
Liberal Arts (LA) Minor: Competency Mapping Document
C1. Work in team structure. / Team Structures/LAmn.C1
Objective 1: Engage in effective group communication building on Group Dynamics and theories
in intercultural communication./ Group Dynamics/LAmn.C1.O1
Lesson 1: Identify key concepts and theories in Group Dynamics. / Concepts of Group
Dynamics/LAmn.C1.O1.L1 (CSTU 272-0.6, CCSU 490c-0.6)
Topic 1: Describe effective group dynamics/ / Describing Group
Topic 2: Select 3 key theorists of group dynamics/ Group Dynamics
Theorists/LAmn.C1.O1.L1.T2 and compare the different approaches to group
dynamics as a field of research.
Topic 3: Watch The Strawberry Statement, and analyze the Group Dynamics
illustrated within the movie /Analyzing Group Dynamics/LAmn.C1.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Explain key concepts and theories of Group Dynamics and
compare/contrast how the theories are illustrated in the three films: 1) Primary, 2)
Judgment at Nuremberg, and 3) The Manchurian Candidate (1962)/
 Group Dynamics, Forsyth, Cengage
 The Strawberry Statement (e-Library)
 Primary, 1960 (e-Library)
 Judgment at Nuremberg, 1961 (e-Library)
 The Manchurian Candidate, 1962 (e-Library)
 American Cinema of the 1960’s, ed. Barry Keith Grant (Rutgers University
Press, 2008)
Lesson 2: Identify key concepts and theories in intercultural communication/
Intercultural Communications/LAmn.C1.O1.L2 (CSTU 324-0.45, CCSU 490c-0.3)
Topic 1: Describe effective intercultural communication/ Effective Intercultural
Topic 2: Explore theories of intercultural communication and demonstrate how
the movie, In the Heat of the Night illustrates and depicts the theories/
Intercultural Communication Theories/ LAmn.C1.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3_Mastery: Explain key concepts and theories in intercultural
communication and demonstrate how the concepts and theories can be seen in
your daily interactions (from life in your home, neighborhood, among relatives,
work place, restaurants, school, etc), making recommendations for improvement
in all spaces and scenarios/Mastery/ LAmn.C1.O1.L2.TM
 Intercultural Communication: A Reader, by Larry Samovar
 In the Heat of the Night, 1967 (e-Library)
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American Cinema of the 1960’s, ed. Barry Keith Grant (Rutgers University
Press, 2008)
Lesson 3: Engage in intelligent, rational discussion about contemporary issues
concerning immigration and distribution of wealth/ Discussing Contemporary Issues/
LAmn.C1.O1.L3 (CSTU 324-0.45, CCSU 490c-0.3, ENGL 306w-0.3)
Topic 1: Discuss the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication modes
and apply to 2 different cultural groups such as Palestine and Israel/Verbal and
Non-Verbal Communication/LAmn.C1.O1.L3.T1
Topic 2: Compare/Contrast verbal and non-verbal communication modes and
assess Dr. Strangelove/ Analyzing Non-Verbal Communication/
Topic 3: Formulate an argument about the contemporary issues of immigration
and/or distribution of wealth, using supporting sources and citations/
Contemporary Issue Argument/ LAmn.C1.O1.L3.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Create a visual presentation regarding the contemporary
status of immigration and/or distribution of wealth in your community using
sources and proposing suggestions for legislators/Mastery/ LAmn.C1.O1.L3.TM
 Intercultural Communication: A Reader, by Larry Samovar
 Where We Stand: Class Matters, by bell hooks
 Dr. Strangelove, 1964 (e-Library)
C2. Communicate with diverse populations. /Diverse Communications/LAmn.C2
Objective 1: Demonstrate the difference between analysis, interpretation, and evaluation/
Analysis, Interpretation & Evaluation/LAmn.C2.O1
Lesson 1: Identify key concepts and theories in Social Conflict using analysis,
interpretation, and evaluation/ Social Conflict Concepts/LAmn.C2.O1.L1 (CSTU 2720.6, SOCI 314-0.45, ENGL 306w-0.45)
Topic 1: Discuss how Marxism identifies social evolution as the result of class
conflict/ Social Conflict Theory/ Social Conflict Theory/LAmn.C2.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Using Marxism as a lens, describe the intersection of the social conflict
theory to the issue of homelessness in America/ Social Conflict and
Homelessness/ LAmn.C2.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Summarize Savage Inequalities, by Jonathan Kozol, and draw
connections between Marxism and Social Conflict theory/ Social Conflict and
Education/ LAmn.C2.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Compare/contrast Veblen’s Theory of the Leisure Class with Kozol’s
Savage Inequalities, touching on Marxism and Social Conflict theory/ Social
Inequality in Education/ LAmn.C2.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5: Assess immigration and relate to social conflict theory, Marxism, and
class conflict through a written argument/Social Conflict and Immigration/
Topic 6_Mastery: Analyze the theory of Social Conflict, and then use it to
interpret and evaluate the arguments presented in Nickel and Dimed: On (Not)
Getting By in America and Where we Stand: Class Matters, using the lens of
Social Conflict/Mastery /Mastery/LAmn.C2.O1.L1.TM
