Bath and North East Somerset Registration Service Annual Report 2013/2014 & Service Delivery Plan 2014/15 (April 2014) Here to mark the important events in your life. 1 CONTENTS Introduction by Superintendent Registrar Registration District of Bath and North East Somerset – Officers and Opening Hours 1. Aims of Bath & North East Somerset Registration Service 2. Where We Are Now - year ended 31 March 2014 3. Service Delivery 4. Team members 5. Performance Monitoring and Service Standards 6. Business Plan Vision 7. Objectives 8. Standards and Performance 9. Accounting and Stock Control 10. Suggestions and Complaints Procedures 11. Equality Issues EIA’s 12. Risk Assessments 13. Business Continuity Plan 2 Introduction by Superintendent Registrar and Mission Statement Mission Statement ‘The Registration Service Team is committed to providing a comprehensive, accessible service for the people of Bath & North East Somerset. We are here to mark the important events in your life by providing a first class customer experience.’ This plan sets out how Bath & North East Somerset Registration Service is organised and how we measure and achieve goals to comply with local governance objectives. It covers achievements and challenges within the service in 2013/14 and our plans for the Service for 2014/15. As with all other Council services in the current economic climate, the Registration Service cannot afford to stand still. We need to provide value for money. We must be innovative in our approach to the future – be prepared to diversify and seek out new services to offer. We need to train and develop our staff in the interests of the service and the individual. We strive to ensure that the standards within our statutory work remain consistently high. We establish and monitor how we are delivering the service by the use of Key Performance Indicators which set the standards required by the General Register Office for England and Wales pertaining to the timely and accurate registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, waiting times for clients and client satisfaction. We hold regular monthly minuted team meetings (second Wednesday of every month) to discuss ideas on how to improve our functionality using ‘SMART’ principles to assess and assimilate information received from our clients, via the customer comments cards, comments from the website and annual customer surveys. Discussion also take place on national developments and changes highlighted in the circulars produced by the General Register Office on how to deliver any changes or potential changes in law regarding the statutory services we provide. All staff are encouraged to attend these meetings and Minutes are produced and distributed to every member of the team to keep them up to date with the topics covered and discussed. The team work hard to ensure the service is a success. We have regular inhouse training sessions to ensure all staff are fully compliant with the changing demands of registration. We hold regular brain-storming sessions to work out ways to improve how we function as a service and assess and assimilate information from customer feedback and customer surveys to improve or amend our delivery. We look at ways to add to the services offered and strive towards proving an exceptional service to our local community in these challenging times. 3 We have identified areas of development to work on over the next three years to make the Service as self-sufficient and self-funding as possible. Ultimately, we aim to have Bath and North East Somerset Registration District nationally recognised for the quality of service it provides and the to be acknowledged as innovative in its approach to introduce new services for the benefit of the local community. Alison Manning Registration Services Manager/Superintendent Registrar 4 Bath and North East Somerset Council Registration District of Bath and North East Somerset MARRIAGES and CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS To give notice of marriage or civil partnership consult the Superintendent Registrar DISTRICT Bath and North East Somerset SUPERINTENDENT REGISTRAR Mrs A F MANNING Deputy Superintendent Registrars: Mrs J PERKINS Mrs C AZE REGISTER OFFICE The Guildhall High Street Bath BA1 5AW Tel: 01225 477234 Fax: 01225 477293 Additional Registrars: Mrs J NAISH Mrs B JOHNSTONE Mr J HALL ATTENDANCES Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Wednesdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Wednesday evenings Notices of Marriage by appointment 5.00 pm to 7.30 pm REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS To register a birth or death consult the Registrar for the sub-district in which the birth or death occurred SUB-DISTRICT Bath and North East Somerset REGISTRARS Mrs H THOMAS Mrs C ASHLEE Mrs L DURSTON Mrs A WALSHE HEAD OFFICE The Guildhall High Street Bath BA1 5AW ATTENDANCES Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Wednesdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Tel: 01225 477234 Fax: 01225 477293 Mrs S SIMPSON The Hollies High Street Midsomer Norton Tel: 01225 396545 Fax: 01225 396543 Wednesdays & Fridays 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Thursdays 9.00 am to 12.00 noon Please note attendance is by appointment only Note: If it is more convenient particulars of a BIRTH or DEATH may be given to ANY