Teaching English Language Development Through Science by Craig Madison Introduction All over the developed world, nations are contending with the challenge of immigration. Students are appearing in schools with a variety of languages and cultures outside those of the dominant cultures. As educators, it is our challenge to bring the dominant language and frame rules to all students so they may live happy, successful lives full of opportunity within the dominant culture. At my school, El Verano Elementary in the Sonoma Valley of California, we are addressing how to assure academic success to our Latino students who arrive at our doors communicating in Spanish as their primary language. My intention in writing this short book is to give elementary school teachers a detailed look at a model for teaching English Language Development (ELD). At El Verano we call it Science/ELD, and we teach ELD using hands-on, inquirybased science as a vehicle. It is fun for students, and provides multiple opportunities for talking and writing about concrete, real-world phenomena that are meaningful to them. In May of 2011 I won an Amgen Excellence in Science Teaching Award. The application submittal for this award allowed me to reflect and write extensively about the revolutionary new Science/ELD program we have been developing at El Verano over the past four years. As an educator, I believe knowledge is meant to be shared, and so I present my work here for the use of other educators interested in this innovative approach to teaching English through science process skills and real materials. The teachers at El Verano School have developed these Science/ELD methodologies with the invaluable guidance of the San Francisco Exploratorium’s Institute for Inquiry. This organization trained all our teachers in the inquiry process, and synthesized the first Science/ELD lessons we have presented to our students. The Institute for Inquiry has also provided all the hands-on science materials our students use, conducted ongoing lesson study groups with teachers, and is providing professional development in the Science/ELD methodologies to other elementary schools in our district. Growing an indigenous program of this kind is a challenging project to undertake. It’s success depended on the support of many, including two school district superintendants, a local philanthropist with a dream to raise the level of scientific inquiry in the public schools, our school principal, the entire El Verano teaching staff, and the substantial assistance of the Exploratorium’s Institute for Inquiry. We were extremely fortunate to have had the will of so many converge to make the Science/ELD project fly. This being said, I encourage other schools to consider using science to teach their mandated minutes of ELD. Not only does the idea put science back into the curriculum, but we find the introduction of high interest science content makes all 1 the difference in motivating and encouraging students to practice English skills authentically as they communicate what they are learning. One might say that, while students learn science through the front door, they learn English through the back door. Emphasizing inquiry as a frame of mind, and as a way to view the world, allows students to learn and apply high leverage skills to anything they undertake. I invite you to take these ideas and make them your own. The template lessons shown in this work are easily adapted to new lessons teachers may write themselves. Lessons can also be easily adapted to include more or less open inquiry or guided practice, depending on teacher preference. Please take these ideas and evolve the process to the next level. Most of all, enjoy returning to a place in your day where students can construct their own knowledge from the rich materials and guidance you provide. Craig Madison Glen Ellen, California August 2011 2 Overview and Purpose The purpose of this book is to share ideas on how to use science to deliver English Language Development (ELD) for English Language Learners (ELL’s). I will begin by presenting a typical hands-on, inquiry based science unit, showing how both science and ELD are addressed in an inquiry on reflected light. Science Perspective The primary purpose of this inquiry is to teach students universal scientific processes that can be applied to all inquiries. These processes will be taught through teacher modeling and student practice, and will include: proper handling of science materials, using academic language to present observations, questions, and hypotheses, taking adequate time to perceive deeper patterns, developing student questions to investigate, planning investigations with a team, accepting divergent opinions, engaging in civil debate, reading and applying expository text, providing evidence for thinking, drawing and labeling illustrations, and presenting findings to audiences. Beyond these primary purposes, students will become familiar with key scientific concepts about light through experimentation. They will learn light: is a type of energy, can be visible and invisible, travels in a straight path, and is reflected off many kinds of surfaces. Students participate in hands-on activities and investigations of their own designs to learn about the mechanics of light first hand. They also learn the human eye is a light detecting device with specialized parts. ELD Perspective The inquiry process creates a language-rich environment where students learn and apply new academic vocabulary in context. The inquiry environment allows students to safely share and borrow ideas to test. Scientific inquiry processes allow students rigorous and satisfying practice in all ELD strands including: reading writing, listening, and speaking. This practice occurs incidentally to the science inquiry as students make and share observations, evidence, and questions, read on topics, plan self-selected investigations, and agree on key concepts. Students work in teams to summarize their findings in order to make oral presentations to other grade-level classes. These presentations allow students to build confidence as experts in a field they have studied deeply. Teacher facilitation, which asks students for verbal and written evidence, provides added language and inquiry process practice. The 3 Phase Science/ELD Inquiry Process The following page shows how a typical inquiry lesson is broken into 3 distinct phases. I found this particular diagram to be most valuable as we developed the Science/ELD approach. It functions as a daily reminder of the key elements of every inquiry. It gives an excellent overall picture of the whole inquiry process and how ELD is integrated throughout each 12 to 16 day inquiry cycle. Because 3 it is such a good roadmap of the process, I have always shared this diagram with my students so they know where we are and where we are going. 4 The 3 Phase Science/ELD Process 5 Science/ELD Expanded Schedule The following schedule takes each of the three Science/ELD phases and breaks them down into more specific activities by day. This will, hopefully, give the teacher a clear idea of how long an inquiry lasts. Phase l The Starter Day 1 Starter Day 1. Begin by preparing a chart marked: “What We Think We Know About ___.” Meet as a group and ask student to share what they think I true. Record these ideas on the public chart. Introduce Tier l vocabulary words naming and defining the hands-on materials the students will be using. Kids are then given materials to explore. The goal is to get familiar with the materials and “get the wiggles out”. The teacher roves and uses VTS facilitation questions: What are you seeing? What do you see that makes you say that? Show me? What more can you see (or find out)? to elicit student comments. Day 2 Starter Day 2. Kids are given some Tier ll vocabulary on concepts they encountered the day before. Front load some basic concepts per CELDT level, provide some simple sentence frames (see page 10) for observations and questions (i.e. I observed ___. I wonder what would happen if ___?), as well as a guiding question (3rd grade example: How can you make a shadow move?). Kids mess around with materials with the guiding question in mind. Teacher roves using VTS questioning, as well as clarifying what kids are saying and seeing… perhaps indirectly nudging toward central science concepts. You would also ask kids to stop about every 10 minutes to write an observation of what they are seeing in their journals. At later stops, ask them for an “I wonder__?” question. Try to stop and clean up early enough to spend some time reflecting with students as a whole class on what they think are important observations. They refer to their journals for this. Record these on a public “We Noticed…” chart. Day 3 Starter day 3. A continuation of Day 2 to let kids mess around and experiment with the materials to satisfaction. In our 3rd grade Shadow inquiry, there were too many additional objects to introduce in just one day, so an extra day or 2 in the starter is totally appropriate. Reflection and charting. 6 Phase ll Focused Investigation Day 4 Introduce academic vocabulary appropriate to the science lesson and/or science text reading. Introduce language and grammatical forms, which will be the focus. Day 5 Do science reading in either the interactive text (what we use in 3rd) or the hardback text. Reflect on reading. Day 6 Complete reading. Reflect on reading by using appropriate Thinking Maps. Day 7 Generate oral and written sentences using OST map and focus language frames as a guide. Day 8 Ask students to work with their teams (groups of 2 to 4) to agree on one “I wonder ___? “ question they would like to investigate. Each group writes their question on a sentence strip. Meet with whole class to discuss which questions are investigable (ones we can gather the materials to actually do) and which are not (require an answer from internet or from a book or which are too dangerous to attempt). Teams can choose from among the questions proposed, or propose another if theirs isn’t investigable. All investigable questions are publicly posted. If the team has additional questions, they may record these in their journals for later follow-up experiments. Beginner groups can be guided through this process whole class as they do a whole class investigation of one question. Day 9 Groups are asked to write a plan for their investigation. This can be done on a teacher-made worksheet or by having kids fold an 11” x 17” piece of art paper into 6 sections. The teacher models this activity as a “We Do” and students label the plan as follows: Question Materials Steps Setup Drawing Evidence Team 7 Teacher