1/6 COFRET Task 2.4 Future technologies and innovations relating to freight transport which are relevant for carbon footprint calculation Task Specification, Scope, Format for information and material collection (final, 7.9.2011) 1. Background The carbon footprint calculation framework developed within COFRET should be flexible, also in terms of potential future technologies to be used in logistics and freight transport. Therefore in task 2.4 we will review the current and future development in ICT, ITS and IT-Systems and further technologies which could provide information and data for CO2-emissions calculation / measurement or are relevant for other reasons. 2. Task description in DOW part B „Current and future development in IT-Systems, ICT and ITS-applications will be identified. These cover systems of companies for dealing with orders and tracking and tracing, new technologies for data collection and new technologies for measurement of key figures for carbon footprint calculation. An inventory of promising telematics applications and advanced IT systems will be made and the applications and systems will be assessed. Also the e-Freight initiative on standardised freight transport information interfaces and GALILEO applications will be considered.“ Task Leader: Rapp Trans AG Task Contributors: VTT, DLR*, Marlo*, ITSW* (*in addition to DOW agreed during Kick off meeting in Berlin on 21/22.6.2011) 3. Specification of task and contributions Task Task description Role of Rapp Trans Role of VTT, DLR, Marlo, ITSW Date (adapted) Task 2.4.1 Overview on relevant technologies and know how of Partners / first draft distribution to partners Draft Feedback done Task 2.4.2 Development of format for material collection, description and assessment Draft Feedback done Task 2.4.3 Material and information collection and assessment based on results of previous tasks Dedicated technologies, projects, activities Dedicated technologies, projects, activities End of Week 42 2067.111 COFRET /7.9.2011 2/6 Task 2.4.4 Synthesis of results (potential influence on carbon footprint calculation, proposal to keep the methodology framework flexible in relation to technical innovations) Draft Feedback End of Week 44 Task 2.4.5 Draft Report D 2.3 Future technologies and innovations relating to freight transport which are relevant for carbon footprint calculation Draft Feedback End of week 46 Task 2.4.6 Final Report D 2.3 Future technologies and innovations relating to freight transport which are relevant for carbon footprint calculation Draft and Final Feedback End of Week 52 Task 2.4.7 Actualisation of Report (necessity depends on results of WP2 (other tasks) and WP 3 Draft Feedback In 2012 The end dates of tasks 2.4.3, 2.4.4, and 2.4.5 have been postponed two to three weeks because for some topics (e.g. multimodal modelling tools) it makes sense to wait for the results of task 2.1 Analysis of existing carbon footprint calculation methods, tools and data. This helps to avoid double work. 4. Scope for the technologies and systems looked at Because there is a broad range of technologies and systems with potential use in freight transport and logistics it is important to define the scope. The technologies to be looked at are depending on the carbon footprint measurement framework (calculation principles and procedures, methods and parameters, direct measurement of parameters) the level of carbon footprint measurement as shipment, transport relation, (transport network), company or the more aggregated transport and logistics sector level (including reference unit) the stage of process (planning, operation, monitoring) the logistics and transport processes included (transport, storage, transhipment, etc.) the consideration of further processes (e.g. energy production, production of transport and logistics equipment, production of transport and logistics infrastructure). Because more detailed information on these issues is not yet available (they are mainly results of WP2 and WP3) we have to provisionally define the scope for the structuring and classification of technologies and systems looked at. After the results of other WP2 tasks and WP3 are available the scope has to be verified and maybe adapted. It is possible that at that point further technologies have to be considered. 