and to share Jesus Christ.

Sharon Mennonite Church
“Our mission is to know, to worship, to serve,
and to share Jesus Christ.”
September 20, 2015
9:30AM Sunday School Classes –
High school and older meet in the Fellowship Hall
10:30AM Worship Service
Greeters: Dave & Brenda Montgomery
Nursery: Josh & Leanndra Yates
David Hull
Call to Worship
Carole Schumacher
Worship in Song WB 355 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
WB 120 Holy, Holy, Holy
Offertory (General) STJ 14 Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song
God is Our Shepherd
Psalm 23
Testimony Response
Pastor Rick
Cliff Troyer
WB 589 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
STJ 72 One Is the Body
Commissioning of Elder Cliff Troyer
Sharing & Congregational Prayer
Pastor Jared
WB 352 Gentle Shepherd, Come and Lead Us
9:00AM: FUEL Breakfast Fundraiser in the foyer
4:00PM - 6:00PM: Service Opportunity – Meet at the church building to
help move the Myers family. This will take the place of the regularly
scheduled Ignite service. Parents may pick your students up at the church
at 7:30PM. Pizza will be provided for all volunteers. Youth – bring a snack
to share.
This Week’s Calendar
Wednesday, 7:00PM: Annual Members Meeting
8:00PM: Open Gym
Saturday, 7:00AM: Men’s Prayer Breakfast
4:30PM: DNA Community Meal – Volunteer Meeting
Amy will be printing the bulletin on Wednesday this week. Please have all
items to her by Wednesday morning. She will be out of the office
Thursday and Friday.
Next Sunday:
Greeters: Dennis & Babs Graber
Nursery: Jared & Nikki Shoemaker
9:30AM: Special Sunday School Class in the Fellowship Hall for high school
and above. We will be telling Sharon’s History. The Jr. Department will meet
downstairs as usual.
10:30AM: Pastor Rick will be bringing the message with scripture from
John 3:16-17. The offering will be for the General Fund.
Upcoming Events
September 29, 6:30PM: FUEL Youth Planning Meeting
October 1, 6:00PM: Spiritual Leadership Team Meeting
October 2-4, 4:30PM: FUEL MYF Fall Retreat
October 4: Children’s Church & Blood Pressure Screening
October 6, 7:00PM: Christian Education & Missions Committee Meetings
October 7, 7:00PM: Family Church Night
8:00PM: Open Gym
October 8, All Day: Pastor Peer
October 9, 9:00PM: 5th Quarter Youth event
October 14, 7:00PM: Family Church Night
8:00PM: Open Gym
October 28, 7:00PM: Family Church Night Weiner Roast
Today – 9:00AM – Breakfast Fundraiser
4:00PM - 6:00PM: Service Opportunity – Meet at 125 W. South A
Avenue Apt. A,, Plain City to help move the Myers family. This will take
the place of the regularly scheduled Ignite service. Parents may pick
your students up at the church at 7:30PM. Pizza will be provided
for all volunteers. Youth – bring a snack to share.
Upcoming Events
SEP 23, 7:00PM – Annual Members Meeting
SEP 29, 6:30PM – Youth Planning Meeting
OCT 2-4, 4:30PM – Fall Retreat
OCT 7, 7:00PM – Bible Study
OCT 9, 9:00PM – 5th Quarter Youth Event
OCT 14, 7:00PM – Bible Study
OCT 17, 9:00AM-12:00PM – Food Pantry & Sharon Our Meals Delivery
5:00PM – Meet at Sharon to go to Joint Youth Event.
OCT 18, 9:00AM – Breakfast Fundraiser
6:00PM – Ignite Service
OCT 27, 6:30PM – Youth Planning Meeting
OCT 31, Saturday, 5:30PM – Chipotle/Cake Day
Last Sunday’s Worship Service Attendance: 126
Last Sunday’s Sunday School Attendance: 100
Last Sunday’s Missions Fund Offering: $4,233.30
Directory – Joann Myers has a new address. Please update your directories
with the following: 125 W. South Avenue Apt. A, PLAIN CITY, Oh 43064
Phone: (614)406-4534, Email:
Visitation is an important ministry of our congregation. It is a way to care
for each other and help share the love of God with each other. This past
spring we began a visitation team with the desire to reach out in God's love
and support people within the congregation. This happens through personal
visits, phone calls, or sending cards to people. We are continuing to look for
people to part of this team. So, if you have a desire to visit with people, or
support people in the congregation, and would like to be part of this team,
then please contact Bruce Brown or Pastor Rick.
