What is the responsibility of secretary?

1. What is the responsibility of secretary?
Assign teaching duties to TA and avoid time conflicts.
2. What is the relationship between instructor and TA? One to one or one to
There is no relationship. However, some teachers are both instructors and TA.
3. Can an instructor assign the courses for TA?
No. Only the secretary can do that.
4. The system assure that TA will not assigned to two courses during one time
slots while both courses require the TA to show up? How about instructor
and secretary?
Yes. There is no such problem for instructor if the instructor does not take TA
5. Can a TA assign two courses in different major?
No. All the courses are in the same major. This system is for one major.
6. Can instructor and TA sign in a new account?
The account name and initial password is set up by secretary.
7. Can a TA choose his favorite courses?
8. Who can add new courses in the system? In other words, who can manage the
The secretary can add and manage all the info.
1.What is the maximum course that one TA can be assign?
This can be set up by the secretary.
2.What is the maximum number of TA that one course can
At most 2.
3.Is it possible that one course do not need to assign TA?
Yes. It is possible.
4.Can TA change their course after secretary already assigned
the course? If not, can they send their favorite timetables to
secretory to reference by email or just operate on website?(must
or just recommended)
They can set up their favorite courses in this system.
5.If so, what is the maximum number that one TA can select the
favorite course they wanna teach.(TA choose how many they
would like to take in a semester or secretary assign it ?)
They can choose as many as possible.
6.What is the function of instructor after they log in(similar with
TA? Just to see what and when course gonna take and choose
their favorite time to show to secretary?).
The instructor will give the timetable for their courses and
indicate if he needs a TA and if TA need to show up during
some time slot.
7. When on TA`s perspective of website, does it need to display
whether Ta needs to show up on this course? Or just consult AR
or instructor under the table?
TA will see a time table that indicates the courses and time
to show up. AR is not involved in this application.
8.Which method will the secretary apply to assign different TA
if they have same interest in the Same course.
Maybe we can also let instructor to set up their favorite TA for
a course as well. If a teacher has no favorite TA, TA will be
randomly assigned.
9.Is there any priority sequence between different TA?
10. Must website need to have a mechanism to automatically
assign the time to TA & instructor?(maybe needs a little bit
troublesome algorithms to complete this function, which we
think it(spend much time on this) diverges the aims of our
course to be just aware of the process of teamwork
The time is fixed already by AR.
11.All the accounts are assigned by secretary? And change
password function can be operated by instructor, TA and
The secretary can set up the initial password for all the users.
If any user forgets password, the secretary can set up an initial
password to him again.
12.If there appear some problems on assignment, does website
needs a extra function like forum to tell the error message or just
send email to AR?
AR is not involved in this system.
1. If the number of TA(s) is not satisfied (less or more than) the course requirement, how should
the secretary do?
The workload will not exceed the quota set up by secretary. It can be lower than what is set up
by secretary. If the number of TA is less that required, a warning is given.
2. If secretary needs to arrange the TA my hand in the system, or the system can generate the
assignment automatically depends on the preference setting?
Based on the favorite TA and courses given, the system can generate
3. Can TA have preference setting to choose which class they want?
They can choose the course, but it is not sure that they will be assigned this
4. The TA assignment basically depends on the instructor’s requirement. If the instructor can use
the system to tell the TA which class TA needs to show up, which class they don’t.
The instructor can specify their favorite TA for a course. He also mark the course
time that a TA should show up in the class.
5. It's an Online system, if the system can only available in the office area, or it’s available
It is available everywhere.
6. Can one instructor see the course information of other instructors?
7. Can instructors see the course information of TAs?
8. How about TA? (be similar with the above two questions)
9. How do instructors and TAs give the requirements to the secretary? And how does the
secretary give the feedback?
Through the system. The secretary does not give feedback.
10. How can TAs know which courses need more TAs and then they can apply them?
TA does not need to know that.
11. What is the performance requirement of system?
There is no special performance requirements. Just the speed is as usual as
12. How many secretaries?
One secretary.
1.Should everyone has the same password when they secretary add them to the
system at the beginning?
It depends on how the secretary will set up. Usually it could be same.
2.what if user forget the password, can it be changed into new one? How can the
user find back their password or login to change a new one?
If the user forgets the password, the secretary can set up a new one for him.
3.Does the instructor have the priority to view he assignment?
An instructor can only view his own classes and TA assigned to him.
