HIF Minutes Jan 2015

HiF Project Group Meeting Minutes
2pm Friday 9th Jan 2015 at Whitemill
Attended: Mel, Annabelle, Jacqueline, John, Liz, Helen (part-attended)
Apologies: Barbara, Sheila, Sue, Aliss
Matters arising from minutes of Dec. meeting: David to be invited to next PG meeting
Community Threads ... feedback, recording, future planning
Trevor and Diane made significant contribution to the workshop they attended with
Keyford Height residents and Oakfield students.
Helen made recordings from session – given to Mel (+ pics) on a disc and John offered
to tackle some transcriptions from this.
Whole day session with 20 x Oakfield Yr 8s productive – students selected stories
from own memories or from residents’ memories and recorded these, then designed
and began quilt pieces
Examples of the stories include: arriving at Frome Station, Christmas Day, gardening
for pocket money, going to the Rec, Vallis Vale and wild camping.
Six Oakfield pupils have visited Keyford Heights and worked 1:1 with residents. Good
feedback received from a parent. NB This session requires some ‘finishing off’ time.
Aster have offered us to contribute £200 to enable completion.
Annabelle will now take over the coordinating between the St. Louis’ sixth formers and
Rowden House (or key centre).
What more now needs to happen at Oakfield?
Need 2 to 3 more sessions with selected children going to Keyford
Heights. Mel can do this.
How will it build?
In the next session, the students will:
a. write short poetry or prose pieces to turn into images.
b. explore more memories to find common ground.
c. complete self-evaluation tasks.
d. will promote an atmosphere where making leads to talking (Busy
fingers loosen tongues). Found that by end of previous sessions, older
people often started remembering more.
Could one session be helping older people to make quilt patches?
Not all stories appropriate for the quilt as not all Frome based.Some may
be generic stories, applicable to any place, however.
Could children take the bits of work they had been doing to show?
How can we include older people who find quilt tasks tricky?
If anyone can't complete a whole square, they could start and let
someone else finish, or simply choose the material (smaller pieces would
be helpful), or do another task, e.g. ironing.
Dates, Timings, Publicity & Evaluator Appointment
We need another hour with David in school and another couple of hours making.
No dates yet, but David booked for house session.
With St Louis, we may need to work on stories and images before SATS and the
making of the quilt afterwards
NB 2015 Yr 6 SATs: 11th – 14th May; Optional Y3, Y4 SATs – May 2015
Somerset Half-term dates: 27th May – 6th June
Need to plan storytelling performance drama with Oakfield and St. Louis. These could
run after the quilt project.
Copy for the Frome Festival Brochure (re exhibition at Black Swan) to be finalized by
beginning of March (cost £50).
Suggested that the open public workshops begin at Gore Hedge begin in March. This
will give us time to contact people and arrange publicity (posters, Facebook, website
etc) Annabelle will send out info after she and Mel meet to decide dates.
When dates confirmed, Gill will contact Trevor, Alan and Tony at Frome Film and
Video Makers re making a short film of the workshops to accompany the exhibition.
Mark Adler has responded positively re article in Mendip Times.
Mel will update Facebook page and get in touch with the Black Swan re the
Community Threads exhibition
Annabelle and Gill met to draft recent article and to write evaluator advertisement.
Advert shared and edited to fit Frome Times sizes.
Suggested that we purchase ad in F.Times and try to get new article in F. Standard.
Gill to write small ad and update article and send to Annabelle
Banners Diplay Mel will enquire from C&G about wall space for banners
Forced Walks: Richard White from the Forced Walks project has contacted us
regarding the forthcoming, commemorative walk from near Cooper Hall, Frome to the
Jewish Cemetery in Bath. There will be different interventions at various points of the
walk. John and Gill have already sent Richard some links. We will ask Richard to keep
us up to date with plans, so we can join an intervention if appropriate, and will include
links to the Forced Walks website on the Home in Frome website and Facebook pages.
13th Feb 2pm Whitemill
HiF Committee Meeting Minutes
3pm Friday 9th Jan 2015 at Whitemill
Invoices and Treasurer’s recommendations
Invoices for Mel and David paid.
Suggestion that cheques might be pre-signed was rejected, as not being best practice
Website recommendations
The committee approved the suggestions from earlier website meeting:
Howard to migrate the site from a Flash-based site to HTML5 site which will
work on phones, iPads and notebooks (which present one doesn't).
Review and redesign the site at same time.
Within the restructure to:
1. treat the events and projects pages as archive pages and add a Working
Memories page to this
2. add a new, Current Projects page for Community Threads
3. simplify the Home Page to focus on who we are and what we do - with key
4. modify the green, blue and orange colours to be less acidic/more
5. adopt/adapt from a simple-to-use site template
6. create a page to collect minutes, agendas, reports etc in one place
7. add a slideshow of photographs
Two days will be needed for this - one for the design and restructure (a lot has
to be rebuilt from scratch) and one for the adding content/fine-tuning.
It was emphasised that we need to retain the films, which are a strength of the site.
Gill to research suitable website to house Working Memories material.
Banner Book Printing
John and Gill have worked on pics and text together and obtained quotes (both digital
and offset litho) for 300 books. Committee suggested that J&G investigate print costs
for between 300 and 500 books and bring these back to a meeting.
Suggestion that Banner Book completed in time for launch at end of June.
New Frome Town hub building on Christchurch St. Find out about when there is
an opportunity to express HiF’s interest, so one or two people can go along.*
*From FTC website: If you would like to know more about how to get involved in shaping the
future of the building please contact info@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or Telephone 465757
Disclosure Certificates – nearly everyone has now received their certificates.
Sue needs to keep a central record.
Those receiving certificates to be asked to scan and send to Sue, inc. cert number.
Donation of Rodney Goodall map by Home in Frome to Frome Museum
Brian Marshall and Dr Emma Robinson, Frome Museum’s Chair of Trustees, have
thanked Home in Frome for the donation of the 1903 map of the Industries of Frome,
made by Rodney Goodall, which will be added to their permanent collections. They
have assured us that we will be welcome to borrow it for a special exhibition in the
future. The Museum is intending able to purchase a state of the art collections
management system early in the New Year which will help them keep track of any
items which are borrowed for exhibitions and help ensure their safe return.
Retention of old resources
Gill to contact Sue B to request return of recorder equipment lent to Museum.
Jacqueline & John offered to collect the recording machine that was loaned to Sonja
Does HiF need to retain 16 photos of Singers Knoll? Gill to email Liz, and
Charlie/Glenny to ask
Does HiF need to keep the 20-25 printed tee shirts? No. Annabelle will recycle.
New resources
Mel will proceed with purchase of projector and screen, as outlined in Lottery bid.
13th Feb pm 2pm Whitemill