PUBLICATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Penn State Behrend Faculty 2007 School School School School of of of of Business Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences Science PENN STATE ERIE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 2007 PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS Adjaoud, F., D. Zehgal, and S. Andaleeb. The Effect of Board's Quality on Performance: A Study of Canadian Firms. Corporate Governance: An International Review 15(4):623-635. Andaleeb S. and S., A. Caskey. Satisfaction with Food Services: Insights from a College Cafeteria. Journal of Foodservice Business Research 10(2):51-65. Andaleeb, S., N. Siddiqui, and S. Khandakar. Patient Satisfaction with Health Services in Bangladesh. Health Policy and Planning 22(4):263-273. Anwar, S. F. and S. Andaleeb. Factors Contributing to Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Growth: A Theoretical Perspective. International Review of Business Research Papers 3(5):44-53. Brown, C., and D. Doran. The Relative Accuracy of Allocating Service Departments' Cost to Production Departments Under the Step Method. The Journal of Cost Analysis and Management Fall:1-14. Brown, M. Misconceptions of Ethical Leadership: How to Avoid Potential Pitfalls. Organizational Dynamics 36(2):140-155. Choong, P., G. Filbeck, and D. Tompkins. Advertising Strategy and Returns on Advertising: A Market Value Approach. The Business Review 8(2):17-23. Chowdhury, H. K. and S. Andaleeb. A Multivariate Model of Perceived Quality in a Developing Country. Journal of International Consumer Marketing 19(2):3357. Filbeck, G., T. Krueger, and D. Preece. CFO Magazine’s Working Capital Survey: Do Selected Firms Work for Shareholders? Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics 46(1):322. Forester, G., P. Thoms, and J. Pinto. Importance of Goal Setting in Virtual Project Teams. Psychological Reports 100:270-274. Gattiker, T. and D. Parente. Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Data Sources for Empirically Building and Validating Theories in Operations Management. Journal of Operations Management 25(5):957-961. Jackson, E. and P. Thoms. Overtime Addiction. Journal of Business and Economics Research 21 pp., November. King, K. Charter Schools in Arizona: Does Being a For-profit Institution Make a Difference? Journal of Economic Issues 41(3):729-746. Do Spillover Benefits Create a Market Inefficiency in K-12 Public Education? Cato Journal 27(1):447-458. Louie, K. The Paradox of American Economic Leadership. Journal of Nanjing University Spring:1-16. Mansfield, P. and M. B. Pinto. Marketing Credit Cards to College Students: Will Legislation Protect Them from Excessive Debt? Marketing Management 17(1):112-122. Millet, I. and R. Nelson. Data Flow Diagrams versus Use Cases – Student Perceptions. International Journal of Information and Communications Technology Education 3(1):70-78. Nesbit, T. Excise Taxation and Product Quality: The Gasoline Market. Economic Issues 12(2):1-14. Palardy, J. and T. Nesbit. Traditional Public Schools Versus Charter Schools: A Comparison of Technical Efficiency. Economics Bulletin 9(9):1-10. Parente, D., J. Duck, X. Zhao, and J. Fizel. Collaboration: Leading and Learning by Example. Journal of Online Teaching and Learning. Vol. 3, Issue 2. Sobel, R. and T. Nesbit. Automobile Safety Regulation and the Incentive to Drive Recklessly: Evidence from NASCAR. Southern Economic Journal 74(1):7184. Southard, P. and D. Parente. A Model of Internal Benchmarking: When & How. Benchmarking: An International Journal 14(2):161-171. Tompkins, D. and G. Filbeck. Management Age and Mutual Fund Performance. Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives. Vol. 33, Issue 2. Vlad, V. and M. Akin. No Eastern and Central European Left Behind: A Cross Country Regression for Fertility, Human Capital and Market Economy. Journal of International Development 19(7):963-974. Warner, A., P. Thoms, and J. Totleben. Does Reliability Pay? How Reputation Can Affect Transaction Governance Investments. International Business and Economics Research Journal 6(6):39-51. Warner, A. and P. Thoms. Some Effects of Reputation on Alliance Formation. Psychological Reports 101(3 2):1103-1106. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS Anwar, S. and S. Andaleeb. Factors Contributing to SME Growth. Proceedings of the World Business Institute/Business and Policy Research Conference, CDROM. Biam, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Andaleeb, S. Customer Defection Propensity after a Service Failure Experience. Proceedings of the World Business Institute/Business and Policy Research Conference, CD-ROM. Biam, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jackson, E., Y. Wu, and D. Parente. Product and Process Integration: The Case of Prosethetic Legs. ICCPR Proceedings. Beijing, China. Scott-Young, C. and D. Samson. Project Success and Team Management. Proceedings of the Oxford Business and Economics Conference. Oxford, England. BOOKS Andaleeb, A. (Ed.). Political Culture in Bangladesh: Perspectives and Analyses: Selections from the Journal of Bangladesh Studies, 373 pp. University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bandladesh. Islam, M., and A. Andaleeb (Eds.). Development Issues of Bangladesh – III, 415 pp. University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Morris, P. and J. Pinto (Eds.). The Wiley Guide to Project Technology, Supply Chain and Procurement Management, 1st Ed., 380 pp. John Wiley, New York, NY. (Eds.). The Wiley Guide to Project, Program & Portfolio Management, 1st Ed., 336 pp. John Wiley, New York, NY. (Eds.). The Wiley Guide to Project Control, 1st Ed., 209 pp. John Wiley, New York, NY. (Eds.). The Wiley Guide to Project Organization & Project Management Competencies, 1st Ed., 330 pp. John Wiley, New York, NY. Waldon, M. and P. Thoms (Eds.). Battleground Business, 1st Ed., 676 pp. Greenwood/Praeger, New York, NY. PARTS OF BOOKS Andaleeb, S. and Z. Irwin. Political Leadership and Legitimacy among the Urban Elite in Bangladesh. Chapter 4 in Political Culture in Bangladesh: Perspectives and Analyses: Selections from the Journal of Bangladesh Studies, edited by S. Andaleeb, pp. 101-123, University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Brown, M. Charismatic Leadership. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 46-52, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Ethics in Business at the Individual Level. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 172-181, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Brown, R. Drug Testing in the Workplace. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 117-125, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Psychological and Honesty Testing in the Workplace. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 424-432, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Same-sex Partner Benefits. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 463-471, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Violence in the Workplace. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 603-610, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Deshmukh, A. Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002: An Investor Boon or Corporate Bane? Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 471-483, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Fairbank, J. Mission Statements. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 346-354, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Strategic Planning. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 539-547, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Ghosh, I., J. Fizel, I. Millet, and D. Parente. Competition and the Winner’s Curse in B2B Reverse Auctions. Chapter in Best Practices for Online Procurement Auctions, edited by D. Parente, pp. 150-165, Information Science Reference, Hershey, NY. Gupta, S., I. Ghosh, and I. Millet. An Empirical Study of Collusion Potential Metrics and their Impact on Online Reverse Auction Success. Chapter in Best Practices for Online Procurement Auctions, edited by D. Parente, pp. 230246, Information Science Reference, Hershey, NY. Iobst, P. Public Relations and Reputation Management. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 432-443, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Technological Connectivity. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 563-573, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Whistle-blowers. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 619-627, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Jackson, E. Wholesale Buying Control by Big-box Retailers. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 627-634, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Implications for Reverse Auctions from A Supply Chain Management Perspective. Chapter in Best Practices for Online Procurement Auctions, edited by D. Parente, pp. 185-197, Information Science Reference, Hershey, NY. King, K. Salary Disparity. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 453-463, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Mansfield, P. Advertising and the Invasion of Privacy. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 1-8, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Marketing to Children. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 314-320, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Mansfield, P. and J. Crane. Marketing to Women and Girls. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 321-327, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Muscatello, J. and D. Parente. A Post-implementation Case Study and Review of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementations: An Update. Chapter 1, IGI Global, Hershey, PA. Nelson, R. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 156-167, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Noce, K. Blogs. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 17-24, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Telecommuting and the Virtual Workplace. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 573-582, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Parente, D. Free Trade. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 195-202, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Online Auctions. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 374-383, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Pinto, M. B. Credit Card Marketing to College Students. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 78-87, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Sex and Advertising. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 493-499, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Southard, P. Reverse Auctions and Supplier Consortia. Chapter in Best Practices for Online Procurement Auctions, edited by D. Parente, Information Science Reference, Hershey, NY. Thoms, P. Labor Shortages. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 280-288, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Thoms, P. Mommy Track. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 354-363, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT (2007). Treviño, L. and M. Brown. Ethical Leadership: A Developing Construct. Chapter in Positive Organizational Behavior, edited by D. Nelson and C. Cooper, pp. 101-116, Sage, Thousand Oaks CA. Warner, A. Corporate Social Responsibility. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 60-70, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Shareholder Activism and the Battle for Corporate Control. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 510-518, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Zhao, X. Stock Market Predictions. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 531-539, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Chinese Currency. Chapter in Battleground Business, edited by M. Walden and P. Thoms, pp. 52-60, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN NONREFEREED JOURNALS Andaleeb, S. In Search of Transformational Leadership. The Daily Star, Nesbit, T. Economic Spotlight: What Researchers Expect for the Economy in 2008. Business Magazine 20(12):5. Trevino, L. and Brown, M. Gestire I'etica Nelle Organizzazioni: Ridimensionare Cinque Miti Sull'etica degli Affair. Notizie di Politeia 23:201-222. Zhao, X. and K. Chung. Information Disclosure and Market Quality: The Effect of SEC Rule 605 on Trading Costs. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 42(3):657-682. RESEARCH REPORTS TO SPONSOR Kurre, J. The Impact of Information Technology on Metro Manufacturing Productivity. Report to eBizITPA, 37 pages, June. Reaction to "Erie International Airport Runway Extension Economic Analysis by Eclat Consulting, Inc, July 2007." Report to Erie International Airport, 10 pages, September. Voss, J., R. Weissbach, and J. Sonnenmeier. Center for Rural Pennsylvania: Protocol for Determining the Feasibility of Installing Dedicated Wind Energy in PA Rural Communities. PENN STATE ERIE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING 2007 PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS Andrawes, J.S., T. J. Kronenberger, J. T. Roth, and R. L. Warley. “Effects of DC current on the mechanical behavior of AIMg1SiCu,” A Taylor & Francis Journal: Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 91-101. Fan, X. and J. Yen. “Multi-party communication and information-need anticipation by experience,” Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 357373. Kamali, K., X. Fan, and J. Yen. “Towards a theory for multiparty proactive communication in agent teams,” International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 271-298. Lasher, W. C. and P. J. Richards. “Validation of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations for International America’s Cup class spinnaker force coefficients in atmospheric boundary layer,” Journal of Ship Research, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 22-38, March. Lasher, W. C. and J. R. Sonnenmeier. “A practical analysis of RANS simulations for spinnaker aerodynamics,” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 143-165, February 2008. (note: while the article has a 2008 publication date, it has been in press since April 2007 and appeared in print December 2007). Meckley, J. “A study of the thermal characteristics of P20 steel and S4 rapid tooling material with conventional and conformal cooling channels,” the Technology Interface, The Electronic Journal for Engineering Technology (, peer reviewed, on-line journal), 12 pp., Fall. Nelatury, S., J. Polo, and A. Lakhtakia. “Surface waves with simple exponential transverse decay at a biaxial bicrystalline interface: Errata,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A (JOSA-A), vol. 24, no.7, pp. 2102-2102, July. “Surface waves with simple exponential transverse decay at a biaxial bicrystalline interface,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A (JOSA-A), vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 856865, March. Nelatury, S. R. “Additional correction to impulse invariant technique for the design of IIR digital filters,” Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, vol. 17, no.2, pp.530-540, February. Perkins, T. A., T. J. Kronenberger, and J. T. Roth. “Metallic forging using electrical flow as an alternative to warm/hot working,” Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 129, iss. 1, pp. 84-94. Polo, J., S. Nelatury, and A. Lakhtakia. “Propagation of surface waves at the planar interface of a columnar thin film and an isotropic substrate,” Journal of Nanophotonics, vol. 1, no. 013501, January. “Surface waves at a biaxial bicrystalline interface,” JOSA–A, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 2974-2979, September. Ross, C. D., D. B. Irvin, and J. T. Roth. “Manufacturing aspects relating to the effects of DC current on the tensile properties of metals,” Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, vol. 129, no. 2, pp. 342-347. Sadiku, M. N. O., C. M. Akujuobi, S. M. Musa, and S. R. Nelatury. “Direct Monte Carlo simulation of time-dependent problems,” the Technology Interface, The Electronic Journal for Engineering Technology (, peer-reviewed, on-line journal), ISSN# 1523-9926, pp.1-9, Fall. “Analysis of time-dependent cylindrical problems using Monte Carlo method,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 2571-2573, October. Sadiku, M. N. O. and S. Nelatury. “High definition television in detail,” IEEE Potentials, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 31-35, January/February. Suprock, C. A., J. J. Piazza, and J. T. Roth. ”Directionally independent failure prediction of end-milling tools during pocketing maneuvers,” Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 129, iss. 4, pp. 770-779. Suprock, C. A., J. T. Roth, and L. Downey. “Failure forecasting for flat, ball-nose, roughing, and tapered endmills using acceleration data,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, NAMRI/SME, vol. 35, pp. 185-192. Suprock, C. A. and J. T. Roth. “Methods for on-line directionally independent failure prediction of end milling cutting tools,” A Taylor & Francis Journal: Journal of Machining Science and Technology, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-44. Sweeney, S. “Beam deflection using spreadsheet tools for successive integration,” the Technology Interface, The Electronic Journal for Engineering Technology, (, peer-reviewed, on-line journal), ISSN#1523-9926, vol. 7, no. 2, 9 pp., Spring. Sweeney, S. K. “Analysis of two-dimensional gage repeatability and reproducibility,” Quality Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 29-37, JanuaryMarch. Wang, W., T. L. Hemminger, and M. Tang. “A moving average non-homogeneous Poisson process reliability growth model to account for software with repair and system structures,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 411-421, September. “A user-oriented reliability modeling approach for Web systems,” International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, no. 3. Warley, R. L., D. L. Feke, and I. Manas-Zloczower. “Transient effects in dynamic modulus measurement of silicone rubber, part 2: Effect of mean strains and strain history,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 104, pp. 2197-2204. Wu, Y., P. E. Allaire, G. Tao, and D. B. Olsen. “Modeling, estimation, and control of human circulatory systems with a left ventricular assist device,” IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 754-767, July. Zhai, G., H. Lin, X. Xu, J. Imae, and T. Kobayashi. “Analysis of switched normal discrete-time systems,” Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 1788-1799, April. Zhai, G., X. Xu, H. Lin, and D. Liu. “Extended Lie algebraic stability analysis for switched systems with continuous-time and discrete-time subsystems,” International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 447-454. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS Alabran, M. W., P. E. Koch, and J. C. Carr. “The effects of molding conditions on nanoscale replications of thermoplastic elastomers,” Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE - 15), Haikou, Hainan Island, China, July. Dave, V., E. Oruklu, and J. Saniie. “Design and synthesis of a three input flagged prefix adder,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007), vol., no., pp.1081-1084, May. Edwards, R. C. “Teaching core concepts in thermal and fluid sciences using devices familiar to the student,” American Society for Engineering Education St. Lawrence Regional Meeting ( “A laboratory exercise to demonstrate how to experimentally determine the operating point for a fan,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference, AC 2007-206. “Using a homemade low speed wind tunnel to illustrate the continuity equation,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference, AC 2007-1004. Fan, X., P. Chen, and J. Yen. “Learning cognitive load models for developing team shared mental models,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM), pp. 145-150, Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 26-29. Fan, X. and J. Yen. “R-CAST: Integrating team intelligence for human-centered teamwork,” Proceedings of the Twenty-Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’07), pp. 1535-1541, Vancouver, Canada. “Realistic cognitive load modeling for enhancing shared mental models in human-agent collaboration,” Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’07), pp. 383-390, Hawaii, May. Grund, E., K. Muhonen, and N. Peachey. “ESD testing of devices by delivering the IEC 6100-4-2 current pulse through a transmission line,” [best paper award] ESD Forum, Munich, Germany, December. Hanratty, T., R. J. Hammell, J. Yen, and X. Fan. “Utilizing concept maps to improve human-agent collaboration within a recognition-primed decision model,” Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'07), pp. 116-120, Silicon Valley, CA. He, S. and X. Xu. “Hardware simulation of an adaptive control algorithm,” Proceedings of the 18th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 102-107, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May. “Hardware/software co-design of an ADALINE based adaptive controller for a DC motor,” Proceedings of the 39th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, pp. 164-168, Mercer University, Macon, GA, March. Hemminger, T. L., D. R. Loker, and S. He. “A microcontroller-based neural network for DTMF decoding,” Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE), vol. 17, pp. 555-560, November. Jackson, E. C., Y. Wu, and M. A. Parente. “Product and process integration: The case of prosthetic legs,” Proceedings of International Conference on Comprehensive Product Realization 2007 (ICCPR 2007), 4 pp., Beijing, China, June. Khalilollahi, A. and R. L. Warley. “Interfiber orientation and volume fraction effects in electronic composite boards,” Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the American Society for Composites, (CD format), September. Koch, P. E., B. A. Young, B. G. Johnson, and M. J. Dropik. “Teaching multiple class capstone projects,” Proceedings of the 65th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Cincinnati, OH. Krahe, R. P. “Removing effects of variable speed in a signal processing algorithm,” Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, 5 pp., Cocoa Beach, FL. “Balanced coil detector model signal generator,” Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, 7 pp., Cocoa Beach, FL. Kronenberger, T. J., D. H. Johnson, and J. T. Roth. “Coupled multifield finite element analysis model of upsetting under an applied direct current,” 2007 American Society of Mechanical Engineers-International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference, MSEC 2007-31203, 10 pp. Kronenberger, T. J., A. Khalilollahi, D. H. Johnson, and J. T. Roth. “Multi-field FE modeling of resistive heating in Ti-6Al-4V specimens,” Proceedings of the 21st Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics-CANCAM, pp. 635-636, June. Lasher, W. C., T. D. Musho, K. C. McKee, and W. Rybka. “An aerodynamic analysis of the U.S. Brig Niagara,” Proceedings of the Eighteenth Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, 13 pp., Annapolis, MD, March. Loker, D., and T. L. Hemminger. “Simulation of neural network DTMF decoder,” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Session 8-Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems, [File 567133.pdf on CD-ROM], 6 pp. Meckley, J. “Involving non-engineering students with engineering students to enhance the learning experience,” Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), 3 pp. Nelatury, S. R., M. N. O. Sadiku, and V. K. Devabhaktuni. [invited paper] “CAD Models for estimating the capacitance of a microstrip interconnect: Comparison and improvisation,” PIERS Proceedings, pp.18-23, Prague, Czech Republic, August 27-30. Onipede, O. and R. Warley. “Rethinking engineering exams to motivate students,” 2007 Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI, October. Rectenwald, G., and R. C. Edwards. “Using simple experiments to teach core concepts in the thermal and fluid sciences,” [best paper award] Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference, AC 2007-2294. Roth, J. T., L. Mears, D. Djurdjanovic, T. Kurfess, and X. Yang. “Quality and inspection of machining operations: Review of condition monitoring and CMM inspection techniques,” 2007 American Society of Mechanical EngineersInternational Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference, MSEC 200731221, 10 pp. Sadiku, M. N. O., C. M. Akujuobi, S. M. Musa, and S. R. Nelatury. “Monte Carlo analysis of time-dependent cylindrical problems,” Proceedings of IEEE Southeast Con 2007, pp.778-782, Richmond, VA, March 22-25. Sadiku, M. N. O., S. M. Musa, and S. R. Nelatury. “Comparison of approximate formulas for the capacitance of microstrip line,” Proceedings of IEEE Southeast Con 2007, pp.427-432, Richmond, VA, March 22-25. Solovyov, S. E., T. H. Powers, and P. E. Koch. “Adsorptive composite barriers for packaging applications,” Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE - 15), Haikou, Hainan Island, China, July. Suprock, C. A., J. T. Roth, and L. M. Downey. “End mill condition monitoring and failure forecasting method for curvilinear cuts of non-constant radii,” 2007 American Society of Mechanical Engineers-International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference, MSEC 2007-31144, 10 pp. Sweeney, S.K. “Selection and unintended consequences of torsionally flexible couplings in off-highway