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Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement, Pruitt Rubin Kim,
McGraw Hill
where we stand: class matters, by bell hooks (ebrary)
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Savage Inequalities, by Jonathan Kozol—Kozol clips
Veblen, from Theory of the Leisure Class (ebrary)
Essay about how social class informs education model (DCI 701)
Understanding Social Inequality (myilibrary)
Lesson 2: Demonstrate understanding of rhetorical strategies using analysis,
interpretation, and evaluation/Rhetorical Strategies /LAmn.C2.O1.L2 (CSTU 272-0.6,
ENG 306w-0.45)
Topic 1: Apply theories of social conflict in mainstream media messages, and
explain their implications for the target audience/Social Conflict in
Topic 2: Watch a news program of your choice, analyzing and interpreting the
usage of rhetorical strategies/ Rhetorical Strategies in News/
Topic 3: Analyze and evaluate the rhetorical strategies used in a published
argument about culture, recommending where strategies could be strengthened/
Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies/LAmn.C2.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Construct an argument analyzing and evaluating the media
messages contained within a magazine of your choice, with a focus on rhetorical
strategies, forming an overall interpretation of the magazine’s mission, biases,
insights, and shortcomings/Mastery/ LAmn.C2.O1.L2.TM
 Readings about media/technology’s effect on identity and human nature
 Readings from ENG 305w regarding Rhetorical Strategies
 Readings regarding media’s usage of Rhetorical Strategies
Lesson 3: Define major terms and concepts related to intercultural communication/
Communication Concepts/LAmn.C2.O1.L3 (CSTU 272-0.6, CSTU 324-0.6, CCSU
Topic 1: Compare and contrast the DAD, CFT, and MPT theories of intercultural
communication, and their implications for how different cultures encode their
messages using media as the communication mode/ Encoded Cultural
Topic 2: Using a local or recent political example describe how a community has
managed (or failed to effectively manage) social conflict, and highlight the
strategies used, analyzing the strategies’ effectiveness/ Managing Social
Conflict/ LAmn.C2.O1.L3.T2
Topic 3: Select two media modes aimed at different specific social groups (for
example, Cosmo and Jet magazines), and compare the use of encoded
messaging used in both/ Contrasting Encoded Messages/LAmn.C2.O1.L3.T3
Topic 4: Compare/contrast intercultural communication found within movies
depicting different cultures, Easy Rider and To Kill a Mockingbird/ Intercultural
Communications in Films/ LAmn.C2.O1.L3.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Create a digital presentation, prescribing a remedy for a
contemporary social issue in your community that involves challenges with
intercultural communication, illustrating how theories of intercultural
communication can be used to gain better understanding among the
groups/Mastery/ LAmn.C2.O1.L3.TM
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Intercultural Communication: A Reader, by Larry Samovar
Contemporary media on conflicts
Easy Rider (film)
To Kill a Mockingbird (film)
C3. /Solve Complex Problem3/Solve Complex Problems/LAmn.C3
Objective 1: Demonstrate knowledge of relationships between knowledge, power, morality,
ethics, and law/ Knowledge of Philosophical Concepts/LAmn.C3.O1
Lesson 1: Define knowledge, power, morality, ethics, and law/ Philosophical
Concepts/LAmn.C3.O1.L1 (PHIL 106-0.6, CCSU 490c-0.6)
Topic 1: Define and differentiate the concepts of knowledge, power, morality,
ethics, and law/ Defining Philosophical Concepts/LAmn.C3.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Using two of the attributes above, explain their implications for Plato’s
The Republic/ Plato’s Republic/ LAmn.C3.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Compare/contrast Socialism, Communism, and Democracy, focusing on
the concepts of knowledge, power, morality, ethics, and law/Political
Philosophy/ LAmn.C3.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Analyze the illustration of knowledge, power, morality, ethics, and law in
one of the following films: Touch of Evil (1958), On the Beach (1959), Logan’s
Run (1967), or 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)/Philosophical Concepts in
Film/ LAmn.C3.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5: Compare/contrast how knowledge, power, morality, ethics, and law are
handled/illustrated in two of the following films: Touch of Evil (1958), On the
Beach (1959), Logan’s Run (1967), or 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)/
Evaluating Philosophical Concepts/ LAmn.C3.O1.L1.T5
Topic 6_Mastery: Develop your own vision of a utopia, addressing concepts of
knowledge, power, morality, ethics, and law. Present the utopia
digitally/Mastery/ LAmn.C3.O1.L1.TM
 Readings on knowledge, power, morality, ethics, and law
 The Republic, Plato
 Readings on Socialism, Communism, and Democracy
 Touch of Evil (1958), e-Library
 On the Beach (1959), e-Library
 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
 Logan’s Run (1967)
Lesson 2: Answer for Socrates, Kant, and Beauvoir: “Why be moral?” Why be ethical?
