The Making of Transgenic Drosophila guttifera Made possible by Team Spot 21 Written by Thomas Werner Drosophila guttifera 1 General notes about D. guttifera Drosophila guttifera is a very rare mycophagous species which is native to the Midwest of the USA. In the lab, it can be reared on fresh (maximum 2 weeks old) sugar food with some additional sprinkles of dry baker’s yeast. As a rule of thumb, the generation time and sexual maturation time of D. guttifera are about 50% longer as compared to D. melanogaster. The egg production rate of D. guttifera is one to two orders of magnitude lower than that of D. melanogaster. In a typical injection experiment, the first flies hatch about 19 days post injection. Drosophila guttifera is a very demanding species in terms of breeding conditions. If breeding parameters are slightly off the optimum, the culture can be lost rapidly. It is important to know the three big enemies D. guttifera. They are 1) Contaminations with D. melanogaster females, which can produce enough offspring to out-compete the slower-growing D. guttifera larvae, leading in the worst case to a complete nonappearance of the next D. guttifera generation. 2) Mold. Especially during spring and summer, there is a high risk of green mold infestations of freshly started bottles, which can exterminate the culture if not discovered early. 3) Ethanol. It is important to know that ethanol is lethal to Drosophila guttifera. In conditions of poor aeration, the ethanol fumes produced by active yeast can kill the flies within a few hours. D. guttifera cultures are best kept at room temperature in a place where a regular visual inspection (especially for fungus growth) can be done conveniently. D. guttifera eggs dry out very much faster than D. melanogaster eggs. The larvae tolerate wet conditions, while pupae and flies prefer a moderate humidity. Whenever any D. guttifera fly work is done, all surfaces and tools have to be cleaned thoroughly with anti-fungus spray (defined later). High quality work is the key to keep a D. guttifera stock alive, while sloppiness will result in the loss of the culture. 2 Two culture systems of D. guttifera Two independent D. guttifera culture systems are needed: One stock-maintaining culture and one egglaying cage. The stock-maintaining culture takes 1 year to establish from a handful of starter flies and has to be maintained and kept healthy at all times. The egg-laying cage can be put out of function when micro-injections are not planned within the next months. However, it is advisable to keep the egg-laying cage populated as a backup system whenever possible. The stock-maintaining culture The stock-maintaining culture has to be large to compensate for the low egg-laying capacity of the females when micro-injections are done, and to keep a solid backup of healthy flies when fungus infections hit some bottles of the stock. The basic principle is to have four groups containing 20 culture bottles each, which are 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 weeks old, respectively. Once a week (on a fixed weekday), 20 sugar food bottles are taken out from the cold room and are allowed to warm up, evenly spaced and not touching each other (to prevent the formation of condensation in the bottles). The bottles are then supplied with some sprinkles of dry baker’s yeast and a piece of anti-fungus paper stuck between the glass wall and the food. Now, the emerged flies from a 3 week old bottle are distributed into 3 freshly prepared bottles. The remaining 17 fresh bottles are populated by combining the flies from the 1 week old bottles. If the flies in the 3 week old bottles haven’t hatched yet, use a 4 week old bottle instead. The 20 oldest bottles are kept for one more week to allow more flies to hatch, which can be used to either repopulate the egg-laying cage (see next chapter) or to collect virgin flies for crosses. As fungus growth usually starts out from the bodies of dead flies, it is advisable to empty out ALL flies from the one week old bottles (especially the dead ones!). The egg-laying cage The egg-laying cage is made of Plexiglas and allows good aeration through the nylon entrance at the front and the plastic mesh at the back of the cage. Aeration prevents the accumulation of toxic ethanol fumes produced by the yeast. The cage measures 300 x 200 x 200 mm and holds tens of thousands of flies. Before a clean cage can be populated, six small (35 x 10 mm) plastic Falcon Petri dish bottom halves are taped upside-down (using double-sided tape) onto the bottom of the cage. They will serve as “tables” for the bigger sugar food plates and have to be spaced out evenly. Medium-sized