OIE Collaborating Centre Reports Activities in 2012 Title of Collaborating Centre: Address of Collaborating Centre: OIE Collaborating Centre for Zoonoses of Asia‐Pacific Harbin Veterinary Research Institute , No 427 Maduan Street Nangang District, Harbin, China Tel.: +86-189-4606-6220 Fax: +86-451-5199-7164 e-mail address: website: zj@hvri.ac.cn www.hvri.ac.cn Name of Director of Institute (Responsible Official): Kong Xiangang Name (including Title and Position) of Head of the Collaborating Centre (formally OIE Contact Point): Wang Xiaomei Name (including Title and Position) of writer of this report (if different from above) Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 Deputy Director of HVRI Zhang Jing Scientific Management and International Cooperation Department 1 Zoonoses of Asia-Pacific Summary of activities specifically related to the mandate of OIE Collaborating Centres 1. Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of techniques within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE In July, the OIE Biological Standard Commission accepted a request to confirm HVRI as an OIE Collaborating Centre, signed by Dr Bernard Vallat, Director General of the OIE. The Collaborating Centre conducted the research on animal influenza, rabies, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile viruses, Nipah virus, Rift Valley fever, and other viral zoonoses, Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, Salmonellosis, Erysipelas and other bacterial zoonoses, protozoal disease, tick-borne transmission disease and other zoonoses caused by parasites. Animal Influenza: Four big scales of avian influenza surveillance were conducted in live poultry markets in several provinces in China. The swine influenza virus surveillance and epidemiological projects were also performed in mainland China. For the vaccine development, we updated the H5 avian influenza inactivated vaccine as Re-6 instead of Re-5. A cell based new inactivated vaccine was authorized and commercialized in 2012. H9 avian influenza viruses which circulated in Egypt were analysed and the Egypt special used vaccine candidate virus was evaluated. We evaluated the cellular immune response level of H5 avian influenza DNA vaccine vaccination in chickens. Recombinant duck enteritis virus based avian influenza vaccine was systematically evaluated on commercial ducks, and trials on chickens also confirmed its efficacy as a valuable vaccine in chickens. Rabies: Recombinant NDV vectored Rabies vaccine was proven to be highly safe and effective. The laboratory evaluation and pilot production of the vaccine had completed. The novel recombinant CDV vectored rabies vaccine as a bivalent vaccine for CDV and RV was proven to be highly effective, the protection of the vaccine could reach up to at least 1 year Nipah: For the deadly hemoragic zoonotic infectious diseases, such as Nipah, Rift valley, Lassa, Ebola, by using recombinant NDV and VSV as vactors, these vaccines were successfully developed, among them, the recombinant NDV vectored Nipah vaccines were proven to be highly safe and could induce high level and long lasting neutralizing antibodies in pigs. Japanese Encephalitis: The recombinant NDV and JEV vectored WNV vaccines were constructed. the lab evaluation of the vaccines are on-going. We established an efficient cell lines expressing platform with transgenic technology. Based on the cell lines expressing platform we constructed and selected some BHK cell lines which could stably expressing virus-like particles of Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus and other members of the flavivirus respectively. Brucellosis: M5-90-26, a B.melitensis vaccine strain which deleted bp26 gene, confers good immune protection. It was evaluated in mice, sheep and goats according to current international criteria. M5-90-26 maintained moderate residual virulence and good protective efficacy. These results indicate that strain M5-90 is a promising vaccine against brucellosis. Tuberculosis: About 1500 throat swabs and corresponding serum samples were collected from Liaoning and Heilongjiang at present. Serological and cultural analyses were carried out on 15318 bovine serum samples and 417 suspected lung samples from Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other key provinces in China. Salmonellosis: A novel attenuated vaccine has been constructed by deleting three genes of Salmonella enteritidis, the LD50 of this strain exhibited a greater than 103-fold attenuation compared with that of the wildtype, indicating that it might be a potential and promising live Salmonella vaccine candidate in poultry. Toxoplasmosis: Toxoplasmosis vaccines compatible for cat are under development. 