Why follow the law? What counts as moral education? / Ethics and
Morality/LAmn.C3.O1.L2 (PHIL 106-0.6, SOCI 314-0.45)
Topic 1: Interpret Socrates’s opinions about, “Why be moral?” Why be ethical?
Why follow the law? What counts as moral education?” / Socrates’s
Topic 2: Interpret Kant’s opinions about, “Why be moral?” Why be ethical? Why
follow the law? What counts as moral education?” / Kant’s Stance/
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Topic 3: Interpret Beauvoir’s opinions about, “Why be moral?” Why be ethical?
Why follow the law? What counts as moral education?” / Beauvoir’s Stance/
Topic 4: Prepare an essay on behalf of Socrates, Kant, or Beauvoir identifying a
bad argument in contemporary politics. / Problematic Arguments/
Topic 5_Mastery: Compare/contrast two of the scholars (Socrates, Kant, and
Beauvoir) views about morality, ethics, laws, and education, and determine and
differentiate your own stance on the four concepts./Mastery/
 Plato’s Republic
 Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals
 Beauvoir, The Ethics of Ambiguity
 Crito—dialogue about justice/injustice with Plato and Socrates
 The Apology, Plato (Plato’s version of a speech given by Socrates in his
defense of corrupting the young
 More readings about Socrates, Kant, Plato, and Beauvoir
 Readings on moral education
 Chapters from Sociology of Education: A Critical Reader, Alan R. Sadovnik
(Editor) Routledge
 Weber, “The ‘Rationalization’ of Education and Training” (anthologized in
McGraw-Hill The Structure of Schooling)
Lesson 3: Discuss human obligation (if any) to non-human animals and things/ Human
Obligations/LAmn.C3.O1.L3 (PHIL 106-0.45)
Topic 1: Discuss the idea of human obligation to non-human animals and things
within a context of economic utopia/ Economic Utopia/LAmn.C3.O1.L3.T1
Topic 2: Illustrate the concepts of knowledge, power, morality, ethics, law, and
human obligation as they are presented in Ilya Ehrenburg’s novel, Life of the
Automobile./Life of an Automobile/ LAmn.C3.O1.L3.T2
Topic 3: Research the manufacturing process of a popular product, such as
Apple products, and outline any points of conflict for moral or ethical obligations.
Conversely, discuss any points of resolution for moral or ethical obligations to
society/ Ethics in Manufacturing/ LAmn.C3.O1.L3.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Create a visual presentation detailing the birth and life span of
a technological product (anything from a car to a computer) discussing ethics and
human obligation, as well as power, knowledge, and morality./Mastery/
 Readings about human obligation to non-human animals and things
 Euthyphro—son who comes to lay manslaughter charges against his father
for allowing one of his workers to die from elements.