Registrar who will pass this on to the Registrar for the sub-district in which the birth or death occurred. CERTIFICATES OF BIRTH, DEATH AND MARRIAGE, To obtain a certificate of a recent birth or death, consult the Registrar for the sub-district in which the birth or death occurred. To obtain a certificate of any other birth, death, marriage or civil partnership, consult the Superintendent Registrar for the district in which the event occurred. More detailed information may be obtained from the Superintendent Registrar or from the Registrars NOTICE TO MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS: By the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953, the duty is imposed on the Registered Medical Practitioners to deliver Medical Certificates of Cause of Death forthwith to the Registrar April 2014 5 1. Aims of the Registration Service within England and Wales 1.1 The Register Office is required to provide a statutory registration service for Births, Stillbirths and Deaths. To undertake Notices of Marriage and Civil Partnership; to provide celebration ceremonies for Marriages and Civil Partnerships; to issue duplicate birth, death, marriage and civil partnership certificates and to conduct British Citizenship ceremonies. 1.2 The Registration Service also provides non statutory services which include the Nationality Checking Service, the Settlement Checking Service, a change of Name Service, Naming and Adoption celebratory ceremonies, and Renewal of Vows and Commitment ceremonies. We also undertake the Tell Us Once Service for birth and death registrations. In October 2013 we introduced the Nationality Checking Service (NCS) in North Somerset on behalf of our neighbouring authority, who until this time had been unable to offer this service to their residents. We offer NCS appointments on Mondays and work out of North Somerset’s Clevedon Offices. Uptake has been slow but we are hoping that business with grow and expand over the next year. Progress will be reviewed again in six months time. 1.3 ‘Tell Us Once’ (TUO) continues to be a valued service to our customers. The principle behind TUO is to provide an easily accessible service developed to take away some of the strain placed on informants by informing numerous departments both nationally and within the council about the death or birth. This has proved extremely popular and successful for informants attending a death registration. The uptake however for births continues to be low with less than 40% of parents accessing the service. Those however who have accessed the TUO system are very happy to have the child benefit forms sent off on their behalf. Tell Us Once not only saves time and effort for our clients but also potentially saves the council thousands of pounds per annum in administration costs. 1.4 The Register Office continues with its commitment to income generation as a means of maintaining self-sufficiency, thereby making a direct contribution to the reduction to the overall costs of the Directorate. The Register Office embraces the ‘Good Practice Guide’ which contains guidelines laid down by the General Register Office to put the customer first as the key component of the service. Measuring achievement against this guide provides an excellent way of understanding where we are in terms of delivery; what needs to be improved and how this can be achieved. 1.5 Over the last two years we have been focussing on four main areas of market development: Establishing the value of the Registration Service to Bath and North East Somerset Council, residents and the local economy. Introducing evening ceremonies which appeal to venues who due to their business model are unable to offer weddings during normal working hours such as museums and galleries. 6 Promoting BANES registration in a way that will have greater appeal to couples from outside the district mainly through our collaboration with BathTourism Plus via enhanced use of web based promotion tools and rebranding the service as ‘Bath Weddings’. Focussing resources on attracting new venues to provide more choice for couples and developing closer working relationships with existing venues. We have achieved this final development by extending the role of one of our Deputy Superintendent Registrar’s to become the Approved Premises Liaison Officer. She provides regular contact with all Approved Premises, providing ceremony statistics, suggesting marketing and promotional ideas and helping prospective new venues with the application licensing process (which has been simplified and revamped to make it more user friendly). She is also instrumental in assisting in the initial stages of developing their ceremony business. 2. Where Registration is now - nationally 2.1 The future of the National Registration Service is frequently the subject of considerable debate at national level. There are proposed changes to the licensing of ‘faith’ celebrants which may impact greatly on the service throughout England and Wales. There is already considerable competition from independent celebrants to the ceremonies we can offer and this will increase significantly if the bill passes through Parliament in January 2015. 