models how to fill out the form for their investigable question. Every team member constructs this plan, checking in frequently with each other to be sure all are the same. The illustration is a labeled drawing showing how they will set up their materials, showing the result they think they’ll see (a prediction). The Evidence section is for making a statement about what they need to see to prove the prediction in their illustration (3rd grade example: “We are looking for a shadow to appear underwater”). Note: If step section goes long, then plan can continue onto back of sheet. Back of sheet may include two more sections like: o Results: What really happened o Observations: What we learned from the experiment Day 10 Finish plans and gather materials. Students may be asked to bring some or teacher can make it happen within reason, beyond items instantly available at school. Review that experiments must be done per plan and completed before moving on to additional questions. Day 11 Start investigations. Each group does their experiment per plan. Teacher roves and facilitates with VTS questioning. Be sure to stop investigations periodically to ask students to share with partners what they are seeing, and to write these thoughts in their journals using an appropriate frame. Meet before end of period to reflect on findings. Reflection time should focus on the use of explicit language forms appropriate for communicating these ideas. Day 12 Sometimes investigations take 2 days as additional questions arise that kids want to explore for answers. Phase lll Shared Communication Day 13/14 Whole class meets with teacher to design or review a rubric for what should be included on a poster for presentation of team investigation results to another class. Rubric includes: the science concept title (Shadows), investigable question (Can a shadow appear underwater?), labeled drawing of the experiment setup showing what they did, a statement of what was learned from this experiment (We found that you 8 can make a shadow appear underwater), a few statements indicating the top 5 things learned about the science concept (We learned that shadows appear on the opposite side of an object from the light source. We know that light travels in a straight path, We found out that all objects make shadows. We found that even translucent and transparent objects can make shadows), the team member names, bold colorful headings, everyone doing their fair share, and cooperative teamwork. It works well to have 2 posters per group: one for the labeled illustration and the team’s final claim and evidence, and the other poster with the rest of the information. This allows more kids to be working at the same time. Day 15 When posters are complete, each group practices their presentation in front of the class. A performance rubric can be designed with the kid about what is needed for a good presentation: Loud clear voices, no backs to audience, eye contact with audience, hands out of pockets, no one blocking posters, taking turns so all have something to say, etc. After each team’s practice, the class is asked to comment on what was good about the presentation, and one thing that might be improved. Day 16 When practice is complete. Take it on the road to the 3 classes who will hear your presentations. Good idea to have parent helpers assist with some of your teams, since you can’t be everywhere at once. Return to class after presentations to debrief on how it all went. Display team posters. 9 Use of Sentence Frames for Writing Inquiry Sentence Starters based on ELD level Note: Sentence starters may have to be adjusted based on the specific inquiry being conducted. 10 An Example Inquiry The following inquiry is typical of all our inquiries. The format of this inquiry can be easily adapted to writing original inquiries or turning textbook lessons into deeper investigations. Before presenting the inquiry format, please allow me to give a brief overview of the inquiry we call by the guiding question it proposes: How Does Light Move? A Third Grade Inquiry Overview and Purpose Science perspective Students will learn that light can be both visible and invisible. They learn that light travels I a straight path and is reflected off certain surfaces. They conduct simple investigations and participate in hands-on activities to learn more about the mechanics of light. They also learn about the mechanics of sight and can identify basic parts of the human eye. Students will participate in a variety of experiences centered on the scientific exploration of “How Light Moves”, a third grade California State Standard. To begin with, students will explore the movement of light when it is reflected off a single mirror. From there, students will continue to explore the movement of light by trying to reflect light onto targets using single and multiple mirrors. Students will conduct experiments to determine how light is reflected off smooth and wrinkled surfaces. Through this lesson, students will demonstrate knowledge of how light can be reflected from one surface to another, and that light beams move in straight-path. Students will also understand that light is a kind of energy, which moves from place to place as a type of wave, and that light can be classified as visible and invisible, based on the kind of wave it is. Students will also understand that the human eye is a light detecting device, and that seeing light is made possible when light enters the eye. ELD Perspective Students will also work as teams to verbally share observations involving reflected light. They will write observations with evidence and also write “I wonder what would happen if _____” sentences. These student generated observations and wonderings will be shared out in class and will become the basis for simple student investigations. The purpose of this process is to create a language rich environment within which students will be introduced to new academic vocabulary in context, will share and borrow ideas to test, and communicate about these ideas. Students will plan their investigations, incorporating a sequence map showing the steps required, a list of necessary materials, a drawing of the experiment’s set-up, and a statement of what evidence will be sought. Students will read information about light and the human eye to reinforce and enhance their hands-on experiences. They will use their readings to ask 11 further investigable questions which may be tested. Students will work as teams to summarize their findings in order to make a presentation to another grade level class, and will include their main topic of investigation along with adequate details and a labeled illustration. As a facilitator, the teacher will consistently ask students for evidence to back up their conclusions and drawings, and ask for verbal and written predictions. Innovations within the Lesson The profound innovation of this lesson, and all my Science/ELD lessons, is that they are all inquiries. I use inquiry all year to teach English Language learners. The Reflected Light Inquiry is one of 7 inquiries I use during the school year. Each inquiry lasts about 12 to 16 days. Blending science with English Language Development is a natural development. As a teacher, I can see a synergy taking place as students make meaning of natural phenomena, the oral and written communication of observations and questions, and the clarifying science text. The result is a student capable of looking more deeply, finding reason to prove their thinking, and the ability to express thoughts clearly and convincingly. Students in my science/ELD class develop an emotional attachment to learning. They understand the pleasure of using their own powers of observation and judgment to determine something true. When asked what she considers the most innovative aspect of El Verano’s 3rd grade Science/ELD inquiries, Dr. Paula Hooper, of the Exploratorium’s Institute for Inquiry, said: “What makes your (3rd grade) team so unique is your wholehearted embrace of the inquiry model. Most teachers are comfortable with a modified textbook lesson which guides students toward an outcome, but you aren’t. I am impressed with your ability to persevere and move beyond frustration to “outside the box” solutions. Research indicates the inquiry approach is best for second language learners because it offers high complexity and open ended questioning. Even before children can verbalize, they can manipulate objects, and understand phenomena. When language does burst forth, the child who has been able to learn through inquiry, will have much more complex thought structures in place.” Overarching Unit Context and Goals Another innovative aspect of the Science/ELD inquiries is how they build upon each other. The Reflected Light Inquiry follows an Inquiry on shadows, and precedes an inquiry on colored light. When students finish their 3 rd grade year, they have spent quality time looking at light, and manipulating it, from three distinct perspectives. The depth of these compounding inquiries is an innovative approach. The approach focuses on deep understanding rather than a superficial coverage of the topic. Once again, the teaching of the inquiry process to students gives them a powerful tool they can use on anything they don’t yet understand. It is the development of a comfort with this process, which allows students to speak and write freely about what might be happening. It allows them to engage 12 enough to listen closely to others’ ideas and to express themselves with conviction. Educational Standards Addressed Science Standards: 3 PS 2 Light has a source and travels in a direction 3 PS 2b Students know light is reflected from mirrors and other surfaces 3 IE 5 Students meaningful questions, conduct careful investigations, and students should develop their own questions and perform investigations 3 IE 5a Repeat observations to verify 3 IE 5b Differentiate fact from opinion by using evidence 3 IE 5c Use numerical data to describe and compare 3 IE 5d Predict outcome o simple investigations and compare results to predictions 3 IE 5e Collect data in an investigation and analyze those data to develop a logical conclusion 3 PS 2d Students know an object is seen when light traveling from objects enters the eye Additional Concepts: Underlying some of this lesson is the idea that the eye is a light detector. Things that you see are either light emitters (e.g. candle flames, light bulbs) or light reflectors, which reflect or scatter some of the light that shines on them (See California Standard 3 PS 2.d.) Some of that emitted or reflected light then travels in a straight-line path to your eye. Light travels in