H218 Culinary Science and Kitchen Operations

H218 Culinary Science and Kitchen Operations
Module Synopsis
From the beginning of time, the gathering, preparation and consumption of food has been the primary
focus of humanity. The development and improvement of equipment and food products has led to
changes in the food service industry which has been and still is a very essential part of the lodging,
transport, The food service industry has been an essential part of hotels, inns, motels, resorts, airlines,
cruises and other related industries. Together, they form the world’s largest industry today and continue
to grow worldwide.
This module aims to equip students with the basic knowledge needed to understand basic food
preparation and kitchen operations.
Topics include culinary terminology, product identification, basic cooking methods, food preparation
techniques, and kitchen standard operating procedures.
Module Objectives
Trace the historical development of culinary science.
Compare and contrast the different types of cuisine.
Examine the principles of food preparation.
Explain the purpose of using kitchen tools and equipment.
Following are the content related abilities strengthened by the curricular processes of the module:
Lesson 1: Modern Culinary Organization and Professionals
a. State four major developments that have significantly changed the food industry.
b. Identify the main stations in a classical kitchen.
c. Describe the classical kitchen brigade and their specific roles.
d. Explain how the type and size of a kitchen operation influence the organization of the modern
e. List eight behavioral characteristics a worker needs to achieve the highest standards of
Lesson 2: International Cuisine
a. Categorize the most popular cuisines around the world.
b. Trace the origin and history of these cuisines.
c. List the characteristics of each cuisine.
d. Define Modernist Cuisine (Molecular Gastronomy) and how it is developed.
Lesson 3: Kitchen Tools and Equipment
a. Differentiate the types of kitchen tools and equipment.
b. Examine the functions of kitchen tools and equipment.
c. Describe the rational of using different kitchen tools and equipment for the appropriate types of
Lesson 4: Fundamentals of Culinary Preparation
a. Explain the three methods in which heat is transferred.
b. Examine the various types of cooking methods.
c. State the three factors that affect cooking time.
d. Analyze what happens to food when it is cooked.
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Lesson 5: Salads and Salad Dressings
a. Identify and classify five different types of salad.
b. Define the popular types of salad greens.
c. State the characteristics of fresh salads.
d. Examine the four different parts of a salad.
e. Classify the major types of salad dressings.
Explain the proper method of storing salad and salad dressings.
Lesson 6: Vegetables and Fruits
a. Identify the common varieties of vegetables and fruits.
b. List the characteristics of fresh vegetables and fruits.
c. Determine the quality of vegetables and fruits.
d. Explain the quality in cooked vegetables based on color, texture, appearance and flavor.
e. Describe the appropriate methods to maintain freshness in vegetables and fruits.
Lesson 7: Potatoes and Other Starches
a. Categorize the different array of potatoes and other starches.
b. Identify the characteristics of fresh potatoes and other starches.
c. Distinguish the various methods used to maintain freshness in potatoes and other starches.
Lesson 8: Dairy and Egg Products
a. List the assortments of dairy and egg products.
b. Distinguish the characteristics of fresh dairy and egg products.
c. Define the different methods in storing dairy and egg products.
Lesson 9: Meat, Poultry and Game
a. Compare and contrast the different types of meat, poultry and game.
b. Describe the characteristics of fresh meat, poultry and game.
c. Justify the factors that influence the choice of the food commodities.
d. Identify the storage procedures for meat, poultry and game.
Lesson 10: Fish and Shellfish
a. Classify the different types of fish and shellfish.
b. Identify and describe the characteristics of fresh fish and shellfish.
c. Justify the ways to store fish and shellfish to retain its freshness.
Lesson 11: Food Presentation and Garnish
a. Explain the importance of food presentation.
b. Distinguish the factors to create attractive food with the use of garnishes.
c. Compare traditional and contemporary food presentation techniques.
Lesson 12: Fundamentals of Baking
a. Differentiate the major ingredients of baked goods and their function.
b. Explain the factors that control the development of gluten in baking.
c. Analyze the changes that take place in a dough or batter as it is being baked
Lesson 13: Stocks and Sauces
a. Differentiate the common types of stocks and sauces.
b. Explain the uses of stocks and sauces.
c. List the qualities of good stocks and sauces.
d. Describe how to store stocks and sauces.
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Lesson 14: Sandwiches and Hors d’oeuvres
a. List the most common types of sandwiches, sandwich fillings and hors d’oeuvres.
b. Describe how to store bread and fillings.
c. Explain the uses of spreads.
Lesson 15: Menu Creation
a. Identify the storage procedures for meat, poultry and game.
b. Develop and plan a simple menu using the chosen foods and cuisine in Problem 2 to 13
c. Explain the reasons for selecting the appropriate cooking methods for these commodities.
d. Describe how these foods are presented
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Module Coverage
Allocated time per day
(One-Day-One-Problem PBL Pedagogy)
in Study
and Team Work
Formal Site
Modern Culinary Organization and
4 hrs
2 hrs
International Cuisine
4 hrs
2 hrs
Fundamentals of Culinary Preparation
4 hrs
2 hrs
Fundamentals of Baking
4 hrs
2 hrs
Meat, Poultry and Game
4 hrs
Fish and Shellfish
4 hrs
2 hrs
Stocks and Sauces
4 hrs
2 hrs
Potatoes and Other Starches
4 hrs
Vegetables and Fruits
4 hrs
2 hrs
Dairy and Egg Products
4 hrs
2 hrs
Salads and Salad Dressings
4 hrs
2 hrs
Sandwiches and Hors d’oeuvres
4 hrs
2 hrs
Food Presentation and Garnish
4 hrs
2 hrs
Menu Creation
4 hrs
2 hrs
Kitchen Tools and Equipment
4 hrs
2 hrs
2 hrs
Total = 15 Problems = 94 hrs
60 hrs
30 hrs
4 hrs
2 hrs
2 hrs
2 hrs
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