wikisources - ContemporaryIssuesinWorldGeo2

Benitez 1
Sabrina Benitez
Ms. Munoz
World Geography
19 April 2014
Work Cited
“Educate Yourself.” Wells for Life. Wells for Life, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.
“Educate Yourself” is a web article that originates from the site Wells for Life. It was written by
an unknown author and the date published is also unknown. This article’s point of view is
looking at India’s water crisis and finding ways we can help. The purpose of this article is to
inform the reader of the effects of the water crisis and what can be done to prevent them. The
motivation to write the article is to persuade those who do not know what is going on in India to
help. The article is both persuasive and informative. The value in terms of its purpose is that the
author is trying to persuade the reader to help in India so it provides facts to back this. The value
of terms of its origin is that the issue is current so there is a sense of urgency in the article. The
limitations are that there is no author or date of publication.
Gardiner, Harris. “Rain or Not, India is Falling Short on Drinkable Water.” The New York Times.
The New York Times Company, 12 Mar. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. <http://www.>
“Rain or Not, India is Falling Short on Drinkable Water” is web article that originates from The
New York Times. It is written by Harris Gardiner and it was published on March 12, 2013. The
New York Times reports current events so that is the context of the article. The purpose of this
source is to inform the reader of India’s water crisis and how it is not getting any better. This
Benitez 2
article is informative and it is not persuading the reader to do anything. The value in terms of the
origin is that it is from The New York Times and that is a very well-known source. The value in
terms of the purpose is that the article is not biased and it is not swaying you in any direction. The
limitations may be that the article was written a year ago so the information may be outdated.
Haq, Zia. “India Facing Water Crisis.” Hindustan Times. Hindustan Times, 8 Dec. 2011. Web.
31 March 2014. <>.
“India Facing Water Crisis” is a web article originating from the website Hindustan Times,
which is located in New Delhi. The article was written by Zia Haq and published on 8 December
2011. The purpose of this article is to give people a general overview of India’s water crisis and
what may happen in the future. This article is informative. The value in terms of its origin is that
it is an article produced from India so it is closer to the problem than other reports from other
nations. The value in terms of its purpose is that it was not meant to persuade anyone so the
information is mostly factual. The limitation is that it was written 3 years ago so the information
may be slightly outdated.
Lurtha, Sonia. Amrita Kundu. “India’s Water Crisis: Causes and Cures.” The National Bureau of
Asian Research. The National Bureau of Asian Research, 13 Aug. 2013. Web. 23 Mar.
2014. <>.
“India’s Water Crisis: Causes and Cures” is an article that originates from the website The
National Bureau of Asian Research. The source was written on August 13, 2013 by Sonia Lurtha
and Armita Kundu. The National Bureau of Asian Research is an American organization that
researches problems happening in Asia and studies how they affect the United States. The
Benitez 3
context is to relate the water crisis in India to the United States. The purpose of writing this
article is to inform the public of the causes of India’s water crisis and what needs to be done to
prevent it. The sole purpose of this organization is to investigate what is happening in Asia and
how it relates to the United States so their motivation is to find ways of preventing the water
crisis in India from having a harmful effect on the United States. The value of this source in
terms of its purpose is that it is there to provide facts, not to persuade the reader to believe in
anything. The limitations of this source is that the co-author, Armita Kundu, was an intern. This
may have created some mistakes in the delivering of the facts.
Snyder, Shannyn. “Water In Crisis: India.” The Water Project. The Water Project, n.d. Web. 25
Mar. 2013. <>.
The web article “Water in Crisis: India” originates from the website The Water Project. The
article is written by Shannyn Snyder and there is no publication date. The purpose of this article
is to inform the reader about what the effects are of the water crisis in India. Their motivation is
to, in the end, have the reader join their cause to stop the crisis. The value in terms of the purpose
is that the organization it originates from is very active in helping those in need so they are trying
to inform the public on what is going on. The value in terms of the origin is that the source is
from an organization that focuses on helping the water crisis. The limitations may be that the
author was a guest author on the site and that the site may be biased because they want to
persuade the audience to help.
