LOI Template by EurO 3 zon

8-Feb-16[Full address of
LoA seeking party]
Dear Dr. Ryckeboer,
We hereby submit a letter of intent to purchase a Letter of Access (LoA) from EurO3zon for the active
substance ozone applicable under EU law, the Biocidal Product Regulation (EU 528/2012). We envisage
that the principal terms of the proposed transactions would be substantially as follows.
We would acquire a Letter of Access for the active substance ozone including the following product
types (PT): PT2, PT4, PT5 and PT11.
As consideration for this, we would provide compensation of [insert total sum here] based on the
country specific LoA pricing as follows:
1 country
3 countries
5 countries
All countries
75,000 Euro
150,000 Euro
225,000 Euro
350,000 Euro
The LoA shall be valid the following countries [insert all required countries here].
We are aware of the fairness clause: If the value of all ordered LoA before the inclusion of ozone into the
EU List of Approved Active Substances is exceeding 2.225 MEUR, all surplus will be paid back and thus
distributed between all LoA-owners. EurO3zon will provide overview of sold LoA every 6 month. The LoA
pricing is valid until 1st of September 2015.
The invoice will be paid in one single payment after closing. I am aware that the LoA will only be issued
by EurO3zon after the full payment was received.
This letter is not an official purchase agreement. All of the terms and conditions of the proposed
transaction would be stated in the Purchase Agreement, to be negotiated, agreed and executed by both
If we are selected as a prospective buyer, we anticipate that from the selection date to the closing will
take no more than 45 days.
[Signature, date, Name]
Document ID: LOI Template by EurO3zon, Rev.1, (04 August 2015)
Instructions to use and additional information
Please send completed letter of intent to:
I.N.P.A. EurO3zon
FOA J. Ryckeboer
Eilandstraat 4
1981 Hofstade
Instructions to use & notes:
There is no option available for deselecting PT groups. The LoA is only offered for all PT together
as shown above.
Please fill in all red marked areas
o Insert your full address, telephone and email and date
o You need to determine the required LoA costs based upon how many countries you are
marketing ozone equipment to or countries where you operate ozone equipment.
o Please sign, date and print your name.
Send this letter of intent to I.N.P.A. EurO3zon.
See also EurO3zon document “Procedure to get a LoA”.
The statements and content supplied here or presented is only provided for the purpose of information
and guidance. This information is provided in good faith and has been based on the best information
currently available. This information is to be relied upon at the user’s own risk. Furthermore this
information does not constitute advice regarding legal or regulatory compliance in any form. You are
solely responsible for obtaining the appropriate legal and/or regulatory advice that is necessary in
making your own evaluation of any legal or regulatory requirements applicable to you or your
organization or company.
Document ID: LOI Template by EurO3zon, Rev.1, (04 August 2015)