MAJOR CONCERNS At what age did you or others first have concerns about his development? What were those concerns? What are your current concerns? What goals do you have for your visit today? What would you like to accomplish? What questions would you like answered? PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS What was the first educational intervention? What age? What other educational interventions has he had? What current interventions are in place? Does he receive occupational therapy? When did this begin? What specific techniques are used during this therapy? How has he responded to it? Does he receive physical therapy? When did this begin? What specific techniques are used during this therapy? How has he responded to it? Does he receive speech-language therapy? When did this begin? What specific techniques are used during this therapy? How has he responded to it? Have you tried any complementary or alternative interventions? What psychological or neuropsychological testing has been done? What did this testing show? What is your understanding of the results of these tests? What is your understanding of his diagnosis? What is your understanding of the results of prior evaluations? What medical testing has been done (EEG? MRI? Other?) What schools has he attended? What school does he attend currently? What type of school is this? Describe the classroom setting. How many children are in the class? What is the teacher to student ratio? Does he have a one to one aide? Is he a client of California Children’s Services or the Regional Center? What providers are currently involved in his care? What learning techniques do you implement at home? PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: MEDICTIONS (including prescription, over the counter, dietary supplements, other substances): ALLERGIES (including medication, food, other): PRENATAL and BIRTH HISTORY: How old was mom at the time of child’s birth? How old was dad at the time of child’s birth? How many pregnancies has mom had in total? How many deliveries has mom had? How many miscarriages has mom had? How many therapeutic abortions has mom had? Did mom take any prescription medications during pregnancy? Did mom smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or take recreational drugs during pregnancy? Was mom exposed to any known toxins during pregnancy? Was the pregnancy planned? Was there reproductive assistance (IVF, artificial insemination, etc.)? Were there any complications with the pregnancy? When during pregnancy did prenatal care begin? What was the baby’s gestational age? Was he delivered vaginally or by C-section? Was there use of forceps or vacuum? What were the Apgar scores? Did the baby require cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Were there any infections or other complications surrounding the time of birth? Length of hospital stay? Did mom have any health problems during the pregnancy? DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY (please include the AGE at which each milestone was achieved, at what AGE the milestone was LOST if applicable, any specific concerns that parents had, and any EXAMPLES that the parents can provide): Language MILESTONE Coo Babble Understand “no” 1st word other than mama or dada Speak in 2-word phrases Speak in 3-word phrases Speech fully intelligible to strangers Sing songs Tell tall tales AGE milestone achieved LOST? EXAMPLES CONCERNS Non-verbal Communication MILESTONE AGE achieved Wave “bye” Indicate wants Point to things he wants Understand/respond to others facial expressions Notice or care how others feel or react Communicate by nodding “yes” or shaking “no” Learn through imitation MILESTONE Fix on and track faces Smile in response to others’ facial expressions Eye contact Look to parents (establish eye contact) for permission or encouragement Look to parents (establish eye contact) in anticipation of approval or disapproval LOST? EXAMPLES CONCERNS AGE milestone achieved LOST? EXAMPLES CONCERNS AGE milestone achieved LOST? EXAMPLES CONCERNS Play MILESTONE Parallel play (play alongside other children) Interactive play (play with other children) Imaginative play (i.e. “play house,” make up stories during play) Other types of play Peculiar play (i.e. lining up toys, preoccupation with a particular toy or part of a toy) Motor MILESTONE Sit on his own Crawl Walk Run Walk up stairs Walk down stairs Throw a ball Kick a ball Ride a tricycle Ride bicycle Reach for a toy Feed himself finger foods Scribble with a pencil Tie shoes Button a shirt AGE milestone achieved Repetitive or ritualistic behaviors Does he have any repetitive movements Does he have any unusual routines? Does he have any tics? Does he have hyperactivity? Does he have inattention (difficulty focusing)? Sensory LOST? EXAMPLES CONCERNS Does he have increased sensitivity to certain textures? Sensations? Sounds? Sights? Foods? Does he have unusual liking of certain sensations? Sounds? Sights? Foods? FAMILY HISTORY: Consanguinity Miscarriages Sudden infant death Children with difficulty walking Children with difficulty talking Children with difficulty Seizure Headache Developmental delay Mental retardation Cerebral palsy Learning disabilities Autism Tics Movement disorder