2.2 On 29 March 2014 we welcomed the introduction of Same Sex Marriages. Whilst a popular option for same sex couples, this in turn has brought into question the relevance of civil partnerships. There is currently a national consultation taking place on whether civil partnerships will remain as they are, be extended to include hetro-sexual couples or be abolished completely. With a possible time restraint set for couples to convert their current civil partnership to a same sex marriage. The conversion process for those already in civil partnerships will be introduced later in 2014 but a decision on the future of civil partnerships may not become clear until well into 2015. What we have achieved and where we are now 2.3 2013/14 has been a challenging year for the Service. We have seen some of our Approved Premises close due to the economic downturn or decide to simply offer receptions rather than the whole ceremony package. We were dealt a heavy blow in early April 2013 when Chewton Place, a very popular venue close to Keynsham decided that they would stop hosting wedding ceremonies. We lost 35 bookings for this venue. This had a significant impact on our revenue costing the service close to £14,000 which has impacted on our service budget. 7 2.4 Since its introduction in October 2012 the service has experienced reasonable uptake in demand for evening ceremonies. Whilst this is not such a popular option for our hotels, we have seen the Pump Room (Roman Baths) and the Guildhall increase their bookings. We now regularly conduct early evening ceremonies at both venues, and we are looking to expand this service during 2014/15. 2.5 For the past year we have been working in collaboration with BathTourism Plus – our marketing partner, to promote Bath and North East Somerset as a wonderful location for marriages and civil partnerships. This marketing work was undertaken as the result of a survey of civil ceremonies conducted by this office throughout 2012 which established that 62% of the civil ceremonies undertaken in Bath and North East Somerset were for couples who resided outside of the district. This is a potential growth area and we are convinced will prove beneficial to the Council and local economy by bringing additional revenue to local businesses in particular photographers, florists, hotels, and other wedding and accommodation venues. ‘Bath Weddings’ will provide an enhanced service to couples planning a ceremony with us. This includes offering more choice and input into their ceremony including information on how, when and where they met. We plan to have each couple meet with their Registrar prior to the date of the ceremony, and where required, for an additional fee, offer the possibility of a rehearsal. Competition from independent celebrants is increasing and with the possible change in law in January 2015 to enable ‘faith’ celebrants to become licensed to conduct legal marriages, the service must evolve to ensure that we can provide a cost effective, professional and enhanced service to our prospective couples to remain competitive in the emerging market. As a service we are very excited about the prospect of both expanding our business through these new marketing measures and meeting the new challenges ahead. 2.6 In July 2013 one of our Deputy Superintendent Registrars, Mrs Cindy Aze, submitted an entry into the 10 in 100 Project which the Council was promoting. The aim of this project was to facilitate and take forward 10 ideas submitted by staff to be completed within 100 days. Cindy’s suggestion of a concentrated drive to increase the number of venues licensed as Approved Premises was one of 10 selected out of a total of over 120 ideas submitted and was successfully completed in December 2013. Four new premises became licensed for ceremonies and a further 5 are planning to become licensed in 2014. This project not only helped raise the profile of the Registration Service within the Council but also enabled us to create a modern, informative leaflet aimed at prospective businesses outlining the licensing process. We reviewed and simplified the licensing forms and created an Approved Premise Liaison Officer post which Cindy has agreed to undertake as part of her duties. The purpose of this post is to provide a named person who will assist and support 8 new premises as they go through the licensing process; helping them with marketing suggestions and visiting each venue on a regular basis. This has been a very successful venture and has now also been extended to all of our existing premises to provide them with additional help and support. As a result of this Cindy is to receive an Employee Excellent Award from the Council at a presentation on 30 April 2014. The introduction of an Approved Premise Liaison Manager has also been acknowledged by the General Register Office for England and Wales and is due to be added to the Good Practice section of their website in the near future. It has also been shortlisted for an innovation award at the National LRSA (Local Registration Service Association) conference to be held on 23 April 2014 in Birmingham. 