Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan This plan is to be completed by First Aid on the basis of information from the student's medical practitioner (ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis) provided by the parent. It is the parents' responsibility to provide the College with a copy of the student's ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis containing the Emergency Procedures Plan (signed by the student's Medical Practitioner) as well as an auto adrenaline injector within its expiry date. Parents must also inform the College if their child's medical condition changes. Insert student photo here Student DOB Year Level and Homeroom Severely allergic to: Other health conditions Medications at school EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS (PARENT/CARER) Name Name Relationship Relationship Home phone Home phone Work phone Work phone Mobile Mobile Address Address EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS (ALTERNATE) Name Name Relationship Relationship Home phone Home phone Work phone Work phone Mobile Mobile Address Address Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan Page 1 of 5 May 2015 Medical practitioner Name contact Emergency Medications to be provided for school e.g Ventolin, Claratyne, Epipen Storage for Adrenaline Autoinjector Phone EPIPEN SUPPLIED BY PARENT Primary Epipen: in students pencil case Secondary Epipen, ACSIA action plan and management plan to be stored in First Aid ENVIRONMENT TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT: Please consider each environment/area (on and off school site) the student will be in for the year, e.g. classroom, canteen, food tech room, sports oval, excursions and camps etc. (Initial where applicable and N/A where not applicable) Name of environment/area: Classroom (and pertaining to all College activities) Risk identified Actions required to minimise the risk Who is responsible Initial / N/A Contact with allergen Identification of Students with anaphylaxis among staff and in the Canteen Encourage community to avoid bringing food allergens to school or food sharing Allergy students given isolated area and provided with own utensils and alternate food requirements. Potential allergens kept in their own packaging and separate to other food sources. Ensure all cooking utensils/dishes in food class are thoroughly washed and cleaned Individual Adrenaline Auto injector present for every class Use of non-food treats as rewards First Aid Staff All staff Staff of food classes Staff of food classes Staff member supervising that class Student All staff Encourage College community to wash hands after All staff eating Canteen staff are able to demonstrate training in Head Standards and food allergen management and have training in Accreditation recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis First Aid Staff For special occasions, College staff should consult Staff member parents in advance to either develop an alternative organising the activity food menu or request the parents to send a meal for Parents the student. Provision of up to date Individual Management Plan Parents and ASCIA Action plan Provision of medications required to treat Parents, students anaphylaxis e.g. antihistamines, adrenaline autoinjector. Provision of up to date medical information related Parents to allergy and treatment Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan Page 2 of 5 May 2015 Name of environment/area: School Yard and Special Events Risk identified Actions required to minimise the risk Who is responsible Initial / N/A Emergency Up to date Anaphalaxis management plans Response in accessible to all staff on school grounds. place to react to incident Sufficient staff on duty trained to recognise and treat anaphylaxis Principal First Aid Principal First Aid staff General Use adrenaline autoinjectors; in date and in First Aid Staff various locations throughout the College Name of environment/area: Out of school settings/ Outside school hours Risk identified Actions required to minimise the risk Who is responsible Initial / N/A Incidence of anaphylaxis occurring Individual risk assessment for each student attending who is at risk of anaphylaxis Presence of staff sufficiently trained in current anaphylaxis management to accompany student Staff member organising activity Staff member organising activity Staff participating should be clear about the roles and responsibilities in the event of an anaphylactic reaction. Use of non-food treats as rewards Individual adrenaline autoinjector to be present on student Staff member organising activity Personal autoinjector, ASCIA plan and mobile phone to be taken with staff General Use adrenaline autoinjector present in the first aid kit Risk assessment undertaken for each student with anaphylaxis attending Identification by face of students diagnosed with anaphylaxis attending by all staff attending Contact with activity provider to ensure risk minimisation and prevention strategies are in place, ensuring they are able to provide food that is safe for anaphylactic students The camp cook to demonstrate satisfactory training in food allergen management and its implications on food handling practices, including avoiding use of and stocking food allergens Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan Page 3 of 5 All staff Staff member organising activity Student Staff member organising activity Staff member organising activity Staff organising activity with parents as necessary Staff organising activity Staff member organising activity Staff member organising activity May 2015 Name of environment/area: Interstate or Overseas Travel Risk identified Actions required to minimise the risk Who is responsible Initial / N/A Incidence of anaphylaxis occurring Consultation with parents/carers well in advance Staff member organising activity First Aid Staff as necessary Parents Investigation of potential risks at all stages of the Staff member overseas travel and management of risks, identified organising activity in and potential consultation with parents Use of ASCIA Travel Plan to facilitate carriage of Staff member autoinjector organising activity First Aid Staff as necessary Parents Re-assessment of College’s Emergency Response Staff member Procedure and adaptation to circumstances of the organising activity overseas trip Name of environment/area: Work Experience Risk identified Actions required to minimise the risk Who is responsible Initial / N/A Incidence of anaphylaxis occurring Involvement of parents, the student and the employer in discussions regarding risk management prior to a student at risk of anaphylaxis attending work experience Staff member organising activity Employer Parents Student Employer must be shown the ASCIA Action Plan for Staff member Anaphylaxis and how to use the adrenaline organising activity autoinjector in case the work experience student Student shows signs of an allergic reaction whilst at work experience *NOTE: Adrenaline autoinjectors are referred to as: Primary. A student’s own adrenaline autoinjector and this is to be in the student’s possession at all times. Secondary. A student’s own adrenaline autoinjector and this is to be kept in the First Aid for use by the individual student. General Use. Adrenaline autoinjectors that are purchased by the College and available to be used in an emergency situation, in particular outside of normal school hours. Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan Page 4 of 5 May 2015 CONFIRMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan will be reviewed on any of the following occurrences (whichever happens earlier): Annually; If the student's medical condition, insofar as it relates to allergy and the potential for anaphylactic reaction, changes; As soon as practicable after the student has any anaphylactic reaction; and When the student is to participate in an off-site activity, such as camps and excursions, or at special events conducted, organised or attended by the College (e.g. class parties, elective subjects, cultural days, incursions). I have Acknowledge the development of this Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan. I consent to the risk minimisation strategies proposed. Signature of parent: Date: I have consulted the relevant College staff who will be involved in the implementation of this Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan. Signature of Principal (or nominee): Date: Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan Page 5 of 5 May 2015