Unit Plan – Ancient American Civilizations Enduring Understandings: Students will analyze how archaeological discoveries are changing our knowledge of early peoples. Students will describe the factors (geographical, social, technological) that cause the evolution of culture. Students will define civilizations as complex cultures made up of social, political, economic, and belief systems. Students will identify ways humans adapt to their environment, and ways that the environment affects culture. Content Work Mini-Lesson Unit Launch Setting the context Watch the film Spirits of the Jaguar Create a timeline in notebook of ancient civilizations Complete a map (in notebook and on wall) of the geographic location of ancient civilizations Divide the class into four research teams. Students synthesize their research and work together to present what they have learned to the class. Findings will be presented in a symposium format with each team member becoming an expert on a specific aspect of their civilization. Assign each team one of the following ancient American cultures: Civilizations up close: Maya, Aztec, Inca, Anasazi Maya Mayan Kids Interactive Adventure www.mayankids.com/sitelite.htm Emuseum's Maya Exhibit emuseum.mankato.msus.edu/cultural/mesoamerica/maya.html Pre-history Exhibit: Maya www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/prehistory/latinamerica/meso/cultures /maya.html Mayans: The Masters of Mystery http://library.thinkquest.org/J001788/index.htm?tqskip1=1&tqtime=0 613 Aztec Emuseum's Aztec Exhibit emuseum.mankato.msus.edu/cultural/mesoamerica/aztec.html Aztec Empire www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/prehistory/latinamerica/meso/cultures /aztec_empire.html Creating a multi-strand timeline to compare information about different historical events. Refresher on the components of a map Using maps to illustrate demographic information What is a research team? What roles do individual members have? How do symposiums work? How to write an abstract. Are you a keynote speaker or part of a panel? Possible readaloud or other component work (shared writing) CCS C&G 1 (7-8) –1 CCSS.RH.6-8.7 CCSS.WHST.68.7 C&G 1 (7-8) –1 C&G 5 (7-8) – 1 HP 1 (7-8) –1 E 1 (7-8) –3 CCSS.RH.6-8.5 CCSS.WHST.68.2 CCSS.WHST.68.6 CCSS.WHST.68.7 Inca Emuseum's Inca (Quechua) Exhibit emuseum.mankato.msus.edu/cultural/southamerica/inca.html Inca www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/prehistory/latinamerica/south/cultures /inca.html Machu Picchu: Ancient City www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/prehistory/latinamerica/south/cul Anasazi Anasazi Emuseum's Anasazi Exhibit emuseum.mankato.msus.edu/cultural/northamerica/anasazi.html Prehistoric Desert People: The Anasazi www.desertusa.com/ind1/du_peo_ana.html Sipapu: Anasazi Architecture sipapu.gsu.edu/html/architecture.html A Tale of Two Cities: Teotihuacán and Chichén Itzá. Students will publish the Conference proceedings. Students create a compare and contrast table in their notebooks that explore the following questions: o What were the main buildings and structures of the ancient city? o What was the purpose of each structure? (How did people use each building or monument?) o Describe the geography around the city. o What important artifacts were found in this ancient city? Students will draw a map of one of the cities and its surrounding area paying close attention to its structures and how the city provided for itself (water, food, materials) Resources: Mesoamerican Sites and Cultures www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/prehistory/latinamerica/meso/mesota ble.html Click on "Teotihuacán" and "Chichén Itzá." Archaeology of Teotihuacán, Mexico archaeology.la.asu.edu/teo/ Teotihuacán, A Photo Gallery www.jqjacobs.net/mesoamerica/teotihuacan.html Chichén Itzá (Latin American Prehistory) www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/prehistory/latinamerica/meso/sites/chi chen_itza.html The role of architecture in a civilization What can buildings tell us about a civilization? Using maps to tell a story HP 1 (7-8) –1 HP 4 (7-8) –2 G 2 (7-8) –1 G 3 (7-8) –3 CCSS.RH.6-8.7 Mayan Kids: Chichén Itzá www.mayankids.com/!itza.htm Ancient mythologies of the Americas Students will write an informational essay that uses MLA format to answer the following questions about one civilization: o Name two or three of the gods and goddesses worshipped. How did these gods influence the way the world or nature works? How do we explain these same natural occurrences today? o Did these cultures believe one god was most important? o How did they worship these gods? o What do we learn about the civilization through the gods they worshipped? Why do you think they put so much importance on natural occurrences, such as rain and sun? o Did you find any moral lessons in the myths you read? Sources: World Mythology (Inca, Maya, Aztec) www.windows.ucar.edu Click on "Enter the Site," then click on "Myths." Mayan Gods and Goddesses www.mayankids.com/index.html Click on "Gods and Goddesses." Aztec Mythology www.uwgb.edu/galta/mrr/aztecs/myth.htm Using citationmachine.net to create citation pages. Using heading to organize your paper How to create a Table of Contents Adding tables to your paper. HP 1 (7-8) –1 HP 2 (7-8) –1 HP 5 (7-8) – 3 CCSSRH - 6-8.1 CCSS.WHST.68.1d CCSS.WHST.68.2 CCSS.WHST.68.7