CLEEVE CLARION No. 49 2 1 s t J u l y 2 0 1 5 - 2 1 s t Se p t e m b e r 2 0 1 5 N e w s l e t t e r o f B i s h o p ’ s C l e e ve U 3 A MONTHLY MEETINGS At Woodmancote Village Hall on 3rd MONDAYS, at 2.15pm. We welcome visitors interested in joining Bishop’s Cleeve U3A. Monday 17th August 2015 “Traditional Tunes of the British Isles” by Mike Ledbury ADMISSION 50p Refreshments served after the presentation until 4pm Monday 21st September 2015 RENEWALS MEETING [Free refreshments & entrance] Chairman’s Clarion Call July 2015 I said last time that it is not too soon for the Committee to start thinking about what we should do when we outgrow our home in the Woodmancote Village Hall. That time has not yet come – in June we had 85 attendees against a fire safety maximum of 100 – but in the preceding couple of months we were up against both that limit and the comfort constraints of the hall. Our total membership continues to creep up, so we have started looking at the options. It turns out that there are no obvious solutions to the problem. The Bishops Cleeve Community Centre is too small, as is St Michael’s Hall: that is where we moved from! St Michaels Church has been suggested, but although they have modern audio facilities, the space is not easy to use – all those big Norman pillars – so we have crossed that off the list. We think that the Methodist Hall is also too small, but are investigating further. The Tithe Barn is an obvious alternative and was investigated last year. It does have sufficient capacity (150 seated) and car parking (probably), but it lacks the audio-visual facilities we need and also an induction loop system for those of us with hearing aids. It is also heavily booked during the week. Nevertheless, we are looking at it again. One interesting new possibility is the impressive new community centre at Stoke Orchard, built as part of the big new housing development on the old Coal Board site. This also can seat 150 people in a modern, eco-friendly building. You can look it up on the internet to get a feel for it. It will not be fully completed and fitted out until next year but it looks promising. It would have the disadvantage that those of us who walk to the Woodmancote Village Hall would need to drive there, increasing the traffic along Stoke Road. But I suspect that no solution will be perfect – we will have to find the best solution we can and go for it. We will keep in touch with the committee there to make sure that they meet our needs as best we can. In the meantime, if you have a bright idea for an alternative option, just get in touch with any of the committee – contact details on the back page! Alan Green FROM YOUR SECRETARY July 2015 Several people showed an interest after last month’s open meeting in the U3A book series “Older and Wiser”. Books in this series cover various aspects of computing, digital photography and family history. They can be ordered online. Go to and type “older and wiser” into the search box. It will then come up with a list of books from which you can order. Alternatively all books should be available from bookshops. U3A members can purchase an ATG Theatre card for £25, a saving of £10 off the standard price. This gives you a series of benefits including priority booking and savings off tickets in their 38 theatres across the UK. If you are interested go to “offers for U3A members” in the members’ area of the website. U3A courses which used to be available on the online courses website are now available for download from the Resource Centre website. You will need to be registered with the Resource Centre to access these. If you would like to play U3A National Chess by email contact the organiser, Dick Chapman of Watford and District U3A at I am taking orders for U3A diaries for 2016, which I will order in August. If you’d like one please let me know. They are £2.00 and come with a dark green cover. Liz Reilly: MESSAGE FROM YOUR SPEAKERS’ SECRETARY Monthly Meetings - If you know of a speaker that will be of general interest to our members, or a subject on which you’d like to hear about, please contact me. I’ll be pleased to hear from you. Joan Hall 01242 680575 — or at WE WELCOME THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS Marjorie Chart ; Norma Leach Vanessa & Michael Reynolds ; Julia Rice Christine Richardson ; Susan Richardson ; Hilary Wright DIANA JONES It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Diana Jones died very suddenly last month after a severe stroke. She was a founder member of our Bishop’s Cleeve U3A and led the Solos group from the start, as well as organising the tea rota at the monthly open meetings for many years, Our thoughts are with her family and the many friends