straight lines. (Except when bent by huge objects like galaxies and black holes) Light is reflected or bounced when it hits a mirror. Light “bounces” off a mirror like a ball bounces off a floor or wall. (In more sophisticated terms, the angle that light is reflected off the mirror, in relationship to a horizontal or vertical line, equals the angle of the incoming light.) Rough surfaces reflect light in many straight path directions at once. Rough or wrinkled surfaces do not produce good images when reflected on a screen. ELD Standards: Reading: Listening and Speaking: Writing: Key Objectives: Identify sequence of events, make inferences in relationship between text and experience Retell stories and summarize main ideas and details Write in different genres, write in different content areas (science writing) Sequencing, making predictions, asking and answering questions, justifying opinions, drawing 13 conclusions, seeing cause and effect relationships, noting details and describing Materials Flashlights: one per group of 2-3 Plexiglas mirrors: (3x5 and 6x8) one or more per group of 3 Modeling Clay: .5 pounds per group of 2 Roll blue masking tape Science journal Room with drapes or blinds Science text book Worksheets based on CELDT level Additional materials for investigations: Clear plastic containers Water Space blanket Aluminum foil Green laser Water mister Candles and smoke Black tape to block out mirror Clear light bulbs Chart paper Colored markers Objectives for Student Learning My Science/ELD objectives are twofold. First, I want my students to develop proficiency with academic language in English. Second, I want them to internalize an inquiry frame of mind. Over time, I expect them to move from lesser to greater complexity of thinking and language production along the progressive continuum of Student Work Attributes and Language Skills shown below. Student Work Attributes • Observations: • Variables: • Questions: • Measurements: • Diagrams: • Predictions and Hypotheses: Number, details, accuracy, connections/references to other things (un-cued responses/divergent thinking) Number, quantities, cued and un-cued Number, kinds/categories of questions Specific object(s), amount, units Shows process? Details? Labeling? Measurements? Evidence 14 Language Skills • Amount of language: Number of lines • Syntax: Word order • CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency): Language of learning, including science vocabulary • Communicative competence/comprehension: Does the idea come across? • Linguistic competence: Grammar, punctuation, verb tense, etc. • Fluency: Speed and flow of language Inquiry-based science gives my students a method of approaching the world and allows them to make sense of whatever they encounter. After December of each year, we observe students approaching teachers, or peers, with unbidden hypotheses about phenomena. For example, Connor came to me at recess with a theory about light. He explained, and wondered, positing that if light was all around us, and since it reflected off all surfaces, then couldn’t you catch light energy in your hands where it would bounce around indefinitely. My role as teacher was not to provide ready-made answers, but to help Connor come to his own conclusions. I asked how he might test his theory. Could he find another dark place, like the inside of his clasped hands, to test the idea? Was there somewhere he could be to observe the bouncing light. He said, ”We could use the closet!” to which I responded, “Let’s try it and see.” From this point, the student can design an investigation to observe the phenomenon they wonder about. It may not always be possible to set up an experiment due to safety issues or the lack of materials, but this becomes another question: If we can’t do the experiment ourselves, where could we look for an answer. These kinds of questions may lead to internet or library research, which can be shared by students during science talks or presentations to other classes. Assessment Strategies The assessments for Science/ELD inquiries is undertaken in both informal and formal ways to check for student understanding and progress in ELD goals as well as in key science concepts. Progress is looked at in the language used and taught through the inquiry. This includes academic vocabulary, sentence frames used with thinking maps, evidence of simple concrete observations and more detailed, sophisticated inferences or hypotheses with evidence. Informally, students are asked to explain their thinking orally and in detail with teacher guided VTS questioning which includes the following primary directions and questions: Students are encouraged, before they begin observing a phenomenon, to look closely at what is happening. This aligns with the VTS approach of 15 asking students to “Take a minute to look carefully at this image.” In this case, we ask the students to be keen observers of natural phenomenon. Once students have experienced the phenomenon, the teacher asks, “What do you think is going on here?” or more specifically to this inquiry, “How do you know the light is reflecting off the mirror?” The teacher also exhorts the students to look deeper asking, “What more can you see?” Students will also be asked to write observations in a journal or on an appropriate worksheet, which are reviewed by the teacher. Investigation planning sheets are also reviewed by the teacher to determine individual student progress. Students work in teams of 3 to produce posters of their findings, which they present to students of another grade level. The presentation process affords ample opportunities to assess student oral language, science process skills, and science content understanding. In addition, students will have the opportunity to reflect on the work they have done during frequent VTS/Science Talks. These talks are held at the end of onehour science periods. They last about fifteen to twenty minutes and are mediated by the teacher using VTS questioning. The Science Talks are designed to allow students a chance to share ideas, explanations, observations, questions, and to express what worked or did not during investigations. On a formal level, students may take a individual assessment following each inquiry (see page 9 for an assessment sheet master) or grade level teachers may agree that specific journal entries during an inquiry may be used as a common comparable assessment. Students may also take a pre and post Science/ELD yearly assessment. We have piloted this idea at El Verano and are refining it. This assessment consists of a hands-on phenomenon observed by students, who then write as much as possible about the phenomenon for fifteen minutes. These pre/post assessments are compared to measure individual student progress over the year. We will use a common coding system to evaluate and record progress, which recognizes growth in both thinking and language. This coding system is still in development and is a hybrid combining the VTS coding system with one developed by Pam Castori of The Inverness Group. These two coding systems are illustrated at the end of this assessment section on pages 17 and 18. The pre/post year assessments are described in my conclusions on page 50. An alternate method of assessment has recently been posed by the Institute for Inquiry. This method involves frequent science notebook writing assignments which take place in class following Science Talks during inquiries. Teachers in grade level teams would select specific topics and dates for journal writes during inquiries. Students can flag these journal pages with a Post-it note of a specific color and teachers can compare the student’s writing to determine progress. These journal writings would be done frequently enough to be a formative assessment, and would also provide pre/post yearly progress for all students. 16 Proposed Coding Systems for Student Science Writing Review of Pre/Post Writing/Performance Assessment + Coding from pre to post no evident improvement evidence of improvement in any area (science or language) strong across-the-board improvement/exemplar Attributes of work to compare Pre/Post Science Inquiry Skills • observations - #, detail, accuracy, connections/references to other things (uncued responses – divergent) • variables - #, quantities, cued and uncued • questions -- #, kinds/categories of questions • measurements –object(s), amount, units • diagrams – show process? Details? Labeling? Measurements? • predictions, hypotheses Language • amount of language (# lines) • syntax – word order • CALP cognitive Academic Language Proficiency – language of learning – including science vocabulary • communicative competence/comprehension (does the idea come across?) • linguistic competence (grammar, punctuation, etc.) • fluency 17 18 Name: ________________________ Date: _________________ Topic: ________________________________________________ What is going on here? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Note: Writing area continues on back of sheet. 19 Inquiry Examples Science/ELD Lesson: How Does Light Move? A 3rd Grade Inquiry Chapter 8/Lesson 1 /Page 347 Concept Background: Underlying some of this lesson is the idea that the eye is a light detector. Things that you see are either light emitters (e.g. candle flames, light bulbs) or light reflectors, which reflect or scatter some of the light that shines on them (See California Standard 3 PS 2.d.) Some of that emitted or reflected light then travels in a straight-line path to your eye. Key Science Ideas: Light travels in straight lines. (Except when bent by huge objects like galaxies and black holes?) Light is reflected when it hits a mirror. Light “bounces” off a mirror like a ball bounces off a floor or wall. (In more sophisticated terms, the angle that light is reflected off the mirror, in relationship to a horizontal or vertical line, equals the angle of the incoming light.) California Science Standards 3 PS 2 Light has a source and travels in a direction 3 PS 2.b. Students know light is reflected from mirror and other surfaces (ie. round) 3 IE 5.e. Collect data in an investigation and analyze those data to develop a logical conclusion. Rough surfaces reflect light in many straight path directions at once. Rough or wrinkled surfaces do not These activities support a number produce good images when reflected on a screen. of additional Investigation and Light bounces off round surfaces (like a ball, moon, or planet) Experimentation standards from in many straight path directions. this and other grade levels. Lesson Materials: One flashlight and one mirror Tape and/or paper to mark a target and tape mirror to wall Recording journal or notebook for each student Explore Activity Sheet for each student (Optional if notebook used) Suggested group size: 2 or 3 20 Lesson Flow Map Part 1. Explore Activity: Part 2. Explain Reading: Part 3. Explain Reading: Part 4. Extend Activity: What happens How does when light hits light move? a rough (or Extension round) surface?” What happens when light hits a mirror? In this activity students explore this question. How does How does Part 1. Explore Activity light light travel? move? How does light move? (pg. 347) Give directions for the Student explore activity orally or give students the Explore Activity Directions handout. I Build Background A Activate Prior Knowledge: Set the context by telling students that they are going to begin studying how light moves and how it reflects off of things. In the activity that they are about to do, they will look at light reflecting from a mirror. B Teach Tier II Vocabulary 1 reflect, v. – to bounce light off a surface 2 reflection, n. – the “bouncing” of light off of a surface and the image of the bounced light that appears on a target 3 beam, n. – a ray of light traveling in a straight path 4 light source, n. – object creating the light beams 5 angle, n. - the slant or slope of one surface in relation to another surface (Would be useful in describing how to hit a target) II Student Explore Activity: A Explore reflected light 1 Tell students to hold a mirror in front of one of them. Have the partner shine a light on the mirror. 