MCSD Rubric to Evaluate CPDL Humanities Required Application Materials If we effectively compensate teachers; recruit and promote excellent teachers and provide support as they collaborate reflectively to refine their practice; create broad community support and understanding necessary to elevate the status of the teaching profession; give all teachers opportunities to grow, refine, and share their expertise; and develop a clear system with fidelity of implementation, then…student learning will increase, student outcomes will improve, achievement gaps will be reduced, and students will be prepared to succeed in a globally competitive environment. Strong Application Weak Application Résumé/Cover Letter ● Experience* To what extent does this candidate have experiences relevant to the CPDL Humanities role. Résumé/Cover Letter ● Evidence of Professional Growth To what extent has the candidate grown professionally during her/his career. Question 1a Please describe any leadership positions you have filled, both inside and outside the district... Question 1b ...including your experience leading professional development in Humanities fields with other teachers. 4 3 2 1 The candidate... The candidate... The candidate... The candidate... …has diverse experiences that include all of the following in Humanities at the secondary level: classroom data analysis, building data analysis (e.g., through service on the leadership team), leading teams in action planning related to improvement, facilitation of professional development with colleagues (groups), presentation of findings/results to stakeholders. …has diverse experiences that include 4 of the following in Humanities at the secondary level: classroom data analysis, building data analysis (e.g., through service on the leadership team), leading teams in action planning related to improvement, facilitation of professional development with colleagues (groups), presentation of findings/results to stakeholders. …has diverse experiences that include 3 of the following in Humanities at the secondary level: classroom data analysis, building data analysis (e.g., through service on the leadership team), leading teams in action planning related to improvement, facilitation of professional development with colleagues (groups), presentation of findings/results to stakeholders. …has experiences that include 2 or fewer of the following in Humanities at the secondary level: classroom data analysis, building data analysis (e.g., through service on the leadership team), leading teams in action planning related to improvement, facilitation of professional development with colleagues (groups), presentation of findings/results to stakeholders. ...has clearly evidenced substantial professional growth with multiple examples of engaging in growth opportunities provided both by the district as well as through continuing education; evidence displays growth well above and beyond peers. ...has evidence of professional growth including examples of engaging in growth opportunities provided both by the district as well as through continuing education; evidence exceeds growth beyond her/his peers. ...has some evidence of engaging in professional growth but experiences are limited to either district-provided opportunities or continuing education outside of district opportunities; evidence does not exceed growth beyond her/his peers. ...has little or no evidence of engaging in professional growth opportunities. ...has extensive experience serving on the school leadership team, curriculum committees, and other applicable in-school leadership roles or has commensurate examples of leadership outside of school; evidence of the above documents broad (district) impact. ...has multiple examples of assuming leadership positions inside or outside the district; evidence of the above is limited primarily to building rather than district impact. ...has evidence of assuming leadership positions inside or outside the district, however, evidence is limited to circumstantial leadership (ad hoc) opportunities rather than consistently assuming leadership positions. ...has little or no evidence of assuming leadership positions inside or outside the district. ...documents evidence of leading professional development in Humanities with peers citing at least 3-4 examples; must include at least two examples of leading professional development at the district level. ...documents evidence of leading professional development in Humanities with peers citing at least 2-3 examples; must include at least one example of leading professional development at the district level. ...documents evidence of leading professional development in Humanities with peers citing 1-2 specific examples; examples are limited to the building level. ...documents little or no evidence of leading professional development in Humanities with peers. MCSD Rubric to Evaluate CPDL Humanities Required Application Materials If we effectively compensate teachers; recruit and promote excellent teachers and provide support as they collaborate reflectively to refine their practice; create broad community support and understanding necessary to elevate the status of the teaching profession; give all teachers opportunities to grow, refine, and share their expertise; and develop a clear system with fidelity of implementation, then…student learning will increase, student outcomes will improve, achievement gaps will be reduced, and students will be prepared to succeed in a globally competitive environment. Strong Application Weak Application Question 2 What prior knowledge and/or experience do you have with aligning curriculum, instruction, and assessments with the Iowa Core in Humanities fields at the secondary level? Question 3 Please describe what experience you have working within a Professional Learning Community to analyze student achievement data. Question 4 Please describe your experience working in and/or leading a team of teachers to improve instructional practice and/or student achievement in a Humanities field. Question 5 4 3 2 1 The candidate... The candidate... The candidate... The candidate... ...has extensive knowledge and experience working with alignment of Humanities curriculum at the secondary level; has extensive knowledge and experience working with research-/evidence-based instructional practices in Humanities at the secondary level; has extensive knowledge and experience working with Humanities assessment development at the secondary level; knowledge and experience of all of the above are deep and broad. ...has good knowledge and experience working with alignment of Humanities curriculum at the secondary level; has good knowledge and experience working with research-/evidence-based instructional practice in Humanities at the secondary level; has good knowledge