Maya Wijayanti 11002026 6C TASK ON THREE ONLINE ENGLISH DICTIONARY A. Please find-out the meaning of the words below English – Indonesia 1. determine [dı'tɜ:rmın] English – Indonesia N menentukan, memastikan, menetapkan, mempertetap, mempertetapkan, 2. time [taım] English – Indonesia A waktu: berkenaan dgn waktu N waktu, tempo, musim, jam, pukul, saat, waktu datangnya, V menentukan waktu, memilih waktu, mengatur, menyetel, menyesuaikan, mengukur waktu 3. desperate ['despərıt] English – Indonesia A putus asa, nekat, gawat, hukum: tdk menghiraukan hukum, menyedihkan: yg sangat menyedihkan V berputus asa 4. uniform ['ju:nıfɔ:rm] English – Indonesia A seragam, sebangun, beraturan, sama N pakaian seragam, uniform V menyeragamkan 5. increase ['ınkrıs] English – Indonesia N pertambahan, penambahan, pembesaran, perbanyakan, pasang naik, memperlipatgandakannya, kenaikan V membesarkan, memperbesar, menambahkan, mempertambah, menaikkan, meningkatkan, membubungkan, membanyakkan, 6. diligent ['dılıdʒənt] English – Indonesia A tekun, rajin, getol 7. indeed [ın'di:d] English – Indonesia ADV sungguh, sungguh-sungguh, sesungguhnya, benar-benar, bahwasanya, bahkan, tentu saja, tentunya, memang 8. compare [kəm'peər] English – Indonesia N bandingan, tara V membandingkan, membanding, menolok, menandingkan, mengiaskan, memisalkan, 9. result [rı'zʌlt] English – Indonesia N akibat, kesudahan, , bawaan, pembawaan, hasil, perolehan V diakibatkan, mengakibatkan, menghasilkan, membuahkan, 10. compact ['kɒmpækt] English – Indonesia A padat, padu, tumpat, latam, pepal, rapat, tersusun rapat, kemas, N bedak: tempat bedak, tas kosmetik, persetujuan, perjanjian, V menetalkan Indonesia – English Please find-out the meaning of the word below : 1. Pentafsiran N interpretation, treatment 2. Lelah N weary, weariful, wearying, tired, crocked, exhausted, effete, footworn, 3. Mimpi N dream, slumber, hallucination 4. Keliling A circular, circumferential, roving N circumference, periphery, surrounding: surroundings 5. Berbeda A different, diverse, disparate, heterogeneous, discrepant, dissimilar, distinct, variant, hybrid, divergent, differential, alien V differ, vary, contrast, different: be different, diverge, variance: be at variance 6. Dekat A near, nearby, close, close-up, close-in, convenient, handy, imminent, nigh, offing: in the offing, immediate ADV near, nearby, close, close at hand, hand: at hand, hand: near at hand, handily, reach: within easy reach, short 7. Mirip A resemblant, alike, similar, semblable, consimilar, stimulant V resemble, border, correspond, counterfeit, remind, image ADV alike 8. Halus A refined, dulcet, genteel, high-toned, polite, suave, acute, fine, fine-cut, nice, delicate, soft, tender, tenuous, subtle, subtile, silken, smooth, sleek, dainty, fastidious, gossamer, gossamery, wiredrawn, mild, recherche, sheer, fluffy, jimp, sentimental, small, unseen 9. Sifat N characteristic, feature, appanage, apanage, property, quality, tone, trait, nature, disposition, character, complexion, habitude, personality, temper, tendency, tendence, attribute 10. Tempat N place, spot, location, locality, space, area, locus, point, post, region, room, scene, seat, situation, slot, vessel, where, part, holder, set, shaker, berth B. Please find-out the meaning of the words below: 1) speak (sp k) v. spoke, spo·ken, speak·ing, speaks To utter words or articulate sounds with ordinary speech modulation; talk. To convey thoughts, opinions, or emotions orally. To make communicative sounds. 2) find (f nd) v. found, find·ing, finds To come upon, often by accident; meet with. To come upon or discover by searching or making an effort To discover or ascertain through observation, experience, or study To perceive to be, after experience or consideration To recover (something lost) To recover the use of; regain 3) de·gree (d -gr ) n. One of a series of steps in a process, course, or progression; a stage A step in a direct hereditary line of descent or ascent: First cousins are two degrees from their common ancestor. Relative social or official rank, dignity, or position. Relative intensity or amount, as of a quality or attribute: a high degree of accuracy. 