2 Ask, “What happens to the flashlight beam?” Use think-pair-share to have the students answer, or think-write-pair-share and have students write an answer in their science notebooks. Post the following frame. a Frame: When I shine a flashlight in the mirror, the flashlight beam ____________. 3 Tell students to try moving the light or the mirror. 4 Ask. “What happens to the flashlight beam?” Use think-pair-share to have the students answer, or think-write-pair-share and have students write 21 an answer in their science notebooks. Point out Cause/Effect connection. (Possible Multi-Flow map) a Frame: When I moved the mirror, the light beam _______. b When I moved the light, the light beam ________. B Hit a spot 1 Tell students to mark a spot on the wall or chalkboard with tape. Ask, “Can you make light bounce off the mirror and shine on that spot? How? Do you have to move the mirror, the flashlight or both? ” 2 Tell students to try it with a different spot. Ask if they see any pattern in how they are moving the light or the mirror, or both. Can they explain how they are hitting the target? Are there any tricks to doing this they have discovered? C Summarize (Pass out the Explore Activity Summary sheet to each student or have students record in a journal) 1 Ask, “What happened to the beam of light when it hit the mirror? (Frame to answer: When the beam of light hits the mirror, _____________) We did this one already above for EXPLORE #2, and think it should be omitted 2 What did you need to change about the light and the mirror to make the light beam shine on that spot? To make the light shine on that spot, I had to___________ the __________________. I also had to ___________ the ____________. [Teacher note: Students should mention moving the flashlight, and moving or turning (rotating) the mirror. 3 To focus all students on the specific cause and effect connected to moving the flashlight or the mirror, ask, “What happened when you moved the flashlight?” 4 Tell students to make a drawing in their science notebooks to show how the light traveled from the flashlight to the mirror to the spot. 5 After they finish their drawings, have students explain their drawings of how light travels to their partners using sequencing words you model on the board: First ______. Then ______. Finally ________. Model how to start the written explanation to ensure all students understand your expectations. Prompt students to use the sequencing words in their verbal description, and then write their descriptions in their notebooks. 6 After students write, have them read their explanation either to a partner, or to a different pair of students at their table. Encourage students to make revisions based on ideas they heard other students read. 22 D Angle of reflection 1 Make a drawing like the one below on the board and ask students to copy this into their notebooks. Tell them they must discover how to complete the drawings by experimenting. Tell students to tape the mirror to the wall. One student holds the flashlight and the other holds the target (a piece of paper). Shine the flashlight on the mirror and move the flashlight until the light hits the target. Then move the target to another place and try it again. Ask students to complete their notebook drawings to show how the light travels from the flashlight to the mirror to the target. 2 Have students describe the drawing in 2-3 sentences under each drawing in their science notebooks, then read their descriptions aloud to a partner. mirror mirror Target Target Teacher prompt: What is the same about each drawing? Different? 23 Explore Activity Summary (Optional) (1) What happened to the beam of light when it hit the mirror? When the beam of light hit the mirror, it ___________________ ____________________________________________________. (2) What did you need to change about the light and the mirror to make the light beam shine on that spot? To make the light shine on a target, we had to________________ . (3) What happened when you moved the flashlight? When we moved the flashlight, the beam of light ______________. (4) What happened when you turned the mirror?” When we turned the mirror, the beam of light _______________. (5) Make a drawing to show how the light traveled from the flashlight to the mirror to the spot. Explain your drawing. 24 Part 2. Explain Reading Recommended reading: Hardcover Science text page 350 “How does light travel?” This section discusses the straight-line path of light and reflection. I Build Background A Teach Tier II vocabulary 1 Review previously taught words “reflection and reflect” 2 alike, (teach if students don’t already know as this is a very high-utility word)- similar to or the same as (something else) 3 forms, n.- kinds, types 4 image, n.- an optical appearance produced by light (Before or after reading page 351, teach “image.” It will help to also teach the word family word: “imagine” to build from a word students know. Explain how when we imagine things by making pictures/images in our minds. Also “imagination”). II Read the text per topic Use the 3-5th grade routine for Enhancing Reading Fluency and Comprehension. III Respond Quick Check questions using think-(write)-pair-share. Here are some frames to use for writing while reading: A If you don’t have a mirror, you can still see yourself if you _________________. B It is/is not possible to see in the dark. I know this because ______________ . 25 Part 3. Explain Reading Recommended Reading: Science hardcover text page 352 “What happens when light hits a rough surface?” This discusses reflection from rough surfaces. I Build Background and Introduce Vocabulary 1 rough, adj.- uneven, irregular surface (ant: smooth) 2 clear, adj.- Easy to see, not blurry (ant: unclear, blurry) 3 review meaning of “image” from previous reading II Read the text Use the 3-5th grade routine for Enhancing Reading Fluency and Comprehension. III Respond to Quick Check questions with think-(write)-pair-share. Here are some frames/questions: A To make a building that reflects the sky, an architect could use ______________. B I know this material will reflect the sky because _______________________. C How could an architect design a building that would not reflect the sky? D A pool of water can act like a mirror because _____________________. E Water is unlike a mirror because _____________________. 26 Part 4. Extend Activity Recommended reading: Science hardcover text (Page 355) This experiment is an elaboration of what the students did in the explore. Give students some time to explore with multiple reflections before having them follow the proceedure. Give directions for the Student explore activity orally and/or give students the Explore Activity Directions handout I Plan A Materials for each pair: Two 1/4 lbs. blocks of clay, two mirrors, one flashlight, two copies of the “Extend Activity Directions” II Build Background A Teach Tier II Vocabulary 1 hypothesis, n – a possible explanation of why something that you observed happened B Activate Prior Knowledge 1 Tell students that they read that light travels in a straight line. At one time this idea was a hypothesis, a idea that scientists had that they thought would explain what they saw light doing. An hypothesis needs many experimaental tests before you can conclude that the hypothesis is supported or not. This means scientists must be able to repeat an experiment, and get the same results, to prove their hypothesis is true. In the following experiment you will test the idea of light traveling in straight lines by observing the path that light travels when you reflect it several times using more than one mirror. III Student Extend Activity A Procedure (Make sure all students have copies of the Extend Activity Directions) 1 Read aloud the directions for step one on the student page. Then have partner 1 reread the directions to partner 2. Demonstrate, then have students follow the directions. Stand two mirrors in a 1/4 pound clay bars so that the mirrors stand straight up. Then try shining the flashlight so it reflects from one mirror on to the other mirror. Explore those reflections. 2 Read directions for step 2, then have partner 2 re-read them to partner 1. “Now do a more organized experiment. Draw a target on a sheet of white paper. Hang it on a wall near your desk or table.” Ask students if they have questions about what they need to do, then model/explain as needed to ensure all students can get started. 27 For each of the subsequent steps, first read the directions aloud, then have one partner re-read the directions and the other parter paraphrase “so you’re saying we need to…..” Check for understanding by calling on some partners and answering any questions students have. Model/explain when needed, but not if students can clearly understand what to do by reading the directions. Building them towards independence with written directions is the literacy goal. Provide the scaffolding students need, and pull back when they are independent. 3 Shine a flashlight into one mirror. Draw or write your observations in your notebook. (Direct students towards the frames written on their page. Read them aloud and structure think-pair-share to give students a chance to practice formulating an answer using the frame. Then have students write their observations in their notebooks). 