Meeting Minutes Fox Lake Preservation Organization Board of

Meeting Minutes
Fox Lake Preservation Organization Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday, January 10, 2015; 9:30 am
Fox Lake Town Hall
Attendance: Present: Ed Benter, Sarah Drzewiecki, Mike Akin, Bob Bergmann, Kerry Little, Gae Bergmann, and Mark Brieman,
Colleen Crane and Linda Truelove.
Meeting called to order by Bob Bergmann at 9:34.
Public Input and Concerns: N/A
Correspondence: Bob received a phone call from ARC to confirm the date of the Friends outing for June. She is requesting the third
Saturday. We will lock in on June 20th.
Minutes from November 1, 2014 Colleen suggests that correspondence record in the minutes is brief and general. Discussion
ensued about the record of members concerned. Bob does respond immediately to all correspondence. From this point forward
concerned members will be mentioned in the minutes with a brief summary of concern and Bob will share the letter with the Board
members. Mark made a grammatical correction to Kooiker (by to but). Motion by Kerry; 2nd by Mark to approve minutes as
corrected. Motion passed.
Monthly Financial Report: Linda submitted the financial report via email. Linda made fish stocking balance with our budget. She
added the amount from Nehls into the reserve for next year (2015) fish stocking. We donated to December to Remember and received
a few more members. All new fish donations will be put in reserve for 2015. Motion by Ed; 2 nd by Mark to accept the financial
report. Motion passed.
Old Business
Item 1: Committee Updates
Fish: N/A
Natural Resources/Water Quality: N/A
Special Events: Cabin Fever event will be held at Schaumburgs’ this year on February 7th at 5:00. Chicken and Swiss Steak will be
served, all you can eat. The cost will be $18 per person. This will include tax and tip. There will be an announcement in the Tides as
well as an email blast. Reservations should be returned to Gae. Payment is made at the event. There is also a party for Bev that
weekend on Sunday at the community building.
Membership: Total members to this point are 293. We are up by 27 from last year. The April edition of the newsletter has always had
a call to join and a membership renewal form. The reminder mailing, in August, brings in more members. Sarah made a motion that
this year we send a separate invoice for membership to all property owners, therefore potential members in April. 2nd by Gae. Motion
passed. With this, the April newsletter will only go out to current paid members.
Item 2: Ice Fishing Concerns: Sarah proposed a trash pick up event where we meet at a designated location and give out bags for
people to go out and clean up the lake. Linda suggested signage at the fisherees. The first fisheree is the 24th however Gae suggested
the sign be available for any lake event. Sarah made a motion to authorize Bob and Kerry to spend up to $500 to commission a sign
that promotes cleaning up the lake and taking your trash with you after any winter lake event. Second by Gae. Motion carried.
Linda wrote letters to all the people who are responsible for running winter fisherees. The letter asks them to step up to the
challenge of helping us stock the lake by giving us a portion of their proceeds.
Item 3: Lake Management: Bob submitted an FLPO proposal to the Town Board for the FLPO to assume the restoration for the
Chief Kuno Pipe/Causeway and Town Park shoreline and drainage ditch. In the past they have been poisoning the weeds that cause
concern for all property owners and the overall health of the lake. The FLPO will take the responsibility of controlling the weeds and
New Business:
Item 1: WDNR Healthy Lakes Initiative Grant: Motion by Mark that we proceed with filling out an application to apply for the
Healthy Lakes Initiative Grant for Feb 1, 2015 deadline; Second by Gae. Discussion ensued: if we take on this grant we will be the
sponsoring agency and property owners can apply for monies from the grant and then the property owners will be responsible for 25%
of the cost. Motion carried. Motion by Mark that we appropriate a maximum of $400 to contract with Lisa Reas, LJ Reas
Environmental Consulting Corp., to author the grant; second by Sarah. Motion passed.
Bob is completing a Lake Association Organizational Application for endorsement. The form must be submitted this week. The life
of the grant is two years. We propose to sponsor native plantings on the shorelines and rain gardens. The individual property owner
would not be able to ask for any more than $1000. Kerry will contact advertisers to provide a gift, of any value, to support our 25% of
any community property efforts. Bob will ask Liz to formally approach the Fox Lake Correction Institution on donating the plants for
this endeavor. Specific duties within the grant were allocated.
Motion by Linda that we ask for $15,000 through the Healthy Lakes Initiative Grant to be spent within two years; 2nd by Ed, motion
Item 2: Kerry is asking for creative thinking. We currently have several events through the summer and we would like to have
something on Memorial Day weekend. Please share any ideas with Kerry.
** NEXT MEETING: March 7, 2015 at 9:30 at Town Hall
Motion to Adjourn at 11:01 Motion by Sarah; 2nd by Kerry
Respectfully Submitted by Sarah Drzewiecki