provisional incomplete bibliography for power gender paper

Sources Cited
Ahearn, Laura
2001 Language and Agency. Annual Review of Anthropology. 30:109-37
Brown, L. Keith
1966 Dozoku and the Ideology of Descent in Rural Japan. American Anthropologist
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1968 The Content of Dozoku Relationships in Japan. Ethnology 7(2):113-138.
Comaroff, John and Jean Comaroff.
1992 Ethnography and the Historical Imagination. Boulder: Westview Press.
Coopersmith, Jennifer.
2010 Energy, the Subtle Concept: The Discovery of Feynman’s Blocks from Leibniz to
Einstein. Oxford: Oxford University Press,.
Earle, Timothy
1997 How Chiefs Come to Power. Stanford: Stanford U P.
Foucault, Michel
1980 The history of sexuality. New York: Vintage Books.
Geetz Clifford
1973 The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books
Gordon, Andrew
2003 A Modern History of Japan from Tokugawa Times to the Present. Oxford: Oxford UP.
Iwao Sumiko,
1993 The Japanese Woman: Traditional Image and Changing Reality. Cambridge: Harvard
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Kertzer, David. 1988 p. 104 . Rituals, Politics and Power. New haven: Yale UP).
Lakoff, George
1987 Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Lansing J. Stephen, p.130, in Priests and Programmers (1991), Princeton:Princeton University
Lewellen, Ted C. Political Anthropology: An Introduction. 2nd ed. Westport: Bergin and
Garvey. 1992 p. 174
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2005[1974] Power: A Radical View. Houndmills: Palgrave.
Margolis, Diane Rothbard
1989 Considering Women’s Experience: A Reformulation of Power Theory. Theory
and Society 18:387-416.
Marshall, Robert C
2003 The Culture of Cooperation in Three Japanese Worker Cooperatives. Economic
and Industrial Democracy 24(4):543-572.
Nakane, Chie
1967 Kinship and Economic Organization in Rural Japan. London School of Economics
Monographs on Social Anthrpology No. 32. London: Athlone Press.
Plath, David
1964 Where the family of God is the family. American Anthropologist 66:300-317.
Reader, Ian
1995 Japanese Religions: Past and Present. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
Sahlins, Marshall
2014 What Kinship is – And is Not. Chicago: U of Chicago.
Schneider, David
1984 A Critique of the Study of Kinship.Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press.
Smith, Robert J.
1962a Japanese kinship terminology: the history of a nomenclature. Ethnology 1(3):349-58.
1962b Stability in Japanese kinship terminology: the historical evidence. In Robert J. Smith
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Sulkunen, Pekka
2010 Agency and power: The contractual illusion. European Journal of Cultural Studies 13:
495 – 510.
cited 7/28/2014
Discussion Paper 5 in 2006
First published in Electronic journal of contemporary Japanese studies on 3 July 2006
Mariko Tran
Unable or Unwilling to Leave the Nest? An Analysis and Evaluation of Japanese Parasite Single
Holloway, Susan, D. 2010. Women and Family in Contemporary Japan . New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Uno, Kathleen (Women and Changes in the Household Division of Labor, in Recreating
Japanese Women, 1600-1945, ed. , Berkeley, U Cal Press, p. 19:1991)
Weiner, Margaret J.
1995 Visible and Invisible Realms. Power, Magic and Colonial Conquest in Bali. Chicago: U
Chicago Press.
Wolf, Eric
1982 Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley: University of California Press.
1999 Envisioning Power: Ideologies of Dominance and Crisis. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
Wood, Donald
2012 Ogata-mura: Sowing Dissent and Reclaiming Identity in a Japanese Farming Village.
New York: Berghahn Books.