Slick Sevens - Write-a-Book-In-A-Day

Authors and Illustrators: Georja Brown, Bethany Quinn-Ward,
Shannon Brownsell, Chenoa Maker, Claudia Rankin, Emma
Humphries, Jodie Stephens, Kaiti Doyle Ansell, Teagan Brownsell
Guinea Galore
Team name: Slick Sevens
Shannon Brownsell - Chapter 1
Emma Humphries -Chapter 2
Chenoa Maker - Chapter 3
Claudia Rankin - Chapter 4
Jodie Stephens - Chapter 5
Georja Brown - Chapter 6
Bethany Quinn-Ward - Chapter 7
Teagan Brownsell - Chapter 8
Kaiti Doyle Ansell-Chapter 9
Copyright Notice
Publish by Aldridge State High School
Copyright Aldridge State High School
All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair
dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review,
as permitted under Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any
process without any written permission. Enquiries should be made to
the publisher.
Primary Character 1: Scientist
Primary Character 2: Guinea Pig Breeder
Non-human Character: Wild Bull
Setting: Skate Park
Issue: Cyclone
5 Random Words: curiosity, reflection, frantic, memory, eyeopening
We’d like to thank Mrs Swinburne for the opportunity to participate
in the Write-A-Book-In-A-Day competition. We would also like to
thank Mr O’Brien for his patience and understanding and for
supervising us. Our thoughts go out to the children of the Royal
Brisbane Hospital. We hope you enjoy reading our book.
C h a p t e r
A n
I d e a
One day there was a mad scientist, his name was Stormy Weather, but people mainly called
him Dr Weather. He had a loopy wife and her name was Sunny Weather, she adored guinea
pigs, which was good, because he also adored guinea pigs.
Stormy had long white frizzy hair and big ears. He almost always wore his white lab coat
which was pretty normal but after he met Sunny he changed his lab coat to white with bright
coloured flowers. Sunny was always happy and always wore bright coloured clothes, which
matched her red hair and hot pink streaks.
Stormy didn’t have a project to work on and he was acting really strange, then Sunny said to
him to start a project of his own and so he started to think of what would help the whole
world. He walked over to the mirror and behind his reflection he saw a guinea pig and he
started showing curiosity towards the guinea pig and decided that he would give guinea pigs
to the whole world.
But he didn’t know how to make that one guinea pig into thousands, so he approached Sunny
with an idea. He wanted Sunny to help him with giving guinea pigs to the world so he asked
her if she would help him breed guinea pigs and not just any normal guinea pigs fluoro
coloured guinea pigs. She went around town and bought all the guinea pigs that were for sale.
But Stormy still didn’t know how to give the guinea pigs to the world and he had already lost
a lot of sleep and Sunny was getting really worried about him so she also started to think
about an idea, so she sat down and turned on the TV. She switched the channel to the news,
she was staring off into space when the TV news guy said there was a cyclone in Western
Australia that picked up cats and dogs and carried them away from their own homes and put
them safely down on the ground in somebody else’s yard, and that gave Sunny an idea.
She ran off to tell Stormy the good news but she found him asleep on his desk so she let him
sleep because he had lost a lot of sleep when he was trying to think of an idea. Sunny decided
to think about how her idea would work. So she started planning about how she would get
mini cyclones in a jar.
She went on the internet to research but she didn’t find anything. When she looked up she
had realised that she had made a mess everywhere, the whole lounge room was really untidy.
At that very moment Stormy walked in and asked what she was doing but Sunny was a bit
confused as Stormy had an excited look on his face but Sunny said “I am glad you are awake
I have found an idea that will deliver guinea pigs to every house and not harm them or
anything else. We can make a cyclone that will have guinea pigs in it and it will drop one at
each house.”
Stormy said to Sunny, “Would you like to come to my secret lab? Where we can bring our
plans to life.”