Ilya Ehrenburg, Life of the Automobile (Trans. Joachim Neugrschel) Serpents
Tail Press
C6. Compose academic essays in various rhetorical styles / Academic Essays/LAmn.C6
Objective 1: Write clear summaries, position papers, reports, research papers, and annotated
bibliographies / Types of Academic Writing/LAmn.C6.O1
Lesson 1: Write a summary of a major position in Weber, Veblen, Cooley, and Mead/
Summarizing Positions/LAmn.C6.O1.L1 (SOCI 314-0.6, CCSU 490c-0.6)
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Topic 1: Compare Weber and Veblen’s approaches within the context of
educational systems/ Weber and Veblen/LAmn.C6.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Identify and explain Cooley and Mead’s different frameworks for
understanding the ‘Self and the Other’ and the implications for the American
education system/ Cooley and Mead/ LAmn.C6.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Make connections between Weber, Veblen, Cooley, and Mead and the
film, To Sir with Love/ To Sir with Love/ LAmn.C6.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Drawing on personal experiences as a student (or possibly a
parent of a student) summarize your perspective on education, comparing and
contrasting it to Weber, Veblen, Cooley, and Mead/ Mastery/
 Weber, “The ‘Rationalization’ of Education and Training” (anthologized in
McGraw-Hill The Structure of Schooling)
 Veblen, from Theory of the Leisure Class
 Chapters from Sociology of Education: A Critical Reader, Alan R. Sadovnik
(Editor) Routledge
 Readings on Cooley
 Readings on Mead
 To Sir with Love (1967)
Lesson 2: Write a research proposal and paper in a liberal arts discipline with annotated
bibliography/ Research Essays/LAmn.C6.O1.L2 (ENGL 306w-0.6)
Topic 1: Using the principles of writing, select a research topic with your mentor.
Construct an outline for the essay / Research Plan/LAmn.C6.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Construct an annotated bibliography for your essay/ Research
Bibliography/ LAmn.C6.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Write a research paper on your topic using appropriate format /
Research Paper/ LAmn.C6.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Create a visual presentation for your essay topic/Mastery/
 Pearson Writing Textbook
C10. Apply ethical theories to education/ Ethics in Education/LAmn.C10
Objective 1: Apply understanding of ethical and moral theories/ Applications in
Lesson 1: Explain the ethical and moral arguments for desegregation/ Ethics of
Desegregation/LAmn.C10.O1.L1 (PHIL 106-0.45, CSTU 324-0.45, SOCI 314-0.6)
Topic 1: Construct a dialogue on the relationships between personal identity and
moral agency between two of the following that demonstrates their foundational
concepts: Kant, Socrates, Hume, and Beauvoir/ Moral Agency/
Topic 2: Compare/contrast The Apology with Kant, Hume, or Beauvoir/The
Apology/ LAmn.C10.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Describe how Jonathan Kozol and bell hooks differ or intersect on the
ethical and moral arguments surrounding desegregation? / Comparing
Theorists/ LAmn.C10.O1.L1.T3
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Topic 4: Illustrate and evaluate the application of moral agency and personal
identity in the current educational setting/ Contemporary Education/
Topic 5_Mastery: In a letter or presentation to the superintendent/school
board/governor/Department of Education, make an argument for how schools
can use concepts of moral agency and personal identity for school
reform/improvement/Mastery/ LAmn.C10.O1.L1.TM
 Where We Stand: Class Matters, bell hooks
 Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals
 Beauvoir, The Ethics of Ambiguity
 The Apology, Plato (Plato’s version of a speech given by Socrates in his
defense of corrupting the young
 Crito—dialogue about justice/injustice with Plato and Socrates
 Brown v Board of Education
 Contemporary materials on access
 Chapters from Sociology of Education: A Critical Reader, Alan R. Sadovnik
(Editor) Routledge
 Weber, “The ‘Rationalization’ of Education and Training” (anthologized in
McGraw-Hill The Structure of Schooling)
 Veblen, from Theory of the Leisure Class
Lesson 2: Explain the ethical and moral arguments for technology in education/
Technology in Education/LAmn.C10.O1.L2 (PHIL 106-0.45, SOCI 314-0.45)
Topic 1: Characterize how technology use has changed education in the last 50
years/ Evolving Technology/LAmn.C10.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Analyze some of the moral and ethical arguments made about using
technology in education/ Analyzing Technology’s Use/ LAmn.C10.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Evaluate the ethical and moral considerations of online learning/ Online
Education/ LAmn.C10.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4_Mastery: Prescribe how technology should be used in educational
settings to benefit student learning, addressing ethical and moral considerations/
Mastery/ LAmn.C10.O1.L2.TM
 Readings about using technology in education
 Online cheating/new forms of dishonesty
 Contemporary materials on access