4) kiss (k s) v. kissed, kiss·ing, kiss·es To touch or caress with the lips as an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or amorousness. To touch lightly or gently To strike lightly 5) love (l v) n. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment. 6) hap·py (h p ) adj. hap·pi·er, hap·pi·est Characterized by good luck; fortunate. Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. Being especially well-adapted; felicitous: a happy turn of phrase. Cheerful; willing: 7) food (f d) n. Material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life. A specified kind of nourishment: breakfast food; plant food. Nourishment eaten in solid form Something that nourishes or sustains in a way suggestive of physical nourishment. 8) cer·tain (sûr tn) adj Definite; fixed: set aside a certain sum each week. Sure to come or happen; inevitable: certain success. Established beyond doubt or question; indisputable: What is certain is that every effect must have a cause. Capable of being relied on; dependable: a quick and certain remedy. Having or showing confidence; assured. 9) kill (k l) v. killed, kill·ing, kills To put to death. To deprive of life To pass (time) in aimless activity To consume entirely; finish off 10) plas·tic (pl s t k) adj Capable of being shaped or formed Relating to or dealing with shaping or modeling Having the qualities of sculpture Giving form or shape to a substance Easily influenced C. Please find-out the meaning of the word below: 1. Slow V To become slower slacken, slow up, slow down, lag, loiter, quiet, relax, procrastinate, back water, back and fill, stall, let up, wind down, ease up, ease off 2. Read V To understand by reading comprehend, go through, peruse, study, pore over, scan, skim, browse, glance over, go over, examine, gather, see, know, perceive, apprehend, grasp, learn, flip through the pages, thumb through, wade through, dip into, scratch the surface, run the eye over, bury oneself in, have one's nose in a book 3. Look V To endeavor to see view, gaze, glance, scan, stare, behold, contemplate, watch, survey, scrutinize, regard, inspect, discern, spy, observe, attend, examine, mark, gape, turn the eyes upon, give attention, peer, ogle, have an eye on, study, peep, look on, look at, look upon, look through, cock the eye 4. Church N A building consecrated to worship house of God, Lord's house, cathedral, temple, synagogue, mosque, masjid, oratory, place of worship, house of prayer, meetinghouse, chapel, minster, basilica, tabernacle, bethel, abbey, sanctuary, sacellum, chantry, pantheon, conventicle, collegiate church, mission, shrine, duomo (usu. in Italy), pagoda, kirk (Scottish); see also cathedral, temple. 5. Write V To compose in words set forth, record, formulate, draft, turn out, give a report, note down, transcribe, pen, put in writing, comment upon, go into, indite, typewrite, communicate, rewrite, produce poetry, produce plays, produce novels, do imaginative writings, correspond, scribble 6. Vowel N vocoid, open-voiced sound, vowel sound, glide, diphthong, digraph Linguistic terms for vowel sounds include: high, mid, low, open, close, front, back, central, flat, rounded, unrounded, tense, slack, stressed, unstressed, nasal, nasalized, labial, labialized, clipped, diphthongized. 7. Sad ADJ An example of sad is how you would describe the behavior of a man who treats his wife badly. 8. Chair N A chair is defined as a piece of furniture for one person to sit on. 9. Feel V To examine by touch touch, handle, finger, explore, stroke, palm, caress, manipulate, press, squeeze, fondle, tickle, paw, feel for, fumble, grope, grasp, grapple, grip, clutch, clasp, run the fingers over, brush, pinch, poke, probe, prod, palpate, twiddle, contact, fiddle with. 10. Clean V cleanse, clean up, clean out, clear up, clear out, wash, wash up, scrub, scrub off, soak, disinfect, tidy, tidy up, neaten, straighten up, shake out, purify, decontaminate, sanitize, deodorize, purge, expurgate, swab, polish, sterilize, scrape, sweep, scour, launder, dry-clean, vacuum, scald, dust, mop, cauterize, rinse, sponge, brush, dress, comb, dredge, pick, blow, whisk, wipe,