and experience working with Humanities assessment development at the secondary level; knowledge and experience of all of the above are deep but not broad. ...has some knowledge and experience working with alignment of the Humanities curriculum in one level; has some knowledge and experience working with research/evidence-based instructional practice in Humanities in one level or one or subject area; has some knowledge and experience working with Humanities assessment development in one level or one subject area. ...has limited knowledge and/or experience in any of the following: alignment of Humanities curriculum, working with research-/evidencebased instructional practice, or assessment development in Humanities. ...demonstrates a deep understanding of PLCs as evidenced by multiple examples of working with a team to actualize the PLC process; it is clear the candidate understands PLCs well enough to teach the process to someone else. ...demonstrates a deep understanding of PLCs and offers at least 1-2 examples of working with a team to actualize the PLC process. ...demonstrates some understanding of PLCs but has limited evidence of actualizing the PLC process. ...demonstrates a superficial understanding of PLCs by only addressing what has been read or shared. ...cites examples of working with and leading teams at multiple levels or in multiple Humanities subject areas to improve instructional practice and student achievement. ...cites examples of working with and leading teams at at one level or in one Humanities subject area to improve instructional practice and student achievement. ...cites examples of working on a team to improve instructional practice and student achievement in a Humanities subject area, but does not cite examples of actually leading a team of teachers in the same process. ...cites examples of working on a team or leading a team that are not clearly connected to improving professional practice or student achievement in a Humanities area. ...demonstrates a strong ...demonstrates a strong ...demonstrates an understanding of ...demonstrates limited understanding MCSD Rubric to Evaluate CPDL Humanities Required Application Materials If we effectively compensate teachers; recruit and promote excellent teachers and provide support as they collaborate reflectively to refine their practice; create broad community support and understanding necessary to elevate the status of the teaching profession; give all teachers opportunities to grow, refine, and share their expertise; and develop a clear system with fidelity of implementation, then…student learning will increase, student outcomes will improve, achievement gaps will be reduced, and students will be prepared to succeed in a globally competitive environment. Strong Application Weak Application Describe a time when you have had to confront a difficult professional issue with a colleague. Please explain how you approached the matter, and how it was resolved. understanding of how to address a colleague about a professional issue; cites an example that specifically answers how the issue was approached and how it was resolved; evidences the courage to confront challenging matters and documents the specific action(s) taken. understanding of how to address a colleague about a professional issue; cites an example that answers how the issue was approached and how it was resolved; evidences the courage to confront challenging matters. how to address a colleague about a professional issue but the example cited lacks the depth necessary to evidence the ability to address challenging matters. of how to address a colleague about a professional issue. Question 6 ...documents specific experiences working with the leadership team and has taken on additional responsibilities leading goal-setting efforts and communicating goals and the action plan to achieve those goals to the whole staff. ...documents specific experiences working with the leadership team to set and achieve goals; the experiences clearly evidence the candidate’s participation in setting, monitoring, and communicating building goals to the whole staff. ...has demonstrated a willingness to serve on the leadership team to set and achieve building goals and can cite experiences doing so. ...has little or no experience working with the leadership team to set and achieve building goals. ...has extensive knowledge and experience in utilizing the IPDM framework and can cite direct experience of using the whole IPDM cycle to make adjustments in professional practice in collaboration with colleagues. ...has knowledge and experience in utilizing the IPDM framework to make adjustments in professional practice and can cite direct experience of using at least 3 of the components, 1 of which includes the use of data in collaboration with colleagues. ...has knowledge or experience in working with the IPDM but experience is limited to using 1-2 components of the IPDM in professional practice; experience is limited to individual performance with little or no focus on collaboration. ...has little knowledge or experience in working with the IPDM; understanding of the IPDM does not go beyond what is easily obtainable by reading. ...shows a deep level of understanding and has crafted a series of actions that address all of the obvious and non-obvious factors; the actions described address all of the challenges involved in the situation, at the very least including the alignment of curriculum, the use of common formative and common summative assessments, and the inclusion of data-driven processes through PLCs; a long-term plan is evident, including on-going support of the principal or other instructional leader. ...shows a deep level of understanding and describes a resolution that addresses the obvious issues; the actions described address all of the challenges involved in the situation, at the very least including the alignment of curriculum and the use of common formative and common summative assessments; a long-term plan is evident. ...shows some level of understanding but the resolution lacks specificity or does not articulate actions that speak to all of the challenges involved in the situation. ...shows a lack of understanding of the underlying issues by not articulating a clear path forward that will lead necessarily to a resolution. Please describe your experience working with the building principal and/or building leadership team to achieve building goals. Question 7 Describe how you have used the Iowa Professional Development Model (IPDM) to improve professional practice. Question 8 Hypothetical: As a new CPDL, you have observed that the curriculum being taught for US Government is different in each classroom at the high school. In addition, common assessments are not being used. How do you handle this situation?