Elements of culture: Customs and Traditions Death ritual from all around the world might sound the same but of course they have different story, ways, belief, and many more. The death ritual that follows religions might be the same but most people mix it with their own cultures and beliefs. Death rituals: From Asia: Toraja Death Ritual also known as Rambu Solo’. Rambu Solo’ is a death ritual usually held in Toraja, South Sulawesi. This ritual is when a certain someone has passed away the family member needs to held this event. During this ritual the family will invite some people and they need to have pig or buffalo to be killed and they believe that the certain someone that have passed away will bring the buffalo and pigs to heaven as what they called ‘Puya’. Rather than wasting the pig and buffalo meat they will cook it and serve it to the guests that have come. The food that is usually serve is first we have welcome drink which is tea or coffee but only that they also serve cigarette and makpanagan or called makan sirih. Makpangan or makan sirih is a group of snacks that consist of palm fruit mixed with calcium and sirih leaf also gambir. Then they serve us a pig rawon or what they call tellok pamarasan. It is almost the same as rawon but the different is the way of cooking and the ingredients. Another food is called papiong this food is cooked inside a bamboo stick. Pakrarang is the Toraja steak and it uses the buffalo meat. For the burial they put it in the stone mountain up until now. From Europe Italy Italian funerals are open for all people to attend, some people even put up posters before it starts to invite people to come. They put information like the date, place and other important information. As soon as they hear the news they will bring food to them. The food they bring can be anything from bowls of fruit, desserts, wine and casseroles. They will have lots of food and they usually share it with the guests or not freeze it for the next day. Lots of Italian are Catholic so most of the funerals are Catholicism. They will include the last rites, the vigil or prayer ceremony, a funeral liturgy, and the proper Mass being performed. Usually on the last day of the funeral the family will speak about the deceased from their heart. Giving flowers to the deceased family is an Italian funeral tradition. Mourners and attendants who does Italian funeral traditions wear all black to the funeral but some other people like immigrants do not wear black, but in the pass that was traditional. In Italian and Catholic funerals there will be an open casket. It is a common thing to kiss the cheek or forehead of the deceased body in Italian culture. Children will also be encouraged to touch the hand or kiss the cheek to show respect. In the past people who joined the funeral they will walk to the burial site and the casket would be carried either by a horse drawn carriage or hearse. But today the funeral procession to the gravesite is similar to modern customs. From Africa An African funeral begins with the removal of the body from the house. Previous to a person dying a hole is made beside the house. When the time comes to remove the body it is taken out of the hole instead of a door, feet first. This action is to keep the spirit from finding an easy way to go back to their house. As the body is transported to the burial, thorns and sticks are arranged in zig-zag along the path. This is to make the spirit confuse so that they don’t bother the living. It depends on religious belief; some people make it easier for their loved to find their way back. They can even be buried under their house or beside. In African funerals, it is common to sacrifice animals as part of their death ritual. They usually sacrifice an ox as they believe it will accompany the deceased person to the land of ancestors. The oxen are chosen because of something else, the beast can provide food for the mourners. Some families might choose to sacrifice an animal, months or even several years after a person has died. An animal might be killed right before the funeral as a ritual of bloodletting. It is believed that blood needs to be shed to prevent misfortune in the family. It is believe that a person hasn’t died if someone among the living still remembers them. Preparing a home after the death of a loved one is an important funeral rite. The windows will be smeared with ashes, pictures will be turned to face the wall and reflective object like television or mirrors will be covered. In the deceased person’s bedroom, the bed is removed and the women of the family sit on the floor upon a mattress or cushion. For the next week or two people in the community visit these women to offer their respect and condolences. But in Christian home, the day before a funeral the dead person is brought back to their house and placed in their bedroom. Then the family members will hold a vigil until the next morning. The funeral is often conducted before sunrise. They believe that witches and sorcerers are asleep at this time and not likely to take over the body of their beloved one. Family members but not kids and unmarried individuals are expected to attend the burial. The family will stand on one side of the gravesite and everyone else on the other side. The family is not allowed to speak during the burial. Like some other cultures personal items will also be buried with the person to help them in their journey to their ancestors. After the burial ceremony, mourners may return to the family’s home. At the gate they are expected to wipe the graveyard dust from their feet and some may place pieces of aloe plant in water to remove bad luck. Christians may also sprinkle the mourners with holy water to purify them. Some families follow a strict ritual. Men may shave all of their hair from head and race. It symbolizes death and new life. Family members may wear black clothing or black cloths on their backs for weeks or even a year. From America and Canada American death ritual have 4 major parts which is ‘The Wake, Visitation or Viewing’, ‘The Funeral Service’, ‘The Burial Service’ and ‘Private Services’. In the USA and Canada many Viewing Services take place in the funeral home. But some can also be conducted in a church. In some areas of the US, Viewing Services might be held in the home of the deceased or a relative’s. The Viewing is often held the evening before the day of the funeral. However it can also happen immediately before the funeral service on the same day. After learning of the death, guests usually pay their respects at the home of the family members and at the funeral home during the wake. There is usually a guest book which is signed by everyone who attends so that the family can send thank you cards. Viewers who attend have a choice either to look at the body in the casket or not. Family members can decide to have the casket closed. The funeral service is usually held between 3 to 5 days of the following death. The service usually takes place in either a church or funeral home. If the service is chose to be held at church, the