C h a p t e r
2 -
T h e
L a b
“Oh I’m soooooo excited to see what you’ve been doing down in the lab,” Sunny cried in a
guinea pig like voice. Sunny was excited because Stormy was going to show his beloved wife
his, what he thinks, is an awesome, clean, neat lab and Sunny hadn’t even seen it yet!
But before they left for Stormy’s lab, Sunny Weather had to close up her shop. Sunny’s
Guinea Pig Shop, had a ginormous guinea pig cage that was in the centre of the shop. It was
as high as the roof and had millions of dirty smelly obstacle courses which made it look like a
big doll house. Straight after that, they walked and talked about how cool the lab was, all the
way over to a skate park. The skate park was covered in graffiti, chip packets and crazy,
hyper skating kids. It was right next to a Fairy Floss shop. Stormy then walked up to the top
of the tallest jump in the warm sun. Sunny was still standing in front of the awesome skate
park confused, “I thought you were in a lab honey, not out in a kids playground.” Stormy
didn’t listen, instead pushed an invisible button on the vertical jump and POP, a trapdoor
opened right in front of him and he said, “Come on in, sweetie.” and jumped right into the
Sunny got a big shock, ran up the hill and looked down the hole her husband just jumped into
but she was surprised what she was looking at. She was looking down a big yellow tube slide!
“Don’t worry,” yelled Stormy his voice echoing through the tunnel. “This is the secret
entrance to my lab.” Sunny was scared, confused and excited but she had to do this so she
took a big breath and jumped right in.
Normally when you think of sliding in a slide you think you will get a burn from your skin
rubbing on the plastic but the weird thing was that it felt as smooth as a babies bottom. When
Sunny was going down, and down, and down the slide, she was at first terrified it felt strange
and she thought to herself, “Where am I going? Am I going up? Am I going down? Am I
going right? Am I going left? WHERE AM I GOING?!?!” Suddenly she dropped and was in
Stormy’s lab, on the ground.
“It makes you a bit sick at first doesn’t it?” Stormy said when pulling her up.
“It does a bit,” she replied and looked around the lab.
The lab didn’t actually look like a lab at all if you were looking around in it but to Sunny, it
was amazing! The cracked, concrete floor, the flickering lights, the mouldy food, the gloopy
liquids in the cracked testing tubes, the rusty cages full of guinea pigs, the smell of guinea
pigs, the guinea pig food on the ground and even the red button that said, “DO NOT TOUCH.”
She loved it all!!!
“So do you like it?” Stormy questioned.
“I LOVE IT!!!!!”
Chapter 3 – The Fairy Floss Machine
Stormy started to create a cyclone machine but he couldn’t figure out the last step. His
memory was fading and fast too. Oh no! Stormy bumped into the table and knocked a little
tornado in a jar releasing it from its prison. It swirled around the lab making a mess and
knocking stuff off everything. He grabbed the vacuum cleaner to suck it up. When he sucked
it up, he began showing Sunny around his lab. He showed her the plan to make the harmless
Guinea Pig Cyclone. Sunny thought it was a good plan and decided to go along with it. She
helped him get the final preparations done before the day arrived.
He needed to try everything. He sent out sunny to go and find stuff. While she was gone he
tried everything in the lab. She bought back a fan, the fan just swooshed all of the guinea pig
poop around the lab. Then she went out and bought back a stapler. The stapler just flung the
poop around the lab. Then she went out again and bought back a straw, the straw was just
disappointing and didn’t do anything for anyone. The fish tank, was too wet. Then she finally
went out for the last time, bought a fairy floss machine. Then he inserted it into the cyclone
machine. That’s what he needed to make the vortex go around. Later, he gently placed a few
guinea pigs in and shouted “Wooh Wooh, Whoopachow!!” There was still some faults that
had to be solved before sending guinea pigs to 7.5 billion people.
After that Sunny convinced Stormy to take a break and go and eat some ice cream. He agreed
and put a note on the red button saying DO NOT TOUCH, reminding himself so he didn’t
unleash the cyclone.