she left behind. RENEWALS FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 Dear Members, Our U3A has grown considerably lately; so with renewals in September in mind, we would like to make some small changes to facilitate a smoother and more efficient procedure. Renewal forms will be available from the July open meeting, and on the website ready to download, and we would request that the completed forms and cheques are posted from that time to the address shown. The Membership Secretaries will be present at the September renewal meeting, to process any outstanding forms and take payment by cheque or postal order only. The committee have decided, after some consideration, that an additional £4 will be charged to those members who regularly receive the Clarion by post. The Clarion is always available to read on the web-site Sheila Gardner, Margaret Merry (Membership Secretaries) July 2015 MESSAGE FROM TREASURER TO ALL GROUP LEADERS We are coming to the end of our financial year on 31st August. Please could you give me all contributions before then and pay any rent due. (Do not run any rent payments into the next accounting year please.) Any expenses should also be claimed before then. Thank you Celia Gordon-Smith VISIT TO THE COTSWOLD WEAVERS WORKSHOPS The CRAFTY CRAFTERS are having a trip to the Cotswold Weavers workshops near Lechlade on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th. The cost will be £10 per person but it's possible there will be a small reduction if we can fill the coach. This outing is open to U3A members and friends. There are a few places still available. It is possible to have a lunch provided — but numbers for this could be limited to 26 because of them having a small dining area. However if everyone wishes to have this lunch, I am told they may consider erecting a marquee to accommodate a larger group, which I will have to confirm. The cost of lunch is £9.20—more details of this once the places on the coach have been filled. Otherwise members could take picnic lunches. There is no charge for admission to the workshops — and as a group booking, we will be given tea or coffee on arrival. In addition there is a £5 discount on all purchases over £30. Our coach will leave the lay-by in New Road, Woodmancote at 10 am and will leave to come back at 3.30pm — which should give everyone chance to look around the various workshops. There is a textile design studio, museum, limestone sculpture, rug and throw warehouse, exhibitions, shops for clothing etc, all set in some rather splendid 18th century buildings in the village of Filkins. You can find out more by viewing their website There is lots to see and even if you don't do any crafts yourself it's lovely to see what other craftspeople do and have a day out too. Please could you let me have payment by the August meeting at the very latest, so I can pay for the coach. Sue Hamer 672541 GROUP NEWS I’ve just been reading my last Group News – sorry for the comment about the lovely Spring weather (now just a distant memory!). Still time for the sun to come back and brighten up our Summer – maybe by the time this appears in The Clarion the sunny days will be back. No new groups to tell you about this month, but existing ones are going from strength to strength. Vanessa Reynolds, an experienced patchwork/quilter has agreed to take over the group from Pat Cornelius as group leader. A big thanks Vanessa and to Pat for getting the group started. Natural History, like Topsy, has growed and growed and at the last count had 23 members. This led to a discussion about the future of the group and sadly, to preserve the way it tries to involve all members it was felt necessary to close the group to new members. This is obviously a very popular subject and we can certainly start a second group but – and this a big but – we need someone to take on the responsibility of leading the group. You do not need to be a natural history expert - believe me, you will find plenty of very knowledgeable people ready to share their expertise (just what happened with the first group) but if you can use the ‘phone, useful too if you can send emails but not essential, please take the plunge and come forward. I’m sure Eilish would be happy to talk to you if you’d like to get more information about what it would involve. One more piece of information in case you haven’t already picked it up – the new Bridge group, which alternates on Mondays with Beginners’ Bridge, meets in the morning from 10 till 12, not the afternoon as reported in last month’s Clarion. Most of you will by now have heard of the sudden death of Diana Jones, leader of the Solos group. Diana must be one of the longest serving group leaders – taking on