The Annual Members’ Meeting is this Wednesday, August 23 at 7:00PM.
Please check your box for the Annual Finance Report. Other reports, and the
agenda, were distributed last week. If you would like a paper copy of the
reports, please let the office know.
Operation Christmas Child – The older children will be packing shoeboxes
during Children’s Church on Sunday, November 1. We will be taking donations
to fill the boxes and are especially asking for small toys. If you have any
questions, contact Becky Headings or Brenda Montgomery.
Missions Opportunity – Sharon will be providing and serving the DNA
September Community Meal on September 26th. We will need 25-40
volunteers that will be making a meal (250 servings) and serving the meal.
The meal starts at 5:00pm and is typically completely cleaned up by
7:00pm. A handful of volunteers would need to be there by 3 or 3:30
depending on the food choice. All other volunteers would come in time for a
4:30 volunteer meeting. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for
volunteers. Please see Pastor Rick if you have any questions.
Leave or stay? Many Syrian families face that question as international
humanitarian assistance dwindles and the patchwork of resources they used
to rely on wears thin. Your gift of money helps Mennonite Central Committee
continue to provide food, water, rent assistance and winter supplies so
families that decide to stay in the region can survive the cold weather ahead.
Please give online at; by phone at 1-888-563-4676; or by
check, sent to MCC U.S., P.O. Box 500, Akron, PA 17501. Thank you!
Grief Support Group – Reverend Vickie will be hosting a Grief Support
Group, “One Step at a Time,” for those dealing with new loss. Located at
Doctors Hospital, Heritage Center, 5131 Beacon Hill in the Amerine Board
Room, 2nd Fl. Classed held on Tuesdays, 7-9pm for 6 weeks. No fee. For
registration call Vickie at 614-598-3386. Classes begin on Tuesday,
September 22nd. Note the flier on the Health Bulletin Board in the foyer.
Rosedale Bible College will perform Fiddler on the Roof in mid-November
and is inviting the community to participate. Auditions will be held in the RBC
chapel on Thursday, September 17 from 6:00–8:00 (drop-in) and will consist
of cold readings from the script, a short improvisation exercise and singing a
familiar song. You may choose to bring a prepared piece and your own
accompaniment. By appointment, Wednesday, September 23 is an alternate
audition date for those with who cannot make the audition on the 17th– call
740-857-1831 x 101.
Remember in prayers and praise this week
September 20 – 26, 2015
Thought for the week: When we put our problems in God’s hands, He puts
His peace in our hearts.
Rejoice with: Allyson Schleich, Ivan Mast II, Alyssa Miller, Evan Lichtle,
Rachel Snyder, Andrew Waldron, and Jessica Stoner, who celebrate their
birthdays this week.
- Pray for everyone involved in the many ministries taking place in and
around Sharon Church, including leaders, sponsors, teachers and
- Abe Hostetler, Ed & Emma Miller, & Mary Lapp, who are homebound.
- Phyllis Calle, Betty Hostetler, Leona Hostetler, Pat Kuhns, Kim Mayer, Mary
Lapp, Shannon Russell: our family & friends living with cancer, its
treatments and other long term illnesses.
- Brenda Montgomery’s mother passed away. Please keep the family in
prayer for peace and comfort.
- Brandy Kise, passed away unexpectedly on September 1. Please keep the
family in your prayers for peace and comfort during this difficult time.
- David Barlow, Ken Sims’ cousin, was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Please pray for God’s peace and comfort to surround him.
- Betty Hostetler, has started medical treatments. Please keep her in prayer
for strength and comfort.
- Mary Troyer, was taken to Riverside Hospital with breathing difficulties.
Please keep her in prayer for healing.
- Miriam Casey, is suffering from cellulitis. Please keep her in prayer for her
ongoing recovery.
- Kerry & Ian, the Mayer’s daughter and son-in-law, please pray for God’s
guidance and protection as they serve in Yemen.
- Krista Mast, praise for coming through a difficult summer.
- Please continue to be in prayer for our Christian brothers and sisters
around the world who are suffering persecution due to their faith.
Sharon Mennonite Church
7675 Amity Pike, Plain City, OH 43064
Phone # - 873-8290
Fax # - 873-5925
Rick Stoner
Office Hours:
Tues - Fri 9a – 3p
Office Administrator
Amy Waldron
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Friday
Youth Pastor
Jared Chase
Office Hours:
Mon & Wed 12p – 8p
Tues & Thurs 9a – 2:30p
Ken Sims
Tony Miller
Cliff Troyer