Jeff skated along the well-worn, cracked, dirty path, he skates down it every day to get to the
skate park, but today something felt different. As he skated down the path his slightly long
brown hair blowing in the breeze he thought he heard something different, something he
doesn’t usually hear, kind of like a squeaking noise. He didn’t bother worrying about it
because it didn’t seem important. He just kept riding, he did a trick over the bridge but
stacked it. When he fell, he fell on a button but he didn’t realise. He heard a creaking noise,
stood up quickly and moved back, he didn’t want to die.
There was a small wooden trap door that slowly opened. Jeff jumped in not even thinking
about what he was doing. He went down the yellow tube slippery slide. When he got in it was
filthy, it had food wrappers, guinea pig poo and guinea pig food all over the mouldy, cracked
concrete. It smelt soooooo bad, Jeff had to block his nose it smelt so bad. He couldn’t believe
something could smell so bad. It smelt like rotten eggs in his brothers dirty football socks.
There was test tubes on the bench with gross green slime in them and funny coloured liquids.
Jeff walked over to the table. There was a clear jar with an orange fizzy liquid in it. On the jar
it said ‘DO NOT DRINK.’ He smelt it, and it smelt like Fanta. It smelt harmless. He was
thirsty after his ride so he drank it. He felt all weird. He turned around and saw a giant red
button that said ‘DO NOT TOUCH.’ He pressed it anyway, nothing happened so he started
walking out slowly disappointed by the boring secret underground place he had found. But
before he could leave, he saw hundreds of caged guinea pigs. They were so cute. This place
wasn’t so disappointing after all. They were adorable, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He lent in
closely to get a better look “Oooooo helloooooo what’s your name little cuties? My name is
Jeff! And I looove you guys!” Suddenly Jeff started to feel really weird, quickly growing
brown, soft hair out of crazy places. He had no idea what was happening to him, he started to
feel like he was shrinking but he couldn’t tell, before he could look at his reflection in the
mirror he collapsed onto the filthy floor having no idea what happened. He woke up later not
knowing how long he had been sleeping for he looked at his reflection. “I’M A GUINEA
PIG!!” He screamed as loud as his little guinea pig vocal cords could allow before running up
the yellow tube slide.
C h a p t e r
T h e
C y c l o n e
Huge gusts of wind started to roll in and the sky began to get gloomy. In a matter of minutes
the sky was filled with dark, stormy clouds. Stormy was eating rainbow ice-cream with
sprinkles, when he felt the ground shake. He stood up and said “Gosh! What an eye-opening
experience this is going to be!” He sat back down and thought he was hearing guinea pigs
making noises. He looked down at the lab door and heard squeaking coming from it. A few
minutes later he heard more squeaking coming from around a tall tree. He looked up and saw
tiny little guinea pigs playing in the tree and thought he was just imagining things, but he
He spun around and saw huge holes just appearing out of nowhere and the smell of the dust
from the breaking concrete wasn’t pleasant. Stormy wasn’t game enough to go and pick the
concrete up to see what caused the holes to appear. The air started to taste horrible and the
sound of breaking concrete was getting annoying.
Stormy said “Yuk! There is guinea pig fur on my ice-cream”. There was red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, purple and pink fur flying around. Just at the same moment bits of rainbow and
black bits of fur flying around with the others. Chunks of fur came flying towards the guy and
it felt disgusting and dirty. Surprisingly the fur had no smell until all the rubbish came flying
out and some of it flew into Stormy’s face. There was all sorts of rubbish and guinea pig food
flying around.
The cyclones wind speed started to pick up and it brought more rubbish and fur. Within
minutes the cyclone was strong enough to pick up a ton of colourful, squealing guinea pigs.
C h a p t e r
B a b y
B u n d y
Deep in the bush where the brumbies ran free and the kangaroos hopped on the dusty, red dirt,
there was a big, black and white bull that everybody feared. His name was Bundy. He had
large horns and humungous hooves. Everybody thought that he would line them up and run
them down as flat as a pancake.
