Product Program Sales Protocol for Service Unit Independent Girl

Product Program Sales Protocol for
Service Unit Independent Girl Scout Sellers
Defining Characteristics of Independent Girl Scout:
1. An Independent Girl Scout is a registered Girl Scout who is not affiliated with a troop.
2. Finances of an Independent Girl Scout must be managed and maintained by an adult that is not
affiliated with the girl. They are managed by a member of the service team such as the service
unit finance consultant.
Product Program Protocol for Independent Girl Scout Sellers:
1. Product Program Structure:
a. The service unit program manager will train the adult that is managing the Independent
Girl Scout seller group.
b. The service unit adult manager that is managing the group will complete the Troop
Volunteer Position Description and forward it to the Service Unit Manager.
c. The service unit adult managing the group will report to the service unit product
program manager.
d. The girls/parents in the independent group will report to the service unit adult
managing the group.
2. Training:
a. The service unit adult that is managing the Independent Girl Scout sellers will train the
girls and their parents.
b. The parent permission form must be completed by the parent and retained by the adult
managing the group.
c. Girls will receive their training packet including: order cards, family flyer, and sale
materials, timeline, and payment instructions.
d. The girls must follow all product program rules, guidelines, and deadlines.
e. Girls report directly to the adult managing the group.
3. Orders, Delivery, Payment, and Recognition:
a. At the end of each sale period, the Independent Girl Scout sellers will give their order
card and online orders to the adult managing the sale.
b. The adult managing the Independent group will process the girl’s orders.
c. The adult managing the sale will pick up the group’s product order. Then sort, distribute,
and receipt product to the girls/parents and retain copies of all receipts.
d. The girls will pay the adult managing the group the full value of the product.
e. The adult managing the group will place the recognition order for the girls and pick up
the group’s recognition order from the service unit product program manager.
f. The girls will pick up their recognition items from the adult managing the sale.
4. Direct Sale:
a. If the Independent Girl Scout wishes to have a direct sale for the cookie program, she
must receive permission from the service unit adult managing the sale.
b. The adult managing the group must place the direct sale order in Snap using the Cookie
Cupboard and Booth Scheduler to share the information on the logistics of the sale
(date, time, and location.)
c. The adult managing the group must pick up the product from the cupboard and
distribute and receipt product to the girl/parent.
d. Girls must follow Safety-wise, girl to adult ratio. An adult must be present at the direct
sale to manage product and money.
e. The Independent Girl Scout must pay full value for the product sold to the adult
managing the group. Payment is due on time.
f. The service unit adult managing the sale must pay the full for product to the council,
excluding the troop proceeds. The value of the troop proceeds stay within the service
unit treasury.
5. Service Unit Fund for Independent Girl Scout Sellers:
a. Income from product sales does not become property of individual girl members.
b. The service unit will manage the proceeds raised from product program activity.
c. When an Independent Girl Scout seller needs funds to participate in a program, event,
trip, Take Action project, etc., she must contact the service unit team and make a
request indicating the reason why and amount.
o The form is available at
o Program Selection Request Form: Independent Girl Scout Sellers (Service Unit)
d. The service team will review each request and allocate amount accordingly from the
Service Unit Fund for IGMs. The funds should be pooled and not tracked by individual
Product Sale Program Guidelines:
1. Proceeds from the product sale program can only be used for the following: GSWNY sponsored
programs, trips or events, GSUSA destinations, items from the Girl Scout shops, and GSWNY
camp fees, Take Action projects, Service Unit events, etc.
2. Girls are required to use their portion of the Independent fund during the program year. If a girl
is saving for a long-term goal, such as going on a GSUSA destination trip, the service team will
give approval to carry over the balance.
3. If a troop disbands leaving one girl as an Independent Girl Scout, the troop funds go into the
Independent Girl Scout service unit fund.
4. If a girl leaves a troop to become an Independent Girl Scout, she may not take her proceeds with
her since they are property of the troop, not an individual member.
5. An Independent Girl Scout must participate in both council sponsored sales to be eligible to do
supplemental money earning projects (based on her age level).