Institution Submitting Proposal:
Utah Valley University
Institutional Contact Person Available to Answer Question:
Dr. Ian Wilson, Academic Vice President
College, School or Division in Which the Program/Administrative Unit Will Be
Academic Affairs
Department(s) or Area(s) in Which Program/Administrative Unit Will Be Located:
College of Technology and Computing
Program/Administrative Unit Title:
School of Aviation Sciences
Recommended Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code: __ __ . __ __
__ __
Certificate, and/or Degree(s) to Be Awarded:
Proposed Beginning Date:
July 1, 2012
Institutional Signatures
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: November 2, 2011
Section I: Request
Utah Valley University requests approval to create the School of Aviation Sciences effective July 1, 2012.
Section II: Need
With the recent move to university status, UVU has become uniquely positioned as a premier, careeroriented teaching institution. This is particularly true for the programs in the College of Technology and
Computing, which were reorganized into schools and program units with the transition to university status.
One of those program units, Aviation Science, is unique because of its complexity.
The Aviation Science program contains a traditional academic department offering face to face and online classes to over 1,500 students. Since many of the online students are not residents of Utah, a major portion of the funding for the Aviation Science program comes from non-appropriated finds. The Aviation
Science program also contains a complete flight school with a fleet of over 20 aircraft, five flight simulators, flight instructors, dispatch and maintenance facilities. The program has its own student services and distance education departments because of its location at the Provo airport and the extensive online program.
Current degrees offered in the Aviation Science program include an AAS in Aviation Science and a BS in
Aviation Science with emphases in Aviation Administration and Professional Pilot. The flight school offers courses leading to Private Pilot Certification and prepares students for FAA exams in Commercial Pilot,
Instrument Pilot, Certified Flight Instructor and Multi-Engine.
The purpose of the new School of Aviation Sciences will be to support current and future degrees related to aviation. The current Aviation Science program is too complex to fit the definition of a traditional academic department. An academic department, responsible for degrees, is one of several components in the aviation program. A School of Aviation Sciences would bring together under one structure the disparate units of the current program giving them focused and coordinated leadership.
Section III: Institutional Impact
The units of the current aviation program are housed within the College of Technology and Computing. If the School of Aviation Sciences is created, it is proposed that it be housed in a new College of Aviation and
Public Services. No additional personnel or physical facilities will be required. This change will not impact enrollments in the departments. No additional equipment is needed.
Section IV: Finances
The proposed School of Aviation Sciences is an organizational realignment of the current aviation entities.
There are no new costs associated with this change.