2067.111 COFRET /7.9.2011 3/6 According to the DOW we will limit the scope to new technologies and systems which can support the calculation and measurement of the carbon footprint of supply chains. That means we will not look at technologies and systems to reduce the carbon footprint of supply chains. This is also an important issue but not part of COFRET, but part of other European projects (e.g. Logistics4Life, Freightvision, Logman, FREILOT). Based on this focus we will look more precisely at Supply Chain Planning Tools incl. transport models Information and Communication Systems (focusing on applications by enterprises) Business Applications (Order processing, Accounting, etc.). Based on this focus we will not look more precisely at Information and Communication Systems (focusing on applications by authorities, e.g. traffic management) Information and Communication Systems (focusing on applications by enterprises, which have no direct value for CO2 Calculation, e.g. anti collision systems) Propulsion systems Vehicle Design Materials Infrastructure. 5. Structuring of further analysed technologies and systems The following table gives an overview on the further analysed technologies and systems considering the main freight/logistics processes according to the components plan, do and check of the 4-stepmanagement process plan-do-check-act (PDCA cycle). (see table in a separate File) 2067.111 COFRET /7.9.2011 4/6 6. Information and Material Collection For the relevant technologies, systems and models (see section 5) the following information is needed (to be filled in separate inventory forms). Please note that for the analysis and assessment using the format groups of technologies can be handled together in one format, when this is appropriate (e.g. all positioning systems/technologies). Name of technology/ approach/concept Current Situation / State-of-the-Art Users and stakeholders Actual Developments Standardisation e.g. Project name or name of technology or name of the system etc. Describe technology/system/model and their application (elements, functionalities, etc.) Describe the state-of-the-art (today) Diffusion of the technology/system in the market Who took the initiative? Who are the users? (shippers, logistics service providers, transport operators, others) Who are the main stakeholders involved? Describe the developments and trends (beyond the state of the art) What are the relevant innovations? Which future diffusion of the technology/system in the market can be expected How far is the standardisation? (ISO, CEN, National) Relevant existing standards? Draft Standards? Parts of the supply chain covered Which supply chain operations (logistical processes) are covered? (e.g. packaging, loading/unloading, shunting, transhipment, warehousing/storage, transport, etc.) Contribution to Carbon Footprint Calculation Information collected Data collected Key figures for calculation measured Contribution to calculation or measurement of energy consumption, of emission factors and/or GHG-Emissions Relevant application of Carbon Footprint Calculation Plan, Do or Check (or several purposes)* Calculation level (product, shipment, vehicle, company, policy, other)* Future Potential for Carbon Footprint Calculation Assessment of potential of technology/system regarding Carbon Footprint measurement and calculation (high, medium, low) Reasons for the assessment Benefits for Carbon Footprint Calculation What are the main benefits for Carbon Footprint Calculation (qualitative, quantitative where possible? Improving measurement of Carbon Footprint Increasing data collection efficiency Improving Quality of Carbon Footprint Calculation Cost savings (relating to Carbon Footprint measurement and calculation process) Other benefits Describe the important conditions which are relevant to the realisation of the potential (market conditions, regulation, policy, standardisation, etc.) Important framework conditions 2067.111 COFRET /7.9.2011 5/6 Barriers and problems Identify relevant general barriers and problems i.e. aspects that hinder or impede the development and implementation of the technology, system, model Proposal for Carbon Footprint Calculation Framework What should be considered in the Carbon Footprint Calculation Framework to take into account the identified technical developments. Picture(s) / Figure(s) If available Sources of Information Listing of relevant documents, reports Listing of relevant websites Interviews Other information sources Generation of further information How can further information be generated (e.g. interview, site visit, others…) Responsible for the inventory sheet Name, Company, address, Phone and mail of responsible person Date Actual date of the last revision 7. Important European Projects for Material Collection Please consider also the following projects for information and material collection: Relevance for task 2.4 AMITRAN Euridice Freightwise Freightvision Smart-CM Rising Logman Logistics For Life DISCWISE Integrity CVIS COREM Supergreen ROADIDEA Smartfreight ECOSTAND e-Freight Relevance: high, medium, low Involved COFRET Partner DLR medium Marlo medium PTV Marlo high high Marlo Marlo medium TU DO DLR, VTT high Marlo 7.9.2011/Rapp Trans/Martin Ruesch/Thomas Schmid 2067.111 COFRET /7.9.2011 6/6 2067.111 COFRET /7.9.2011