MSc in Museology 1th / 2nd Semester 1-The Social Function of Museums 2-In-depth Studies in Museology 3-Museology and Contemporary Thought 4-Museology, Heritage and Cultural Development 5-Museography and Computing Laboratory 6-Internship/Placement 3th / 4th Semester 7-Research Methodologies in Museology 8-Research Seminar in Museology 9-Scientific Dissertation in Museology /Advanced Project Work in Museology /Internship Report (S) - Seminar; TC - theoretical/practical; (OT)- Tutorial Hours 25 (S) 10 (S); 15(TC) 25 (S) 25 (S) 50(TC) 100 (OT) Ects 10 10 10 10 10 10 20(TP) 10 (S) 10 5 20 (OT) 45 1-The Social Function of Museums Objectives The objective of this curricular unit is to analyze the theoretical-methodological framework of Contemporary Museology. The main reflection and practice areas of Museology will be addressed: their relationship with the social contexts where the production conditions of the different museologic discourses are developed/their various intervention areas. The general context of the curricular unit will be presented/analyzed in detail. We will try to define the theoretical/practical context of the national/international Museology. Course contents 1 – Memory and power: The relationships of Museology with the memory contents; Memory as social cohesion element; Cultural patrimony and memory in museums; Museums: conflicts, memories and identity 2 – Museum and Society: Concepts and Interdisciplinary; The idea of museum; Ways of perceiving the Museum in the contemporary age 3-Modernization of museal institutions: The cultural and patrimony institutions modernity; New forms of museal action; Innovative processes; The new and different functions of the modern museum The place of the collections and patrimony in contemporary Museology 4 – The present museum and the new Museology: Action and conscientization within a new paradigm; Cultural Identity and Democracy; Open and interactive system; Institutional looks and relationship with UNESCO: Santiago de Chile Declaration, Quebec Declaration, Oaxtepec Declaration, Caracas Declaration 5- The museum’s social operativeness: The museum and its social surroundings; The museum’s study object Learning outcomes of the course unit To bring together museologic theory / practice. To recognize sociomuseologic processes by applying / exploring new methodologies in the resolution of problems, dialoguing with different specialists / finding balanced solutions concerning the respect for populations / their patrimony. We intend to prepare the students for the museologic exercise / reflection by encouraging them to reflect, to have a critical and ethical mind and to have professional rigor. Planed learning activities, teaching methods and assessment methods and criteria The classes are seminars that enable a comprehensive reflection about the problems under discussion. 1 The assessment is composed of an assignment that is transversal to all curricular units in which all the addressed themes are related. The assessment is also composed of the research' project to be developed with 5 Reading files Recommended or required reading ABREU,Regina e CHAGAS,Mário.(org) ,2003. Memória e património: ensaios contemporâneos. FAPERJ/UNIRIO,R. de Janeior. BALERDI, Ignácio Díaz (Coord.) (2007); La memoria fragmentada: el museo y sus paradojas, Col. Museología e Património, Gijón, España, Ed. Trea. BOLAÑOS, María, 2005. La memoria del mundo. Cien años de museología (1900-2000). Col. Museología e Património, Gijón, España, Ed. Trea. MOUTINHO, Mário, 1996. Museus e Sociedade. Cadernos de Património, Monte Redondo PRIMO, Judite Santos (org) , 1999. Museologia e Património: Documentos e Depoimentos. In: Cadernos de Sociomuseologia n15, Centro de Estudos de Sociomuseologia, ULHT, Lisboa. RIVIÈRE, Georges Henri, 1993. La museología: Curso de museología/ Textos y testimonios. Arte y Estética. Ediciones AKAL, Espanha,. VARINE-BOHAN, H. 1991. L’iniciative communautaire: recherche et experimentation. Paris: W. MNES,(Collection Muséologie). 2-In-depth Studies in Museology Objectives The main objective of this curricular unit is to develop and reflect about the changes occurred in the theoretical-practical field of Museology in the second half of the 20th century / the insertion of the sociomuseologic work in the 21th century. To discuss the development potential of the museologic institutions, especially in their formats and scopes (social, territorial, financial). To reflect about the importance of internal / external domain relating to the community in which the museal institutions is inserted Course contents From the contemplative museum to the active museum New formats / scopes of museums Perspectives on the local development: equity / difference A Museology of the development: the roots of the concept / their operationalization Politics / museums: the recent investment on museologic institutions, objectives and profitability in the various scopes The museums and their direct impact on local communities The personal development The reinforcement of identitary links Knowledge preservation The meaning and the valorization of the museum’s