4 Move the light or the mirror until the light is reflected by the second mirror too. Record your observations. 5 Continue to move the light or mirrors until the light is reflected onto your target. 6 Shine the flashlight from a higher or lower angle. Adjust your mirrors to make the light beam hit your target. Record your observations. B Conclusions 1 How did you make the light hit the target? (Notice that this sentence frame requires a gerund verb (ing) to complete it. Model at least one correct response to ensure students understand the expected grammar: “We made the light hit the target by moving the mirrors and flashlight until we hit the target”). 2 Ask: How did your observations support or not support the idea that light travels in a straight line? Note: This is a challenging question. You can best scaffold the answer by providing a paragraph frame such as: My observations support the idea that light travels in a straight line. First of all, ___________. In addition, __________________________. I also know light travels in a straight line because _____________________________________ Or (wrong conclusion by valid answer to the question) My observations do not support the idea that light travels in a straight line. First of all, _________________. In addition, __________________________________. I also think light does not travel in a straight line because ______________________. 28 Or more simply, have student state: Light travels in a straight line. I know this because…. Extend Activity Directions Procedure (1) Stand two mirrors in 1/4 pound clay bars so that the mirrors stand straight up. Then try shining the flashlight so it reflects from one mirror on to the other mirror. Explore those reflections. (2) Now do a more organized experiment. Draw a target on a sheet of white paper. Hang it on a wall near your desk or table. (3) Shine a flashlight into one mirror. Draw or write your observations in your notebook. When I shine the light into one mirror, the light beam ______ (4) Move the light or the mirror until the light is reflected in the other mirror. Record your observations. When I move the light to reflect off two mirrors, ___________ When I move the mirrors, __________ (5) Continue to move the light or mirrors until the light is reflected off your target. (6) Shine the flashlight from a higher or lower angle. Record your observations. When I shine the flashlight from a higher angle, _________ When I shine the flashlight from a lower angle, __________ Conclusions (1) How did you make the light hit the target? 29 I made the light hit the target by (verb + ing) __________. (2) How did your observations support or not support the idea that light travels in a straight line? Kids will say, “But the light doesn’t stay straight. It goes in a different direction when it hits the mirror.” So I think we need to clarify the idea of light traveling from reflecting point to reflecting point in a straight line. Light travels in a straight path until stopped or reflected by objects. Reflected Light Lesson Reflections A review of how it worked with images Day 1 Starter Intro’d the guiding question for the day: What happens when light hits a mirror? MISSING PREASSESSMENT I WANT TO ADD: Do chart of “What we know about light and reflected light” Showed kids the process we would be going through to investigate this using a poster graphic of 3 phase process (wanted to give them overview which I had not yet done). Also explained that we would be sharing whatever we discovered with the 2 nd graders using our posters. This created some attentiveness. Intro’d materials we would be using: flashlights and mirrors with little explanation of what to do with them Established 2 person teams Darkened room and asked kids to see what they could find out about the guiding question. Then I observed them messing about and took pictures. I also asked them to tell me what they were seeing. They were very excited and had plenty to do. Asked kids to write down what they noticed using sentence frames: I saw___. I noticed ___. I observed ____. We used whole hour period for this. Day 2 Guided Investigation All classes met in gym to see a clarifying demonstration comparing light to balls bouncing off walls. We showed this using flashlights and mirrors and put tape on floor to show light direction while eliciting student predictions. We repeated with balls bouncing to show similarities. Back in class, showed kids an overhead of what we did in gym. We did academic vocab. lesson on words: light, reflection, reflected, and visible, using circle maps in kid journals. Used Tonya format for my use. 30 Read some pertinent info from Interactive science textbook which explained that light traveled in a straight line. Wrote 2 questions on board: What happened to light when the beam hit mirror? AND What effected where the light hit when it shined off mirror? Asked kids to think about these while they did the following… Explained guided experiments with flashlights, requiring 2 trials: one with fixed mirror/moving light, and one with moving light/fixed mirror. Both required the use of a paper target. Walked about asking if kids if they could demonstrate how to make a reflection show on specific targets, and where the light had to be in relation to the mirror to make this happen. Day 3 Day 4 I asked kids to use sentence frames to answer the 2 questions using frames like: If I ____, then ____. When we ___, then ___. (Poster of this) Then I asked them to write a question about reflected light they want find an answer to using the frame: I wonder what will happen if _____. OR I wonder why ____. 31 Emphasized that I was interested in what they were curious about. No correct questions or answers… just what they could find out by experimenting, and observing evidence. All groups wrote their questions on sentence strips and we posted, reviewed aloud, and decided on ones we had tools to investigate (all were approp. in this case). See Poster. Groups then wrote their questions in their journals. 32 33 Day 5 We wrote a plan for how to find answers to our questions using a sequence map (part of our cause/effect ELD unit). I showed a poster of this. It was difficult for them to do this so I asked them to put the materials needed as step 1, and then to give me two more steps about what they planned to do with their materials using: First, we will ___. AND Then, we will ____. It was difficult for many to express this in words. They wanted to just do it, but this showed the verbal challenges. I asked them to also draw a picture below each box of what they planned. Tomorrow we would return to our materials to find answers. Everyone instructed to use their plan to get the materials they need to answer their questions. I also instructed them to bring their journals with them and to write down what they found out using frames like: We found out that___. OR We tried to find out ___. We tried to ___. We thought ___, but/and ___. We tested our idea by ____. I lso asked them to draw a picture to show what they discovered. I explained that 2nd graders would need to see a picture to understand. The pictures also needed labels. Day 6 34 When all have their items we darken room and begin. Once again, a lot of significant interest and engagement. I asked several kids to tell me what they had found and if they could show me. I asked some to prove statements or drawing made that seemed to represent things that could not happen. When they would show me things, many seemed to ignore the facts they saw… mainly the relationship between the entering angle of light versus its exiting angle off a mirror. The general pattern of this relationship was not clear to them. This was clear in drawings showing several target locations attributed to one light source. Day 7 Shared Communication We review our Poster Rubric (it’s important to make this rubric with kid input so they have buy in on following it) See Poster. We make our posters in teams of 2. We share posters as practice for our 2nd grade presentation 35 36 37 Day 8 Finish peer poster sharing Present our knowledge to 2nd grade classes with posters and the materials we used. 38 Note: I realize time must be spent at the end of each session doing a reflection piece where we meet at the rug, close in, and share verbally what we found out as a whole group. As the teacher/facilitator, I would clarify and reflect a la VTS what students reveal, not correct misconceptions or bend the statements to the key points; the goal being to have students discover the key concepts through experimenting and presenting evidence. The hope is that my nudges toward understanding, as they work, should lead them to correct concepts. Rocket Science A 3rd Grade Science Inquiry by Craig Madison, Gennifer Caven, and Mike Wallace Note: This Inquiry is the hands-on part of the Planets and Space science unit. See pages ___ in the Houghton Mifflin (HM) Interactive Text and pages ____ in the HM hardback text. See end of lesson for applicable Calif. content standards. Possible Guiding Questions: What makes a water bottle rocket fly the highest(, longest, and best)? Materials to round up: Science journals and pencils for all students for observation and question recording Whistle to signal time to write 3 water bottle rocket launchers (available through Nerds, Inc. online) 3 hammers for pounding the launcher spikes into the ground 3 good quality bike tire pumps (with pressure gauges if possible) Long garden hose from a spigot or hose bib. Turn off-able hose end 2 plastic funnels 2 plastic water pitchers 1 one liter (or larger plastic soda or water bottle) per each pair of students 4 oz. of modeling clay for every rocket Heavy single ply cardboard for the cutting of triangular fins 1 roll of 3” wide duct tape for each group of 20 students A scale for weighing out +/-5 oz. of clay (not essential and can be guesstimated) Some means of providing water for filling bottles. This can be a 3 gal. Igloo container along with 3 funnels. You may need to hook up a hose to a spigot to provide enough water relatively close to the launch site. Digital camera for each team to share to record the parts of the experiment Team Logos on rockets for photo organizing (star symbol in photos to attach these to star group) Balloons for modeling equal, opposite reactions 39 Optional: o Stop watches o Altimeter device for measuring rocket flight height (5th grade and up) o Digital camera to record process Thinking Maps Used: Double Bubble for comparing rocket modifications, planets, etc. Bubble