empty dishes can be used to see if the spacing is good. Without these “tables”, the sugar food plates would smash lots of flies on the ground with every food exchange. Feed the flies in the cage three times a week with six sugar food plates at a time, which are medium-sized (100 x 15 mm) Petri dish bottom halves, filled to the top with sugar food. Right before feeding the flies, add some dry baker’s yeast to the top of the food, and wipe off any free water from the plates. When replacing old against new plates, follow the three rules below to minimize the killing of flies: 1) Bump off the flies before taking out a plate. Use the thumb and middle finger to hold the dish, while holding the index finger in place to prevent the food from falling out. A) If the gap between the food and the Petri dish is large due to excessive drying of the food, then bump towards the large gap. The food won’t move much downwards and no fly will be trapped. B) If the gap is narrow, bump towards the side where the food still sticks to the plastic. This prevents most of the flies in the gap from being squeezed to death. 2) One out, one in! Always take only one plate out, then put one fresh plate inside. If there are flies on the food “table” in the cage, they can be pushed away with the front edge of the fresh food plate when putting it down. Then take the other plates out and replace them one by one. 3) Discard the used food because flies developing from it will be of poor quality and a source of fungus infestations. An egg-laying cage can be in operation for up to 10 weeks before the flies have to be transferred to a new cage. If fungus grows (pay particular attention to places where the food comes in contact with the wall), change the cage instantly. Perform the following steps to move the flies to a new cage: 1) Take out all sugar food plates, close them and continue working at a fly bench with CO2 gas. 2) Cover an area with unfolded paper towels to your right and put a 5 L beaker on it. 3) Have a new cage with a fresh entrance ring plus nylon ready. 4) Put the populated cage to the left of the new cage (not on the towels), the entrance facing upwards. 5) Open the CO2 gas, lead it through the nylon to anesthetize the flies, and then close the CO2 gas supply. 6) Remove the ring with the nylon of the old cage and pour the flies into the 5 L beaker. 7) Flies which fall on the towels can now be thrown into the beaker as well. 8) Gas the old cage again to blow loose the remaining living flies, and shake the cage over the beaker. 9) Pour the flies from the beaker into the new cage. 10) Close the freshly filled cage, bring it to its designed place in the lab and supply the flies with food. 11) Clean the old cage and the nylon with tap water. Do not use soap or bleach. Rinse with distilled water. 3 Drosophila guttifera injection General remarks D. guttifera females lay comparably few eggs within a given period of time. For this reason, a large egglaying cage filled with thousands of flies is used to obtain at least 200 - 300 freshly fertilized eggs per hour. The cage is kept on the lab bench with a lamp placed 1 m above it which is timed to turn on at 6 AM and off at 6 PM. Females need to be reared on fresh food with dry yeast at all times in order to make their ovaries develop, and to achieve a continuous egg production. If the food is in poor condition, females will retain their fertilized eggs inside of their bodies and lay them when the embryos are too old for micro-injections. The cage has to be supplied with fresh food three times a week and especially one or two days before injections are carried out. Eggs which are laid in the morning are often already cellularized and tend to have a thicker corona, which is disadvantageous for injections. The egg quality increases towards the afternoon. The best time to start the egg-laying is 11 AM. The eggs are to be harvested in 1-hour cycles, starting at noon. It is advisable that one person lines up 2 slides (200 embryos) during a 1-hour cycle, while another person injects them. All wash steps of the embryos are done with distilled water from the tap. Since this water turns quickly hot, 10 liters should be collected the day before and stored at room temperature. Never wash Drosophila guttifera eggs with ethanol, because it seems to harden the chorion and prevents the injection needles from penetrating it. The Skilcraft cellulose sponges used to collect the eggs can withstand autoclaving and treatment with anti-fungus spray. Egg collection and preparation for microinjections A starter yeast paste has to be made and activated one or a few days before using it, and it has to be mixed