Coastal Leadership Academy Liability Release Form for Guest This form is only for the attendees who are NOT already CLA Students All forms must be filled out and signed BEFORE the CLA Event. CLA Prom April 11, 2015 Name of Attendee: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Guest Of: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attendee Address: ____________________________________________ City ___________________________ State ________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Information: Name: ___________________________________________Relationship (ie: parent, neighbor, etc.) ________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________________________ Allergies/Medications/Unusual Physical Conditions (Choose One & Sign) I hereby advise that the student listed above has the following allergies, medicine reactions, or unusual physical conditions which should be made know to a treating physician. Please List all Allergies or Medical Conditions: _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________ I hereby advise that the student listed above DOES NOT have allergies, medicine reactions, or unusual physical conditions which should be made known to a treating physician. Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledge and agree that you have read all information below by INITIALING each item that is true: I understand and acknowledge that events involved in the CLA High School Prom on April 11, 2015 pose risks, including the risk of serious injury or death. ___________ I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the student listed above is in good health. __________ In the case of illness or accident, permission is granted for emergency treatment to be administered. It is further understood that the undersigned will assume full responsibility for any such action, including payment of cost. __________ I hereby certify that I have read and understand this document. __________ I do hereby, for myself, and my heirs, agree to remise, release, and forever discharge Coastal Leadership Academy and all employees, board members, coordinators, and volunteers of this organization, from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action which in any way arise from my student’s participation in the above noted event. Parent Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Please contact Karla Brooks at if you have any questions.