2.7 Unfortunately during 2013/14 we did experience a knock on effect of the economic down-turn with a dip in the number of ceremonies taking place, falling from 956 wedding and civil partnerships in 2012/13 to 820 in 2013/14. Some couples stated the fact it was 2013 caused them to delay booking their ceremony until 2014, but of course losing several venues including Chewton Place had a significant impact on these figures. We also found a marked increase in cancellations for the Alkmaar Room in the Guildhall. Out of a total of 221 cancellations throughout the year 137 cancellations were for the Alkmaar Room. We of course are housed within a beautiful building but this particular ceremony room had become ‘tired’. It is currently undergoing some refreshment with new soft furnishings and floral displays and is also on the Property Services list for redecoration within the next calendar year On a more optimistic note, ceremony bookings this year seem to be showing an increase with 620 bookings having been made to date. This compares favourrably when measured against the figures recorded in April 2013, when we had secured fewer than 500 bookings. 3. Service Delivery 3.1 Bath & North East Somerset is a unitary authority with a population of approximately 178,000 The boundaries of Bath and North East Somerset registration district and sub-district are coterminous with those of Bath and North East Somerset District Council. (list of council parishes attached at Annexe A).The population is predicted to grow significantly up to 2025 as the Council has been tasked with providing a further 18,500 homes by that date. This growth in population will impact on the Registration Service in terms of an increase in service demand estimated to be in the region of 10% during the same period. The postal address for the Register Office and the sub-district Head Office is The Guildhall, High Street, Bath, BA1 5AW and we are open to the general public from 0900 to 1600 hrs on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9 and from 1000 hrs to 1930 hrs on Wednesday evenings to facilitate late appointments for notices of marriage and civil partnership. An appointment system is operated for all registrations, although there is the facility to see walk in clients every day. A Registration Office is also located at The Hollies, Midsomer Norton. This office is open 09.00 to 16.00 on Wednesday and Friday of each week plus 09.00 to 12.00 on Thursdays. The contact telephone number to make an appointment with Register Office staff for both offices is: 01225 477234. 3.2 The District currently has 33 venues licensed for marriages and civil partnerships and we are continually working to increase this number. We have lost several important venues due to the economic downturn; however, due to the 10 in 100 project undertaken this year we have recently licensed The Royal Victoria Park, Greenpark Brasserie, Harptree Court (the home of The Great British Bake-off television cookery show) and The Pig near Bath. The Francis Hotel has also re-licensed after several years of not holding a licence. 3.4 Permanent Staff: The Superintendent Registrar/Registration Services Manager (principal officer) heads up the team for the district and is assisted by a full time Deputy Superintendent Registrar and a part time Deputy Superintendent Registrar. Due to retirements, flexible retirement reduction in working hours, and reduction in hours following maternity leave the service will significantly change in appearance over the next two months. As of June 2014 there will be 7 Principal Registrar posts, equating to 4.5 whole-time equivalent posts. There are 2 part-time Additional Registrars. The General Office team will be staffed by 1 full-time Office Supervisor/Deputy Registrar, one full-time Deputy Registrar (post currently vacant) and 4 part time Deputy Registrars. We also employ one part-time financial assistant and 1 part-time administrative assistant. 3.5 Casual Staff: We have a team of 14 Casual Deputy Registrars who, in addition to being part of the weekend ceremony team, also provide cover as and when required in the office to cover holiday or sickness absence. 3.6 The website provides further information for the public on emergency registration requirements as well as general information regarding the services provided during normal working hours. It also contains a comprehensive list of all approved premises with links to their websites and there is a web virtual tour of the Guildhall ceremony rooms. Suggestion cards are available at all contact points to enable customers to give us their views and comments. Also pre-printed Customer Satisfaction Survey forms are available on the website and within each office, for clients’ comments. 3.7 Currently the accommodation within the Guildhall comprises of a Register Office (the Superintendent Registrar’s office), a Deputy Superintendent Registrar’s Office, 4 Registrars’ offices, the Strong Room (situated in the basement area of the Guildhall), the Russell Room which is 10 used for small ceremonies, the Alkmaar Room which can accommodate up to 120 people and hosts larger wedding parties, a Reception area, the General Office and the Nationality Checking/Settlement Checking Services office. There are two adequate waiting areas and access to a baby changing area within the female public toilets in the building. The Registrar’s Office in The Hollies in Midsomer Norton is situated on the lower ground floor with staircase and lift access for customers. Public toilet and baby changing facilities are also situated on this floor. The offices are fully computerised and networked with each Registrar having their own computer, printer and telephone connection. The General Office has individual workstations for the clerical staff with computers. All staff in the General Office access two printer stations. In addition there are three photocopiers, one in the General Office, one in the NCS room and one in the Deputy Superintendents’ Office. The fax machine is sited in the General Office. 