responsibility for the group from the very start of Bishops Cleeve U3A and organising countless trips, visits to the cinema, plays, concerts and whatever else the group suggested with constant good humour and patience. She also organised the tea rota for the monthly members’ meeting for many years so was an active and immeasurably valuable U3A member. How we shall miss her! Gill If you wish to join a “membership closed” group, please contact Gill who will do her best to try to start a new group. GROUP INFORMATION ARTS & CRAFTS - CRAFTY CRAFTERS Contact: SUE HAMER (672541) Meet 3rd WEDNESDAY 10am - 12 noon in Woodmancote Village Hall. At the moment we have a full group. [Visit to Cotswold Weavers Workshop—see Page 5] ARTS AND CRAFT Contact: CAROLINE UTTERIDGE (01684 299920) e-mail: This new group meets at 2pm on the 2nd and 4th FRIDAY each month. Presently only a small group, but hopefully growing. There are no set agendas, but a case of sharing ideas of knowledge. Anything transportable goes! - from knitting, crochet, sewing, card making, beads, quilling and calligraphy. New members will be very welcome. Please contact Caroline for further information. BEGINNERS BRIDGE Contact: DAVE ATKINSON (674169) Meets every 2 weeks on a MONDAY, 2pm — 4pm. Marie Brain (674121) has kindly offered to host our meetings. Some variations may be expected when Marie is not available or when the times clash with the regular monthly meeting. Members will be advised when alternative arrangements are necessary. JUL 27 ; AUG 10 ; AUG 24 ; SEP 7 ; SEP 21 BRIDGE Contact: SUE BRISK (674006) This new group meets every 2 weeks on MONDAYS from 10 am — 12 noon, alternating with Beginners' Bridge. Please contact Sue for further information. JUL 20 ; AUG 3 ; AUG 17 ; AUG 31 ; SEP 14 BOOK CIRCLE (1) Contact: VI FAIRMANER (673504) Meet 1st WEDNESDAY at 2pm in members’ homes. AUGUST 5 “The Sunrise” by Victoria Hislop Presented by Audrey SEPTEMBER 2 “An Officer and a Spy” by Robert Harris Presented by Jane OCTOBER 7 “Songlines” by Bruce Chatwin Presented by Mary BOOK CIRCLE (2) Contact: EILISH TALBOT (675557) Meets 3rd THURSDAY at 10am in members’ homes. Membership currently closed. AUGUST 20 “Light Between Oceans” by ML Stedman Hosted by Eilish SEPTEMBER 17 tba BOOK CIRCLE (3) - BOOKWORMS Contact: ANNE LAWRIE (676225) Meets 4th WEDNESDAY at 2.30 pm in members’ homes. This group has vacancies. AUGUST 26 “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusack SEPTEMBER 23 "Noah's Compass" by Anne Tyler COMPUTER BUDDIES Computer Buddies support those of us having problems with our computers or wanting to brush up our skills. Both Jenny and Dave are willing to help people on a 1-1 basis. (The usual 50p sub applies.) DAVE OWEN (699797) JENNY MACKELWORT H (602286) ECONOMICS Contact: TIM POWELL (676919) This group meets twice a month at 10.30am on WEDNESDAYS at Tim’s house. FAMILY HISTORY Contact: WENDY STOW (701303) This group meets on 4th FRIDAY of each month 11am — 1.0pm in the Woodmancote (Small) Village Hall. JUL 24 "Your Memories" Please bring along your memories between ages 5-7 years. These can be general, family, friends, school or games but PLEASE do stick within this age range so that we all have time to tell our stories. AUGUST No meeting FRENCH CONVERSATION Contact: MARIE BRAIN (674121) The group continues to enjoy fortnightly meetings usually at Marie's. Group membership is closed at present. GARDENING Contact: LINDA COOLE (674830) The group arranges outings each month. Please tell Linda if you would like to come to any of the following visits: WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 Rodmarton Manor 1.55 pm WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 Spetchley Park Gardens 10.55 am ** For extra details of the visits to these gardens - & Waterperry - see PAGE 19 GERMAN CONVERSATION Contact: CAROL HARRIS (602872) This group is for members who have a basic knowledge of German. Meets twice a month usually on the 2nd and 4th MONDAYS, 10.00—11.30 am at members’ homes. GREEK DRAMA Contact: DEBBIE JONES (677423) We have read through and discussed a number of Greek tragedies and look forward to engaging in further ones. Thanks to the Cheltenham Ladies College for providing copies. If you would like to join us for one or more sessions, contact Debbie for details. I.T. GROUP Contact: BARRIE HALL (680575) Group meets on the 4th THURSDAY at Barrie’s home at 2pm. It is not a hands on teaching group. Its aim is to share expertise & experiences and offering mutual assistance. It is intended to provide interest and a stimulus for those who would like to take on new challenges or whatever members may wish to raise. If you are interested please contact Barrie by phone or email. JULY 