C11. Formulate and substantiate theses/ Formulate Theses/LAmn.C11
Objective 1: Formulate hypotheses about literary and social theories/ Literary & Social
Lesson 1: Formulate hypotheses about literary and social theories/ Literary & Social
Hypotheses/LAmn.C11.O1.L1 (PHIL 106-0.45, SOCI 314-0.15)
Topic 1: Compare utilitarianism to deontology/ Comparing
Topic 2: Identify central arguments in Socrates, Kant, Beauvoir/ Central
Arguments/ LAmn.C11.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Identify sound and unsound, valid and invalid arguments in ethical
theory/ Ethical Theory/ LAmn.C11.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Make a coherent argument that one theory of education is more
successful than another/ Theories of Education/ LAmn.C11.O1.L1.T4
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Topic 5_Mastery: Create a dialogue based on the Socratic method. Dialogue
should demonstrate understanding of what the Socratic method is as well as
incorporate the concept of formulating hypotheses into the
conversation/Mastery/ LAmn.C11.O1.L1.TM
 Readings on utilitarianism
 Readings on deontology
 Readings on and by Socrates/about Socratic method
 Readings on and by Kant
 Readings on and by Beauvoir
 Ethical theory
 Educational theory
 Creating hypotheses
Lesson 2: Apply theories of intercultural communication identifying places of success
and failure/ Evaluating Communication/LAmn.C11.O1.L2 (CSTU 324-0.6)
Topic 1: In application to a current news story, discuss the contemporary/
significance of three major theories in intercultural communication/
Contemporary Communication/LAmn.C11.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Apply a social theory to a problem in intercultural communication, and
formulate a hypothesis about how to solve the problem/ Applying Social
Theory/ LAmn.C11.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3_Mastery: Formulate theses of major theories about attraction, influence,
and aggression/ Mastery/ LAmn.C11.O1.L2.TM
 Larry Samovar Intercultural Communication: A Reader
 Readings on attraction, influence, and aggression
C16. Demonstrate effective transfer of competencies to workplace/ Workplace
Objective 1: Demonstrate understanding of application of theory to practice/ Moving Theory to
Lesson 1: Create a case study from the workplace and compare to a case study from
relevant literature/ Case Studies/LAmn.C16.O1.L1 (ENGL 306w-0.6)
Topic 1: Research case studies using resources available at NAU’s Cline library/
Researching Case Studies/LAmn.C16.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Compare and contrast a workplace-related case and a case study from
literature/ Comparing Case Studies/ LAmn.C16.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3_Mastery: Complete a case study relevant to your own life—work place,
home life, religion, etc /Mastery/ LAmn.C16.O1.L1.TM
 Information about Case Studies
Lesson 2: Identify factors that can positively and negatively influence cross-cultural
communication process/ Cross-Cultural Communication/LAmn.C16.O1.L2 (CSTU
272-0.6, CSTU 324-0.45)
Topic 1: Examine a cross-cultural conversation, analyzing factors that led to the
success/failure of the conversation/ Evaluating
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Topic 2: Analyze your exposure to cross-cultural conversations (work, home,
community, grocery store, church, school, etc) and evaluate your own efficacy
using factors of cross-cultural communication/ Personal Reflections/
Topic 3_Mastery: Choose two different cultures and prepare brochures for
members of each on a successful cultural exchange between the two/ Mastery/
Intercultural Communication text
Readings on Cross-cultural communication
Lesson 3: Demonstrate effective workplace communications/ Effective
Communication/LAmn.C16.O1.L3 (ENGL 306w-0.6)
Topic 1: Explain a hypothetical systems change (such as a change to overtime
procedures or time off requests) to the employees of two different types of
companies/ Workplace Communication/ LAmn.C16.O1.L3.T1
Topic 2: In a cover letter, demonstrate your suitability for 2 positions in your field/
Writing Cover Letters /LAmn.C16.O1.L3.T2
Topic 3: Using your cover letter, argue for your suitability for 2 different positions
outside your field/ Expanding Cover Letters/LAmn.C16.O1.L3.T3
Topic 4: Create a resume or CV / Resumes & CVs/ LAmn.C16.O1.L3.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Craft a resume and cover letter for an actual job currently
posted, submitting the job posting with the resume and cover letter/ Mastery/
 Business communication models
 Cover letters
 Resumes
 CV’s
 Memos
 Job posting/job board information
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NAU Courses Mapped to Competencies
PHIL 106 Ethical Obligation
CSTU 272 Group Dynamics and Social Conflict
CSTU 324 Cross-cultural Communication
ENGL 306w Writing Across Disciplines
SOCI 314 The Sociological Aspects of Education
CCSU 490c Capstone in 1960’s American Cinema
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U 324
Notes: Total Competency Units = 18 Total Credit Hours
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