The Evaluation Process by Position Position Rubric Who is the primary evaluator? Who else may evaluate or contribute to the evaluation? Teacher Teacher Rubric Principal/HM another trained evaluator at the school Principal/Headmaster School-Based Administrator Rubric Network Superintendent Pilot School Principal/Headmaster School-Based Administrator Rubric Pilot Board Assistant Principal/Headmaster/ School Based Program Director School-Based Administrator Rubric Principal/HM Superintendent Rubric School Committee School-Based Administrator Rubric Supervisor Teacher Rubric Principal/HM another trained evaluator at the school School Nurse Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric (with Nurse Indicators) Principal/HM another trained evaluator at the school Guidance Counselor Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric Principal/HM another trained evaluator at the school Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric Principal/HM another trained evaluator at the school Teacher Rubric Principal/HM another trained evaluator at the school Superintendent Central Office Administrator Librarian Network Superintendent (with Guidance Counselor Indicators) Strand Specialist Long-term Substitute Cluster Substitute The Evaluation Process by Position Position School-based SESS Coordinator Rubric Who is the Primary Evaluator? Who else may evaluate or contribute to the evaluation? Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric Principal/HM OSESS Administrator Speech/Language Therapist OSESS Administrator Physical or Occupational Therapist Vision or Hearing Specialist Adaptive Physical Education Specialist Assistive Technology Specialists ABA Specialist Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric OSESS Administrator Behavior Specialist Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric OSESS Administrator Social Worker (hired by school) Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric Principal/HM another trained evaluator at the school Social Worker (hired by OSESS) Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric OSESS Administrator Academic Superintendent Student Services Coordinator Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Rubric OSESS Administrator School Psychologist Pupil Adjustment Counselor