AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL HONORS PROGRAM 2014 - 2015 Global Issues Qingdao No. 9 High School Teacher: Anise Shah E-Mail: 微信: anise_shah Course Description As the world is becoming more interconnected, it is very important to understand the issues plaguing the world’s people. Although global development is advancing many countries and bringing record numbers out of poverty, this growth has a negative impact on some. In this course, you will learn about globalization and current world issues that have been identified as most pressing by world leaders and organizations. This will touch on issues impacting health, education, equality, environment, education and development. We will also discuss why modern technology and changing world attitudes are important to global changes. Required Materials -Teacher will be providing articles and other handouts from a variety of online resources -One A4 sized notebook with lined paper -One A4 binder with transparent sleeves PLEASE NOTE: Electronic and phone translators are NOT allowed in class Course Goals During the next semester, you will learn how to do the following: - Understand and gain awareness of globalization and its effects. - Learn about current world issues and what is being done to resolve them. - Understand how developments in trade and modern technology have helped shape the world economy. - Make connections between energy choices, effect on environment, and world health risks. - Understand current patterns/shifts in worldviews and 21st Century communication. International Academic Alliance 1 AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL HONORS PROGRAM Grading 2014 - 2015 Your final grade will be graded on four categories: Participation 15% of Total Grade Students are expected to contribute in class and in group projects. Students are also expected to speak English while in-class. Students are expected to be on-time every day. Lateness and absence will seriously impact your grade. Quizzes and Assignments 35% of Total Grade Quizzes and assignments will be given regularly to help you practice the skills you have been taught. This includes writing assignments where students will brainstorm, write, and edit their writing multiple times for one grade. Tests 20% of Total Grade Tests will be given to assess your understanding of the material covered. Mid-Terms and Final Exam 30% of Total Grade There will be 2 Mid-Terms and 1 Final Exam this semester. Late Policy Assignments and projects must be completed on time and handed in at the start of class. If an assignment is late, 10% will be deducted from the grade for each day late. Late assignment will not be accepted after 4 days. Plagiarism and Cheating “Plagiarism” means to copy someone else’s work and say it is your own. It is not allowed. Students caught copying or cheating in any way will receive a 0% on the assignment. If you have a question about using someone else’s work and you do not know how to reference it, ask your instructor. International Academic Alliance 2 AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL HONORS PROGRAM Dates 2014 - 2015 Weekly Theme, Materials,& Skills Homework/assignments/quizzes Week 1 March 1-7 Welcome back! Review syllabus and introduce key vocabulary related to globalization and global issues. Week 2 March 8-14 Introduction to globalization and its effects Discuss what globalization is and how it has impacted countries differently. Talk about the benefits and risks. Quiz #1 Week 3 March 15-21 Effects of globalization Continue discussion about globalization. Plan for a quiz at the end of each week and unit and for three larger tests/exams during the semester. Quiz #2 Week 4 March 22-28 Current debates in global changes Week 5 March 29April 4 Geopolitical changes following the Cold War Week 6 April 5-11 Review for Midterm Midterm 1 Week 7 April 12-18 Continue discussion on Cold War Hand back Midterm 1 and do corrections Week 8 April 19-25 Developments in trade impacts on world economy Quiz #3 Quiz #4 Week 9 Modern technology April 26-May 2 impacts on world economy Quiz #5 Quiz #6 Quiz #7 Week 10 May 3-9 Energy and waste choices Quiz #8 Week 11 May 10-16 - Environmental impacts World health risks Quiz #9 Week 12 May 17-23 Review for Midterm Midterm 1 International Academic Alliance 3 AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL HONORS PROGRAM Week 13 May 24-30 Connections between energy choices, effects on environment, and world health risks Hand back Midterm 2 and do corrections Week 14 May 31-June 6 Current patterns/shifts in worldviews Week 15 June 7-13 The role of 21st century communication in global modernization Week 16 June 14-20 Review for Final Exam 2014 - 2015 Quiz #10 Quiz #11 Quiz #12 LAST WEEK OF INSTRUCTION Week 17 June 21-27 Review for Final Exam Final Exam International Academic Alliance 4