This agreement is connected to the agreement for joint supervision and dual diploma of doctoral research 1 between Delft University of Technology and ………(name partner university) of ….(date).
The joint programme coordinator for Delft University of Technology is …………..(name)
The joint programme coordinator for ……….(name partner university) is …………..(name)
There will be a joint supervision with regard to the joint research project, the preparation for the doctoral dissertation and the Doctoral Education programme for a period of four (4) years, with effect from (date) …….. until (date) …………
The specific area of research is .................................................................. at the department of (name department) ........................................................................................ at Delft University of Technology and at the department of (name department) .................................................................................. at (name university) ......................................................................................................................
The preliminary title of the doctoral candidate’s research project is:“………………………………………
The candidate will carry out the research work under the supervision of designated supervisors from each of the partner universities:
For Delft University of Technology
(name + titles doctoral research supervisor) ............................................................
For (name partner university) ..............................
(name + titles doctoral research supervisor) ...........................................................
See appendix 1: Agreement for Joint Supervision and Dual Diploma of Doctoral Research between Delft
University of Technology and …….. (the partner University) of … (date).
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Model agreement for Joint Doctoral Research, Education and Supervision
October 2015
In due course, the Board for Doctorates of the Delft University of Technology will appoint the supervisors. They will act as doctoral research supervisors and comply with the Delft University of
Technology Doctoral Regulations. Both supervisors are tasked with monitoring the quality of the education. Both supervisors are responsible for the candidate meeting the requirements of the
Doctoral Education Programme.
The candidate will fulfil the requirements of the Doctoral Regulations of Delft University of Technology and of …. (name partner university).
Subject to legislation on doctoral studies in force in each country, the doctoral candidate will register at both partner universities. If applicable, a tuition and bench fee will be paid to Delft University of
Technology 2 and/or an academic fee of €….. will be paid to ………..(name partner university).
During the research programme, the candidate will follow a Doctoral Education (DE) Programme, which will be composed by the doctoral candidate and the above-mentioned supervisors and approved by those supervisors, and which is in line with the policy of the Graduate School and
Doctoral Regulations of Delft University of Technology. The candidate is under obligation to finish the
Doctoral Education Programme.
The DE programme consists of the following three categories: transferable, research-related and discipline-related skills.
For each category, a candidate must obtain a minimum of 15 GS credits, making a total of 45 GS credits. 1 GS credit equals 12 hours of Doctoral Education, which includes up to four hours of selfstudy. GS credits can be obtained by completing courses or performing learning-on-the-job activities.
Doctoral Education Programme proposal:
Research-related skills – the following competences will be developed by taking courses and
- performing learning-on-the-job activities:
Discipline-related skills – the following theoretical expertise will be acquired by taking courses:
Transferable skills - the following competences will be developed by taking courses:
See appendix 2: TU Delft Tuition and Bench fee agreement
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Model agreement for Joint Doctoral Research, Education and Supervision
October 2015
The candidate will be paid a salary of ……… euros / month by (name university) ………………
(or by both, or one university will transfer ……..% of the salary to the partner university).
Delft University of Technology
Date: ………………….
Doctoral Research Supervisor: …………(name)
Signature: ………………
Date: ………………….
Doctoral candidate: ……………. (name)
Signature: ………………
(Name partner university ) ………….
Date: ………………….
Doctoral Research Supervisor: …………(name)
Signature: ……………………
Please submit a signed copy of this agreement to your TU Delft Faculty Graduate School.
Appendix 1: Agreement for Joint Supervision and Dual Diploma of Doctoral Research between Delft University of
Technology and the partner University.
Appendix 2: TU Delft Tuition and Bench fee agreement
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Model agreement for Joint Doctoral Research, Education and Supervision
October 2015