2. 2 Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of international regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases, food safety or animal welfare Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 Zoonoses of Asia-Pacific National standard in China: Isolation and Identification of Swine influenza Detection of Swine Influenza HI antibody RT-PCR Assay of Swine Influenza A competitive ELISA method for detection of Brucella Antibody in sera was developed, based on monoclonal antibody, which can avoid most the false positive reaction due to some other gram negative bacteria. PCR and ELISA kits for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) were developed. 3. Networking a) Maintenance of a network with other OIE Collaborating Centres designated for the same specialty, and During 2012, the institute maintained the collaborative relationships with the OIE-CC for ELISA and Molecular Techniques in Animal Disease Diagnosis and the OIE-CC for Surveillance and Control of Animal Protozoan Diseases. b) Should the need arise, maintenance of a network with Collaborating Centres in other disciplines The institute and the OIE-CC for ELISA and Molecular Techniques in Animal Disease Diagnosis and other scientific facilities had drafted a proposal for the seventh framework programme of EU. Our CC and OIE-CC for Surveillance and Control of Animal Protozoan Diseases are planning to carry out parasite study cooperation and to develop a research projects jointly. 4. Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE Dr Chen Hualan participated in the meeting of the OIE Biological Standards Commission, 8–10 February 2012, Paris, France Dr Wang Xiaojun participated in the meeting of the expert surveillance panel of Equine Influenza meeting, 27 February 2012, Paris, France. Dr Chen Hualan participated in the meeting of OFFLU Swine Influenza Group annual technical meeting, 2728 March 2012, Paris, France. Dr Jiang Yongping, Dr Deng Guohua, and Dr Liyanbing participated in the meeting of 8th International symposium on avian influenza, 1-4 April 2012, London. Dr Bu Zhigao, Dr Tian Guobin and Dr Yang Huanliang went to Egypt to avoid the technical supporting mission from 6-9 April, 2012. Dr Zeng Xianying participated in the meeting of Technical and Policy Discussion on Improving the Prevention and Control of H5N1 HPAI in Highly Affected and Neighbouring countries, 23-25 April, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnem. Dr Zhou Jianhua participated in the meeting of Global Strategic Alliances for the Coordination of Research on the Major Infectious Diseases of Animals and Zoonoses, STAR-IDAZ, 18-20 June, Bangkok, Thailand. Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 3 Zoonoses of Asia-Pacific Dr Wang Xiaojun and Dr ChenhuaLan participated in the meeting of Training workshop for OIE National Local Points on Laboratories, 21-23 August, Pakchong, Thailand. Dr Chen Hualan participated in the meeting of Meeting of the Extended Bureau Group, 10–11 September 2012 Paris, France. Dr Chen Hualan participated in the meeting of the OIE Biological Standards Commission, 12-14 September 2012, Paris, France. Dr Qu Liandong participated in the meeting of the 5 th Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Association Congress, 10-12 Octobor, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr Jiang Yongping and Dr Qiao Chuanling participated in the meeting of 5th Regional Group Meeting for Implementation on Surveillance of Wild and Domestic Birds along Migratory Flyways, 13-14 December, Tokyo, Japan. We recommended Dr Shen Jianzhong to attending the OIE Global Conference on the Responsible and Prudent Use of Antimicrobial Agents for Animals “International Solidarity to Fight against Antimicrobial Resistance, 13-15, March 2013, Paris, France. 5. Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE, to personnel from OIE Member Countries We are preparing training on the brucellosis diagnostic techniques, such as RBT, CFT, SAT, iELISA and cELISA in 2013. We are connecting with OIE Asia-Pacific and looking for the financial support from international organization such as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation actively. 6. Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE This year, as a new cc, we have no relative meeting on behalf of the OIE. 7. Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories, organisations or collaborating centres Collaboration, training and technology transfer is carried out with Irish Equine Centre (under the OIE Twinning Program) and Laboratory Of Ploufragan/Plouzané, ANSES. The collaborative research projects named as Starting Common key technologies application were implementing with the Pfizer Animal Health Inc. We participated in the project of 7th framework program of EU, named -Global Strategic alliances for the coordination of research on the major infectious dieases of animals and zoonoses(STAR-IDAZ). The collaborative project with EU, named Multiple Detection Methods of to detect antibodies in classical swine fever and other antibodies, was carried on well. 4 Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 Zoonoses of Asia-Pacific We hosted the project with Atlantic Veterinary College at university of prince Edward Island, Canada named “The cultivation of a high quality laboratory breeding bow resource.” Collaborating with Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, the research on avian influenza vaccine had gone smoothly under the project of Vaccine development for the control of H5 highly pathogenicity avian influenza in Egypt. The animal research group was confirmed as FAO Reference Centre of Animal Influenza. 8. Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE that may be useful to Member Countries of the OIE Wang B, Yu H, Yang FR, Huang M, Ma JH, Tong GZ.Protective efficacy of a broadly cross-reactive swine influenza DNA vaccine encoding M2e, cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope and consensus H3 hemagglutinin. Virol J. 2012 Jun 27;9:127. Liu M, Liu CG, Zhang Y, Shi WL, Wang W, Liu YY.Efficacy of a high-yield attenuated vaccine strain wholly derived from avian influenza viruses by use of reverse genetics.Vet Microbiol. 2012 Dec 28;161(1-2):43-8. Wang X, Feng N, Ge J, Shuai L, Peng L, Gao Y, Yang S, Xia X, Bu Z. Recombinant canine distemper virus serves as bivalent live vaccine against rabies and canine distemper. Vaccine. 2012 Jul 20;30(34):5067-72. Wang XM, Zhang WJ, Schwarz S, Yu SY, Liu H, Si W, Zhang RM, Liu S. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST9 from a case of bovine mastitis carries the genes cfr and erm(A) on a small plasmid.J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 May;67(5):1287-9. Li Y, Liu YH, Li ZJ, Li YG, Liu MY, Liu LB, Wang XG, Wang XL, Suo J, Han WY.Identification and characterization of antigenic epitope of Staphylococcus aureus ClfA adhesin. Res Vet Sci. 2012 Nov 21. Li JL, Li HX, Li S, Gao XJ, Xu SW, Tang ZX.Effects of Selenoprotein W gene expression by selenium involves regulation of mRNA stability in chicken embryos neurons. Biometals. 2012 Apr;25(2):459-68. Gao Y, Wen Z, Dong K, Zhong G, Wang X, Bu Z, Chen H, Ye L, Yang C.Characterization of immune responses induced by immunization with the HA DNA vaccines of two antigenically distinctive H5N1 HPAIV isolates PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e41332.. Hou Y, Guo Y, Wu C, Shen N, Jiang Y, Wang J.Prediction and identification of T cell epitopes in the H5N1 influenza virus nucleoprotein in chicken. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e39344. Wang H, Xue M, Yang D, Zhou G, Wu D, Yu L.Insertion of type O-conserved neutralizing epitope into the foot-and-mouth disease virus type Asia1 VP1 G-H loop: effect on viral replication and neutralization phenotype. J Gen Virol. 2012 Jul;93(Pt 7):1442-8. Xue M, Wang H, Li W, Zhou G, Tu Y, Yu L.Effects of amino acid substitutions in the VP2 B-C loop on antigenicity and pathogenicity of serotype Asia1 foot-and-mouth disease virus. Virol J. 2012 Sep 10;9:191. Zhao J, Sun EC, Liu NH, Yang T, Xu QY, Qin YL, Yang YH, Wu DL.Phage display identifies an Eastern equine encephalitis virus glycoprotein E2-specific B cell epitope. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2012 Aug 15;148(3-4):364-8. Sun E, Zhao J, Liu N, Yang T, Xu Q, Qin Y, Bu Z, Yang Y, Lunt RA, Wang L, Wu D.Comprehensive mapping of common immunodominant epitopes in the West Nile virus nonstructural protein 1 recognized by avian antibody responses. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31434. Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 5 Zoonoses of Asia-Pacific Kong D, Wen Z, Su H, Ge J, Chen W, Wang X, Wu C, Yang C, Chen H, Bu Z.Newcastle disease virusvectored Nipah encephalitis vaccines induce B and T cell responses in mice and long-lasting neutralizing antibodies in pigs. Virology. 2012 Oct 25;432(2):327-35. Qi H, Lu H, Qiu HJ, Petrenko V, Liu A.Phagemid vectors for phage display: properties, characteristics and construction. J Mol Biol. 2012 Mar 30;417(3):129-43. Yang H, Qiao C, Tang X, Chen Y, Xin X, Chen H.Human infection from avian-like influenza A (H1N1) viruses in pigs, China. Emerg Infect Dis. 2012 Jul;18(7):1144-6. Gao CX, Han LX, Qu LD, Luo YZ, Han JL Specific TaqMan probed real-time quantitative RT-PCR methods and their application to differentiate the transcripts of duplicated BF or BLB genes in chicken MHC. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2012 Feb 15;145(3-4):590-6. Yang HY, Liu HL, Tian LT, Song RP, Song X, Yin DL, Liang YJ, Qu LD, Jiang HC, Liu JR, Liu LX.Expression and prognostic value of ING3 in human primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2012 Apr;237(4):352-61. Ma D, Zhou C, Zhang M, Han Z, Shao Y, Liu S.Functional analysis and induction of four novel goose (Anser cygnoides) avian β-defensins in response to salmonella enteritidis infection. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2012 Mar;35(2):197-207. Ye Q, Li XF, Zhao H, Li SH, Deng YQ, Cao RY, Song KY, Wang HJ, Hua RH, Yu YX, Zhou X, Qin ED, Qin CF.A single nucleotide mutation in NS2A of Japanese encephalitis-live vaccine virus (SA14-14-2) ablates NS1' formation and contributes to attenuation. J Gen Virol. 2012 Sep;93(Pt 9):1959-64. Qiao C, Liu Q, Bawa B, Shen H, Qi W, Chen Y, Mok CK, García-Sastre A, Richt JA, Ma W.Pathogenicity and transmissibility of reassortant H9 influenza viruses with genes from pandemic H1N1 virus. J Gen Virol. 2012 Nov;93(Pt 11):2337-45. Shi J, Wen Z, Guo J, Zhang Y, Deng G, Shu Y, Wang D, Jiang Y, Kawaoka Y, Bu Z, Chen H.Protective efficacy of an H1N1 cold-adapted live vaccine against the 2009 pandemic H1N1, seasonal H1N1, and H5N1 influenza viruses in mice. Antiviral Res. 2012 Mar;93(3):346-53. Shinya K, Gao Y, Cilloniz C, Suzuki Y, Fujie M, Deng G, Zhu Q, Fan S, Makino A, Muramoto Y, Fukuyama S, Tamura D, Noda T, Eisfeld AJ, Katze MG, Chen H, Kawaoka Y.Integrated clinical, pathologic, virologic, and transcriptomic analysis of H5N1 influenza virus-induced viral pneumonia in the rhesus macaque. J Virol. 2012 Jun;86(11):6055-66. Zhao D, Liang L, Li Y, Liu L, Guan Y, Jiang Y, Chen H. Proteomic analysis of the lungs of mice infected with different pathotypes of H5N1 avian influenza viruses. Proteomics. 2012 Jun;12(12):1970-82. Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Gao Y, He X, Kong H, Jiang Y, Guan Y, Xia X, Shu Y, Kawaoka Y, Bu Z, Chen H.Key molecular factors in hemagglutinin and PB2 contribute to efficient transmission of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza virus. J Virol. 2012 Sep;86(18):9666-74. Yuan XH, Wang YC, Jin WJ, Zhao BB, Chen CF, Yang J, Wang JF, Guo YY, Liu JJ, Zhang D, Gong LL, He YW.Structure-based high-throughput epitope analysis of hexon proteins in B and C species human adenoviruses (HAdVs). PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e32938. Zhao D, Liang L, Li Y, Jiang Y, Liu L, Chen H.Phylogenetic and Pathogenic Analyses of Avian Influenza A H5N1 Viruses Isolated from Poultry in Vietnam. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e50959. Zhang X, Weng C, Li Y, Wang X, Jiang C, Li X, Xu Y, Chen Q, Pan L, Tang H.Human Bop is a novel BH3only member of the Bcl-2 protein family. Protein Cell. 2012 Oct;3(10):790-801. Chen Y, Zhang J, Qiao C, Yang H, Zhang Y, Xin X, Chen H.Co-circulation of pandemic 2009 H1N1, classical swine H1N1 and avian-like swine H1N1 influenza viruses in pigs in China. Infect Genet Evol. 2012 Nov 10;13C:331-338. 6 Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 Zoonoses of Asia-Pacific _______________ Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 7