action in the internal perspective The museums and their indirect impact on local communities The museum as touristic resource The museum as promotion and viabilization factor of handicraft activities The museum as instrument of local visibility The museum as generator of financial flows and qualified employment The importance of the museums action in the social inclusion Synthesis of the effective and potential action of museums as development instruments Learning outcomes of the course unit To bring together museologic theory / practice. To recognize sociomuseologic processes by applying / exploring new methodologies in the resolution of problems, dialoguing with different specialists / finding balanced solutions concerning the respect for populations and their patrimony. We intend to prepare the students for the museologic exercise and reflection by encouraging them to reflect, to have a critical and ethical mind and to have professional rigor. 2 Planed learning activities, teaching methods and assessment methods and criteria The classes are seminars that enable a comprehensive reflection about the problems under discussion. The assessment is composed of an assignment that is transversal to all curricular units in which all the addressed themes are related. The assessment is also composed of the research' project to be developed with 5 Reading files Recommended or required reading: A.A.V.V.(2001) Politique e Musées, L’Harmattan, Patrimoines et Societés, Paris. Boylan, Patrick (1996). Les Projects de musées liés au tourisme et au développment local, in Musée gérer autrement : um regard international, La Documentation Française, Paris, CEFAT (Centro Europeu de Formação Ambiental e Turística) (1993). El Desarrollo Turístico Sostenible en el Médio Rural, Futures, Madrid Estudo "Cultura e Lazer, caracterização e evolução das perspectivas de emprego", IEFP, 1999, Espaço e Desenvolvimento, Quaternaire, Portugal Karp, Ivan e Lavine, Stefen (1992), Museum and Comunities : the politics of public culture, Smithsonian Press, Syrett, Stephen (1996); Local Development, Avebury, Aldershot, (2ª Ed) Théveniaut-Muller, Martine (1999); Le développement local, une réponse politique à la mondialisation, Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, Vachon, Bernard (1991); Le développment local : théorie et prátique, réintroduire l’humain dans la lógique de développment, Gaetan Morin, Quebeque 3-Museology and Contemporary Thought Objectives Framing the study of Museology and Sociomuseology in the broader context of contemporary thought. Relate Sociomuseology theory with different areas of knowledge. Understanding the connections of Sociomuseology with different currents of thought Course contents 1 The contempoary thought: its panorama Major authors – symbolic books 2 What are the primordial epistems-paradigms of contemporary thought Marx, Freud, Sartre, Nietzsche, Darwin, Einstein, Mcluhan: the Primordial Epistemes-Paradigms 3 Science, Technology And Society Historical-structural parameters of Portuguese Society Humanities vs. Technologies? Learning outcomes of the course unit Framing the study of Museology and Sociomuseology in the broader context of contemporary thought. Relate Sociomuseology theory with different areas of knowledge. Understanding the connections of Sociomuseology with different currents of thought Planed learning activities, teaching methods and assessment methods and criteria The classes are seminars that enable a comprehensive reflection about the problems under discussion. The assessment is composed of an assignment that is transversal to all curricular units in which all the addressed themes are related. The assessment is also composed of the research' project to be developed with 5 Reading files Recommended or required reading NEVES, Fernando Santos et alii.(2007), Introdução ao Pensamento Contemporâneo, Tópicos, Ensaios e Documentos, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. SEDAS, Nunes A.(1971) Questões preliminares sobre as Ciências Sociais, Ed. Presença,. PARSONS, T., et alli, (1981). Ed. Theories of Society, Foundations of Modern Sociological Theory, com PIAGET, J., dir. de, Lógica e conhecimento científico, tr. port., 2 vls., Porto, Ed. Civilização. FOUCAULT, M. (1989). As palavras e as coisas, tr. port., Ed. 70. PARSONS, T., et alli, (1965). Ed. Theories of Society, Foundations of Modern Sociological Theory, complete in one volume, Free Press, Nova Iorque, Londres. 3 TOURAINE, A. (1970). A sociedade post-industrial, tr. port., Ed. Moraes. Mc. LUHAN, M. (1977). A galáxia de Gutenberg, tr. port., S. Paulo. MARCUSE, H., (1984). O homem uni-dimensional, a ideologia da sociedade industrial, tr. port., Ed. Zahar. MOREIRA, Adriano (1984). Ciência política, Coimbra, Ed. Almedina. 