again with additional dry yeast and water in the morning of the injections. The yeast stays at room temperature during the injections and is only good when it smells like fermented fruit. At 11 AM, all sugar food plates in the cage are replaced by four moist Skilcraft cellulose sponges, which are to be placed into medium-sized (100 x 15 mm) Petri dish bottom halves and covered with a thin layer of fresh, active yeast paste. A second set of four sponges will be needed. The best way to prepare the sponges is to first make them too wet and then to carefully squeeze off the excess water with two thumbs pressing and moving from the top to the bottom throughout the surface of the sponges, until no drops are running out easily. The sponges should be dry enough that no water runs out when flies are bumped off from them, but wet enough to supply the flies with enough liquid. Sponges which are too dry seem to result in thicker coronas of the eggs, while sponges which are too wet cause the accumulation of liquid in the cage. The yeast is then supplied evenly over the sponge surface. Care should be taken when yeast is handled, because contaminating flies will be quickly attracted to the site. The sponges are to be placed very close to the wall inside the cage but without touching it or squeezing the flies. The females in the cage are allowed to lay eggs on the 4 sponges for one hour. The flies prefer to sit on the sponge part which is closest to the wall. Sponges placed too far away from the wall are often ignored by the flies. To collect the eggs, the sponges are one by one removed from the cage and replaced by fresh sponges with yeast paste. The eggs-containing sponges are gently squeezed out one by one in a 2 L glass jar with distilled water (room temperature!). After all 4 sponges are squeezed out and while the eggs sink to the bottom of the jar, the sponges and Petri dishes are washed with distilled water and prepared for the next round. To avoid contamination, wash and reassemble in the following order: One bottom half, one sponge, one lid, and so on. The sponges should be squeezed hard when washing them in order to kill the possibly remaining eggs inside of them. After all 4 sponges are washed, put the yeast paste on them and store them in a drawer (away from contaminating flies) until they are used again. Now the first half of the egg collection water can be poured right into the sink. The second half is swirled and poured through a double filter system, consisting of two fine-meshed embryo collection baskets, each stuck to a funnel. The finest filter is sitting underneath and retaining the eggs, while the groove filter above is trapping sponge fibers and flies. The glass jar is then rinsed once with 100-200 ml of distilled water which is also poured through the filter system. With a squeeze bottle of distilled water, wash the eggs of the upper filter and allow them to slip through into the filter below. After obtaining a sufficient amount of eggs in the lower filter, remove the basket from the funnel and wash the eggs thoroughly with distilled water from a squeeze bottle. Then put the basket with the washed eggs into a bottom half of a small Petri dish, which is half way filled with distilled water. Line up the embryos under a dissection scope. A VWR micro cover glass (18 x 18 mm) is now placed onto a VWR micro slide (25 x 75 mm, 1 mm thick) with a small droplet of water so that it sticks. Dry off the edges with a piece of tissue. The washed embryos are now transferred with a medium-sized white haired brush onto the cover glass and kept wet at all times, while only the white and structureless appearing embryos are lined up and also kept wet at all times. It is advisable to put a clump of more than 100 embryos into the upper middle of the cover glass. Then use a very fine brown haired brush, make it wet, quickly dry it on a tissue paper, pull the first embryo into position, dry the brush, pull the next embryo to extend the line, and so on. The first 10 embryos shall be moved with a relatively dry brush, or otherwise the surface tension will make it impossible to position them correctly. Move the clump of embryos down while progressing downwards with the line. In the end, the row of embryos consists of about 100, which shall have their posterior end towards the right edge of the cover glass, and the row of embryos should be positioned about 5 mm away from that edge. Keep the embryos moist at all times by supplying water with the brush to the clump of unaligned eggs and also to the top, middle, and end of the row. When the row is completed, remove all unused eggs and let the row dry while carefully monitoring