4. Team members Staff in Post at 31 March 2014 including duties: Key: FT = full time PT = part time CR = Casual Registrar – working as required Name Alison Manning Julia Perkins Cindy Aze Hilary Thomas Anna Walshe Sheila Morris Sharon Simpson Lesley Durston Carole Ashlee Jonathan Hall 11 Position Registration Services Manager/Superintendent Registrar (FT) Assistant Registration Services Manager (FT) Assistant Registration Services Manager (PT) Registrar A (FT) and Training Officer Registrar B (FT) maternity leave until 12/06/2014 Registrar C (retired 28/3/14 post vacant) Registrar D (PT) Registrar E (PT) took flexible retirement on 17/3/14 job share post vacant Registrar F (PT) Senior Registration Officer/Additional Registrar (FT) Jacqui Naish Bridie Johnstone Jeanette Bokacz Bernadette Evans Annette Tutton Lisa Young Andrea Kelly Kate Moore Alison Angel Barbara Bowater Shirley Clarke Helen Hatton Anne May Celia Mosley Sue Rhodes Graham Russell Julie Stevens Rachael Stone Shirley Tucker Jeremy Letherbarrow Michelle Courtney Pam Davies 12 Senior Registration Officer/Additional Registrar AR1 (PT) Senior Registration Officer/Additional Registrar AR2 (PT) Senior Registration Officer Deputy Registrar (PT) Deputy Registrar (PT) Deputy Registrar (PT) Administrative Assistant (PT) & Casual Deputy Registrar Financial Assistant & Casual Deputy Registrar (PT) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Superintendent Registrar/Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) Casual Deputy Registrar (CR) 5. Performance Monitoring and Service Standards 5.1 Services Provided 2013/14 Bath and North East Somerset Registration District completed: Births Deaths Still Births Notices of Marriage & Civil Partnership Marriages & Civil Partnerships Registrar General’s Licence Non- statutory ceremonies British Citizenship Archived Certificates reproduced Changes of Name 4117 2425 18 1190 820 1 23 217 3111 29 In addition to endeavouring to meet statutory requirements, and the standards within the Good Practice Guide, the Council also continues to drive forward the provision of a customer focussed and cost effective service. 6.0 Business Plan Vision – What we hope to achieve As per the Superintendent Registrar’s report there are a number of developments planned for the service some will be completed within the next financial year, others will be rolled out and will continue to be worked towards during the coming three years. These opportunities include: 6.1 Working alongside neighbouring districts sharing expertise and knowledge across certain aspects of our work. We have already commenced this work with North Somerset Council via a Service Level Agreement (SLA) by introducing the Nationality Checking Service. Although this is a relatively small venture, there may be other areas of opportunity to develop and explore in partnership with neighbouring districts. 6.2 Complete the refurbishment of the Alkmaar Room in the Guildhall which is our main ceremony room. 6.2 In June 2014 we are hoping to welcome an Apprentice from the YMCA Apprenticeship scheme. They will be employed full-time in the general office and learn all the skills required of an administrative assistant and deputy registrar whilst placed with us. They will have the opportunity to train as a Deputy Registrar and will be given access to the online facility on the IPS website to improve their service knowledge level. 6.3 In October 2014 the Service will be extended to the new Council building in Keynsham and a Registrar will work out of that office on 2 or 3 days each week. This is a welcome development and something we have 13 been pushing to achieve for the last 5 years. This new service will be manned by current staff. There are no plans to increase staff levels at this time. 6.4 Further develop our marketing strategies with BathTourism Plus on to encourage more people to consider Bath and its surrounding area as a desirable location for their ceremony and to promote the celebratory services we can offer in this district. The Council is also exploring the possibility of employing a Humanist Celebrant whose services will sit alongside those of the Registration Service, offering more choice to clients. 6.3 We will continue to actively encourage more venues to licence to become Approved Premises through the work being undertaken by our Approved Premises Liaison Officer. 6.5 We are still waiting to introduce on-line payments and bookings for some of the services we offer. There are however some central financial department issues to be resolved before we will be in a position to do this. Challenges: The need to counter the general public’s perceptions of the civil, secular ceremonies conducted by the Registration Service as being inflexible, impersonal and ultilitarian. Negative images created by other less progressive Registration Services. Mis-representation by other some secular or faith celebrants as to what a couple can expect from a ceremony conducted by a Registrar. The need to anticipate and prepare for proposed changes in law with regards to licensing ‘faith’ celebrants to conduct legal ceremonies. 