Modules 10 and 11 Practice Quizzes

The need or desire that energizes and directs behavior toward a goal is the text’s definition of:
a. self-actualization.
b. motivation.
c. set point.
d. homeostasis.
Research has found that many species of spiders automatically know how to spin a web without having to be taught. This can be seen as an
example of:
a. a set point.
b. self actualization.
c. an instinct.
d. intrinsic motivation.
In the early beginning of psychology, William James and others suggested motivation was primarily the result of:
a. drives.
b. homeostasis.
c. needs.
d. instincts.
The idea that a physiological need, such as hunger, creates a state of tension motivating an organism to satisfy that need is the definition
a. instincts.
b. drive-reduction theory.
c. arousal theory.
d. homeostasis.
A person’s brain being activated to different levels of alertness is the definition of:
a. arousal.
b. need.
c. instinct.
d. drives.
The Yerkes-Dodson law suggests that differing levels of performance can be explained by:
a. instincts.
b. variations in body temperature.
c. differing levels of arousal.
d. disruptions in homeostasis.
Mallory and Stephanie were both preparing to take a psychology test the next day. Mallory said she needed to study because she didn’t
want to get an F on the test. Stephanie was working hard for its own sake. Mallory’s motivation is considered ____ motivation and
Stephanie’s is _____ motivation.
a. intrinsic; extrinsic
b. extrinsic; intrinsic
c. intrinsic; intrinsic
d. extrinsic; extrinsic
A task leader:
a. is primarily concerned with group morale.
b. sets standards and organizes work.
c. works to build teamwork.
d. mediates conflicts in the group.
Which of the following follows the hierarchy of needs in Maslow’s theory?
a. physiological needs, belongingness and love needs, safety needs, esteem needs, self-actualization
b. physiological needs, safety needs, esteem needs, belongingness and love needs, self-actualization
c. physiological needs, esteem needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, self-actualization
d. physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, self-actualization
10. Steph is always striving to be the top player on her volleyball team. After every match, Steph checks the statistics to make sure she has
made a significant contribution to the team’s efforts. Henry Murray would suggest that Steph:
a. is self-actualized.
b. has a balanced homeostasis.
c. has a high achievement motivation.
d. has an increased set point.
Leptin is:
a. a protein produced by bloated fat cells.
b. a form of sugar.
c. a hunger-triggering hormone.
d. produced by the hypothalamus.
12. According to the physiology of hunger, which of the following should increase hunger levels?
a. an increase of glucose levels
b. an increase of insulin levels
c. a decrease in orexin levels
d. an increase in leptin levels
13. Cynthia has gone on a number of diets throughout her life. She can lose weight in the short run but always seems to gain it back.
Throughout her adult life her weight has varied just a few pounds. Cynthia’s experience supports the theory of:
a. a set point.
b. Yerkes-Dodson law.
c. extrinsic motivation.
d. self-actualization.
14. Which of the following tends to be true for anorexia nervosa?
a. It tends to affect more males than females.
b. It tends to affect women of middle age.
c. It tends to affect both male and female children.
d. It tends to affect adolescent females.
15. Bulimia nervosa involves:
a. self-starvation.
b. vomiting.
c. delusions of being overweight.
d. children under the age of 10.
Which of the following is not one of the three ingredients of emotions?
a. physiological activation
b. nonverbal communication
c. conscious experience
d. expressive behaviors
In the middle of giving a speech in her communications class, Amber notices her hands shaking and concludes she must be nervous. Which
of the theories of emotions best explains Amber’s conclusion?
a. Cannon-Bard theory
b. Two-factor theory
c. Lazarus theory
d. James-Lange theory
Which theory of emotions states that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers a physiological response and the experience of
an emotion?
a. Cannon-Bard theory
b. Two-factor theory
c. Lazarus theory
d. James-Lange theory
Which theory of emotions states that to experience an emotion, a person must be physically aroused and then cognitively label the arousal?
a. Cannon-Bard theory
b. Two-factor theory
c. Lazarus theory
d. James-Lange theory
Which theory of emotions considers that emotions and cognitions are separate entities?
a. James-Lange theory
b. Two-factor theory
c. Cannon-Bard theory
d. Zajonc’s theory
Which part of the brain is considered an emotional control center?
a. thalamus
b. amygdala
c. cortex
d. cortical part
Which theorist believed that some emotional responses do not require conscious thought?
a. Robert Zajonc
b. Stanley Schachter
c. Richard Lazarus
d. Walter Cannon
Regina was playing baseball when a line drive came straight at her. She ducked just in time but found her heart was pounding and her
breathing rate had increased. Which of the following was responsible for the physiological changes in Regina?
a. the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
b. the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
c. the sympathetic division of the central nervous system
d. the parasympathetic division of the central nervous system
Which of the following would happen when the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated?
a. pupils contract
b. digestion slows
c. salivation increases
d. skin perspires
10. Which of the following would happen when the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated?
a. digestion inhibits
b. skin perspires
c. salivation decreases
d. pupils contract
The general principle behind a lie-detector is:
a. a person lying will show stronger autonomic nervous system responses.
b. those telling the truth will show an increase in the sympathetic nervous system.
c. a person lying will show changes in their spinal cord activity.
d. a person lying will show facial changes.
12. Which of the following tends to be true?
a. Men are better at detecting emotions than are women.
b. Men have an easier time reading the body language of women than of other men.
c. Women have an easier time reading the body language of men than of other women.
d. Women as a whole are better at detecting body language than are men.
13. Which of the following statements is true with regards to learning how to express and interpret emotions?
a. body language appears to be the only means of emotional expression
b. people with less power tend to be better at reading nonverbal signals
c. the expression of emotions appears to be universal across all cultures
d. cultural variations seem to have no difference on expressing and reading emotions
14. The cultural rules governing how and when a person may express emotions is the definition of:
a. display rules.
b. nonverbal communication.
c. cultural norms.
d. cultural expression.
15. Studies on cultural and emotions concluded:
a. physiological measures of emotions show inconsistency across cultures.
b. hand gestures are universal across cultures.
c. the expression of emotions is consistent across cultures.
d. certain basic expressions of emotions rise above culture.