map for describing rocket sounds, appearance, smell, interior Brace Map for showing rocket parts to whole and for universe > galaxy > solar system > planet > atmosphere, land, ocean, moons Tree Map to show the quality of flight (for evaluating) > Better and Worse categories with details below describing the aspects of “better” and “worse.” Day 1: Preliminary Demo The goal for Day 2 is for the students to set up and use the launchers with minimum assistance from the teacher. So on Day 1, teachers will thoroughly model how to set up the rocket launchers on the school field (triangular arrangement), including how to assemble them, hook up the pumps, load on a rocket, where to stand, how to operate the pump, how to call out,”5,4,3,2,1, blast off!” to warn of a launch, how to look up every time one hears this warning to avoid falling objects, and how to cooperatively disassemble and pack up the whole set-up when finished. There may be time to go back to class, assign teams of 2, pass out bottles, and have the students write their names on them. Day 2: Starter l Essential Vocabulary air pressure, gauge, psi, variables (the things we can change to make an experiment work better) Meet with students to discuss what they know, and questions they have, about rockets. Teacher records this information on a circle map and posts this. The map can be added to later (in a different color) as students gain rocket knowledge. Teams can also design a simple team logo symbol (star, lightning bolt, sun, comet, rocket, winged heart) on an index card for use on their rocket for photo and team ID. Instruct students that the challenge today is to see how much pumping/pressure will make the rocket go the highest. Everyone must try 30-40psi first. When the teacher signals with a whistle, we will all try 70-80 psi. Teams of 2 students each have their rocket bottle and their journals. They need to decide who will be pumping 1st and who will be pulling the launch rope 1 st. At 40 each launch this alternates. Teacher instructs students that at intervals, a whistle will signal time to STOP and write an observation and a question. The rockets will be launched with air only on this day. Students will practice the all the modeled behaviors from Day 1. They’ll launch as many times as possible, and record results in their journals. Suggested Journal Frames: I observed that ____. If we ___, then the rocket ____. I wonder what would happen if we _____? The rocket might ___ if we ____. When we ____, the rocket _____. If we ____, then the rocket might ____. Meeting afterwards back in class to debrief on what they discovered, and what amount of pressure worked best is important. This info should be charted and posted (possible on a new circle map or added to the 1st one). Day 3: Starter ll Essential Vocabulary variables, full, half full, empty, lower than, higher than, better than, worse than, the same as, lower pressure (30 to 40 psi), higher pressure (>70 psi). Useful Sentence Frames: Students can record these frames in their journals for use in recording observations in the field or during class room writing. The ______ rockets flew _________ the ______ rockets. full lower than full half full higher than half full empty the same as empty third full better than third full lower pressure worse than lower pressure higher pressure higher pressure This column can be described as the “variables” in the experiment… the things we can change to make the rockets fly better (the qualities of “better” = higher, longer, straighter) Students spend this whole period experimenting with adding water as a variable. Rockets will be launched full for 20 min, then half full for 20 min. Journal writing signal procedure will still apply. Students should be asked to compare the empty bottles from Day 2 to the full and half full bottles from Day 3 in their journals. This could happen back in the classroom in preparation for a debriefing/reflection discussion back in the classroom using VTS questioning/paraphrasing following the hands-on portion. The circle map can be added to at this point if students have comments or more questions. 41 Day 4: Starter lll Essential Vocabulary fins, nose weight, duct tape, half full, third full Students spent this day doing a guided modification of their rockets. Each rocket will add 3 fins, and about 4 oz. of clay to the nose. Use duct tape as your attachment method. It’s waterproof and won’t blow off in flight. Use 3 pieces of tape per fin, and one longer piece to tape the clay to the rocket nose. Have all students mark their rockets with a Sharpie to show Half and Third full locations. Ask students to write several predictions on what amount of water will work best during a launch of their new rocket designs. They need to try empty, half full, third full and full again tomorrow. Suggested Prediction Frames: I think the rocket will ____ when we _________ . If the rocket has ____ and ___, then we think it will _____. Day 5: Starter lV Students spend this whole period testing the predictions from Day 3 in the field. The teacher should use a whistle to signal journal recording time. Teachers may choose whether or not to control when students test the empty, half full, and completely full variables. One method is to allow 10 minutes to each, and use a whistle to signal each shift to the next variable. This will assure everyone tries all variables. Meet back at class after disassembly to reflect on discoveries, what worked best, what was a flop. Teams can write an I wonder ___. for something they’d like to investigate in Phase 2. 42 Day 6 to 10: Focused Investigation Essential Vocabulary Readings Investigable Question Investigation Plan Conducting the Experiment with VTS Facilitation Day 11 to 15: Shared Communication Poster Design and Presentation Keynote Design and Presentation Teacher Background Information Rockets are a great way to introduce Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion which states: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This can be modeled easily by using students pushing each other. As one pushes against another, there is an equal opposite force used by the other student to keep from being moved. YouTube videos of astronauts in space pushing something reveals they move in the opposite direction too. It can also be shown using a blown up balloon. Blow it up (or have students blow up one) and release it. The air is pushing out one way, but the balloon travels in the opposite direction. This is what happens with our bottle rockets. Your students will notice, when they retrieve their rockets after a launch, that there is a fog inside. This is condensed water vapor from the atmosphere. When the bottles are pressurized, the air actually is warmed by the pressure. When the pressure is rapidly released at launch, the air cools so fast that the water vapor in the air condenses into a cloud right in the bottle. 43 Teaching English Language Development Through Science Conclusions on the Creativity and Effectiveness of the Program Science has always appeared to be the perfect way to teach English Language Development (ELD). Kids love science when they can get to get their hands on real materials to explore the world. Science provides the excitement and motivation for talking with each other about what they have seen. They want to draw and write about what they have found. They can’t resist giving evidence for their thoughts and they have a thousand questions about what might happen if …? Science provides the fertile ground in which to teach English language by offering real life, engaging phenomena to see, touch, think about, and talk about. What better way to present language than through a vehicle so full of sensation. Language bursts forth from the students. And to think we could have missed the opportunity. Consider the over 2,100 public schools in the US schools serving high poverty families which are now in program improvement because of low standardized test scores. These schools are forced to concentrate all their efforts on two academic objectives: Reading and math. Draconian strictures mandating pacing and minutes of discrete instruction fill the entire day with these two subjects alone. Art, music, drama, physical education, social studies and science have all been pushed off the plate in favor of basic skills. There is a glaring flaw in this process. What policymakers refuse to grasp is that if all the exciting content is removed from a school’s curriculum, especially one serving an “at risk” group of children, then you also remove any incentive to learn basic reading and math skills. What reason does a child have to develop basic tools if they cannot use those tools to discover substantial knowledge? This is a problem that all good educators understand, but which thoroughly evades education policymakers. It became clear to us at El Verano School that we had to make a change by ourselves before standard operating procedures destroyed the learning opportunities for our students. Several nascent conversations between leadership team members and our principal about integrating science with ELD led to full fledged discussions between our school district’s superintendent and a local benefactor, who believed in El Verano’s ability to bring science back into the classroom for kids’ sake. Meetings were set between representatives of the San Francisco Exploratorium and school district staff, in which I was fortunate to participate. During these talks, initial agreements were made to create a partnership between El Verano School and the Exploratorium, with the purpose of designing a program integrating ELD with hands-on, inquiry-based science. I was also fortunate to be chosen as one of three teachers, who would be trained at the Exploratorium in the inquiry model to pilot the revolutionary new paring of curricula. 