4-Museology, Heritage and Cultural Development Objectives The objective of this curricular unit is to analyze the major issues that started to be discussed and analyzed in the museologic context in the second half of the twentieth century. We also intend to analyze the organization, influences and importance of the new typologies of museums that appeared in that period based on some of their paradigms. Facilitate knowledge that enables to critically participate in the sociomuseologic planning within an interdisciplinary framework. To analyze the development potential promoted by the museums, especially their new formats and geographic scopes (from the national museum to the local museum). To prepare the students for the development problems related with the urban social-economic, local and regional contexts. To facilitate theoretical and methodological knowledge for the analysis of the different development contexts in their various dimensions and scales Course contents 1.Problematic, concepts and methodologies in the construction of the notion of patrimony. 2.Social practices and collective memories: Patrimony in its dimensions: human, spatial and time dimensions 3.Patrimony in the identitary construction process The relation of temporality with the territoriality in the identitary contexts: 4.Cultural patrimony in social-cultural contexts interculturality, multiculturality, cultural hybridation and the transnational problematic. 7 Patrimony Musealization 8.The role of Sociomuseology in the cultural and patrimonial asset. 9.Patrimony and Sociomuseology as development vectors. 10.Development models and policies: replacement of imports, "green revolution”, promotion of exports, structural adjustment, social contract 11.Dimensions of present globalization in economy, culture and politics 12.Theoretical debate: “Globalization – since when?” social organization vs. territoriality; the classic, modern and recent authors 13.Realities and alternatives: what is really new?; “low” globalization and “high" globalization Learning outcomes of the course unit To deepen the knowledge of the different theoretical perspectives in the approach to the problematic of Development in its multiple dimensions and scales. To hold recurrent discussions of the research experience done in the scope of museums. To prepare for the discussion of the new concepts and paradigms of Museology, museums and Patrimony. To deepen the knowledge of the different approaches and notions of Museology; To facilitate tools that allow for the analysis and organization of new categories/typologies of museums; Theoretical and practical preparation to research and teach in Museology, Patrimony and Cultural Policies fields; To use Museology as support to learning processes. Planed learning activities, teaching methods and assessment methods and criteria The classes are seminars that enable a comprehensive reflection about the problems under discussion. The assessment is composed of an assignment that is transversal to all curricular units in which all the addressed themes are related. The assessment is also composed of the research' project to be developed with 5 Reading files Recommended or required reading 4 A.A.V.V. (2002). Cidadania e novos poderes numa sociedade global. (Col. Nova Enciclopédia). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Publicações Dom Quixote. ANDERSON, B. (2005). Comunidades imaginadas: Reflexões sobre a origem e a expansão do nacionalismo. (Col. Perspectiva do Homem). Lisboa: Edições 70. APPADURAI (1988) Modernity at large, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. AUGÉ, Marc (1994) Não-lugares, Introdução a uma antropologia da sobremodernidade, Venda Nova, Bertrand. CANCLINI, N. G.(2005) Diferentes, desiguais e desconectados: mapas e interculturalidades. Rio de Janeiro: EdUFRJ CHOAY, Françoise (2000) A alegoria do património, Lisboa, Edições 70, CONNERTON, Paul (1999) Como as sociedades recordam, Lisboa, Celta. DESVALLÉES, A. (Coord.). (2003) Que futuro para os museus e para o património cultural na aurora. ELKINGTON, John, 2001. Canibais com garfo e faca. São Paulo: Makron Books. SANTOS, Milton, 2005. Da totalidade ao lugar. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo. 5-Laboratory and computing museographer Objectives 1. The student should become familiar with terminology, techniques and methodologies presented on each module. 2. The student should acquire the knowledge to become active in a working environment, for developing and coordinating projects with interactive installations, augmented reality, multitouch interfaces with 2D and 3D contents and 3D scanning. 3. The student should be able to establish a more effective dialogue with other professionals such as graphic designers, exhibition designers, programmers, web designers and 3D modelers. Course contents Museology and Computation Lab consists of 5 units where different subjects and technological resources are presented by guest speakers of each specific area. The coursework is based on practical exercises, building prototypes and study visits. The practical exercises are organized in a sequential way allowing a progression in the understanding of technical procedures necessary for designing interactive modules in an exhibition. Lab Units Description 1st Unit. Audio-visual skills In this module the student will be introduced to audiovisual terminology, camera operation, audio capture, editing and post-production. During this session the student will have to create a narrative and build a 3 to 5 minutes video. 