Guidelines and Procedures Contract

Tennis Team Line-up Guidelines and Procedures Contract
I understand that my playing privilege for the remainder of the scheduled
events is contingent on the following:
1. I have read, understand, and will follow all team guidelines and
2. I understand that my personal conduct outside school related
activities can affect my privilege to participate in tennis.
3. I will dress and participate in all tennis activities. Athlete’s grades
are tied to participation in class. Other than illness, each day a
player is not prepared to participate in class, points will be
ducted from their grade. (Students must have required
paperwork on file, appropriate clothing, and racket each day).
4. My attitude toward the game, fellow players, coaches and
teachers will be exemplary.
5. I will work hard in practice in order to achieve the goals set forth
by my team and myself.
6. I will, to the best of my ability, complete all tasks and requests of
my coaches and Clear Creek High School as a student athlete.
I realize that violating any of the above guidelines will result in the
loss of my status as a member of the tennis team and the privilege
of representing Clear Creek High School as a tennis player.
Love the Battle,
Coach Patrick Marrie
Parent Signature __________________Date________
Player Signature__________________ Date________