** Important change for all speakers at an RSS ** The CME Disclosure of Financial Interest form now has two pages which must be completed each academic year/prior to the presentation date. The second page is the CFA or Course Faculty Agreement. Both forms the CME Disclosure and the CFA - must be completed by ALL course faculty/speakers. This is for everyone, regardless of their degree, employment status, etc. (ie. Residents, Fellows, Researchers, Technicians, etc.) Additionally, these forms can be completed and submitted online. The CFA was added to our online CME Disclosure database as part of the disclosure submission in mid-May, 2014. To access the on-line form, please use this link https://cme.wustl.edu/disclosure.html and click on “Submit Disclosures”. RSS/Rounds COORDINATORS: All RSS coordinators have access to the Admin Login of the CME Disclosure site to review and print any submissions to this site. If you do not know or can’t recall the login information, please email cmedisclosure@wusm.wustl.edu. If the speaker chooses to complete these paper forms, please keep a copy for your records. If that speaker presents again during the academic year, you can make a copy of the form so they do not need to complete again. Please remember to note whether the individual is a presenter/author or moderator. The “Planner” will only be those individuals who are responsible for the selection of the topics for your CME activity and were previously identified on the application/renewal form. At the end of each month, a copy of the speaker’s CME Disclosure and CFA must be turned into CME with the rest of the monthly paperwork for the RSS. 09/2014 RSS Number (If applicable) To be completed by all individuals in control of CME content, including speakers, planners, independent reviewers, teachers, authors, for example. Last Name: First/Middle Name: Institution: Academic Title: Department: Division: Email: Commercial Interest: Any entity producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients. (Exception: providers of clinical services directly to patients or government organizations or nonhealthcare related companies.) Any dollar amount constitutes a relationship. I and my spouse/partner have NO financial relationships within the last 12 months to disclose. (Continue to certification boxes.) I and/or my spouse/partner have financial relationships within the last 12 months to disclose. (Please check the categories below and list the names of the commercial interests.) List of Financial Relationship(s) Research Support/Grants (includes Principal Investigator or anyone named in the grant): Consulting/Advisory Committees: Employment/Salary: Ownership Investment - Stock Equity, Options or directly purchased stock (excluding mutual funds): Speakers' Bureaus/Honoraria: Other Relationships (Ie. Royalties, Paid member of committees, panels or boards, etc.): Please identify or list: CERTIFICATIONS: By checking this box I certify that I understand the directions of this disclosure and have disclosed fully all of my and/or spouse/partner’s financial relationships as requested herein. In presenting a lecture or presentation for a Continuing Medical Education course I agree to comply with the requirements associated with protected health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Signature _______________________________________ Date ________________ 09/2014 RSS Number If Applicable Course Faculty Agreement (CFA) for a CME Activity Fiscal/Academic Year of Activity/Presentation: Your Name and Degree(s): Role in the Activity: ☐Planner ☐Course Chair ☐Presenter/Author ☐Moderator ☐Independent Reviewer (check all that apply) DIRECTIONS: Read the ACCME Content Validity Values Statement below, then read and check the box below to attest to your understanding of and willingness to comply with the policy statements. ACCME Content Validity Values Statement: All recommendations involving clinical medicine in a CME activity must be based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for their indications and contra-indications in the care of patients. All scientific research referred to, reported or used in CME in support or justification of a patient care recommendation must conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis. Best Available Evidence and ACCME Content Validation Statement: All clinical recommendations that I make for patient care as part of my planning and /or CME activity materials will be based on the best available evidence and the content will be in compliance with ACCME’s Content Validation Statement. Sources and Limitations of Data, Off-Label Use Disclosure: To the extent practical, recommendations involving clinical medicine in this ACCME activity will be substantiated by peer-reviewed sources. I will make meaningful disclosure to the attendees if products or procedures I discuss are off-label, unlabeled, experimental, and/or investigational. I will also disclose any limitations on the information that I present, such as data that are preliminary or that represent ongoing research, interim analyses, and/or unsupported opinion. Scientific Integrity: All scientific research referred to, reported or used in support or justification of a patient care recommendation will conform to generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis. Free of Commercial Bias: CME content presented to learners will be free of commercial bias. No product, service, or therapeutic option will be over-represented when comparing competing products, services, and therapeutic options. When appropriate, generic names should be used, preferably. However, trade names from several companies can be used. Logos from commercial interests are never permitted on any course materials including presentation slides. Use of company-prepared slides in a CME activity is never permitted. Payments: I have not and will not accept an honorarium, additional payment, or reimbursements except for payments from the CME provider or authorized representative for my participation in this activity. I understand that all payments to me will be made in compliance with the provider’s policy for honoraria and expense reimbursement. Serve the Public Interest: Any selection of topics, instructional content and faculty I select for this CME activity will be done to serve the public interest by improving the quality of healthcare. To the best of my ability, I will not let any personal financial relationships influence this selection process. Content Validation Review: I understand that my CME activity presentation/materials may be prospectively peerreviewed for fair balance and validation of content and may require editing. HIPAA Compliance: I will remove all patient identifiers (name, birth date, address, phone number, etc.) from my presentation materials. I will not use identifiable photographs of patients unless I have obtained written patient permission. ☐ I agree to follow ALL of the above statements. Signature: _________________________________________ Date of Submission: ____________________ 09/2014