2nd Unit. Creation of 3D files with 3D Scanning This module will present the methods and techniques to build a 3D scanner. The student will build a 3D scanner and scan a selected object, that will be used in the following modules. 3rd Unit. Introduction to Multi-touch Interfaces This module will present the methods and techniques to build a multi-touch surface. Students will have to build a multitouchsurface LLP (Laser Light Plane) and test it with 2D and 3D contents. 4th Unit. Augmented Reality and Exhibition Design This module will presented Augmented Reality (AR) as a technology for museums expography. The student should understand the process of AR, different markers and types of software that allow creating AR applications. In this session the student will have to build a prototype in augmented reality with a 3D object and construct a narrative around the selected object. 5th Unit. Body as Interface On this module the students will work with kinect camera and build a prototype using Unity 3D. 6th Unit. Create a Website 5 In this module the students will create a website, in a free domain, through a content management system (Joomla or Drupal).The student will have to define the layout and menu for their "Online Portolio" and put it online. Assessment Online Portfolio The student will have to create an Online Portfolio, hosted on a server. This prototype will have to present each prototype with 300 words followed by edited videos and images for each module. (Only mandatory for MSc and PhD students in Museology) Students who wish to attend the laboratory, must have current knowledge of computing, including the use of basic tools for image manipulation and text. Must use a laptop and a digital camera with video recording capability. Students may request advice on the technical characteristics of these two devices. The remaining equipment and materials will be provided by the laboratory. Recommended or required reading AMERIKA, Mark (2007), META/DATA, A digital poetics, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. BOLTER, Jay David e GROMALA, Diane (2005), Windows and Mirrors, Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. BOLTER, Jay David (2000) Remediation: Understanding New Media, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. DELEUZE, Gilles (2006), A imagem-tempo, cinema 2, Tradução e introdução Rafael Godinho, Lisboa, Assírio / Alvim, Título original: L'image-temps. Cinéma 2, Paris, Éditions Minuit, 1985. GAUT, Berys and LOPES, Dominic McIver Ed. (2005), The Rutledge companion guide to aesthetics, Oxon, Routledge. HANSEN, Mark B. N. (2004), New Philosophy for New Media, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 6-Internship Internship/Museum Placement - During their first year, all masters students undertake supervised work experience in a professional environment. The Museology Department ensures internships in a wide network of museums in Portugal with which has agreements and works in collaboration since 1991. It also has protocols with some museums in Brazil, in particular São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. Objectives Introduction to professional practice through the study of the institution Identify and characterize the main vectors of structural student intervention in the institution where the internship is accomplished Identify issues and problems specific to different contexts internship; Analyze and systematize the knowledge acquired in the internship, reflecting theoretical, methodological and critically about the experiences observed and experienced. Select and train certain methods and techniques (observation, study, planning, implementation and evaluation) to allow carrying out a planning internship and make an approach to the problems in different intervention contexts Planed learning activities, teaching methods and assessment methods and criteria This assessment offers a systematic supervision by field staff and teachers . The academic supervision sessions aimed at monitoring the student in learning, programming, implementation and evaluation of internship activities. Each student must submit internship records weekly or biweekly Recommended or required reading The bibliography will be the responsibility of each advisor / student through the subject matter in your research project 7-Research Methodology in Museology Objectives To present the main stages of scientific research in Museology; To analyze the theoretical-methodological Framework of Contemporary Museology; 6 To problematize relevant distinctions between concepts / categories as tools of scientific research; To clarify the role played theory, methodologies / research technique in the Museology field; To hold recurrent discussions of the research experience, especially in the field of museums. Course contents I. Research in Museology 1. The disciplinary statute of Museology and the place of research: the different perspectives of research applied to Museology 2. Research in Museology in international and national context: balance and perspectives