23 ; AUGUST 27 ; SEPTEMBER 24 LATIN Contact: CELIA GORDON-SMITH (677195) STAGE Ⅱ This group meets on the 2nd THURSDAY of the month at Celia's house from 10.00 - 12.00. AUGUST 13 ; SEPTEMBER 10 STAGE Ⅰ This group meets on the 4th THURSDAY of the month at Celia's house from 10.00 - 12.00. JULY 23 ; AUGUST 27 ; SEPTEMBER 24 LOCAL HISTORY (1) Contact: HILARY SWAN (674825) The group meets on the 2nd THURSDAY of the month at 2pm. Membership currently closed. JULY 31 ; AUG 14 ; AUG 28 ; SEP 11 ; SEP 25 LOCAL HISTORY (2) Contact: JOAN HALL (680575) * PLEASE NOTE: The Group will be meeting at varying venues, times and dates during the summer months. New members will always be welcome. MONDAY, AUGUST 3 2.30 pm Visit to Pershore Abbey MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 2.15 pm Visit to Southam Church Anyone wishing to visit either of the above please contact Joan Hall - as soon as possible - for further information on 680575 or LOCAL WALKS Contact: SHEILA BROCKMAN (674736). Local walks starting at 2pm from junction of Millham Road and Station Road (Woodmancote end) on alternate FRIDAYS. JULY 31 ; AUG 14 ; AUG 28 ; SEP 11 ; SEP 25 LUNCHEONS Contact: DOUG & JUNE BEAUMONT (674197) THURSDAY, JULY 23rd Turtle Bay Caribbean Restaurant, Pittville Street, Cheltenham WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26th Orchard Tea Room, Hayles Fruit Farm, Winchcombe, GL54 5PB MUSIC APPRECIATION Contact: STELLA CANEY (676143) Generally meets at 2.30pm on 2nd WEDNESDAY of the month at a member’s home. AUGUST 12 ; SEPTEMBER 9 NATURAL HISTORY Contact: EILISH TALBOT (675557) This group meets on the 4th FRIDAY of the month at 10.0am. The group has grown to such an extent since it started that sadly it feels it cannot accommodate any more members. We will endeavour to start a second group but need someone to act as a contact member. Please see the Information Table at the monthly members' meeting or contact Gill Tarling. JULY 24 Prestbury Hill Nature Reserve - Butterflies AUGUST 28 Mythe Nature Reserve - Tewkesbury PATCHWORK & QUILTING * NEW VENUE Contact: VANESSA REYNOLDS (675748) This new group meets on the 3rd FRIDAY of the month at 10 am at Vanessa’s home. For further information, please contact Vanessa. AUGUST 21 ; SEPTEMBER 18 PETANQUE Contact: DAVE and TRICIA ATKINSON (674169) The group plays at the bouledrome next to the Woodmancote Village Hall on the 3rd FRIDAY of the month at 10.30 am. NO MEETING IN AUGUST ; SEPTEMBER 18 PHOTOGRAPHY Contact: KEN ROSS (672874) The group meets monthly on the 2nd MONDAY at 2.15 pm and aims to meet all levels of ability and interests. AUGUST 10 Lunch, followed by organising of programme for 2015/2016. Contact Ken for details. SEPTEMBER 14 Preparation for our U3A Sept 21st Open Meeting. Please bring in images taken during the year, on memory sticks, plus prints 7 X 5, mounted. PLAY READING Contact: GILL TARLING (674983) Meets at a member’s home on the last TUESDAY in the month at 2.30pm – 4.30pm. POETRY FOR PLEASURE Contact: KAY DUCK (672474) Meets on 2nd TUESDAY of the month at 10.30 a.m. in a member's home. New members welcome. AUGUST 11 NO MEETING SEPTEMBER 8 Narrative Verse MORE POETRY FOR PLEASURE Contact: TRICIA ATKINSON (674169) Meets on the 4th WEDNESDAY of the month at 2.30pm in a member's home. New members welcome. RAMBLING GROUP Contact: ROY BUTLER (529664) Roy hopes to organise a walk once a month . The day and time may vary — and it will depend on the weather. Details will be sent (by e-mail) to those members who have shown interest in joining this group. If you would like your name to be added to this list, please contact Roy. May & June rambles’ reports — see page 17 SINGING FOR FUN Contact: CHRIS LAMMIMAN (461169) Meets at the Methodist Church Hall, Bishop's Close at 10.30am on the 2nd FRIDAY of the month. SOLOS The next meeting of this group will be on AUGUST 6th at 2.30 pm at Anne Lawrie’s house. For further information, please contact ANNE LAWRIE (676225) or GILL TARLING ( 674983) RECENT ACTIVITIES AND REPORTS LOCAL HISTORY (2) RICHARD PATE TALK th On May 11 , Mrs. Eileen Allen gave us a slide-talk on Richard Pate (1516-1588) and other ancestors. Eileen is a descendant of Richard Pate on her mother’s side — he is her 17 times great uncle — and this sparked off her interest in his life. He was born in Cheltenham, a nephew and namesake of the Bishop of Worcester, and trained as a lawyer, at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and then took an active part in the administration of Gloucester. He became an associate and friend of the diplomat Thomas Chamberlain, with whom he invested money in quite a lot of ex-monastic property, thus building an astute portfolio of valuable land and