
Joining a Clan of SEO Wizards
Our starting position? Eyes up, fingers down.
Our quest? To improve our client’s Google search engine results.
Our landscape? Mount Google.
Our master? Lord Google.
Sound simple? Anything but…
SEO technicians are best described as wizards using all manners of sorcery to achieve their goals.
SEO Wizard’s have a whole bag of tricks at their disposal in the quest to the top of Mount Google.
An SEO Wizard can count on items such as a keyboard to help them conjure magical spells, a mouse
which enables our wizard’s to travel great distances across land instantly and lastly their monitor
screen which provides us with the vast virtual landscape that is Mount Google.
This article spells out the journey SEO Technicians take as they quest courageously across the World
Wide Web using strategies, time and resources to aid fellow businesses to reach the summit of
Mount Google.
SEO Strategies
The journey to the top of Mount Google is a perilous one and in the past some have become victims
of their own success in their pursuit to the summit, ending up penalised and banished from the land.
However, our SEO Wizards have found several routes to scale Mount Google using various strategies
such as back linking, content creation, building company blogs and becoming newsworthy; these
techniques should not result in banishment. But within the vast world of SEO there still lurks a
selection of devious black hat wizards who use tactics which are strictly forbidden by Lord Google
but there are areas in the World Wide Web even Lord Google cannot protect.
Backlinking is a strategy SEO Wizards employ which seeks out allies who are willing to raise
awareness of your campaign and will help you to create pathways to the summit. By linking one’s
site to another site we are opening another channel for others to find us. Additionally, receiving a
back link effectively act as a seal of approval which Lord Google rewards in time and has helped
many websites in their climb to the top.
A timely tactic SEO wizards use is content creation. Wizards have a whole host of potions at
their disposal which take the form of guest posts, infographics, videos and articles and many more
hybrid potions. Our Wizards bottle up their creative abilities and resources to provide a much
needed antidote for websites suffering from a lack of quality content or to create a buzz around your
product/ service. Content creation can be an extremely powerful tactic in the race to the top of
Mount Google.
One strategy wizards can use to improve their clients SEO is building a company blog. This
tactic works by consistently uploading high-quality relevant content to their website they provide
Lord Google with incentives to re-structure Mount Google with them in mind.
The envy of all SEO Wizards and one of the most effective but hardest to accomplish strategies
is to generate the attention of the press, bloggers and news media. Through the creation of
attention, hordes of traffic will swarm your website in an attempt to understand more about the
source of the attention creator. This will provide great opportunities for your website to convert
these extra visitors into customers. If the attention and buzz created is managed effectively this can
give a monumental boost to a websites rankings.
The tactics of the black hat wizards cannot go unexplained. They cunningly offer monetary
incentives to webmasters to create link opportunities to their websites. This tactic works in much
the same way backlinking does but the link opportunities are created through conniving means
rather than white hat SEO wizards who source websites who are willing to help you because you are
relevant and they want to help the cause.
Race against time
One of the biggest battles that the Wizard’s face is the race against time. Time does not serve the
SEO Wizards, the SEO Wizards serve time. SEO Wizards must develop their abilities to efficiently use
the time at their disposal to climb Mount Google. Time often ties the hands of our wizards, as they
must choose the strategies that they feel will most benefit our fellowship within an allotted time
frame. As an SEO wizard’s time is finite it is crucial they make strategy selections for each one of
their fellowship member’s wisely. Preparation enables SEO wizards to use their time effectively, the
wizards officially meet together at the start of each month to devise strategies that they will use in
the coming month in order to help their clients climb Mount Google.
SEO Wizards allies; resources
As well as the tactics and strategies individual SEO wizards may employ, the wizards have many allies
to call on that can help in the quest to climb to the top of Mount Google. The most popular allies at
the wizards disposable include Webmaster Tools, Majestic, Moz and Google Analytics but there are
many, many more allies SEO Wizards use on a daily basis. These allies are mainly used for the
extensive data and information they possess, the Wizards study and investigate this data which
better equips them to scale Mount Google.
Mount Google is a forever changing landscape.
Technological innovation forces Lord Google to continually change the landscape of Mount Google.
Updates to Google’s algorithm by Lord Google come in all shapes and sizes. Many go unnoticed and
have a slight impact on an SEO wizard’s world, however, Lord Google has the power to make
changes that significantly impact all websites questing to the top of Mount Google.
Why does Lord Google change Mount Google’s landscape? Lord Google dreams of presenting all
their Google visitors with the best possible products and service. Thus Lord Google’s updates
improve their visitor’s experience of Mount Google and these will continue as a method to
continually keep Google atop of the search engine Mountain.
In the past, Lord Google has substantially changed the world that we now know as Mount Google
with algorithm updates such as Google Panda and Google Penguin.
Once upon a time, the SEO world was awash with black hat SEO wizards. These wizards would get
great SEO results through the use of devious tactics such as buying back links. This led to the
creation of link farms and many Dark Lords of Spam were born. Lord Google felt he had to act
decisively to prevent this dark act from corrupting Mount Google’s search engine results. The
answer was to implement the algorithm Google Penguin to penalize websites whom were guilty of
employing black hat SEO tactics by purchasing links back to their website.
Google Panda’s introduction, on the other hand, was to focus on penalizing websites ranking with a
low user experience and push websites offering a great user experience higher up Mount Google.
Websites which were rife with adverts or pop-ups which detracted from a user’s experience were
punished greatest.
Today, Lord Google has decided that it is now time to roll out a new algorithm to start penalising
sites that are not mobile friendly, and rewarding those that are. Lord Google’s purpose with this
latest update is to respond to the ever-increasing number of users accessing the Internet through
mobile devices. It is of great interest to our SEO Wizards to work in conjunction with Lord Google’s
demands as they will give us the best chance to succeed in our quest to climb Mount Google.
Will this clan of Wizards complete their quest?
I recently joined a clan of SEO Wizards and my experiences have taught me much about the wonders
of Google search results. I felt the most apt way to describe my work as an SEO Technician (my
official title, although I’m still a wizard) was to take you, the reader, on a long and winding journey
through a fantasy land of SEO. As our role has many similarities to the perils of questing as we use
strategies and resources to fight against time and a changing landscape to achieve our SEO goals.