School Wide Behavior Management Plan

School-wide Culture Plan
Wooddale Middle School
We, the staff at Wooddale Middle School, recognize that we are responsible for creating
a school environment that provides ALL students the behavioral and academic skills
necessary to reach their fullest potential and become responsible life long learners. We
will do this by creating a culture that embodies the 5 C’s:
Commitment to Excellence
College and/or Career Readiness
Connected to our Community
Concern for others
Character Development
Academic goals:
 Increase Reading/Language Arts, Math and Science success rates to 50%.
 Increase Social Studies success rate to 75%.
Behavior goals:
Reduce office referrals for disruptive behavior by 60% as measured by reviewing data
every 20 days during culture team meetings. Reference Appendix: B.
 Reduce the number of fights/violent acts at school by 80%.
Increase daily attendance rate to 95%.
 Decrease tardies to less than 2% daily.
This will be tracked daily in the front office.
Increase time on task in classrooms to 90% as measured by principal and peer
 See Appendix: D for observation tool.
In order to reach the goals and objectives of the schoolwide plan the staff is
expected to:
Recognize that all students are capable of behaving appropriately and accept the
responsibility to take all steps to insure they learn to do so.
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Establish an effective classroom management plan that includes rules/agreements,
disciplinary consequences and positive incentives/rewards.
Teach students appropriate behaviors and procedures in both the classroom and
common areas during the first two weeks and as needed throughout the school year (
i.e. after long breaks).
Clearly communicate to students how they are expected to behave in order to be
successful at school.
Monitor student behavior and provide consistent positive feedback (4:1 ratio positive to
negative) to students who choose to comply with expectations.
Monitor student behavior and quickly provide clear direction, narration and corrective
action when needed in accordance with the school policy in a calm, respectful manner
when the students choose to misbehave.
Take steps necessary to build trusting relationships with and among all students,
including having restorative conversation with students after they are sent out of the
Take steps necessary to build trusting relationships with the students’ families.
Establish high academic expectations for EVERY student.
We will all “sweat the small stuff”
Follow directions of all staff - first time given
Be safe, respectful and responsible
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Come prepared for your school day by being prompt and in proper dress code
Use appropriate language at all times
Follow all teacher directions
SLANT during all instructional activities
Bring all necessary materials and homework
Use appropriate language at all times
The mnemonic SLANT reminds students to:
S = Sit up straight.
L = Lean forward.
A = Activate your thinking.
N = Note key information.
T = Track the speaker.
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Follow directions of all staff
Use equipment properly
Play in the assigned areas only
Follow the rules of the game – play safely
Keep the area clean - If you see a piece of trash please pick it up
Follow directions of all staff
Leave seat only when given permission
Clean up your area
No food or drink leaves the cafeteria
Enter and exit the cafeteria silently and once you reach your seat use inside voices
Silent table for lunch detention or misbehaviors during lunch
Silent coming in and going out while in seat using inside voices
Administration by silent table if administration not there Officer Santos
Teachers give post-it to admin or Officer Santos with who has lunch detention
Assigned Tables
Teachers are timely to schedule
Channel 1 is running
Follow directions of all staff
Walk with purpose on the right side of the hallway
Do not touch walls or lockers
Silent (use inside voice when necessary)
No food or drink
Keep the hallway clean
Must have a hall pass or an admit slip
Follow directions of all staff
Keep bathroom clean—water in sink, flush toilet, paper towels in trash bin
Respect persons and property
No playing in bathroom
No vandalism or graffiti
Follow directions
Sit in your seat
Respond to call and response cues (Wooddale Eagles)
Talk only when called upon
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Focus Room
Ms. Clear and Mr. Poyner facilitates
Desk placement for monitor and students
Sign in/out sheet-3 people needed-Administration and Clear
Robert with secretary
Work/packets from teachers-weekly
Team leader-Form with 5 copies of worksheets
Book/calculators, supplies, etc. in the room
Mr. Pogue
Robert to schedule meeting with Mr. Stitts
Positive Feedback All Students Will Consistently Receive
Verbal recognition of appropriate behavior – Positive Narration – As noted in the NoNonsense Nurturer Training, all teachers at Wooddale Middle will consistently use
positive narration for behaviors, not praise/judgment. Example of narration: John is
silently working on his journal. Teachers may provide praise/judgmental statements for
academic work and/or effort.
5 C’s – to notice students who are adhering to/modeling the 5 C’s, teachers will be able
to receive unlimited number of eagle buck, however each teacher is expected to give out
at least ten each. Five of these dollars should be used for students in your class and five
dollars should be used for students you do not teach.
Students earn Eagle bucks for a variety of reasons:
Strong hallway / cafeteria / assembly behavior
Picking up trash without being told
Respect toward teachers and peers
Recitation of school motto/ mission statement
On task behavior
Adhering to uniform policy
Student of the Month: By the 25th of every month, every team will submit a name of a
boy and a name of a girl for student of the month. This includes special education.
Exploratory teachers will submit one student every month alternating a boy and a girl
each month. Criteria.. Students that continually exhibit the 5 C’s in the classroom and
continually works towards their academic potential please consider strong attendance
and NO conduct referrals.