possessions. (The dissolution of the monasteries, promoted by Thomas Cromwell from 1536 onwards, became a speculation opportunity for some!) In 1547 Richard leased Abbot’s Court Place (Hartbury Manor) in Gloucester, but lived in Minsterworth before 1559. During his time as the city’s recorder, he was elected as an MP for Gloucester in the parliaments of 1559 and also 1563-67. Under Elizabeth’s reign his work load enlarged, and he became law officer for the Council in the Welsh Marches. He died in 1588, and was buried in Gloucester Cathedral where a memorial plaque is to be found. In his later years, alongside other generous legacies, he endowed Corpus Christi College with property, on the condition that they use some of the money to found and maintain a school in Cheltenham. The school was subsequently founded in 1574, and still exists today as Cheltenham Grammar School, as well as a private junior school - The Richard Pate School. On his tombstone are the words : ”Patebit Tum Quod Latuit” (what is hidden will be revealed) and this is the motto of the Grammar School and also of the Old Patesians’ Rugby Football Club. It was interesting to learn of a local worthy who lived through the Tudor years, and whose name still lives on today. Thank you to Mrs. Allen for her research, which is briefly touched on here, but which took a lot of diligent work on her part! Kay Duck May 2015 LOCAL HISTORY (2) CHASTLETON RE-VISITED June 2015 Our history group first visited Chastleton House and Garden in September 2010, and in June 2015, we went again as a much bigger group. This rare gem of a Jacobean country house and garden was built between 1607 and 1612 in an unspoiled Oxfordshire valley by a prosperous wool merchant, Walter Jones, to demonstrate his relative wealth and power. Owned by the same increasingly impoverished family until 1991, the interiors and contents gradually deteriorated, but it has remained essentially unchanged for 400 years. This was because during the Civil War, as a royalist family they were drastically taxed by the Commonwealth regime, afterwards the wool trade became less profitable, and no generation was ever rich enough to alter its structure or contents, so making the house a Jacobean treasure. In 1991, Chastleton passed into the care of the National Trust, whose aim was to preserve rather than restore - keeping an atmosphere of gentle decay. Our party was divided into two, and the husband and wife guides (Roy and Pat) each took a group. We started in the magnificent great hall where we learned that most of the original furniture and effects have been conserved. We admired the china place settings and the tiny toasting glasses, still used till 1991, the decorated ceilings, and the many 16th century French tapestries used to cover up the crumbly lime plaster walls. In one bedroom, there is a secret hiding room (previously concealed with a tapestry) where Walter’s grandson Arthur hid after galloping home from the Battle of Worcester (1651), hotly pursued by Cromwell’s troops. Wife Sarah laced the soldiers’ beer with laudanum, and Arthur escaped whilst they slept! The Long Gallery at the top of the house is the longest barrel-vaulted ceiling in England, where the ladies took their exercise and where we took in the Cotswold countryside views. Finally, we saw the huge basement kitchen with its Victorian cooking range, pewter crockery, and ancient implements, and walked past the beer cellars to enjoy the Jacobean gardens and croquet lawn. Chastleton was used extensively in the filming of “Wolf Hall”, where the small stone courtyard provided dramatic scenes from Cromwell’s miserable childhood, and the interiors represented Cromwell’s own home, also the Seymour family seat Wolf Hall itself, inside and out. Our thanks go to the N.T. guides and to Joan for enabling us all to enjoy the informal and timeless atmosphere of Chastleton, where “The ordinary becomes the extraordinary”. Kay Duck NATIONAL MEMORIAL ARBORETUM A visit to the National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire was enjoyed by 43 of our Members on 20th May. A delightful, National Forest site for the all-year Forces centre of remembrance. An ongoing project of development and additions to the grounds and individual memorials. With or without direct connections to those lost in past conflicts, an interesting and worthy venue to visit and revisit. Sisters Brenda Wilson, Pam Jordan & Judy Williams, in memory of 2 Uncles lost at the sinking of the Prince of Wales in 1941. → Member Tony Jordan, in memory of his Father’s Gallipoli involvement. ← Shot at Dawn → RAF ← Women’s Land Army → [Photos taken by various members] RAMBLING GROUP May Ramble On Bank Holiday Monday, May 25th, a lucky 