deceased body will be transported from the funeral home to the church in a hearse, which is also part of the funeral procession. During this service prayer, reading from the bibles or other sacred texts, hymns and songs, and word of comfort are given. When it’s almost the end of the funeral service, guests, family and spouses are invited to view the deceased. The burial part is considered the final part of many US and Canada traditions. It is the final moment to say a farewell before laying the body to rest. If the deceased served in the armed forces, military rites will often be accorded at the burial site. According to most religions, the casket remains closed during the burial ceremony. A final prayer may be said then it is time to place into the burial area or prepared for cremation. In many traditions a meal or gathering follows the burial service. This gathering may be held at a church or in the home of the deceased or other family member. Differences in food Difference purpose These death rituals have some Death rituals around the world differences and one of them is in have different purposes or the foods. For example: beliefs. For example like Toraja: Traditional food like Toraja: They believe that Makan Sirih, pigs and buffalo the animals that ware meat, tea or coffee, palm fruit scarified will be brought mixed with calcium, sirih by the deceased to the leaf, gambir, tellok Puya. pamarasan, papiong and Pakrarang. All of these are Italy: Italian death rituals traditional food of Toraja. believe in the steps of the religion so they usually Italy: bowls of fruit, desserts, follow the religion. wine and casseroles. Africa: They believe that Africa: cook with ox meat getting the body out of a and make it into food for the hole makes it hard for guests. them to find their home and by arranging thorns America and Canada: they and sticks in zig-zag will usually serve food what they confuse the spirit. like so there are no rules for food. But it can depending on America and Canada: families beliefs. They believe that by praying the body will be blessed. Difference in traditions As you know Death Rituals around the world has different traditions; For example: Toraja: In Torajan Death Rituals or as they call Rambu Solo’ There is a tradition where they need to sacrifice pigs and buffalo. Italy: In Italian Death rituals, people are all invited in the death ritual. People came and bring foods for the family. Africa: It is a tradition to smear the windows with ashes, turn pictures to face the wall and close any reflective things like television, mirrors and others. America and Canada: It is a tradition to prepare a guest book and give thank you cards for guests who attends. My Culture: My family has a kind of similar death ritual to the one above. It is up to our beloved if they want to be cremated or buried. When our beloved died, or in a critical situation that might cause them to pass away, we as a family call a priest and ask for Sakramen Perminyakan. This sacrament is making the way easier to heaven. Afterwards we clean the body and move it to the funeral home. At the funeral home the body will be bathed and the body will be changed into clothes that the family picked out. The body will be blessed once again. During the funeral home people will come and visit, some might send flowers and most give money and we give them thank you cards when we receive it. The body will be in the casket which remains open but closed with glass and white strain cloth. People can come and see the body and sometimes when they come, they will come in front of a table with our beloved’s photo and flowers or even cross and they will give a little prayer then bow to us. We will be standing in both sides of the table to receive guests. In my family we are almost all catholic so we always have 1 or 2 or even more mass to pray for our beloved and the family who is still living. After the Viewing is done the casket will be closed but before that we wrote letters and put in the side then we sprinkle oil around the body. We can never forget to put their precious stuff like their bags and of course their clothes and other things that our beloved love to do. Then the family needs to bow down and while the casket is going to be closed the family cannot see. After the visiting we will directly go to the burial site and on the way there will throw flowers and papers on the road. In the Burial site we have a mass and it is the last time for us to say our final goodbye. The casket will be placed inside the hole then one of the family members will let go of a dove. Afterwards guests and families will throw Chinese paper, flowers and dirt to the casket. Then they cover it with dirt and put the tombstone and my family uses the shape of a cross. Then we will celebrate the 3rd day, 7th day, 40 days, 100th day, 1 year, 3 years and during birthday and Qing Ming. In my family, if the deceased has a long life then we will wear red in the last day which is the burial day. But if they’re not we are going to wear white or black. The one who decide if the body is buried or cremated is our beloved but if they didn’t say anything that means it is buried. My family also believe that our tears cannot drop on the body. We believe that it could make our beloved’s way to heaven heavy. Similarities: Every death ritual up there celebrates with other people not only families. Everyone who attends wear white or black Every death ritual uses casket. Every death ritual traditions can be mix with the religion How to respect: When you attend a death ritual don’t show your belief too much and just follow their belief for the ritual only. Do not ask them to follow your belief let them show their own belief. Follow the rules/norms they have and try to be in your positive side/attitude. Follow the ritual and give condolences. Maybe by helping or attending or even pray, just things that we can do to help. Attend the death ritual. Participate more in the ritual. Try to make the family happy and not too sad. Support them in the ritual. Death rituals we attend might have different foods, we should try the food and if we don’t like the food try to eat some and do not complain. When we want to respect other people’s beliefs of death ritual, we should follow the death rituals and eat what they provide. If we don’t eat the food or allergies we can ask to the family for other type of food. If we don’t like try to finish it if we can’t it is fine but we need to try our best. To respect people’s beliefs we can show our open-mindedness and tolerance towards others. We can try to open our mind to fill new knowledge from others beliefs and try to show our manners and respect during the ritual. All death rituals have different traditions. When we attend one which has different traditions to ours just follow it and if we don’t understand ask the family or bring a friends to help you. Resources: My dad http://dying.lovetoknow.com/Death_Rituals_in_Africa http://dying.lovetoknow.com/Italian_Funeral_Traditions http://www.funerals-and-flowers.com/death-and-funeral-customs.html#US