the eggs under the microscope. The row can now be rearranged slightly U-shaped to make them fit better to the sugar food surface later on. When the embryo line appears completely dry, wait about 3-5 more seconds and then cover them quickly with the Halocarbon oil mixture (7 parts of type 700 + 1 part of type 27), supplied by a syringe. The Halocarbon oil stops further desiccation and allows breathing. If the embryos become too desiccated (oil added too late), they die, and it becomes visible when the injection needle penetrates the chorion but not the plasma membrane at the first try. If, however, the oil is put on too early, then the embryos won’t stick to the glass and move around when the injection needle is poked against them. Only a few seconds lay between both extremes. DNA preparation for microinjections The DNA is prepared with the Qiagen Midi kit, eluted with 5 ml QF buffer, precipitated with 3.5 ml isopropanol, centrifuged and re-dissolved in 350 L distilled sterile water, precipitated again with ethanol, washed with 70% ethanol, dried, and dissolved with EB buffer to a final concentration of 1 g/l. The DNA is centrifuged for 20 min at maximum speed and a mixture of the clear DNA solution is prepared as follows: 20 L construct, 5 L helper plasmid, and 15 L sterile Milli-Q water. The mixture is centrifuged again for 20 min at maximum speed, and 39 L are transferred to a fresh tube for immediate use. The piggyBac system (Wimmer and Horn, 2000) results in 1 transformation event every 50 D. guttifera embryos with empty vector, and 1 every 500 embryos with an 8 kb insert. The exact plasmid names are: “pBac{3xP3-EGFPafm}” (piggyBac backbone) , and “phspBac” (piggyBac helper). Needle preparation, microinjections, and heat shock of the embryos We use a Flaming/Brown micropipette puller Model P-97 and FHC capillary tubing (Borosil 1.0 x 0.75 mm ID/Fiber with Omega dot fiber) to obtain standard needles (program 46). Extreme care should be taken in order to avoid damage to the platinum heating filament of the machine. The needles are loaded at least one hour before using them with approximately 0.5 L DNA mix and can be stored in a moist chamber at 4°C for a few days. We use an automated injection system based on nitrogen pressure, a micro-manipulator for the needle, and an inverted microscope. The tip of the needle is broken by carefully touching the chorion of an embryo while repeatedly pushing the “Clear” button until the DNA flows out. Embryos are injected with a very fine needle tip and either an automatic stream of DNA into the very posterior part of the embryo or a push (if necessary) by hitting either the “Clear” button (when the needle is still very fine) or the foot pedal (when the needle is wearing out). In order to prevent the needle from getting plugged, the “Clear” button or foot pedal should be hit frequently while being outside of the embryos. Also, moving the embryos away from the needle at high speed can help to make the DNA flowing again. When using the foot pedal, adjust the amount of microseconds on the machine between 25 and 4 microseconds to maintain a constant injection volume. The needles have to be changed when the embryos start leaking out granulous cytoplasm, whereas clear droplets are normal. For effective transformations, the eggs may not have undergone cellularization yet. Any cellularized embryos should be left alive to prevent fungus growth on the leaking cytoplasm of killed cells. Wipe off the oil: After all 100 embryos on a slide are injected, remove the cover glass (a droplet of water can help) with the embryos and quickly wipe off some excess oil against the micro slide. Stick the cover glass into a fresh sugar food vial, positioning the posterior ends of the embryos right above the food. Close the vial with a cotton ball and squeeze some drops of distilled water between the vial and the cotton to provide immediate moisture. Place the vial vertically into a wet chamber (a beaker with a little bit of water on the ground and 2 wet paper towels stuck against the inner wall). Hold multiple vials together with a rubber band. Avoid water flowing into the vials by keeping them away from the wall. Close the chamber with aluminum foil and store it in the 18°C incubator. The next morning (16 – 18 hours after injection), fill the wet chamber with 42oC warm water to a height that covers the food and heat shock the embryos at 37°C for 120 minutes. The heat shock should happen with the lid half way lifted so that air can circulate through the chamber. After the heat shock, empty the chamber completely (including the paper towels), fill it with some cold water and put the vials in