Bundy was not as mean as everybody thought he was, it was just because no one had ever
spent any time with him to trust him they also had never heard of the things he went through
as a calf. Poor Bundy got branded with fire, zapped with a cattle prod, whacked with polypipe, pierced with a tag and put into a crush and slammed to the ground. Many people had
gone in to put an end to Bundy but saw him and ran the opposite way.
Bundy had a life on a farm with a lovely farmer that he looked up to. Then one day the
farmer brought home a small cardboard box and it seemed to be squeaking. As Bundy was
just a baby back then he showed great curiosity into this squeaking cardboard box. He
followed the farmer along the fence. The farmer then put the guinea pigs on a chair right next
to Bundy’s paddock. Bundy stood at the end of the fence staring at the box. The farmer then
jumped into his Landcruiser and left.
Bundy stuck his head through the fence and nudged the box. The box fell with a squeak, the
lid flew off and 4 tiny bundles of fur jumped out and ran under the fence and climbed up
Bundy’s leg and sat on his back. Bundy instantly fell in love with the guinea pigs and they
instantly fell in love with Bundy. Later that night the farmer came home looking disappointed.
He flung his hat in temper and walked inside and slammed the door shut. Bundy instantly
knew the farmer had lost his job.
The next day the farmer came out and apologized to Bundy and the guinea pigs. He held a
gun firmly in his hand. Bundy knew exactly what the farmer was planning to do with them.
Bundy acted as quick as a flash and grabbed the guinea pigs in his mouth and jumped the
fence. He carried the guinea pigs all the way to the bush and that is where he grew up. Sadly
guinea pigs don’t live for very long so that is why Bundy lives by himself.
Bundy then slowly walked back towards the bushland where he lived but suddenly he heard a
loud squeak he stopped. This then reminded him of his child hood he turned around and there
sat a fluoro pink guinea pig. Bundy was frantic he was so surprised he jumped for joy and did
a little leap and buck in mid-air. He then wondered how this strange fluoro guinea pig ended
up at his feet. Bundy turned towards the town and saw the guinea pigs in a cyclone. He then
ran furiously towards the guinea pigs determined to save them.
Doctor Weather and Sunny decided to go eat at the Fantastic Fairy Floss. Stormy had Bubble
gum cherry, scientist guinea pig flavoured fairy floss and Sunny had apple, plum, peach
hippie, guinea pig flavoured fairy floss. As they ate fairy floss they heard a strange squeak,
like a guinea pig sound, suddenly, they both looked out the window. They saw a gigantic
cyclone with millions and millions and millions of guinea pigs that had destroyed the skate
park. Both Sunny and Stormy were frantic as they rushed to the remains of the secret lab.
Someone had set off the Guineaclone! Stormy madly typed on the last computer trying to
hack the Guineaclone so it would stop destroying the world! Stormy tried several times but
couldn’t get his password right. Unfortunately he couldn’t remember the password. So Sunny
decided to try and guess Dr Stormy’s password, she tried thirty times and still couldn’t. As
they were trying to guess Dr Stormy’s password, more buildings were getting destroyed by
the Guineaclone. Sunny wacked her hand against the side of the old dirty and pixelated
computer. It just made it worse because the computer suddenly shut down.
Stormy suggested that they try and put all the guinea pigs in one cage so they went outside
with a small cage and held it next to the cyclone. Guinea pigs were filling it, they thought
their plan had worked until the cage was full because there was so many guinea pigs in it. It
burst and the guinea pigs went straight back into the cyclone destroying buildings again.
Dogs, humans, and other animals had to evacuate their homes so they didn’t get hurt from the
Guineaclone. The Guineaclone was smashing into windows, completely destroying homes.
All the people were terrified of the Guineaclone and it was only growing bigger and bigger
and bigger, until the sky was black, thick with guinea pigs, all different colours black, brown,
blonde, light brown, green and blue all covering up the sun. Children were crying with fear
all because the Guineaclone went wrong. It was supposed to deliver a guinea pig to every
house in the world but instead it was making a mess, destroying Australia.