vehicle and stationary industrial applications,” Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition, 2007-01-2425, 11 pp., May. Sweeney, S., R. Englund, and R. Edwards. “Direct assessment of mechanics of materials learning with concept inventory,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, paper number AC2007-569, June. Wang, W., R. Weissbach, and M. Tang. “Predicting the learning performance of artificial intelligent systems using non-homogeneous Poisson process models,” [best paper award] Proceedings of Artificial Neural Network in Engineering (ANNIE), 6 pp. Weissbach, R. and I. Aunkst. “A microcontroller-based solar panel tracking system,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Session 2433, Honolulu, HI, June. Wu, Y. “Physiological control of rotary left ventricular assist device,” Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference, pp. 469-474, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China, July. Xu, X., G. Zhai, and S. He. “Stabilizability and practical stabilizability of continuous-time switched systems: A unified view,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference, pp. 663-668, New York City, July. Xu, X., S. He, and G. Zhai. “Practical uniform asymptotic stabilizability of switched systems with time-varying subsystems,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference, pp. 681-686, New York City, July. Young, B. A. “Manipulating the orientation at end of fill,” Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), no. 0729, pp. 2611. Zhai, G., X. Xu, J. Imae, and T. Kobayashi. “Qualitative analysis of switched discrete-time descriptor systems,” Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Part of IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, pp. 196-201, Singapore, October. BOOKS Beaumont, J. The Runner and Gating Design Handbook, Second Edition, Munich: Hanser Publishers, 308 pp. Ford, R. and C. Coulston. Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers: Theory, Concepts, and Practice, Second Edition, New York: Mc Graw Hill, 336 pp., ISBN-10: 0073380350 and ISBN-13: 978-0073380353, August. PARTS OF BOOKS Holliday-Darr, K. Supplemental Chapter 5 in Visualization, Modeling and Graphics for Engineering Design, 3rd preliminary edition, Clifton Park: Thomson Delmar Publishing [included 170 figures]. SOLUTIONS MANUALS Holliday-Darr, K. Solutions for two chapters for Lieu, D. and Sorby, S. Visualization, Modeling, and Graphics for Engineering Design. Supplemental chapter 5 that included 20 questions, 18 figures and answers. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN NON-REFEREED PROCEEDINGS Wang, W., and M. Tang. “Addressing components evolvement and execution behavior to measure component-based software reliability,” in Technical Report arXiv:cs.SE/0703021. BOOK REVIEWS Xu, X. review of Impulsive and Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability, Dissipativity, and Control, by Wassim M. Haddad, Vijay Sekhar Chellaboina, and Sergey G. Nersesov (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006, Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics, 504 pp.), in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 52, no. 11, November. PENN STATE ERIE, THE BEHEND COLLEGE SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 2007 PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS Baldwin, D. “Gluttony? Food and Drink in Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited.” CEA Critic 69.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2006/2007): 34–42. Bishop, D. J. “An Interview with Conductor Dennis Shrock.” Choral Journal 48:1 (July):37–40. Champagne, J. “‘Job Seekers’ and ‘Enterprise Incubators’: Educational Reform in Tunisia.” Changing English 14, 2 (August): 201–215. Dale, S. “Contra Damnationis Filios: The Visconti in Fourteenth-Century Papal Diplomacy.” Journal of Medieval History 33: 1–32. Davis, U. “Jazz Legend James Moody: The Making of an Icon.” International Jazz Archives Journal 3, 1: 84–114. Gamble, J. “Teach or Get Off the Lectern: Impediments to Improving International Law Teaching.” ILSA Journal of International And Comparative Law 13, 2: 379–385. Gamble, J. and K. Belknap. “Good Governance, Non-State Actors and International Law: A Cautionary Note.” South African Yearbook of International Law/SuidAfrikaanse Jaarboek vur Volkereg 32: 55-65. Kuttenberg, E. “Austria’s Topography of Memory: Heldenplatz, Albertinaplatz, Judenplatz, and Beyond.” The German Quarterly 80, 4: 468–91. “Soma, Psyche, Corpse, and Gaze: Perception and Vision in Arthur Schnitzler’s Early Prose Fiction.” Modern Austrian Literature 40, 2: 21–42. Looney, G. “Between the Sentence and the Line, It Gets Said.” Redactions: Poetry & Politics 8, 9: 66–68. W. L. B. Martin and C. Porac. “Patterns of handedness and footedness in switched and non-switched Brazilian left-handers: Cultural effects on the development of lateral preferences.” Developmental Neuropsychology 31: 159–179. Morris, G. “Imagining Bigfoot.” Western American Literature 42, 3: 277–292. Porac, C. and W. L. B. Martin. “Cross-cultural comparison of pressures to switch left-hand preference: Brazil versus Canada.” Laterality 12: 273–291. Warren, C. “It Reads Like a Novel’: The 9/11 Commission Report and the American Reading Public.” Journal of American Studies 41.3: 533–556. Wolfe, K. “To Be or Not to Be: Overcoming the Persistence of Misleading Genre Classification in two Comédies by Cyrano de Bergerac and Saint-Evremond.” Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature 67: 375–388. “The Kinship among Men of the Republic of Letters: Christophe Dupuy and the Familial Paradigm for Scholarly Exchanges.” Cahiers due dixseptième XI.2: 59-70. BOOKS Baldwin, D. and P. J. Quinn, eds. An Anthology of Colonial and Postcolonial Short Fiction. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [925 pp.] Corty, E. Choosing, Using, and Interpreting Statistics: A practical text for the health, behavioral, and social sciences. St. Louis, MO: Mosby. [596 pp.] Dale, S., A. W. Lewin, and D. J. Osheim, Eds. Chroniclers and Historians in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press. [332 pp.] Kelley, C. Post-9-11 American Presidential Rhetoric: A Study of Protofascist Discourse. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. [326 pp.] Tauber, R. and C. Sargent Mester. Acting Lessons for Teachers: Using Performance Skills in the Classroom. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. [207 pages] Troester, R. L. and C. Sargent Mester. Civility in Business and Professional Communication. New York: Peter Lang Publishers. [261 pages] Traverso, S. and A. Canseco Jerez. Juan Emar. Cartas a Pepeche. Edición, prólogo y notas por Alejandro Canseco Jerez. Estudio bibliográfico y cuidado del texto por Soledad Traverso. Paris: Artextos. [431 pp.] PARTS OF BOOKS Bedal, L.-A. and J. G. Schryver. “Nabataean Landscape and Power: Evidence from the Petra Garden and Pool Complex.” Crossing Jordan: North American Contributions to the Archaeology of Jordan. Ed. T. E. Levy, et al. London: Equinox. 375–383. Caruso, T. “Mignon Holland Anderson.” African-American Women Writers: An A-Z Guide. Ed. Yolanda Williams Page. Westport, CT: Greenwood P. “Linda Beatrice Brown.” African-American Women Writers: An A-Z Guide. Ed. Yolanda Williams Page. Westport, CT: Greenwood P. Champagne, J. “Gay” and “Gender Identity.” Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Ed. Fedwa Malti-Douglas. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale. Dale, S. “Fourteenth Century Lombard Chroniclers.” Chroniclers and Historians in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Sharon Dale, Alison Williams Lewin, and Duane J. Osheim eds. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press. 171–195. Gamble, J. K. and J. L. Wilczynski. “Definition, Perspective, Caution: The View through a Wide Angle Treaty Lens.” International Institutional Reform. Ed. Agata Fijalkowski. The Hague: Asser Press. 314–320. Irwin, Z. T. and S. S. Andaleeb. “Political Leadership and Legitimacy among the Urban Elite in Bangladesh.” Political Culture in Bangladesh: Perspectives and Analysis. Ed. Syed Saad Andaleeb. Dhaka: University Press Limited. 101– 124. Kuttenberg, E. “Der Cineast Arthur Schnitzler im Wien der elektrischen Schatten.” Literatur und Kultur im Österreich der Zwanziger Jahre: Vorschläge zu einem transdisziplinären Epochenprofil. Hg. Primus-Heinz Kucher. Bielefeld: Aisthesis. 153–77. Nixon, C. “What is relational aggression.” In Robert T. Tauber, Classroom management: sound theory and effective practice fourth edition (pp. 339342). Portsmouth, NH: Greenwood. [contributing author in Chapter 14, Bullying, pp. 333–345 ] Steensland, M. and R. Hautala. “Lovecraft’s Pillow.” Exotic Gothic. Ed. Danel Olson. Ashcroft, British Columbia: Ash Tree Press. 228–237. Sundin, M. Sidebar in Civility in Business and Professional Communication. Troester, Rod L. and Cathy Sargent Mester. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. 253–254. Troester, R. and C. Sargent Mester. Civility in Business and Professional Communication. New York: Peter Lang. [265 pages] Warren, C. “Introduction.” The Devil’s Dictionary. By Ambrose Bierce. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc. vii-xiv. BOOK REVIEWS Christofferson, M. Rev. of The Troubled Republic: Visual Culture and Social Debate in France 1889-1900, by Richard Thompson. Canadian Journal of History 41, 3 (winter 2006): 565-66. [released 2007] Connerty, M. Rev. of The Troubled Republic: Visual Culture and Social Debate in France 1889-1900, by Richard Thompson. Canadian Journal of History 41, 3 (winter 2006): 565-66. [released 2007] Cook, C. Rev. of Young America: Land, Labor, and the Republican Community, by Mark A. Lause. Labor History 48: 121–122. Corty, E. Rev. of Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy 4th Edition, ed. Sandra R. Leiblum. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. Fernández-Jiménez, J. Rev. of Sevilla cervantina. Material para un paseo literario by Antonio Castro Díaz / José María García Blanco. Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Educación, 2005 (IV Centenario de El Quijote. Programa «El Quijote en las aulas»). Archivo Hispalense nos 267–272, 449– 452. Irwin, Z. Rev. of Sacred Causes: The Clash of Religion and Politics from the Great War to the War on Terror, by Michael Burleigh. Library Journal 132.6: 100. Rev. of Lawrence and Aaronsohn: T.E. Lawrence, Aaron Aaronsohn, and the Seeds of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, by Ronald Florence. Library Journal 132.13: 99–101. Rev. of Aaronsohn’s Maps: The Untold Story of the Man Who Might Have Created Peace in the Middle East, by Patricia Goldstone. Library Journal 132.13: 99–101. Looney, G. Rev. of Rabbis of the Air, by Philip Terman. Mid-American Review 28. 1: 223–224. Morris, G. Rev. of A Family of Strangers, by Deborah Tall. Magill Book Reviews/SalemPressOnline: one page. Rev. of The Longest Pregnancy, by Melissa Fraterrigo. Magill Book Reviews/SalemPressOnline: one page. Rev. of The Moments Lost: A Midwest Pilgrim’s Progress, by Bruce Olds. Magill Book Reviews/SalemPressOnline: one page. Speel, R. Rev. of Understanding Affirmative Action: Politics, Discrimination, and the Search for Justice, by J. Edward Kellough. Perspectives on Political Science (Summer): 171. Warren, C. Rev. of The Death of a Confederate Colonel: Civil War Stories and a Novella, by Pat Carr. Civil War Literature (Sept. 4, 2007). <>. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN NONREFEREED JOURNALS Mester Sargent, C. “Acting Lessons for Teachers.” Education World: <>. Rossi, J. “Faculty Evaluation and the [Diversity] Crisis in the Historical Profession.” American Historical Association: Perspectives (December): 1 page, <>. Trich Kremer, J. “Erie’s Psychologists at the Association of Psychological Science.” Northwestern Pennsylvania Psychological Association Newsletter 16, 2 (June): 4. “Partnerships in Education: Psychology and Engineering.” Northwestern Pennsylvania Psychological Association Newsletter 16, 1 (January): 3. Viebranz, G. Reviews of six new publications for jazz ensemble. Jazz Reviews (Spring): 2 pages. Reviews of three new method books for jazz ensemble. Jazz Review (Summer): 2 pages. Reviews of four new publications for jazz ensemble. Jazz Reviews (Fall): 2 pages. Reviews of six new publications for jazz ensemble. Jazz Reviews (Winter): 2 pages. ARTICLES IN IN-HOUSE PUBLICATIONS Champagne, J. “Letter from Tunisia” H&SS News 2006–2007: 4-5. Porac, C. Introductory comments on becoming Associate Executive Director for Graduate and Postgraduate Education, American Psychological Association, Education Directorate Web site. <>. RESEARCH REPORTS TO SPONSOR Bartasavich, T., C. Kallgren, and L. R. Smith. The 2007 Homelessness Single Point In Time (SPIT) Gaps Analysis for January 26, 2007. Report to the Erie County Department of Human Services and the Erie County Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Initiative. (37 pages) Bedal, L.