LGSS Pensions Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire

L.G.S.S. Consultation Document
Proposal for Pension Services Staffing changes at Shire Hall & John Dryden House (LGSS Finance Directorate)
This consultation covers employees in LGSS from CCC only.
Background and context
LGSS is now in its third year of operation and continues to support its founding councils and partners in responding to the
increasing number of challenges faced including significant budget pressures, and the need to work more efficiently. The
LGSS Management team also has a responsibility to ensure its structure going forward is fit for purpose and supports the
LGSS design principles and strategic outcomes.
LGSS has a target to achieve efficiencies and reduce its budget by £3.0m for 2014/15
The LGSS business case agreed by Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire County Councils clearly identifies efficiencies that
are required on a year by year basis as well as sets out additional income targets to be met. The funding for LGSS reduces
each financial year as part of this business case. The reduction in funding will be met through the on boarding of additional
clients and therefore increased income, and importantly efficiencies in working practices and posts within the existing
workforce and structures
Pension Services undertook a significant restructuring in 2013/14 to redesign its service to meet the key design principles set
out below, deliver efficiencies and co-locate onto one site at Northampton. However, after consultation it was decided to
leave a satellite team at the Cambridgeshire office. The reason being the retention of experienced staff and providing support
to employers and members on a ‘pop-in’ basis. Unfortunately, the principle of retaining key staff has failed and it is also
proving difficult to manage an administration team at Cambridge when the remaining 4 teams are located in Northampton.
In attracting new customers it is evident that we need to develop centres of excellence, which is also a design principle of
LGSS. Therefore the time is now right to centre all the administration processes in one place and transfer the remaining
team to Northampton. Following the consultation issued by DWP regarding record keeping which requires a greater level of
accuracy with our data, having teams in two places makes this task more difficult and complex. The consultation is therefore
going to address the issue of the remaining staff based at Cambridgeshire relocating to Northamptonshire and the provision
of hot-desk facilities remaining at Cambridge for the Employers Team and Senior Management.
Design Principles
Integration of services, policies, practices and process across its teams and offices through the development of
centres of excellence and shared resources.
Reviewing transactional functions to establish a single location to enable integration and efficiencies, and developing
a plan to realise a single location.
Reviewing its technologies to enable a single point of systems support and I.T.
Modernising and harmonising the professional services approaches in all LGSS offices to ensure a consistent and
high level of professional support is provided.
Establishing resources to ensure LGSS is supported in its business development and internal professional advice.
Proposal Rationale
The proposal addresses the inefficiencies of the split site and provides a future proofing for growth of LGSS Pension Services.
The 2014 Public Sector pension change agenda will see the Pensions Regulator having a direct responsibility for Local
Government Pensions for the first time supported by new compliance and information requirements. It is vital therefore that
the service is structured and focused not only for LGSS requirements, but also to accommodate the 2014 Public Sector
Pensions changes.
LGSS is well placed in the Local Government Pensions community, as the national agenda is for collaboration between funds
to drive out efficiencies and improve service standards, directly and specifically addressing the new Public Sector Pensions
agenda, thus meeting the design principles of LGSS. The National agenda, led by Brandon Lewis, Minister for Local
Government is attracting much media coverage. LGSS Pension Services has a strong positive reputation within the Local
Government arena, with its shared service culture; indeed Brandon Lewis has referenced LGSS as a model of good practice at
national pension conferences.
L.G.S.S. Pension Services Review January 2014
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LGSS Pension Services has to ensure its costs are as efficient as possible as scheme collaboration becomes higher on the
national agenda, this has accelerated since the last reconfiguration. In order to drive down our costs/increase productivity the
one site philosophy which was accepted in the last consultation has become more essential. Currently we are in discussion
with other Pension Funds to deliver joint services which if successful will be based in Northampton.
Numbers and descriptions of employees affected
Team Leader 1
Pension Officer 6
Pension Clerk 1
By transferring the above roles to Northampton it is estimated that savings totalling £65,000 will accrue. For
example this could be secured by the non filling of those posts where staff do not wish to transfer to
Northampton the effect of which will be subject to review after 6 months. However, should this prove not to
be practical equivalent savings can be found elsewhere. All staff affected will be offered the opportunity to
transfer to Northampton as a number already have following the last reconfiguration. This is not a TUPE
transfer and is a straight lift of staff from CCC to NCC.
Voluntary redundancy/ retirement
When considering potential redundancies it is both Council’s policies to use voluntary means wherever possible to reduce the
size of the workforce rather than compulsory redundancy.
The LGSS Board will consider expressions of interest in voluntary redundancy and retirement further details
regarding this process will be issued during the consultation process. Any employee wishing to apply for Voluntary
Redundancy should understand that there is no guarantee that this will be agreed or any automatic entitlement to
release this will be made on the basis of business continuity / skill retention and affordability grounds. Management
reserve the right to decline applications and as such employees have no right to appeal.
Trade Union consultation
Formal Trade Union consultation on these proposals started on 7th April 2014
The union representatives are being consulted on the proposed structures and will be available to support their union
members. The detailed proposals will be considered at the LGSS consultation forum. The consultation will last for a minimum
of 30 days.
All formal proposals will go through the members of the LGSS Consultative Forum only, local representatives are there to
discuss issues and inform proposals with employees and managers.
If you wish to speak to your Trade Union you should contact your local representative in the first instance. If you do not know
the name of your local representative you should contact your local branch official. Details are below:
Trade Union
Rob Turner
01223 717075
Kevin Roberts
01223 458208
07828 625343
01223 353048
Brian Smith
There will be a minimum of a 30 day consultation process, and it is anticipated that consultation will end no earlier than 14th
May 2014. As this is a meaningful consultation process, individuals will need to understand the full impact of the structure
proposals, and have time to consider the proposal detail, therefore consultation will not close until such time that this
requirement has been satisfied, which in exceptional circumstances may mean that the consultation period is extended
beyond the 30 days. Any extension will be agreed as part of the LGSS consultation forum.
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Key Dates:
LGSS Joint Consultation: 7th April 2014
Brief Team: w/c 7th April 2014
Commence consultation: 14th April 2014
End of consultation: 14th May 2014
At Risk process: w/c 21st April 2014
Redundancy notice letters issued: w/c 26th May 2014
Implementation of new structures: June 2014 onwards
Further information
In the first instance if you need further information on these proposals you should contact Akhtar Pepper, LGSS Pension
Services Operations & Technical Manager, on 01604 367493 or apepper@northamptonshire.gov.uk
Alternatively, you may contact Manjit Sohal, Senior HR & Change Advisor, on 01604 366039 or
L.G.S.S. Pension Services Review January 2014
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