44 After a year of developing the program through a consortia of lead teachers, Exploratorium Institute for Inquiry scientists and educators, and ELD experts, the entire school staff was apprised of the methodology and the opportunity to pilot the new Science/ELD program as a whole school curriculum. El Verano teachers voted unanimously to take this unique professional development opportunity necessary to integrate the two curricula. The staff was trained and the original three lead teachers acted to support the staff during the first year of implementation. The school worked closely with the Exploratorium to refine lessons, placing the primary focus on the language development component and creating a language rich, inquiry based environment for the students. At the end of the first year, a private evaluation firm, The Inverness Group, was hired by the project’s benefactor to ascertain the merit of the program. Was the Science/ELD program really benefiting student learning of content standards? Were our English Language Learners (ELL’s) making adequate progress with their English reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills? We all believed it was working, but had no real proof until The Inverness Group gathered the data and presented their results. The determination was that the Science/ELD program was a resounding success from several perspectives. The following is a summary of the evaluation data. Increase in Science Teaching days On average, considering all K-5 classrooms, the amount of time spent teaching science content doubled. On Creating Opportunities to Learn Teaching ELD using Science As a Vehicle Students developed language during their ELD class time through science content. Science was taught using ELD strategies and approaches already familiar to teachers and students. The science provided an engaging hook. 45 Students were exposed to different modes of instruction during the lessons: oral, written, visual, and kinesthetic Repetitive nature of experimental trials in science compliments repetitive nature of learning language. High interest and engaging science activities stimulated students to use oral language. “It’s a wonderful way to differentiate for all our varied learners.” “When kids are confident, they’ll speak. They aren’t avoiding engagement because they’re not afraid of getting it wrong.” “Marrying Visual Thinking Skills and the Exploratorium worked perfectly. I noticed that the approach we use for discussions in VTS really transfers over to student discussion around inquiries in science.” “The program helped the school meet its goals by addressing the 85% of our students who are English Language Learners and by providing enrichment for every student. It also allowed us to turn from remediation skills to high interest content which all children need to develop thinking.” – El Verano Teachers On Meeting ELL Student Needs 88% of El Verano students are second language learners, who enter El Verano’s Kindergarten speaking Spanish as their primary language. There was strong evidence that the new Science/ELD program provided these children with rich, language embedded content. Evidence for Increased Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) was found at all grade levels. Substantial improvement was found in: vocabulary communicative competence (students’ ability to communicate meaning) linguistic competence (grammar, sentence structure, syntax, etc.) recording their observations depicting a process in written language and representations formulating and asking questions using scientific vocabulary making predictions measuring the quantity of language fluency (written and oral) Evidence of Improvement in Inquiry and Writing Skills A pre and post assessment was made at the 3rd grade level, and analyzed for progress in inquiry and writing skills. The following chart shows the results of this assessment. 46 “I find that their vocabulary, even non-scientific vocabulary has increased. Kids are using more and more higher-level words in regular speech, rather than in science only. I have also noticed that the systematic approach they have learned in these classes, those same skills are transferring to other content areas like social studies and math.” “I truly anticipate a growth in CELDT (California English Language Development Test) scores as oral language is being developed in a high quality way this year!” – El Verano Teachers Mr. Madison’s 3rd graders presenting their findings from an electrical circuit inquiry to a Kindergarten class. “Kids worked in teams to construct posters of what they learned. Then they presented this work to students of other grade levels. Their comfort with this kind of presentation grew, and the import of sharing discoveries to a wider audience were embedded in the process.” “You should hear these kids talk!” “The kids were very motivated by the science, especially the opportunity to have their hands on materials to do open ended exploration around a guiding question.” – El Verano Teachers Whole School Capacities Built Achieving the results we experienced took more than just one teacher doing their own thing. The development and use of the Science/ELD program at El Verano School required the complete commitment of every teacher. Our success was a group effort made possible by an exceptional group of teachers doing what was best for all kids in our school. The following whole school capacities existed at El Verano before the Science/ELD program was initiated. It was these capacities that allowed the program to happen, but the following capacities were reinforced and built upon. Formation of a whole-school “community of practice” with a common focus 47 Cross-grade level awareness, communication, and curricula articulation Teachers considered, created, and implemented common strategies and approaches for teaching science and language. Administrative engagement and support promoted a sense of priority, value, and importance in the work Teacher Leadership made the program grow from within Increased teacher confidence in and enthusiasm for teaching science. New knowledge about how to design and implement effective Science/ELD curriculum is discovered and shared by the staff in a continuing constructive evolution of the program “It (the Science/ELD Program) helped me to be more organized, collaborate with team members, to share best strategies, and it helped us gather resources.” “The whole school was on the same page; it will help the students build on their knowledge of the process year after year.” “I was more successful in exposing my students to science concepts and the inquiry process, and became more confident teaching this subject. It also brought new energy to my ELD instruction.” “Integrating science and ELD is a natural and wonderful idea that is satisfying to both teachers and students.” Reinforcing Inquiry Beyond the Classroom Before addressing how inquiry is extended beyond the walls of my classroom, it is important to consider how inquiry is used across subject areas within the general education elementary school classroom. The inquiry method requires a subtle shift of thinking that is effective in reinforcing and extending learning in all subjects. I use the inquiry approach for literature, by asking inquiry based VTS questions about story illustrations and selected text. VTS questioning is also an excellent way to assist students in building meaning from poetry, and is easily applied during math lessons. By constantly asking students to describe what is going on, asking them for the evidence behind their thinking, pushing them to find more below the surface, and clarifying their thinking through paraphrasing, students eventually begin to model this same behavior without teacher facilitation. Teacher facilitation diminishes as students gradually internalize and apply the inquiry process through practice in all curricular areas. Beyond the classroom, students take the first hand knowledge they have discovered through investigations and present it to other student audiences. Through several study trips, students practice their inquiry skills and develop comfort in a wide range of venues. Visits to the DeYoung and the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art allow students to practice making meaning of art images. We visit 48 the San Francisco Exploratorium so students can extend their classroom inquiry experience to a world-class hands-on museum setting. We attend symphonies and theater performances upon which we reflect, using the VTS/Science Talk format. Inquiry offers our students a tool for universal understanding no matter where in the world they are. Challenges and Adaptations As with any new invention, many challenges emerged. The collegiality of the El Verano staff allowed us to talk openly about these issues and make modifications to continually refine the program. It was clear that the program would look different, not only at each grade level, but at each CELDT level grouping within each grade level. Varying degrees of student scaffolding were required for each level of English Language Learner (ELL). The problem of removing advanced students from Beginner groups had to be addressed. The fact that much of the Science/ELD program had been our own indigenous design allowed us to continually evolve the components to meet both student and teacher needs. The following are some common issues among educators differentiating for ELD instruction by per CELDT level. Beginner/Early Intermediate groups typically exhibit very limited ability to make a variety of observations or to pose a variety of “I wonder___?” questions. This seems to arise from the removal of peer modeling by Early Advanced, Advanced, and English only students in the lower CELDT groups. It also arises from the limited English vocabulary of these students which tends to make them wish to want to comply with and obey the teacher. This compliance and obedience model is antithetical to the inquiry model which encourages students internalize curiosity and knowledge. Students only hear one example of modeling from their one teacher, rather than a multitude from many students in the leveled group settings The following ideas show great promise in alleviating issues arising from the removal of more advanced students from B/EI classrooms. Implant students from EA/A/EO classes into Intermediate and Beginner/Early Intermediate classes to provide interactive student modeling of how to ask questions, how to go beyond guessing at the teacher agenda, and how to put fear of being wrong aside in favor of discovery. We have used this method and found that B/EI students do respond. They begin to internalize and initiate the observed behavior of the more advanced model students in their social interaction, procedure following, question posing, and in the making of observations beyond those guided by the teacher. Once the students begin to see the possibilities, we hope for further cross-pollination of ideas among Beginners, without the modeling by implanted students. 