-A. Field Report submitted to the Department of Antiquities of Jordan summing up the results of the 2007 field season in the Petra Garden and Pool Complex excavations, September 2007. The report is translated for inclusion in an Arabic-language publication on current archaeological fieldwork in Jordan. Blasko, D. Envisions: Midyear Report Penn State Erie, Preliminary report to the NSF sponsored ENVISIONS project. Kallgren, C., L. R. Smith, T. Bartasavich, and K. A. Kozirowski. Cumulative (20022007) Single Point In Time (SPIT) Analysis: An Evaluation of Homelessness in Erie County, Pennsylvania. Report to the Erie County Department of Human Services and the Erie County Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Initiative. (90 pages) Kallgren, C. and L. R. Smith. The Reach Program: A Tailored Homeless Assistance Program Outcomes Assessment Through November 1, 2007. Second year report of a process and outcome evaluation for the overall program and its five agencies. (49 pages). (Note: Separate confidential reports were written for each of the five member agencies. See below.) The Reach Program: A Tailored Homeless Assistance Program Outcomes Assessment for Erie DAWN. Second year report of a process and outcome evaluation for the Erie Dawn program component of Reach. (46 pages). The Reach Program: A Tailored Homeless Assistance Program Outcomes Assessment for SafeNet (TLC). Second year report of a process and outcome evaluation for the SafeNet (TLC) program component of Reach. (46 pages). The Reach Program: A Tailored Homeless Assistance Program Outcomes Assessment for SafeNet Bridge House. Second year report of a process and outcome evaluation for the SafeNet Bridge House program component of Reach. (46 pages). The Reach Program: A Tailored Homeless Assistance Program Outcomes Assessment for Mercy Center for Women. Second year report of a process and outcome evaluation for the Mercy Center for Women program component of Reach. (46 pages). Kallgren, C., A. Biebel, S. Myers, F. McClard, and T. Bartasavich. Union City Dropout and Truancy Prevention Project: Year 2 Report (July 2007). Report to the United Way of Erie County. (6 pages) LITERARY WORKS Champagne, J. “Last Winter, In Marrakech,” Gay Travels in the Muslim World. Ed. Michael Luongo. Binghamton: NY: Haworth Press: 161–174. “My Life is Tied to Yours.” The Square Table (fall 2007) <>. Fogle, E.. “Letter from Ocracoke.” The Dos Passos Review 4.1: 58. Looney, G. “Under a Sky Like an Opera Gone Mad.” Nimrod International Journal 51.1: 131–137. “The Ideogram for Passion.” Redactions: Poetry & Politics 8.9: 35–37. “Long Enough to Gather Dust,” “Animals in Their Dark Compartments,” and “Dwarfed by a Pair of Pudgy Hands.” REAL: Regarding Arts & Letters 32.1: 1, 44, 106–107. “Not Marrow or Muscle, but Love,” “Migrations,” and “Figures in the Light and the Cold.” Snow*Vigate 2 (on-line journal) <>. Morris, G. “Small Change.” Talking River Issue 21: 79–90. (work of creative nonfiction) Noyes, T. “Rot and Squalor.” Ascent 31.1: 72–86. “The Wrong Hands.” Colorado Review 34.3: 38–52. “The Daredevil’s Wife.” Eureka Literary Magazine 15.2: 26–28. ARTICLES IN NEWSPAPERS Rossi, J. “Tax the Oil Companies.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette May 13, 2007: H1. <>. 2007. “Mass Transit Needs Tax on Oil Companies.” Erie Times-News May 18, “Fund Mass Transit Crisis With Oil Gross Profits Tax.” Allentown Morning Call May 21, 2007. A7. <,0,472699.story?coll=all-newsopinionanotherview-hed>. “Tax Profits to Fund Mass Transportation.” Harrisburg Patriot-News May 27, 2007. F01. “High Gas Prices Reflect Industry Decisions.” Harrisburg Patriot-News July 13, 2007. A13. < 76410316420.xml&coll=1>. reprinted as “Oil Companies Break Supply-demand Link.” Centre Daily Times July 16, 2007. 6. “$100 a Barrel Oil: Its Causes, Consequences, & What to Do About It.” Centre Daily Times November 12, 2007. 8. <>. reprinted as “America’s Oil Addiction: Time for U.S. to Confront Rising Costs.” Erie TimesNews November 16, 2007. “$100 a Barrel? - There Are Many Causes And Consequences of High Oil Prices, But There Also Are Solutions.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette November 20, 2007. A9. <>. “Power Politics and the Cost of Electricity.” Centre Daily Times December 10, 2007. 6. Speel, R. “Governors Could Decide Senate Majority.” Centre Daily Times 8 January 2007. “Act 1 is Unfair to Renters.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 7 March 2007. “Act 1 and Renters: Renters get Raw Deal in State Program.” Erie Times-News 9 March 2007. “State Has Reasons to Keep Late Primary.” Centre Daily Times 8 October 2007, Erie Times-News 14 October 2007, Harrisburg Patriot-News 14 October 2007, and Allentown Morning Call 6 November 2007. ARTICLES IN ON-LINE NEWSPAPERS Rossi, J. “Tax the Oil Companies.” Heating Oil May 13, 2007. reprinted from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. <>. “Oil Companies Break Supply-demand Link.” July 17, 2007. Oil Price News, Oil and Gas Analysis, Energy Supply & Demand, Oil Technology. reprinted from the Centre Daily Times. < .htm>. “Oil Companies Break Supply-demand Link.” Shana July 17, 2007. Oil Price News, Oil and Gas Analysis, Energy Supply & Demand, Oil Technology, reprinted from the Centre Daily Times. <>. BOOKS CITED Champagne, J. The Ethics of Marginality, in Nicholas de Villiers, “How Much Does It Cost for Cinema to Tell the Truth of Sex? Cinema Verite and Sexography.” Sexualities 10. 3 (July). PENN STATE ERIE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE 2007 PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS Amicangelo, J., J. R. Collier, C. T. Dine, N. L. Saxton, and R. M. Schleicher. Matrix Isolation Infrared Observation of N3 Using a Nitrogen Microwave Discharge Plasma Source. Molecular Physics, 105:989-1002, April. Amicangelo, J. Theoretical Characterization of a Photochromic Pt Complex Using Density Functional Theory Methods. The Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 3:2198-2209,October. Amicangelo, J., B. W. Gung, Y. Zou, Z. Xu, D. G. Irwin, S. Ma, and H. C. Zhou. Quantitative Study of Interactions between Oxygen Lone Pair and Aromatic Rings: Substituent Effect and the Importance of Closeness of Contact. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 73:689-693, December. Baxter, G. and J. S. Olafsen. Experimental Evidence for Molecular Chaos in Granular Gases. Physical Review Letters, 99:028001, July. Becker, P., S. Houghten, and W. Haas. A Search for Solvable Matrices. Journal of Combinatorial Math and Combinatorial Computing, 62:65-84, August. Cupillari, A. and E. DeThomas. Unmasking the Witchy Behavior of the Runge Function. Mathematics and Computer Education, 41(2):143-156, Spring. Downey, L., C. Suprock, and J. Roth. Real Time Failure Forecasting for Flat, BallNose, Roughing and Tapered Endmills Using an Accolermeter. Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution. pp 185-192, February. Ewing, S. J., K. Yoon, S. Zhu, and R. C. Smart. Decreased Survival of C/EBPβDeficient Keratinocyetes Is Due To Aberrant Regulation of p53 Levels and Function. Oncogene, pp 360-367, January. Foyle, A. M. and K. P. Norton. Geo-feasibility of In-Situ Sediment Capping in a Great Lakes Urban Estuary: A Sediment Budget Assessment. Environmental Geology. 53:271-282, October. Goodwin, D., G. W. Hagerty, and S. Smith. The Unique Effects of Including History in College Algebra. Convergence: Where Mathematics, History and Teaching Interact, 1629:1-11, November. Jones, H. M., G. G. MacGregor; M. A. Bailey; C. J. Baty, C. A. Syme, K. L. Hamilton, and D. C. Devor. An NH2-Terminal Multi-Basic RKR Motif is Required for ATP-Dependent Regulation of hIK1. Channels 1(2):80-91, March/April. Justik, M. Oxidative Rearrangements of arylalkanones with 1H-1-hydroxy-5methyl-1,2,3-benziodoxathiole 3,3-Dioxide. A ‘Green’ Analog of Koser’s Reagent. 48:3003-3007, May. Ong, B. W. Sum of a Class of Series and Extremal Vectors for a Class of Operators. Sarajevo Journal of Math, October. Paullet, J., and P. Weidman. Analysis of Stagnation Point Flow Toward a Stretching Sheet. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 42:84-109, November. Potter, B. A., K. O. Cresawn, A. Oztan, C. J. Guerriero, G. Ihrke, J. R. Goldenring, G. Apodaca, and O. A. Weisz. “Differential Involvement of Endocytic Compartments in the Biosynthetic Traffic of Apical Proteins. EMBO Journal, vol. 26, pp. 3737-3748, August. Previte, J., M. Previte, and M. Vanderschoot. Limits of Vertex Replacement Poles. Rocky Mountain Journal Math. Previte, M. The Dimensions of Limits of Vertex Replacement Rules. Illinois Journal of Mathematics, Summer. Rutter, M. A., G. M. Andraso, C. L. Cherry, and A. A. Neal. Determining Species Identity and Size of Fragmented Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and Quagga Mussels (Dreissena bugensis) From Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academyof Science, 81(1):23-28, July. Su, M. Global Solutions of Parabolic Equations with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions. Communications on Applied Nonlinear Anaylsis, 14(3):1-25, May. Tuttle, B. R., and R. Meade. Microsopic Aspects of the Variations in the Retention Times of Dynamic Random Access Memory. Applied Physics Letters, 90:202105, May. Tuttle, B. R., C. Tang, and R. Ramprasad. First-principals Study of the Valence Band Offset Between Silicon and Hafnia. Physical Review B, 75:235324, June. Diffusion of O Vacancies near Si:Hf02 Interfaces: An ab initio Investigation. Physical Review B, 76:073306, August. Wang, Y-H., J. V. Magalhaes, J. Liu, C. T. Guimarães, U. G. P. Alves, R. E. Schaffert, O. A. Hoekenga, M. A. Piñeros, J. E. Shaff, P. E. Klein, N. P. Carneiro, C. M. Coelho, H. N. Trick, and L. V. Kochian. A Gene in the Multidrug and Toxic Compound Extrusion (MATE) Family Confers Aluminum Tolerance in Sorghum. Nature Genetics, 39:1156-1161, September. Wittmershaus, B. P., S. T. Bailey, G. E. Lokey, M. S. Hanes, J. D. M. Shearer, J. B. McLafferty, G. T. Beaumont, T. T. Baseler, J. M. Layhue, D. R. Broussard, and Y-Z Zhang. Optimized Excitation Energy Transfer in a Three-Dye Luminescent Solar Concentrator. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 91:67-75, January. Yeung, C., M. Shtrahman, and X-L Wu. Stick-and-Diffuse and Caged Diffusion: A Comparison of Two Models of Synaptic Vesicle Motion. Biophysical Journal, 92:2271-2280, April. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS Ashcraft, P. Modeling Aspects of Nature of Science to Preservice Elementary Teachers. Proceedings of 2006 Physical Education Research Conference (edited by P. Heron, L. Hsu, and L. McCullough), pp 69-72, March. Previte, J., M. Rutter, and S. Stevens. The REU in Math Biology at Penn State Erie. Proceedings of the Conference on Promoting Undergraduate Research. American Math Society. J. Ballian, Editor, pp. 106-110. PARTS OF BOOKS Blakney, T. Things Can Only Get Better, Optimizing the Process. Simple Six Sigma For Bloodbanking, Transfusion and Cellular Therapy, Ch. 9, pp 145-156, November. Wang, Y-H., T. Joobeur, R. A. Dean, and J. E. Staub. Cocurbits. In: C. Kole (ed), Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants. Springer-Verlag Berlin, 5:315-329, March. BOOK REVIEWS Campbell, M. review of Invasive Terrestrial Plants. S.B. & F. vol. 43, no. 44, page 169. RESEARCH REPORTS TO SPONSORS Amicangelo, J. Investigations of Intermediates Related to Silicon Nitride Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes Using Matrix-Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy. Sponsor: Research Corporation. 3 pages. June Investigations of Species Related to Silicon Nitride Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes Using Matrix-Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy. Sponsor: ACS Petroleum Research Fund. 3 pages. October. Foyle, A. Final Project Report: Beach Hydrodynamics at Presque Isle State Park Beaches 2 and 10. Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency Beach Sanitary Survey Program. June – December. Previte, J. and M. Rutter. Interim Report on REU in Math Biology at Behrend. Sponsor: National Science Foundation. Wittmershaus, B. P. and Y-Z Zhang. Research Nugget – Research Grant Progress Reports RUI, GOALI: Multiple-Dye Luminescent Solar ConcentratorsExtending Lifetime and Absorption. Sponsor: National Science Foundation – Electronics, Photonic and Device Technologies Program. 3 pages, January. 3 pages, November. Annual Research Grant Progress Report. RUI, GOALI: Multiple-Dye Luminescent Solar Concentrators-Extending Lifetime and Absorption. Sponsor: National Science Foundation – Electronics, Photonics and Device Technologies Program. 20 pages, August.