misrepresentations] Validation Procedures Validation Procedures [Describe the validation procedures, including risk assessment and the sampling plan used for undertaking the validation. Procedures need to connect to risks identified by the validator. Include a description of the sampling approach, important assumptions and justification of the chosen approach. These need to be described in sufficient detail to understand how the validation was done.] Risk Assessment [Describe outcomes of the risk assessment process.] Document Review Site / Office Visits Interviews [Describe how the validation was performed as an audit where the project description and any supporting documents were reviewed, crosschecked and compared with the Regulation. Identify how this reduced audit risk.] [Describe the methods and objectives for any site/office visits performed. Include in the description details of all project activity locations visited, the physical and organisational aspects of the project inspected, the dates when such site/office visits took place and the rationale for selection. Identify how the site visits reduce/mitigate audit risk.] [Describe the interview process and identify personnel, including their roles, that were interviewed and/or provided information additional to Page 13 of 20 File name: Document1 that provided in the project description. Where additional information or documentation was provided please and append and/or describe.] Schedule of Validation Activities Validation Planning & Review [Insert dates] Site and Office Visits [Insert dates] Validation Finalization & Reporting [Insert dates] Page 14 of 20 File name: Document1 3.6 SUMMARY OF VALIDATION RESULTS A summary of the key findings from the validation is provided in the table below. Details on the identified discrepancies and resolutions are provided in Section 3.7. [Note that the procedures in the table below are suggestions only and should be considered the bare minimum requirements. Provide a summary for each parameter, including the issues raised, the response(s) provided by the Project Proponent, and the final conclusions and any resulting changes to project documents. Identify whether the parameter is: • Satisfactory, • Immaterial/Material • Qualitative/Quantitative Discrepancy] Validation Assessment Parameter Result Procedures [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Project type, technologies and measures implemented, and eligibility of the project. • Project start date. [Describe the procedure(s) • Project validation period. Project Eligibility • Project scale and estimated GHG emission undertaken for the parameter] reductions or removals. • Project location. • Conditions prior to project initiation. • For Program of Activities projects: Eligibility criteria for project activities and their documentation requirements. [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Project proponent and other entities involved in the project. • Right of use. [Describe the procedure(s) Demonstration of • Emissions trading programs and other Ownership undertaken for the parameter] binding limits. • Other forms of environmental credit sought or received and eligible to be sought or received. • Participation under other GHG programs • Rejection by other GHG programs.] [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions [Describe the procedure(s) Determination of regarding the following: Sources, Sinks and undertaken for the parameter] • Reasonableness of identified sources, sinks Reservoirs and reservoirs. Page 15 of 20 File name: Document1 Parameter Selection of the Baseline Scenario Conservativeness of GHG Assertion Estimate Project Justification Validation Assessment Procedures [Describe the procedure(s) undertaken for the parameter] [Describe the procedure(s) undertaken for the parameter] [Describe the procedure(s) undertaken for the parameter] Application of Quantification Protocol to Project [Describe the procedure(s) undertaken for the parameter] Assessment of NonPermanence Justification [Describe the procedure(s) undertaken for the parameter] Result • Selection, justification and exclusion of sinks, sources and reservoirs as it relates to baseline and project scenarios.] [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Identification of potential baseline scenarios. • Selection and justification of baseline scenario.] [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Adherence to regulatory requirements. • Quantification and re-performance of baseline and project emissions. • Quantification and re-performance of leakage (if applicable). • Assessment and reasonableness of uncertainties associated with the calculation of emissions. • Assessment and justification of methodology deviations.] [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • The credibility of each barrier identified in the barrier analysis (if applicable). • The suitability of the benchmark used for investment analysis (if applicable). • Appropriateness of data, parameters or arguments used to justify how obstacles to the project were overcome or partially overcome.] [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Applicability of the methodology. • Selection and justification for use of protocol’s modules and/or conditions. • Compliance with protocol’s modules and/or conditions.] [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Rationale, assumptions and justifications used to support the risk assessment. • Documentation and data provided to Page 16 of 20 File name: Document1 Parameter Quality of Evidence to Justify Key Parameters of the Project (e.g. Baseline Selection, Project Justification, etc.) Consistency with Validation Criteria GHG Data Management, Quality Control, Retention and Storage Validation Assessment Procedures [Describe the procedure(s) undertaken for the parameter] [Describe the procedure(s) undertaken for the parameter] [Describe the procedure(s) undertaken for the parameter] Result support the risk assessment. • Appropriateness of the risk assessment.] [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Reasonableness, sufficiency and appropriateness of the data used in the identification of the baseline scenario. • Evidence is relevant, and correctly quoted and interpreted in the project description. [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Documentation of all relevant assumptions and data are listed in the project description, including their references and sources. • All data and parameter values used in the project description are considered reasonable in the context of the project. • All necessary project information is included in the Project Plan (contact information, roles/responsibilities, project title, project description, project location, baseline and project justification, identification off SSRs, chronological plan, monitoring plan, risk and uncertainty analysis, etc.). • Adequate disclosure of material risks, assumptions, limitations and uncertainties. • All statutory declarations are included (baseline scenario is conservative, project justification, project start date, project reductions are accurate and conservative for the validation period, superior claim of ownership, project plan meets the Regulation).] [Identify, discuss and justify conclusions regarding the following: • Suitability and eligibility of monitoring equipment and procedures to ensure that data will be stored and available to relevant parties in accessible electronic formats for a minimum of 10 years, and that appropriate archiving and security procedures are in place to protect data Page 17 of 20 File name: Document1 Parameter Validation Assessment Procedures Result from accidental or intentional destruction or tampering. • The information management system can be updated when required in a manner that continues to provide system availability, security and integrity.] Page 18 of 20 File name: Document1 3.7 IDENTIFIED DISCREPANCIES AND RESOLUTIONS [With respect to the following table, provide a summary of key issues raised, the response(s) provided by the project proponent, and the final resolution including any resulting changes to project documents.] Identified Misstatement [Identify and describe misstatement] [Identify and describe misstatement] [Identify and describe misstatement] [Identify and describe misstatement] Material/Immaterial Resolution [Identify if the misstatement is material/immaterial] [Identify if the misstatement has been resolved or not. If resolved, describe how the proponent resolved the misstatement] [Identify if the misstatement is material/immaterial] [Identify if the misstatement has been resolved or not. If resolved, describe how the proponent resolved the misstatement] [Identify if the misstatement is material/immaterial] [Identify if the misstatement has been resolved or not. If resolved, describe how the proponent resolved the misstatement] [Identify if the misstatement is material/immaterial] [Identify if the misstatement has been resolved or not. If resolved, describe how the proponent resolved the misstatement] Summary Misstatements Conclusion [Identify if there is one or more material error, omission or misrepresentation that is not resolved] Page 19 of 20 File name: Document1 4 APPENDIX A: VALIDATION PLAN Page 20 of 20 File name: Document1