7.0 Objectives 7.1 Customer Care Maintain an open relationship and dialogue with the Coroner’s Service. With our neighbouring districts of Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset, we have introduced regular meetings with the Coroner to work together to standardise practices in each district to provide continuity to the Coroner’s officers who work with us. This has also meant a change in approach for our staff who now regularly chase up informants for contact details so that we can let them know as quickly as possible when they will be able to register their loved ones death on receipt of the paperwork from the Coroner. We take on board all the suggestions and or complaints received into the office via text, cards, letters completion of suggestion cards, and client questionnaires and publicise the results of the surveys in our annual report. 14 Ensure Tell Us Once part 2 is offered to everyone registering a death or birth. Undertake Tell Us Once Part 1 as per General Register Office guidelines for all registrations of deaths and births. 7.2 Staff Development Ensure that all staff are multi skilled and inspected on a regular basis. The modular training programme which has been introduced on the IPS website has been shared with staff and they are being encouraged to complete the modules which, when the test is sat at the end of each module they can print out a certificate of competency which adds to their own personal development file. A new training officer has been appointed to the district who will oversee all classroom and online training for all staff including regular technical assessments. Two members of staff will be put forward to undertake the new nationally accredited Registrar General’s programme for registration officers when it is rolled out in September 2014. The course must be completed within two years. 7.3 Performance Management Monitor and where necessary improve the KPI’s for the service using the ‘Good Practice Guide’ as a baseline for development. The service has recently undergone three audits – two conducted by the General Register Office - the first in October 2012 covering technical competency within the Superintendent Registrars area of expertise and the second conducted in March 2013 covering Secure Stock for the whole of the Service. The third audit was conducted by the Council’s own Audit Department during October/November 2013. Whilst all three reviews showed the service to be working to a very good level; each in some way enabled us to look more closely at practices within the service and helped us to develop more robust systems to ensure we work more safely, effectively and competently. 7.4 Finance In addition to the council’s Agresso system, we continue to use manual daily cashing up processes. These were reviewed during the council audit in October 2012 and suggestions taken on board and implemented to provide more robust monitoring. On-line payment practices are expected to be implemented shortly as part of the Council’s finance development plans. 7.5 IT Look at the possible extension of on-line booking for hospital staff to access the system, and book in clients for appointments. Possibly do a trial run with funeral directors so they can book directly into the Midsomer Norton office. If this is successful it will be rolled out over all of the district. 15 8. Standards and Performance 8.1 The Service is fully committed to striving to attain all Key Performance Indicators set by the General Register Office. There remain areas of under performance around the timely registration of deaths, and we continue to work with the local coroner’s department to try to improve this area of under-achievement. We have fully investigated in service practice, availability of appointments and our processes regarding contacting informants. All of which lead us to believe that circumstances outside of our control are impacting greatly on this area of registration. Delays in coroner’s reports coming through, informants delaying registering as burials can now take place on interim certificates and the delay in issue of Med Certs by hospital doctors are all impacting on our ability to register in a timely fashion. 8.2 As required by GRO an annual self-assessment must be carried out against the KPIs and GPG and a return submitted by 30 April annually. The submission for 2013/14 has been sent to the General Register Office on 25 April 2014. 8.3 To ensure the service is meeting this target the Registration Service Management team (comprising the RSM/SR, and two Deputy SRs) and take appropriate action as and when necessary to maintain or improve the standards required. 8.4 The Management team will undertake a programme of monitoring for all registration staff to ensure that their standard of work remains high and meets the statutory requirements. This will cover technical inspections and spot checks on cashbooks and secure stock. 8.5 The Registration Service Manager will also be responsible for monitoring the KPIs required by the Registrar General. 9. 9.1 Accounting and Stock Control Bath and North East Somerset Registration Service has one Strong Room located in the basement of the Guildhall with individual fire proof cabinets situated in each office. Current stock which is in use is held within each Registrar’s fireproof cabinet within their office. These cabinets are kept locked at all times and there is restricted access to both the cabinets and the Registrars individual offices. Access to each office can only be achieved by a punch code or swipe entry system. 