References - University of Regina


References for Research Circle, "Community-Engaged Scholarship"

By Mary Hampton, Gloria DeSantis and Kim Zorn, Luther College (Jan. 27, 2015)

For Narrative Inquiry methodology:

Lieblich, A., Tuval-Mashiach, R., & Zilber, T. (1998). Narrative research: Reading, analysis and

interpretation. Thousand Oaks, California: Safe Publications.

For the theory slides:

Carnegie Foundation,

Carroll, William, Ed. (2004). Critical Strategies for Social Research. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars' Press

Cohen, David, Rosa de la Vega, and Gabrielle Watson. (2001). Advocacy for Social Justice: A Global

Action and Reflection Guide. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press Inc. for Oxfam America and Advocacy


Crotty, Michael. (2003). The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research

Process. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

CSAHS Certificate in Civic Engagement, University of Guelph,

DeSantis, Gloria. (2010). Voices from the Margins: Policy Advocacy and Marginalized Communities.

Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 1 (1): 23-45. Available at .

DeSantis, Gloria (2014). Community-based participatory research: Critical reflections about a delicate process of inclusion/exclusion. In Journeys in Community-Based Research, B. Jeffery, I. Findlay, D.

Martz, L. Clarke (Eds.). Regina, SK: UR Press.

DeSantis, Gloria (2015). CES conceptualization: Ideas in transition. Luther College at the University of


Fay, Jeanne. (2003). You Can't Check Your Power and Privilege at the Door: Some Lessons in Post-

Modern Social Justice Coalition-Building. Canadian Review of Social Policy 52: 139-143.

Goulet, Linda (2011). Relationships are Foundational. Presented at Community-Based Health Research

Summer Institute, see Final Report, University of Regina, Regina, K.

Grabb, Edward (2007, fifth ed.). Theories of Social Inequality. Toronto, ON: Nelson/Thomson Canada Ltd.

Guba, Egon, and Yvonna Lincoln. (2005). Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging

Confluences. In N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (pp. 191-

215). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Hicks Peterson, Tessa (2009). Engaged Scholarship: Reflections and Research on the Pedagogy of Social

Change. Teaching in Higher Education 14(5): 541-552.

Jordan, Cathy (Ed. 2007). Community-Engaged Scholarship Review, Promotion & Tenure Package. Peer

Review Workgroup, Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative, Community-Campus

Partnerships for Health.

Kincheloe, Joe, and Peter McLaren. (2005). Rethinking Critical Theory and Qualitative Research. In N.

Denzin and Y. Lincoln (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (pp. 303-342). Thousand

Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Kirby, Sandra, Lorraine Greaves, and Colleen Reid (2006). Experience Research Social Change: Methods

Beyond the Mainstream. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press.

Lincoln, Yvonna, and Egon Guba. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Minkler, Meredith, and Nina Wallerstein, Eds. (2003). Community-Based Participatory Research for

Health. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Reason, Peter, and Hilary Bradbury. (2008). The Sage Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry

and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Sayer, Andrew. (1992). Method in Social Science: A Realist Approach. London, UK: Routledge.

Wenger, Lisa, Linda Hawkins, and Sarena D. Seifer (2012). Community-Engaged Scholarship: Critical

Junctures in Research, Practice, and Policy. Journal of higher Education Outreach and Engagement

16(1): 171-181.