Rai, Saritha. “Indian Businesses’ New Crisis: Water.” Forbes. N.p., 4 July 2013. Web. 17 April
2014. <
Benitez 4
The origin of this article is from the website Forbes. This article was written by Saritha Rai, a
business writer for India, and it was published on the fourth of July 2013. The purpose of this
article is to inform the reader about the new obstacles the businesses in India must face because
of the water crisis. This was written to inform the reader, not persuade, so the information is
factual. The value in terms of the origin is that Forbes is a very prestigious money and business
magazine. The value in terms of the purpose is that it was writing for informative purposes not
persuasive, so there is least likeliness that the article may be biased. The limitation is that the
article was not specific as to what companies were affected and why.
Vijayakumar, Sanjay. “Simple and Cheap Solution to India's Grave Water Crisis: Waste Water
Recycling.” The Economic Times. Coleman and Company, 23 Sept. 2013. Web. 1 April
2014. <
The origin of the article “Simple and Cheap Solution to India’s Grave Water Crisis: Waste Water
Recycling” is the website of The Economic Times. The article was written by Sanjay
Vijayakumar.The context of this article is the Indian water crisis. The purpose of this article is to
show how there are solutions to the crisis and it can change if the government of India takes
action to provide clean water to those who need it. The value in terms of its origin is that it
comes from a well known source. The value in terms of the purpose is that it was written to show
that there is a way to fix the crisis and that India does not need to be in the blind anymore. The
limitations are that this method has not been tested in India in a large scale so the outcomes may
not be what they are predicted.
Benitez 5
“Water, Environment and Sanitation”. UNICEF. UNICEF, n.d. Web. 17 April 2014.
<http://www. unicef org/india/wes.html>.
“Water Scarcity in Indian Villages.” Growing Blue. Growing Blue, 30 May 2013. Web. 30
March2014. <>.
“Water Scarcity in Indian VIllages” is a web article that originates from the the site Growing
Blue and it was published on 30 May 2013. Growing Blue is a web site that is dedicated to
informing the public of water issues around the world and how to help. The purpose of this
article is to give factual evidence to the audience about how the water crisis in India is affecting
social norms. The article is informative. The value in terms of its origin is that it is recent and it
deals with issues occurring in the present day. The information is not outdated. The value in
terms of its purpose is that the article is not persuading you to do anything, it only shows you the
facts. The limitations are that the article has no stated author.
West, Jack. “Coliform Bacteria and Drinking Water.” Drinking Water Research Foundation.
N.p., n.d. Web. 31 March 2014. <
“Coliform Bacteria and Drinking Water” is a web article that originates from the Drinking Water
Research Foundation and it is written by Jack West. The purpose of this article is to inform the
reader about what types of coliform there are and what effects it may or may not have on the
human body. It is and informative article because there are no opinions and it was created to
inform. The value in terms of its origin is that it is from an organization whose main goal is to
solve issues in drinking water. The value in terms of its purpose is that it is strictly factual. The
limitations may be that there is no information about the author.
Benitez 6
Vijayakumar, Sanjay. “Simple and Cheap Solution to India's Grave Water Crisis: Waste Water
Recycling.” The Economic Times. Coleman and Company, 23 Sept. 2013. Web. 1 April
2014. <
The origin of the article “Simple and Cheap Solution to India’s Grave Water Crisis: Waste Water
Recycling” is the website of The Economic Times. The article was written by Sanjay
Vijayakumar.The context of this article is the Indian water crisis. The purpose of this article is to
show how there are solutions to the crisis and it can change if the government of India takes
action to provide clean water to those who need it. The value in terms of its origin is that it
comes from a well known source. The value in terms of the purpose is that it was written to show
that there is a way to fix the crisis and that India does not need to be in the blind anymore. The
limitations are that this method has not been tested in India in a large scale so the outcomes may
not be what they are predicted.