9.2 Registrars transfer completed register pages into their registers at the completion of each registration. 9.3 Disposal certificates are clearly annotated as to the address the Part C should be returned to and each registrar holds and checks 16 their own counterfoils. Each Registrar is accountable for their secure stock and keep their records of all stock up to date on an Excel spreadsheet. They record stock on the system on receipt, ensuring all certificates ordered have been received, checking serial numbers of each pack of certificates, and again individual certificate checks when the book of certificates is taken into use. Spot checks are conducted by an SR/DSR with the responsible Registrar to ensure all stock held in the Strong Room has been accounted for. This system was introduced on suggestion by the inspecting officer during the secure stock inspection in 2013. 9.4 Each Registrar maintains a manual cash book using the current GRO cashbook as a model. This is completed at the end of each working day. All monies are banked as per the current Council system. This is due to change in 2014 with the introduction of electronic banking. 9.5 The RSM/SR also currently maintains a manual cash book using the GRO cashbook as a model. This is completed daily. In addition to this the RSM/SR also maintains a record for the receipt of fees regarding Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Citizenship fees, Nationality Checking Service, Settlement Checking Service, Change of Name Deed and other non statutory services both in paper format and on the Council’s Agresso accounting system. All monies received by the Registration Service are credited to separate ledger accounts which can then be used to balance and monitor each of these areas. 9.6 An annual return is made to GRO to monitor the secure stock issued and retained and this remains part of standard procedures for all statutory officers. The RSM/SR return was submitted in January 2014, principal officers submissions to be made by 30 April 2014. All other financial arrangements, cash handling, banking and monitoring procedures have been recently audited by the Council Audit Section. 10. Suggestions and Complaints Procedures 10.1 Bath and North East Somerset Council has a corporate policy on both feedback and complaints which can be found on the Council website. When a complaint is received into the service it will initially be investigated and responded to by the RSM/SR. If the complainant is unhappy with the outcome the Proper Officer will review and respond. If the complainant is still dissatisfied this can be taken to Stage 3 of the formal complaints procedure and finally an appeal can be made to the Local Government Ombudsman. During 2013/14 no formal written complaints were received by the Registration Service. 17 Suggestions are welcomed in the Registration Service and customer comment cards are available within the Register Office for anyone wishing to comment on any aspect of the service they have received. All comments are reviewed by the Service Management team and acted upon where appropriate. In addition to this the Service runs an annual customer satisfaction survey results in Annex B of this report and a printed year round survey form (also available in electronic format on the website) is available for customers to give feedback. Letters and cards of thanks are kept in a plaudits file within the office. 11. Equality Issues – Equality Impact Assessments 11.1 All equality issues have been assessed and Impact statements entered on to the Council’s corporate EIA register. 12. Risk Assessments 12.1 All risks are re-assessed quarterly on Council’s corporate Risk Assessment Register. 13. Business/Service Continuity Plans 13.1 The Service has an overarching business continuity plan which links into the Council’s main business continuity plan. Copies are held by the Proper Officer, Council Emergency Department, The Superintendent Registrar, the Registrar based at The Hollies in Midsomer Norton and by the Property Services Manager for the Guildhall. This is reviewed regularly and was last updated in April 2014. 18 Annex A 19 Bath Bathampton Batheaston Bathford Bathwick Bishop Sutton Burnett Cameley Camerton Carlingcott Charlcombe Chelwood Chew Magna Chew Stoke Chewton Keynsham Claverton Claverton Down Clutton Combe Down Combe Hay Compton Dando Compton Martin Corston Dunkerton East Harptree Englishcombe Fairfield Park Farmborough Farrington Gurney Freshford Hallatrow High Littleton Hinton Blewett Hinton Charterhouse Hunstrete Inglesbatch Kelston Keynsham Kingsmead Kingsway Lambridge Langridge Lansdown Lower Swainswick Lyncombe Vale Marksbury Midford Midsomer Norton Monkton Combe Nempnett Thrubwell Newbridge Newton St Loe North Stoke Norton Maireward Odd Down Oldfield Park Paulton Peasedown St John Priston Poblow Radstock St Catherine Saltford Shoscombe South Stoke Southdown Stanton Drew Stanton Prior Stony Littleton Stowey Stowey Sutton Swainswick Temple Cloud Timsbury Tunley Twerton Ubley Upper Swainswick Walcot Warleigh Wellow West Harptree Westmoreland Weston, Bath Whitchurch Whiteway Widcombe Woollard Woolley