Team Awards: To be decided by each team and can be demonstrated by Ms.
Armstrong’s team. Students will compete for best overall attendance, grades & conduct
Shout-outs: Over the intercom on Fridays by group of peers
Positive phone calls/notes to family members: 10 positive phone calls a week
Ability to attend special events attached to 5 C’s:
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Dress Down Days: Students will receive a dress down day after 15 consecutive days
without fights or acts of violence on campus.
Field Trips:
Dances: During the day students without any office referrals will be able to attend.
Evening dances any student will be able to attend the school wide fundraiser
Teacher of the month: one teacher will be selected each month by their peers to be the
teacher of the month for Wooddale Middle School. Criteria: Teachers that go above
and beyond in assisting their peers, Teachers that go above and beyond learning
experiences for their students, Teachers that go above and beyond to create a positive
school-wide culture.
Honor Roll Criteria
Principal's List- School-wide plaque, individual certificates, luncheon with the
GPA is greater than 4.0 and no grade less than 93
Conduct: All E's
Distinguished Honor Roll - certificates
GPA of 3.6 or above
No grade below 75 C
Conduct: E or S
Honor Roll - certificates
GPA of at least 3.0 but less than 3.6
No grade below 75 C
Conduct: E or S
Citizenship Award – School-wide plaque, individual certificates and luncheon with
All E's in conduct
Perfect Attendance –Certificate and Party
Zero absents and two tardies or less
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Negative Consequences Students May Receive for Inappropriate Behavior
Before Office Referral
Example referral found in Appendix: E
Wooddale Middle Classroom Discipline Plan:
1st infraction: Verbal warning, noted on clipboard by teacher
2nd infraction: Move seat in classroom
3rd infraction: Lunch detention at silent table or afterschool detention (10 minutes; limit
interaction with peers) and phone call home by teacher (not during instructional time)
4th infraction: Office referral
Severe clause
If students exhibits level three behavior or higher they will be immediately referred to the
All teams need to agree and implement a class point system. This incentive system will
be useful in establishing a positive classroom culture. Point system will be used by
students to gain “extras” in class for earning points through demonstrating responsibility
in the classroom. Points should be tallied bi-weekly and rewards issued.
Guidelines for Administrator for Referral to Office For Disruptive Behavior
1st Time= administrator - student conference OR family conference OR Focus Room
AND follow -up relationship building intervention with student by teacher/administrator
(restorative conversation)
2nd Time= family conference OR Focus Room AND follow up relationship building
intervention with student by teacher/administrator
3rd Time (in a month) = Focus Room AND relationship building intervention with student
by teacher/administrator AND initiate interventions for chronic behavior problems (i.e.
Student Study Teams) AND include Guidance Counselors
Interventions for Chronic Behavior Problems
Students who receive more than 3 office referrals in a month: Develop an Individualized
Behavior Plan using the Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) and referral to counselor.
Counselor will contact parent to arrange a meeting to establish BIP (include teacher and
student). Team will arrange a date for the follow-up meeting which will occur in four
weeks. At that time the BIP will be reviewed to determine effectiveness. If plan is
working, no need for additional action. If plan is NOT working, team will revise.
Personnel responsible to establish BIP: 6th – Ms. Johnson; 7th – Mr. Pogue; 8th – Mr.
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Interventions Severe Behavior Problems
Students who engage in severe behavior problems and/or do not respond to
interventions for chronic behavior problems:
Same steps as above and possible referral to Special Education, counselor, outside
agency for Mental Health, Law Enforcement etc…
Possible Reasons for In-School Suspension:
Severe Defiance
Destroying property
Chronic violation of classroom or school rules; multiple referrals in a month
Possible Reasons for Out of School Suspension:
Chronic behaviors
Note: At Wooddale Middle School, Out of School Suspension will be used only as a last
resort or as demanded by Tennessee Code Annotated
Three levels of students (for tracking purposes of our student population):
GOAL: Increase the number of Tier three students; decrease the number of Tier two
and Tier one students; Track students at each level in Appendix: C.
Tier One: Student behaviors can be modified but these students have significant
struggles permanently modifying behavior or maintaining behaviors for a long period of
time. These students may need preventative supports/constant supports. These
students may qualify for special education services or counseling services; when
referred level 1-5 infractions
Tier Two: Students with chronic behavior problems who have more than 3 referrals in a
month; have moderate disruptive behaviors (i.e. repetitive talking out, moving from seat
without permission, excessive tardiness); these students often fluctuate or ride the roller
coaster of good behavior; may need high levels of support from time to time or over the
course of the year (i.e. stamp sheets); when referred level 1-4 infractions only
Tier Three: 85-90% of our students who follow the rules and never to very rarely
receive referrals; if referred, level 1 infractions only
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Wooddale Middle School Daily Schedule
7:20 – 7:30
7:20 – 7:35
7:40 – 7:50
7:50 – 8:40
8:45 – 9:35
9:40 – 10:30
10:35 – 12:15
12:20 – 1:10
1:15 – 2:05
Teacher Sign In
Teacher receive students at door
Students go to lockers and enter homeroom
Students are tardy/check in with teacher
Channel One
Tardy students to pupil services
2nd period
3rd period
4th period
5th period
6th period
7th period
6th grade dismissal
7th grade dismissal
8th grade dismissal
Bus riders dismiss/afternoon announcements
Wooddale Middle Lunch Schedule
10:35 – 11:05
6th grade lunch
11:10 – 11:40
7 grade lunch
11:45 – 12:15
8 grade lunch
Communication Plan
Parent Link/Parent connect: Parent link will go out every Wednesday reminding families
of take home folders/agendas.