it to lower the temperature in the food. After some minutes, discard the cooling water, and fill the beaker with about 1 cm of distilled water (no paper towels required), put the vials back in, place the lid back on and store the embryos in the 18°C incubator for an additional 4 days. After-care and fly crosses When all pupae have formed and no more wandering larvae are seen, collect the pupae with a brush from the food and with two pairs of forceps from the cotton plugs. Making the cotton very wet helps to dissolve the glue with which the pupae stick to it. Do not leave much cotton left on the pupae, but a few fibers are allowed to remain attached to them. Collect the pupae temporarily on a wet tissue. Take a clean and empty glass vial, place a long piece of anti-fungus paper along one side of the wall and moisten the paper with a wet brush (distilled water). Transfer the collected pupae with a moist brush from the wet tissue paper onto the anti-fungus paper in the vial. Close the vial with a fresh cotton ball and store it horizontally in a moist chamber so that the pupae lay on the anti-fungus paper. Moisten the anti-fungus paper inside the glass vials when necessary. Start collecting wildtype virgin flies of both sexes for back-crosses when you see the first pupae coming up from the injection experiments. The collected virgins are stored in sugar food vials with some dry baker’s yeast and have to be bumped to fresh vials every 3 or 4 days. They will be sexually mature when your first injection survivors hatch. The hatched flies from the injections are collected once a day in the afternoon on a CO2 pad and crossed with wildtype virgins of the opposite sex. Use sugar food vials without adding extra yeast and combine 3 males or 10 females of the injection survivors with 10 wildtype virgins of the opposite sex in one vial. The combining is done to produce enough larvae to keep microorganisms in the culture down. Bump the crosses to fresh food every 3-4 days. EGFP screen in the larval eye-disks Look for EGFP in the eye disks, but it is often even visible in the labial disks, in the brain, and sometimes in the genital disks. The expression is usually strong and clearly visible in all larval instars. Perform the screen after all larvae are hatched, which is usually the case 3 days after the parents have been removed from the vial. EGFP can be detected latest in white pupariums. Multiple positive larvae per vial are common. Also, many lines are obtained in later screening sessions, so it is worth the time bumping the crosses for 2 or 3 weeks until declaring them as negative. The larval EGFP screen is carried out in the dark room as follows: 1) Switch on the UV lamp 10 minutes prior to screening. 2) - Remove the larvae from the food vials with distilled water (squeeze bottle) and a white-haired brush, and pour them into a medium-sized Petri dish bottom half. - Collect positive larvae with a pair of forceps into 2 mL tubes filled with 1 mL sugar food. - Discard water with negative larvae into an empty 5 L beaker. 3) Microscope settings: Light filter = “GFP”; Bottom filter = “Oblique”; Objective =1 x; Shutter open. 4) Switch on the red light and switch off the top light. 5) Clean up and DO NOT FORGET TO TURN OFF THE UV LAMP. Recipes Sugar food (Double anti-fungus action) Add 79 g agar to 8500 mL boiling water, let dissolve, add 275 g ICN baker’s yeast, 520 g cornmeal, 110 g granulated sugar, and 20 g Sorbic Acid. Stir until boiling, turn off the heat and stir for 15 min. Add 23.8 g Tegosept dissolved in 91.8 mL 95% ethanol, mix and pour 50 mL into each bottle and fill Petri dishes up to the top. Anti-fungus paper towels Dissolve 2 g of Sorbic Acid and 0.6 g of Methyl Paraben in 200 mL of 95% ethanol. Roll 20 - 30 paper towels and stick them into a 1 L glass beaker. Slowly pour the anti-fungus solution over the towels to soak them evenly. Unfold the towels and let them dry completely. Anti-fungus paper does not go bad and can be stored for years. Anti-fungus bench spray Dissolve 2 g of Sorbic Acid and 0.6 g of Methyl Paraben in 50 mL of 95% ethanol and add 70% ethanol to a final volume of 1 L. Literature: Horn, C. and Wimmer, E.A. (2000) A versatile vector set for animal transgenesis. Development Genes and Evolution. 210, 12, 630-7. The egg-laying cage. Putting yeast paste on a sponge. Eggs in the lower filter. Putting oil on lined-up embryos. Embryo and injection needle. Wet chamber for injected embryos. Collecting pupae from a cotton plug. Pupae in a moist chamber. A transgenic D. guttifera larva. Transgenic pupae reveal DsRed spots. Adult wing. Pupal wing: vein spot CRE (EGFP), and intervein shade CRE (DsRed).