13 of us met for a circular walk from Birdlip, stopping in Brimpsfield for a coffee break, then on to Caudle Green for a well earned picnic lunch - and finally passing through Climperwell and back to Birdlip. We walked for 7 miles, the weather and — as before, the company were perfect. June Ramble An interesting walk along the river Avon at Evesham And picking up the Battle Trail to the Battle site, Obelisk and Memorial tower. This was followed by a visit to the pilgrims church and a hearty lunch at the end by the river. Good weather and of course plenty of chat and good company. Roy [Photos taken by Alan Green] GARDENING GROUP KIFTSGATE COURT GARDENS May 27th 20 members of the Gardening group made a return visit to Kiftsgate Court Gardens. Our visit was a little too early for the world famous Kiftsgate rose but we were compensated with the magnificent display of Peonies. A photographer’s delight! Group favourites were the spectacular view towards the Malverns, the peonies and a scrumptious cream tea before heading home. Thank you Linda for organizing a most enjoyable day with something for everyone. Katie Higham NGS — STANTON Sunday, June 7th What lovely weather for our latest gardening group outing. About 20 of us arrived at the village of Stanton for their NGS charity open day. What an opportunity to see how the other half live! Most of the gardens were absolutely huge; too big for us to be able to cope with, but I am sure we all got ideas that we could revise for our own plots. There was room for huge borders which were a joy to behold and it was such a good time of the year to see them. Also, with our mix of weathers — sunshine and showers — everything was so colourful and fresh. We all mixed about, as some people were more interested in certain things and took more time looking at them, but we kept bumping into each other — and there was a consensus at ne point that it really was time for tea and cakes — or perhaps even an ice cream. We had a good natter and soon felt ready to tackle the remaining gardens. I found myself on my own at one point, so ventured to the very top of the village, where I was afforded the most incredible view of Stanton village below me. Stanton Court gardens just went on for ever and I was so pleased that this open day meant that I could see beyond the gates. One garden had a lake (no, not a pond) so large that it even had a rowing boat on it. All in all, a lovely way to spend an afternoon, so deserved after the very wet conditions on our bluebells foray. Thank you Linda for arranging it for us. Pat Hope GARDENING GROUP VISITS DETAILS OF GARDENS WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 Rodmarton Manor Gardens, Cirencester Meeting there at 1.55 pm Admission to the gardens £5.00. Opening times 2—5 pm Teas available WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 Spetchley Park Gardens, Worcestershire Meeting there at 10.55 am Admission £6.00 (concession) Tea room Opening hours 11.00—18.00 hours. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 WATERPERRY GARDENS, near Oxford Coach pick-up points: Denham Lay-by, Woodmancote — 9.0 am Lidl’s Car Park, Bishops Cleeve — 9.10 am Garden entrance £ 5.30 Tea Shop “Make an occasion of your visit to Waterperry, by treating yourself to a home baked lunch or tea. All our dishes are lovingly prepared by our team of expert chefs using locally sourced produce.” The Gardens “Waterperry Gardens are a magical place where you are surrounded by beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers, classical borders, modern planting, secret corners and long vistas. Shopping “ Waterperry offers a fantastic opportunity to catch up on some retail therapy in a unique setting. Our plant centre is housed within the kitchen garden and yards which made up the ancient manor farm, with the hop, gallery and museum set in the wonderfully restored farm buildings.” Current Committee Chairman Alan Green 01242 672964 Vice-Chairman Keith Woodman 01242 679301 Secretary Liz Reilly 01242 674253 Treasurer Celia Gordon -Smith 01242 677195 Groups Co-ordinator Gill Tarling 01242 674983 Membership Secretaries Sheila Gardner 01242 236885 Margaret Merry 01242 262998 Clarion Editor Rosemary Pullin 01242 321983 Committee Members Margaret End 01242 672686 June Hall 01242 675711 Speakers’ Secretary Webmaster Refreshments Organiser Joan Hall Jenny Mackelworth Pat Backhouse 01242 680575 01242 602286 01242 517992 NOTE: For Copyright purposes – No items printed in this Newsletter to be copied or printed in any other publication without reference to the Editor and/or originator. *** PLEASE NOTE *** Copy for the next newsletter must be sent to ROSEMARY PULLIN by Sunday, AUGUST 30th, 2015 or Tel: 01242 321983