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DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
Program on International Organizations, Law and Diplomacy
The World Trade Organization (WTO): Rule Making and Dispute Settlement
June 20 – July 6, 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
American University Washington College of Law
Professor Benjamin Leff
Through this course we will study the World Trade Organization (WTO) as an institution and explore the
WTO’s competing roles as a forum for negotiations in the area of international economic relations, as a
rule-making body and as a dispute settlement body. We will explore the role of the WTO at a time when
the distinction between trade and non-trade issues has been blurred and we are increasingly addressing
global issues through the multilateral trading system, such as issues relating to the environment. The
course will take place at the WTO and we are privileged to have senior WTO officials with extensive
experience and knowledge teaching the group. This program provides a unique opportunity for
discussion and interaction with WTO staff.
The class will be for 13 sessions followed by a final exam. It is presumed that many if not all the
students that take this course will also be taking the WIPO course and therefore the class has been
adjusted to reflect those times when participants will be at WIPO for a full day.
Required Reading Materials:
(1) Peter Van den Bossche, The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization, (2nd edition),
Cambridge University Press (2008). (Available at and at the AU Bookstore for those
in Washington prior to Geneva.)
(2) Electronic texts – available on the WTO website and/or MyWCL:
(a) Understanding the WTO (WTO publications):
(b) WTO Agreements: (it is very long and
you will need it in class - you can choose to look at the text on your computer, but getting a
hard copy is recommended. “The Legal Texts: The Result of the Uruguay Round of
Multilateral Trade Negotiations”: WTO publications
( or
Cambridge University Press
DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
(c) Additional readings uploaded on MyWCL
SESSION 1 Wednesday, June 20, 2012—Introduction
Venue: WTO Headquarters, Room VR2
(Centre William Rappard, 154 Rue de Lausanne)
1A. 12:30 - 1:25 PM - History and evolution of the WTO and the substantive provisions of the
WTO Agreements, including the bindings and plurilateral Agreements.
Speaker: Alejandro Jara, Deputy Director General of the WTO
1B. 1:35 PM – 2:30 PM (continuation)
Speaker: Alejandro Jara, Deputy Director General of the WTO
Readings: Understanding the WTO (WTO website and e-mailed students), Van Den Bossche
Chapter 1 pp. 42-72 (Sources of WTO Law, WTO in Context, Summary—page 71-72); Chapter 2
pp. 76-132; 163. (Origins of the WTO, Mandate of the WTO, Membership of the WTO,
Institutional Structure of the WTO, summary (page 163-167).
Also have available: The Legal Texts.
NO TRADE CLASSES June 21, 22, or 25.
DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
SESSIONS 2 AND 3 Tuesday, June 26, 2012—Trade in Goods
Venue: Conference Room at Hotel Mon Repos (131 Rue de Lausanne)
2A. 9:00 – 9:55
GATT 1994 and the Annex 1A Agreements. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (trade
in goods) (GATT)
Speaker: Clemens Boonekamp, former Director Agriculture and Commodities Division, WTO
2B. 10:05 – 11:00
Trade in Agriculture
Speaker: Clemens Boonekamp, former Director Agriculture and Commodities Division, WTO
3A. 11:30 -12:25
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
Speaker: Lee Anne Jackson, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Trade in Agriculture Division,
3B. 12:35 – 13:20
Climate Change and the WTO
Speaker: Doaa Abdel Motaal, Office of the Director General, WTO
DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
SESSIONS 4 and 5 Wednesday, June 27, 2012—Trade Remedies and Safeguard Regimes &
Venue: Conference Room at Hotel Mon Repos (131 Rue de Lausanne)
4A. 9:00 - 9:55
Trade remedies
Speaker: Jesse Kreier, Rules Division, WTO
4B. 10:05 – 11:00
State Trading Enterprises; State Owned Enterprises; Trade related investment Measures (TRIMS)
Speaker: Judith Czako, Rules Division, WTO
Readings: Van Den Bossche, Chapter 6 pp. 507-605 (rules on unfair trade).
Also have available: Annex 1A to the WTO Agreements (Multilateral Agreement on Trade in
Overview of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) (Part I).
5A. 11:30-12:25pm
Speaker: Mireille Cossy, Counsellor, Trade in Services Division, WTO
DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
5B. 12:35-13:20pm
GATS (continued)
Speaker: Mireille Cossy, Counsellor, Trade in Services Division, WTO
Readings: Van Den Bossche, pp. 334-342 (MFN); pp. 390-392 (national treatment); pp. 476-493
(Barriers to trade in services); and pp. 652-662 (General Exceptions under the GATS).
