All of the 7 leadership positions require the following; 1. Two hours of office hours in the SGA office a week (this is time you can spend doing CK work if there is stuff needed to be done, but it’s mostly needed that someone just be at the desk in case someone has questions for CKP) 2. Everyone is required to lead at least two shifts a month (which requires each leader to get Serv Safe Certified. This is a certification that the club pays for; you pretty much will just take an exam on food safety. if you are a nutrition or dietetics major it will probably prove to be easy, but if you are like me, we have a study guide to go through for a reference. 3. All "coordinators" are required to meet with each other once a week, and all "leaders" are required to meet once a week. We usually had the four coordinators meet at 230 on Wednesdays, and then the rest of the leadership team came at 3:00, and we were done with everything by 4:00 4. Each position has their own specific tasks which are laid out in a binder. Technically there are 7 Leadership Team positions, and four of these seven are considered to be Coordinator Positions. The Coordinator Positions typically require a heavier time commitment then the other three leadership team members, but the Leadership Team as a whole can decide to divvy up responsibilities any way they see best. So all of the following seven positions are of the Leadership Team, but only the top four are "Coordinators", and the bottom three are "Leaders" Membership Coordinator: This is the position is a huge time commitment. Your yearlong role is to work on recruiting new members, contacting existing members, signing people up for shifts, sending out listservs, reserving rooms for monthly membership meetings, and pretty much organizing all of the volunteers for all of the shifts. However, once you figure out who is volunteering what day (and who is leading each shift) it is the responsibility of the specific shift leader to contact their own volunteers. Membership coordinator is also in charge of coordinating meetings, and filling out the monthly paperwork required by the Campus Kitchens National Office. Each month a statistics sheet will be required to be sent into the Nationals office by the Membership Coordinator. Partnership Coordinator: The partnership coordinator is our connection to our community partners. These are the locations we work at (Food shelf, Teen Center, Marche) and any other donors that are involved in our project (if we have an outside food drive, city market donations, funding donations, etc). A big role of the partnership coordinator is communicating with the volunteer sites on what days they need us each (if they have changed from the previous year) and figuring out a replacement for us when CKP can't come to a shift (over school breaks, etc.) The Partnership Coordinator is usually our first line of communication with our partners at the Food Shelf. Garden Coordinator: The Garden Coordinator's roles mostly involve our communication with the Intervale, our summer Garden Intern, and Jeffords storage area. CKP has our own garden which is maintained by an intern throughout the summer and fall. The garden coordinator is responsible for communicating with that intern on when we will be harvesting, what she will harvest, etc. This coordinator also determines different locations and methods of storing the harvest. Another role of the Garden Coordinator is finding the Summer Garden Intern for the following summer. She is also responsible for picking up any donations from the Intervale Farm. The Garden Coordinator is usually CKP’s first line of communication with the partners in the Marche Prep Kitchen. Nutrition Coordinator: The nutrition coordinators job is to coordinate a practicum between sites in need (Boys and Girls Club, Carenet, Joseph's House) and nutrition/dietetics students at UVM. The student teaches cooking and nutrition classes to the clients, and can really impact their lives. Choosing a student and coordinating an opportunity is invaluable experience that looks great on a resume. Another responsibility of the nutrition coordinator could be to use their food safety and health knowledge to try to boost the nutritional content of some of the dishes we serve. Our Nutrition Coordinator is CKP’s strongest link of communication with the Winooski Teen Center. Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for making sure we don't go over our allotted budget. She follows the budget that was created by the previous year’s treasurer, and in turn has to create the budget for next year’s Leadership Team. The treasurer is also one of the two club signers for CKP (along with the Membership coordinator). In order to buy something with the club budget, you would have to go through the club treasurer. She is responsible for all of the CKP UVM financing and is also in charge of setting up a charge account at city market. Out of the "leadership" positions, this is the one that requires the most time commitment besides the four "coordinator" positions above. Secretary: This position is one of the more flexible leadership roles at Campus Kitchens, but an important one. In addition to leading 2-3 shifts per month, the Secretary also takes care of some of the club paperwork. You will need to update the list of volunteers each week on Google Docs, as well as update the Google calendar to post on our website. You will also take meeting minutes to post for the rest of the leadership team to read. Other duties may be reorganizing and taking inventory of the CKP pantry/cooler and helping plan events as needed. Fundraiser: The fundraiser is responsible for making sure CKP UVM raises enough money to be recognized as an SGA club. The fundraiser does this by organizing different fundraising events, which can be put on with the help of the entire leadership team. In the past the main fundraising event was the Battle of the Campus Chef, but the fundraiser can suggest new ideas for any fundraising venture! Public Relations/Social Media: The role of PR is promoting CKP events to the UVM community through social media, posters, and word of mouth advertising to name a few. In this position you are asked to update the Campus Kitchens Facebook and Twitter to include current and future events. Public relations leader takes on a large role in planning and advertising Battle of the Campus Chiefs and the Food Summit in April. You will also need to take a huge role in the upkeep of the new Campus Kitchens webpage.