1 Supporting Information for 2 An empirical study of the distribution of earthquakes with respect to 3 rock type and depth 4 Yuval Tal1 and Bradford H. Hager1 5 1 6 Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Earth Resources Laboratory, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary 7 8 Contents of this file 9 Text 1 10 Figures S1 to S8 11 12 Text S1. 13 The following faults have experienced offsets larger than 10 km. In the San 14 Francisco Bay region, the San Andreas, San Gregorio, Rodgers Creek, Hayward, 15 Calaveras, Concord-Green Valley, and Greenville faults [Graham and Dickinson, 1978; 16 Graymer et al., 2002]. In Southern California, the San Andreas, San Jacinto, Garlock, 17 Whittier-Elsinore, Pisgah, and Ludlow faults have experienced offsets larger than 10 km 18 [Jachens et al, 2002; Stirling et al 1996]. 19 Text S2 20 We calculate the depth and rock type distribution of b-value using the maximum 21 likelihood estimate of Aki [1965] and Utsu [1965]. The standard errors are estimated 22 using the formula of Shi and Bolt [1982]. Based on the global frequency-magnitude 23 distributions between magnitudes 2 and 5 (Figure S2), we set the magnitude of 24 completeness to 2 and 2.5 for southern California and the San Francisco Bay region, 25 respectively. 26 To account for variations in b-value with respect to rock type and depth, we 27 calculate the b-values from the complete catalog ranges without consideration of time 28 dependent variations, such as the California-wide change in the definition of ML in 2008 29 – 2009 [Hutton et al., 2010; Tormann et al., 2010]. This change affects the statistics of 30 the magnitude distribution mostly for events with magnitude smaller than 2.3 [Tormann 31 et al., 2010], so it has a minor effect on the NCEDC catalog. We examine the temporal 32 variations in b-values for basement rocks in southern California by dividing the 33 earthquakes that occurred in basement rocks into 10 intervals (Figure S3), each with 8338 34 earthquakes. We observe large temporal variations, but with no clear general trend of 35 change in b-value with time. For sedimentary rocks, the uncertainties were too large to 36 examine temporal variations. 37 38 39 40 41 42 Figure S1. A histogram of earthquake number vs. depth distribution in southern 43 California and the San Francisco Bay region. 44 4.5 4.5 4 4 3.5 3.5 3 2.5 2 2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 M 4 4.5 5 San Francisco 3 2.5 1.5 45 logN(N) logN(N) Southern California 5 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 M 4 4.5 5 46 Figure S2. Frequency-magnitude distributions between magnitudes of 2 and 5 for 47 southern California and the San Francisco Bay region. 48 49 San Francisco 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 Depth (km) Depth (km) Southern California 0 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 0.8 0.9 1 b value 1.1 1.2 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 b value 1.1 1.2 1.3 50 51 Figure S3. Depth distribution of b-values for sedimentary (green) and basement (red) 52 rocks in southern California and the San Francisco Bay region. The error bars half width 53 is one standard error of Shi and Bolt [1982]. To reduce errors, the b-values for the San 54 Francisco Bay region are for depth ranges of 2 km. 55 56 57 Figure S4. Temporal variations of b-values of basement rocks in Southern California. 58 Each time interval includes 8338 events (cumulative for all depths). Vertical bars 59 represent the standard errors of the b-values, and horizontal bars represent the time 60 interval. 61 4.5 4 Earthquake density 3.5 3 x 10 −3 depth: 0−2 depth: 2−4 depth: 4−6 depth: 6−8 depth: 8−10 depth: 10−12 depth: 12−14 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 62 Sedimentary Granodiorite Franciscan Rock unit Gabbro 63 Figure S5. Earthquake density as a function of rock unit and depth in the San Francisco 64 Bay region for earthquakes restricted to magnitude greater than 3. The four main rock 65 units at depths of 0-14 km are included. The error bars were derived from 5000 66 bootstraps and represent one standard error. 67 68 69 Figure S6. A histogram of earthquake density vs. depth distribution in sedimentary and 70 basement rocks in the San Francisco Bay region for earthquakes with magnitude greater 71 than 2 and 3, where the basement rock does not include the Franciscan. The curves are 72 running averages of the data with a window of 3 km. The curves (dashed) for earthquakes 73 with magnitude greater than 3 were magnified by a factor of 10, so that they would plot 74 on approximately the same scale. The error bars derived from 5000 bootstraps and 75 represent one standard error. 76 77 78 Figure S7. A histogram of earthquake density vs. depth distribution in sedimentary and 79 basement rocks in southern California and the San Francisco Bay region for earthquakes 80 with magnitude greater than 2 and 3 that occurred at distance greater than 0.5 km from 81 large offset strike slip faults. The curves are running averages of the data with a window 82 of 3 km. The curves (dashed) for earthquakes with magnitude greater than 3 were 83 magnified by a factor of 10, so that they would plot on approximately the same scale. The 84 error bars were derived from 5000 bootstraps and represent one standard error. 85 5 Earthquake density 3.75 x 10 −3 depth: 0−2 depth: 2−4 depth: 4−6 depth: 6−8 depth: 8−10 depth: 10−12 depth: 12−14 2.5 1.25 0 86 Sedimentary Granodiorite Franciscan Rock unit Gabbro 87 Figure S8. Earthquake density as a function of rock unit and depth in the San Francisco 88 Bay region for earthquakes that occurred at distance greater than 0.5 km from large offset 89 strike slip faults. The four main rock units at depths of 0-14 km are included. The error 90 bars derived from 5000 bootstraps and represent one standard error. 91 92 93 94 References 95 Graham, S. A., and W. R. Dickinson (1978), Evidence for 115 kilometers of right slip on 96 the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault trend, Science, 199, 179-181. 97 Graymer, R. W., A. M. Sarna‐Wojcicki, J. P. Walker, R. J. McLaughlin, and R. J. Fleck 98 (2002), Controls on timing and amount of right‐lateral offset on the East Bay fault 99 system, San Francisco Bay region, California, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 114(12), 1471– 100 1479, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(2002)114<1471:COTAAO>2.0.CO;2. 101 Hutton, K., J. Woessner, and E. Hauksson (2010), Earthquake monitoring in Southern 102 California for seventy‐seven years (1932–2008), Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100, 423– 103 446. 104 Jachens, R. C., V. E. Langenheim, and J. C. Matti (2002), Relationship of the 1999 105 Hector Mine and 1992 Landers fault rupture to offsets on Neogene faults and 106 distribution of late Cenozoic basins in the Eastern California shear zone, Bull. 107 Seismol. Soc. Am., 92(4), 1592–1605, doi:10.1785/0120000915. 108 Stirling, M. W., S. G. Wesnousky, and K. Shimazaki (1996), Fault trace complexity, 109 cumulative slip, and the shape of the magnitude-frequency distribution for strike-slip 110 faults: A global survey, Geophys. J. Int., 124, 833–868, doi:10.1111/j.1365- 111 246X.1996.tb05641.x. 112 Tormann, T., S. Wiemer, and E. Hauksson (2010), Changes of reporting rates in the 113 Southern Californian Earthquake Catalog, introduced by a new definition of ML, 114 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100(4), 1733–1742, doi:10.1785/0120090124. 115 116