Take home folders should include such items as:
 Newsletters from administration
 weekly assessments for families to review
 important information from the school district
 weekly newsletter from the principal
 Progress reports will be sent home every 41/2 weeks
Agendas: Every student at Wooddale Middle will receive an agenda book.
 Teachers will have students write daily objectives in their agenda books for every
 Homework assignments and projects that are coming due
 Agendas should be shared daily with families and a family member is expected
to sign
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Agendas will be checked daily teachers for signatures and to ensure that
homework is completed
Teachers can use agenda books to send positive notes home or note concerns
or requests for meetings with families
Town hall meetings: These meeting will occur two times per year and will cover such
topics as….uniform policy, school rules, agenda books, take home folders, tests, NCLB,
incentives, open house
All staff are required to return emails or phone calls that are school related within 24-48
Policy for using classroom or office phones will be for emergencies only.
Communications to Staff
Weekly bulletin will be sent via email to all staff members on Friday afternoons. Staff is
expected to review, comment or ask questions by Sunday evening. Bulletin will include
all pertinent information for staff for the upcoming week and will include a calendar of
upcoming important events that teachers should be preparing for. Updates will be
emailed as needed. All staff are expected to check their email at least 2 times daily so
they have the most up-to-date information.
The intercom will be used daily for a very limited about of time in order to provide the
most learning time possible at Wooddale Middle. Daily announcements will happen as
scheduled. Staff and students should expect that the intercom will not be used during
the school day unless there is a campus emergency.
Staff meetings will occur on the 1 and 3rd Monday of each month. During these
meetings the following will be discussed:
 professional development session
 trainings
 Updates
 1 PLC for each team should include review of No-Nonsense Nurturer
Appendix: A
Dr. Robert Gordon, Jr.
Ms. Angela White
Assistant Principal
Ms. Jessie Hubbard
Instructional Facilitator
Mr. Danny Pogue
Lead Teacher and Real Time Teacher Coach
Brandon Poyner
Optional Coordinator
C. McVay
6th grade teacher
E. Clark
Parent Counselor
D. Walker
8th grade teacher
T. Armstrong
Former culture committee team member
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Appendix: B
Goal: Reduce disciplinary referrals in levels 1-4 by 60%; Reduce disciplinary
referrals at level 5 by 80%.
Disciplinary Infractions: Goals for 2012-13 school year; YTD review; Last years
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Pd 1 YTD
Pd 1 Lst Yr
Pd 2 YTD
Pd 2 Lst Yr
Pd 3 YTD
Pd 3 Lst Yr
Pd 4 YTD
Pd 4 Lst Yr
Pd 5 YTD
Pd 5 Lst Yr
Pd 7 YTD
Pd 7 Lst Yr
Pd 8 YTD
Pd 8 Lst Yr
Pd 9 YTD
Pd 9 Lst Yr
Pd 6 YTD
Pd 6 Lst Yr
Violence YTD
Violence Lst
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Appendix: C
Students to Track in 2012-13 school year:
Goal: Reduce referrals by Tier 2 students by 80%
Tier 2 students
Student Name:
Number of
Referrals in
2011-12 School
Goal for 2012-13
school year
Strategies to work on
reduction on disciplinary
Goal: Reduce referrals of Tier 1 students by 50%
Tier 1 students
Student Name:
Number of
Referrals in
2011-12 School
Goal for 2012-13
school year
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Strategies to work on
reduction on disciplinary
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Appendix: D
Administration/Peer Observation
Complete worksheet in 5-10 minutes
TEACHER: ___________________________OBSERVER: ____________________
DATE: _______________START TIME: _________ END TIME: ____________
CLASSROOM CONTEXT: _____________________________________________
 Tally each time a student does each of the following:
Inappropriate Talking
Inappropriate Movement
(out of seat, touching, etc)
Alternative: Use a seating chart tool for 5-minutes to gather more specific data on
individual students. (Suggested codes: T= talking; M=movement; N=noncompliance/defiance)
Every minute, scan the room. Note students who do not appear to be on task. Scan the
room a second time, if the student still appears to be off task, tally them as being off task
Not engaged and/or off-task
Total Number of students in class: ________
Minute 1:
Minute 6:
Minute 2:
Minute 7:
Minute 3:
Minute 8:
Minute 4:
Minute 9:
Minute 5:
Minute 10:
Alternative: Use a seating chart tool (indicators: + for on-task, engaged; - for offtask/not engaged)
Total number of students off task over 5 minutes/ (total number of students in class × 5)
________ % of student off task
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Appendix: E
Sample Referral:
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