Stormy and Sunny couldn’t figure out what to do they had tried pretty much everything.
They tried to disable the machine but Stormy couldn’t remember his password and Sunny
couldn’t guess it. Then they tried to catch the guinea pigs in the cage but the cage wasn’t big
enough there was only one more thing to try before hope was lost. They could try to unwind
the cyclone with a big machine that was in the lab they quickly scurried to their secret lab but
it was too late the big machine had been destroyed by the Guineaclone, all hope was
lost .Until…
C h a p t e r
8 -
S a v e
t h e
D a y
The wild bull, Bundy, arrived in the nick of time at the remains of the skate park. The
Guineaclone had grown much bigger and would grow even more! The wild bull was
instantaneously madly in love with the fluoro guinea pigs that were in grave danger. I will be
the hero and save all of the fluoro guinea pigs. Oh, and maybe those other people too! He
thought happily. After seeing how others were not having much or any luck at all. After they
had failed many attempts to stop the cyclone that would destroy us all and the world and
maybe the entire universe.
The Guineaclone was being fuelled by the ever growing amount of fluoro guinea pigs and
was about to become a giant full-forced vacuum of wind! The wild bull pawed excitedly,
madly and determinedly at the grassy but tidy ground then charged off towards the
Guineaclone. Bundy was being swept off the ground by the Guineaclone but luckily as the
fluoro guinea pigs grabbed hold on to his long horns they made him heavier so then he began
a slow descent and then he fought his way out of the Guineaclone. The Guineaclone became
a small and slow whirlwind now that its fuel power had been taken away from it.
Now that the scientist, Stormy, had seen where he went wrong, he could improve the next
time he tried to give everyone guinea pigs. The scientist, Dr Weather, exclaimed loudly to
everybody “We will make sure everyone has guinea pigs. My plan is on its way to The Halls
of Fame! Mwah, ha, ha, ha, haa!”
The scientist and the guinea pig breeder became famous and everyone had many guinea pigs
now and although the bull and scientist didn’t like each other that much, they would work
together and bring greater things to the universe with a smart scientist although he had dumb
ideas and a big bull with strength and speed, they, together, could save the universe.
Miles away from the town where the Guinea Pig Cyclone had just taken place, there was a
little girl innocently playing in her backyard. Her name was Lucy. She was playing in her
treehouse with her big brother, Sam, when she saw something drop outside. She let it pass her
as she was busy having a tea party. Lucy heard a small squeaking noise and looked outside.
She saw a small, brown thing with a white spot on its head sitting on a patch of grass. Her
brother had climbed down to go inside as he was bored playing with her. Lucy climbed down
after her brother. She went to examine the small brown object sitting in her yard. When she
went over, she saw it was a Guinea Pig. Lucy picked it up as she felt its soft, fuzzy fur on her
Lucy was screaming “Mum! Dad! Come outside quick!” Her parents rushed outside thinking
she was hurt with the way she was yelling.
‘What? What’s happening Lucy?!” Her mother asked.
“Oh, I found a Guinea Pig! I was sitting up in the treehouse with Sam when I saw something
fall. I didn’t think much of it to start with but then it started making noises so I went to see
what it was it fell from the sky it is a miracle.” Lucy explained.
“Can we keep him? Please Mum?” Lucy pleaded.
“Oh okay. Well at least you’re alright. You stay here, your father and I are going to buy a
cage for our new member of the family!” Her mum said happily.
“Yay! Thank you so much mum!” She said, filled with joy.
“Oh do you have a name?” She asked him wishing he could talk. He turned around and
looked her directly in the eye. Surprisingly, the Guinea Pig answered back with “My name is
A mad loopy scientist and his wife, who are obsessed with guinea pigs think of a way to give
guinea pigs to everyone in the world, so that everyone can share their love of guinea pigs. But
things don’t go as planned. Things are set in motion when Jeff the skater finds the secret lab
and presses a single button saying Do Not Touch!