49 Further challenges were found among teachers with limited experience teaching science curriculum. These teachers felt unprepared to provide students with satisfactory answers to their emergent questions. Fortunately, the use of VTS methods have supported these teachers. VTS methodology places the teacher in the role of a clarifying facilitator, rather than a dispenser of wisdom. When asked by a student, “Why does light go in a straight path?” the teacher does not need to give a definitive answer. Instead, the teacher might say, “Great question. If we keep experimenting we might find out what it is about light that makes it behave like that” or “Where might we find an answer to that question?” In this way the teacher solicits from the student further ideas and sources to investigate, thus developing student autonomy. This method is, of course, not a way of avoiding student questions, but of asking the child to engage as a fullfledged partner with the teacher in discovery. Other challenges call for continued open communication among teachers. In one instance, a grade level decided to teach ELD without science because they found it impossible to teach both content areas for student mastery. Through conversation and clarification, the grade level realized ELD standards were the primary focus, while the science inquiry process motivated students and created a language rich environment. Assessment of Individual Student Progress An area of the Science/ELD program, which had not been addressed in the initial design, was the need for an articulated whole school assessment. Having whole group data did not provide enough information on the individual progress of our students. This new assessment would have to be different for all grades. It would have to be given twice a year, as a pre and post, so we could measure progress in a wide spectrum of language and science process skills. We also needed to design an assessment ourselves so we could control what it looked like and so we could easily modify it. I began this work with my 3 rd grade team last year and the assessment was given whole school this last October. The following details describe the whole school assessment. Craig Madison and the 3rd grade team designed whole school assessments for ELD and science process These assessments are designed to be specifically appropriate to each grade level, K-5 The assessments are based on a combination of the Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) writing sample and the science inquiry/ELD assessment designed by The Inverness Group. These assessments are administered at the beginning and end of each school year. The science assessment includes: o A dramatic natural phenomenon o The opportunity to talk about, write about, and draw what is happening and to provide evidence o The opportunity for teachers to compare the pre and post tests to measure individual student growth in, for example, verb use, 50 writing volume, observations and inferences with or without evidence, and the ability to extend thinking through the posing of questions The whole school Science/ELD assessments we designed, per grade level, are outlined below: Science/ELD Pilot Assessment Proposal K Sink or Float Use big toy containers filled with water. Students verbally predict if a pumpkin will sink or float and verbally share what went on, what they saw that made them think that, and what they wonder about this phenomenon. 1 Lego Balance Beam Set up a ruler on a rounded fulcrum (like a section of a poster tube or paper towel roll cut in half, like a half moon) with five Legos taped to the underside of a ruler very close to the fulcrum. Challenge students to place a single Lego at the far other end of the ruler to make it to balance. Students verbally share what went on, what they saw that made them think that, and what they wonder about this phenomenon. 2 Bottles and Balloons Provide water bottle with vinegar and balloon with baking soda. Students write a prediction and draw a diagram. After experiment, students draw a labeled illustration and write what went on, what they saw that made them think that, and what they wonder about the phenomenon. 3 Ice Balloons Freeze water balloons. Provide salt, flashlights, dark room, and containers of water to float ice balloons. Students write a prediction before ice is put in water. After experiment, students draw a labeled illustration and write what went on, what they saw that made them think that, and what they wonder about the phenomenon. 4 Variable Density Put an ice cube into a container of corn oil (like Mazola). Corn oil is right between the density of ice and water so the ice will float and drops of water will slowly sink as it melts. Students write a prediction. After experiment, students draw a labeled illustration and write what went on, what they saw that made them think that, and what they wonder about the phenomenon. 5 Condensation Place pieces of dry ice in one container of water, and one container of corn oil. The kids observe the two containers side by side. You see the bubbles of carbon dioxide floating up through both liquids, but the water 51 creates a ton of fog while the oil creates little to none because the cold air condenses the water vapor that exists above the water but not the oil. Students write a prediction. After experiment, students draw a labeled illustration and write what went on, what they saw that made them think that, and what they wonder about the phenomenon. Refining the Assessments Meeting with VTS co-founder, Peter Yenawine, helped us further refine the whole school assessments. We found that our initial assessments were so guided in what was expected from the students that they would not reveal the full extent of student progress with language or science. Mr. Yenawine explained that if we ask a student for a prediction or an observation, or an “I wonder ___?” question, we are missing the opportunity to see if a child will write predictions, observations or questions without a teacher prompt to do so. His advice was to present the phenomena, and simply ask students, “What is going on here?” or perhaps “What did you see that makes you think that?” and then let the kids make sense of the phenomena as they have with art images and inquiries all year. He reminded us to trust in the students’ ability to learn. He showed us the wealth of information held in comparing pre and post student writing about a single science experiment. A simple analysis revealed movement from concrete statements (I see ice.) to more complex observations and inference with evidence (I notice the ice is clear on the edge but it is white inside. Maybe it’s because it is colder inside.) Using the experience of our first attempt and this clarifying advice, we will be able to simplify the assessments for next year, and get at an even more authentic look at our students’ progress. Sharing the Wealth The success of El Verano’s Science/ELD program will move it from our school into our district’s four other elementary schools beginning next year. I will continue my work as a lead teacher over the next three years supporting other teachers in our district who wish to implement the program we have developed. We now have a cadre of thirty interested teachers, who will be trained this summer. Two additional years of training will follow which will involve most of our school district’s elementary teaching staff. El Verano School will act as a demonstration school during this exporting of the Science/ELD model, so teachers from other schools may come to observe and participate in our classrooms for a first-hand experience. In conclusion, my classroom work continues to be a laboratory for the evolving design and implementation of the Science/ELD program. El Verano teachers are fortunate enough to be on the cutting edge as our program grows and the validity of its success is measured. The program recently received United 52 States Department of Education funding to further evaluate how the program is working in creating teacher knowledge and student growth. I have learned profound things from this work. I now realize public schools cannot wait to be told what to do by governments or experts. As teachers, we must model for our students how to be inventive, creative individuals who use power constructively to benefit the many. We must live how we want our students to be. We must ask ourselves, “What would happen if we designed our own ELD program and integrated it with science?” and then have the courage to do it. We have to trust ourselves enough to design assessments that give us the information we need. We must make our classrooms exciting, vibrant places that encourage free-thinking, experimentation, discovery and sharing. We must take all the resources we can gather and recreate them into something useful that works for the children with whom we are entrusted. Bibliography: Ponzio, R., Peterson, K., Castori, P., Galloway, R. (2006). Getting Creative with Assessment: Making Children's Science Visible. Science and Children, July 2006. 53 Ackowledgements It took many people to get this amazing airplane off the ground. I would like to thank some of them here. Thank you to Louann Carlomagno for talking with me about integrating science and ELD years ago. I so appreciate her insistence that it could only work if a cohesive system were thoughtfully designed and implemented. Thanks to Barbara Young and Les Vadasz for running with the idea and arranging the meeting with the Exploratorium. Thank you to Lynn, Fred, Marilyn, Barry, Paula, and Patrick at the Institute for Inquiry for training us so well in the inquiry model, and for listening and helping us evolve this magic blend of ELD and science. Thanks to Pam Castori for her elegantly designed assessments, which helped us prove the method works. Thank you to Maite Iturri, El Verano’s inspiring principal, who has dedicated herself to bringing all children the best education possible. Her belief in an inquiry model for education is the future. Thanks to my third grade team, Tim Curley and Gennifer Caven, for always being excited about trying better ways of doing things, and having the inventiveness, creativity, and energy to make new pathways. Thanks to my wife and daughter for being patient with the long hours I spend at school, and for encouraging me to follow my enthusiasm. Thanks to the Sonoma Education Foundation for looking at our data and funding the exportation of the model to our sister schools. And a final thanks to the teachers of El Verano who were willing to step outside the box and build and continue to refine a program that worked for their students. 54 About the Author Craig Madison is an architect and public school teacher. After twenty years working as a design/build professional, the birth of his daughter, Taylor, inspired Craig to serve the children of his community. He has been teaching 2nd and 3rd grades at El Verano School in the Sonoma Valley for 15 years. He is a winner of the 2011 Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence. He lives in Glen Ellen, California with his wife, daughter, and their three cats. 55