Ch1 Study Guide - Stephanie Dietterle Webpage

Chapter 1 Study Guide 8th Science
1. What is Science?
a. Key Concepts: Scientists use skills such as observing, inferring, and predicting. Successful
scientists also possess certain attitudes, or habits of mind. Scientific inquiry refers to the
many ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based
the evidence they gather. Unlike a theory, a scientific law describes an observed pattern
in nature, but does not provide an explanation for it.
b. Key Terms: science, observing, inferring, predicting, scientific inquiry, hypothesis,
controlled experiment, variable, manipulated variable, responding variable, data,
scientific theory, and scientific law.
2. The Study of Earth Science
a. Key Concepts: The big ideas of Earth science include the structure of the Earth system,
Earths’ history, and Earth in the solar system. In this book, you will learn about geology,
oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and environmental science. Earth scientists
often use models to represent complex objects or processes.
b. Key Terms: Earth science, system, energy, constructive force, destructive force,
geologist, oceanographer, meteorologist, astronomer, and environmental scientist.
3. The Nature of Technology
a. Key Concepts: The goal of technology is to improve the way people live. Science is the
study of the natural world. Technology, on the other hand, changes, or modifies, the
natural world to meet human needs or solve problems. From the Stone Age thousands
of years ago to the Information Age today, technology has had a large impact on society.
b. Key Terms: technology, and engineer
4. Safety in the Science Laboratory
a. Key Concepts: Good preparation helps you stay safe when doing science activities in the
laboratory. Just as in the laboratory, good preparation helps you stay safe when doing
science activities in the field. When any accident occurs, no matter how minor, notify
your teacher immediately. Then, listen to your teacher’s directions and carry them out
represent complex objects or processes. For example, a weather map is a model that represents Why do
Earth scientists use models and simulations? Earth scientists use models and simulations to weather
conditions in a particular area.
How are science and technology related? Science is the study of the natural world to understand how it
functions, while technology modifies the natural world to meet human needs. Technology is based on
scientific knowledge.
What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law? A scientific theory explains
observations that scientists have made. In contrast, a scientific law states what scientists expect to
happen every time under particular conditions, without attempting to provide an explanation.
How have the new technologies of the Information Age changed the pace of life? Give two examples.
New information technologies have made the pace of life much quicker. For example, microwave ovens
allow preparation of foods in minutes. Computers enable workers to accomplish more tasks in a shorter
time. Cell phones, radios, tv, etc…
Explain why using two manipulated variables in an experiment would not be wise. If an experiment
had two manipulated variables, there would be no way to tell which variable cased the results.
Can Earth’s lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere be considered a system? Explain
using an example. Yes, the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere can be considered a
system because a change in one can produce changes in the others. For example, in the water cycle,
evaporation from the hydrosphere produces changes in the atmosphere – the formation of clouds.
Precipitation then falls onto Earth’s surface, the lithosphere. This causes the surface of the land to wear
What should you do if an accident occurs while you are performing a lab investigation? When an
accident occurs, notify your teacher immediately. Then listen to your teacher’s directions and carry
them out quickly.
Concepts to Consider
 The factor that may change in response to the manipulated variable is called the responding
 The sharing of ideas and experimental findings with others through writing and speaking is
called communicating
 A scientific law is a statement of what scientists expect to happen every time under particular
 A system is a group of parts that work together as a whole
 For your safety, you should never carry out a field investigation alone
 A (n) engineer is a person trained to use both technology and scientific knowledge to solve
practical problems
 A scientist who studies planets in the solar system other than Earth is a astronomer
 An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time is called a(n) controlled
 Scientific inquiry is the process through which scientists study the natural world and propose
explanations based on the evidence they gather
 How people change the world around them to meet their needs or to solve practical problems is
called technology
 A model that imitates something in the real world is called a simulation
 Scientists who study weather and climate are called meteorologists
 Over millions of years, mountains and other features on Earth’s surface are worn away by
destructive forces
 An oceanographer would be most likely to study the hydrosphere
 In an experiment, the one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis is called the
manipulated variable
 A factor that can change in an experiment is called a variable
 A well-tested explanation for a wide range of observations or experimental results is a scientific
 You are inferring when you explain or interpret the things you observe
 A possible explanation for a set of observations or answers to a scientific question is a