of knowledge production in Museology II. Research in Social Sciences: Theoretical-methodological issues and the research process 1. The Dynamics of the construction of knowledge in Social Sciences: a debate on the research strategies 2. Research strategies and research designs in Museology 3. Research methods and main techniques in Social Sciences – a reflective revision in order to design and apply to research in Museology by focusing on the research qualitative methodologies 4. The museologic collections as research object: methods and procedures Learning outcomes of the course unit To bring together museologic theory / practice. To recognize sociomuseologic processes by applying and exploring new methodologies in the resolution of problems, dialoguing with different specialists and finding balanced solutions concerning the respect for populations and their patrimony. We intend to prepare the students for the museologic exercise and reflection by encouraging them to reflect, to have a critical and ethical mind and to have professional rigor. To prepare students to teach in the fields of Museology, patrimony and cultural policies. Planed learning activities, teaching methods and assessment methods and criteria The classes are seminars that enable a comprehensive reflection about the problems under discussion. The assessment is composed of an assignment that is transversal to all curricular units in which all the addressed themes are related. The assessment is also composed of the research' project to be developed with 5 Reading files Recommended or required reading: CRESWELL, John W. (2003), Research Design – qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, Sage, Londres. DOLBEC, André (2003),”A Investigação-Acção”, Investigação Social – da problemática à colheita de dados, GAUTHIER, Benoît (ed), Loures, Lusodidáctica, 483-512 FLICK, U. (2005). Métodos Qualitativos na Investigação Científica. Lisboa: Monitor FORTIN, Marie-Fabienne (2003), O processo de investigação, Loures: Lusociência GAUTHIER, Benoît (ed) (2003), Investigação Social – da problemática à colheita de dados, Loures, Lusodidáctica MACKIEWICZ. Marie-Piere (ed.) (2001), Practien et chercheur, Paris: L’Harmattan PERETZ, Henri (2000), Métodos em Sociologia, Lisboa, Temas e Debates REY, Fernando (2005), Pesquisa Qualitativa e Subjectividade, São Paulo: Thomson SHAW, I. / Gould, N. (2001). Qualitative research in social work. Londres: Sage 8-Research Seminar in Museology Objectives Research Seminar introduces students to the process of academic research and allow them a moment of reflection and sharing of the research undertaken through a presentation and debate of each thesis project. Since this is a time of sharing and presentation of the research conducted for thesis and dissertations, the curriculum of this course is dependent on each student research route. In this sense, the choice of content and materials to be presented is made with each supervisor. Research Seminar support the students to conducted literature review relevant to each research topic, to deal with ethical approaches and present the research proposal orally in seminar. Students must develop a timeline for the proposed research and elaborate a Gantt chart and a Pert charts. 7 Recommended or required reading The bibliography will be the responsibility of each advisor / student through the subject matter in your research project 9-Dissertation Scientific Museology Objectives The dissertation must guarantee the respect for the objectives treated by the Dublin Descriptors regarding the Master's Programme. Qualifications that signify completion of the second cycle are awarded to students who: Cycle Knowledge and understanding: Have demonstrated knowledge and understanding that is founded upon and extends and/or enhances that typically associated with the first cycle, and that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context; Applying knowledge and understanding: Can apply their knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study; Making judgements: Have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgements with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements; Communication Can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously; Learning skills Have the learning skills to allow them to continue to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous. Research lines Dependant on a theme chosen to develop their research, the students have the option to choose the following lines of research: Museologic Theory Museology and Cultural Policy Museology, SSME, Quality and Evaluation in Museums Museographies: Documentation, Curatorship and Expography, Cultural and Educational Action Museology and New Technologies Musealization and Society: Expressions of Memory, Ethnographic Collections and Archaeology Local Museology, Patrimony and Social Representations The research lines are duly described and were defined according to the syllabi and they are coordinated by duly qualified lecturers. In justified situations and whenever the coordination quality is guaranteed, new lines may be created.. 8