Also have available: Annex 1B to the WTO Agreements (General Agreement on Trade in
SESSIONS 6 AND 7 Thursday, June 28, 2012—GATS Part II (Financial Services) /TRIPS and
Venue: Conference Room at Hotel Mon Repos (131 Rue de Lausanne)
6A. 9:00 – 9:55
GATS (Financial Services)
Speaker: Juan Marchetti, Counsellor, Trade in Services Division, WTO
6B. 10:05 – 11:00
Speaker: Antony Taubman, Intellectual Property Division
Reading: Van Den Bossche, pp. 741-802 (the TRIPS Agreement)
DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
Also have available: Annex 1C to the WTO Agreements, Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights.
7A. 11:30 - 12:25
Accessions (general)
Speaker: Chiedu Osakwe, Director, WTO Accessions Division
7B. 12:35 – 13:20
Accession (Russia)
Speaker: Chiedu Osakwe, Director, WTO Accessions Division
SESSION 8 Friday, June 29, 2012 – WTO Dispute Settlement System: Panels
Venue: WTO Headquarters, Room VR2
(Centre William Rappard, 154 Rue de Lausanne)
8A. 12:30 - 1:25pm
WTO Dispute Settlement System: Panels
Speaker: Jorge Castro, Legal Affairs Division, WTO
8B. 1:35 -2:30pm
Speaker: Jorge Castro, Legal Affairs Division, WTO
DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
Reading: Van Den Bossche pp. 169-311 (WTO Dispute Settlement)
Also have available: Annex 2 of the WTO Agreements, Understanding on Rules and Procedures
Governing the Settlement of Disputes.
SESSION 9 Monday July 2, 2012
Venue: WTO Headquarters, Room VR2
(Centre William Rappard, 154 Rue de Lausanne)
9A. 12:30 – 1:25
WTO Dispute Settlement System-Appellate Body
Speaker: Nicolas Lamp, Legal Officer, Appellate Body Secretariat, WTO
9B. 1:35-2:30
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT; standards)
Speaker: Devin McDaniels, Economic Affairs Officer, Trade and Environment Division, WTO
Readings: Understanding the WTO pp. 23-31 (skim; discretionary); Van Den Bossche pp. 321325 (most favored nation); pp. 344-367 (national treatment); and TBT and SPS Agreements (pp.
805-884); General Exceptions under GATT 1994 pp. 617-651.
Also have available: The Legal Texts: Annex 1A to the WTO Agreements (Multilateral Agreement
on Trade in Goods—GATT). Also available on MyWCL, the Agreement on Agriculture
DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
SESSION 10 Tuesday, July 3, 2012 – Trade Policy Review Mechanism: TPRM
Venue: WTO Headquarters, Room VR2
(Centre William Rappard, 154 Rue de Lausanne)
10 A and B. 1:30- 3:25pm
Speaker: Willy Alfaro, Trade Policies Review Division, WTO
Reading: Understanding the WTO, pp. 53-55 (Trade Policy Reviews: ensuring transparency).
Roberto Fiorention, Jo-Ann Crawford and Christelle Toqueboeuf: “The Landscape of regional
trade agreements and WTO surveillance” in “Multilateralizing Regionalism: Challenges for the
Global Trading System”, Cambridge University Press (2009).
Also have available: Annex 3 of the WTO Agreements (Trade Policy Review Mechanism)
SESSION 11 Wednesday, July 4, 2012—Relationship with other organizations and other trade
Venue: WTO Headquarters, Room VR2
(Centre William Rappard, 154 Rue de Lausanne)
11A. 12:30 – 1:25pm
WTO and other legal systems Coherence with IMF and World Bank
Speaker: Gabrielle Marceau, Legal Affairs Division, WTO
DRAFT – June 8, 2012 – Schedule Subject to Change
11B. 1:35 – 2:30pm
Coherence with IMF and World Bank
Speaker: Marc Auboin, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO
SESSION 12 Thursday, July 5, 2012 – What does the future hold for the WTO? Future of Doha?
Issues of concern to WTO Members
Venue: WTO Headquarters, Room VR2
(Centre William Rappard, 154 Rue de Lausanne)
12. 12:30-2:20pm
Panel with Ambassador Mario Matus, Chilean Ambassador to the WTO
Other Ambassador
Alejandro Jara, Deputy Director General, WTO
SESSION 13 Friday, July 6, 2012—Review, Summary
Venue: WTO Headquarters, Room VR2
(Centre William Rappard, 154 Rue de Lausanne)
13. 12:30 – 2:20pm
Professor Leff