4.Who will give the feedback or the grade the assignments? Instructor or the TA?
What if the instructor do not agree with the TA can they change the grade?
This system is not for assignment (homework). Therefore, there is no grade. It is
about assignment of TA to different courses.
5.Can secretary delete or add someone into the system?
Yes, he can add, delete and edit information.
6.what’s other jobs can secretary do besides assign which TA for which class and
add members at the beginning?
The secretary should import information of courses and teachers. The tables are
available on course website.
7.Dose this system work for students? Can students login?
This system is not for students.
8.Can TA change their class if they want or just can not change once you desided.
Only secretary can make changes about the arrangement of TA.
1. Should there exit a funtion for TA to search his (or her ) timetable?
No. TA will view his/her timetable in the system.
2. The course name is been selected or input by manager?
There is no manager. The secretary will import a course table.
3. If secretary can add course which not exit in the database?
The secretary can add/delete/edit courses in the system.
4. The user name belongs of every TA or secretary?
Every TA, instructor, secretary has an account. Please note that a secretary is a
teacher and some instructors take TA work.
5. Weekend is in our consideration or not?
6. If there exit two different lever of account? (for example the TA can only serch
theri own timetable and add or drop but the secretary can operate the course).
Different users can use different functions.
7. We sort the information in database or web?
It is better if the system can do the sorting work.
8. If the customer need a high level information protecting design?
This question is not clear.
1, what if there is clash where two or more different teachers refer one TA?
The secretary will assign the TA to only one teacher either automatically or
2,what if there is too many TA choose same course?
Only one or two TA are given this course depending on the requirements of this
3,what is there is one course which none of TA want to choose?
The system will automatically assign one.
4, what if there is then secretary or system could arrange the workload at first?
The secretary will set up the quota for each TA.
About System:
1. Which kind of system do you need? Online system or independent system?
Who will use your system in the college? Only one major or all staffs?
Only one major at this moment.
How many people or course will be in your system?
The number is not decided. Let us at this moment set it to be 50 for teacher
and 100 for courses as the upper limit.
About user:
1. What can secretary do expect assigning and viewing assignment jobs?
The secretary can assign and view TA assignments.
2. Could secretary see all the schedule of TA?
Yes, he/she can.
3. Only can the secretary assign jobs?
4. If three TA prefer the same course, how does secretary choose? Radom selection or
select base on the workload of those TA?
According to the quota and if the teacher prefers one TA or not. Otherwise,
1. What can instructor do except upload their courses information?
An instructor can mark the course info on a time table available in the system.
2. Could instructor see the schedule of the TA?
3. Could instructor to recommend a specific TA to a course?
Yes. He can.
4. Could instructor to add the number of the TA at the beginning and during the
No. The instructor can specify how many TA he wants before assignment.
1. What can TA do except upload their courses information?
TA can choose his favorite courses and view his timetable on the course he helps
and the time slot he needs to show up.
2. Could TA refuse to enter one course?
No. If he does not like, he can tell the secretary and the secretary can make
adjustment if necessary.
1. Can secretary to add a TA by his or her log name?
2. If you meet a person not only an instructor and TA or secretary, could him or her to
switch his page between instructor and TA or secretary?
A secretary is a teacher. An instructor might be a TA or not.
 Users
Is that possible that a course requires more than one TA but only need one TA to
show up?
Yes, there could be at most two TAs for a course, depending on the requirements. If
there are two, both should show up.
Can TA also be a secretary?
Does each course require one and only one secretary?
There is only one secretary who manage all the courses.
Is that possible that a secretary is corresponding to more than one course?
Same answer as the last one.
Can instructor see other schedule arrangement which is not taught by him?
Can TA see other TA’s schedule?
Can TA know the partner TA within the same course of his?
Can secretary know who is in charge of other courses as a secretary except his?
Only one secretary for all the courses. The secretary in the main user of this system.
He/she will be responsible to assign courses to TA.
Can the instructor recommend his or her preferred TAs?
Yes, he can.
 System
Does the system need an administrator with the highest permission?
No. The secretary will be the admin as well.
Can the system adjust the time table of all the courses and done by the
administrator or someone?
Nobody can change the course time table.
Does the administrator or someone have the right to adjust the TAs’ and
instructors’ account, namely adding account and deleting account or other
The secretary will be responsible to set up account for each user. He/she can add or
delete the user.
What if a TA wants to check its assignments without an account?
It is impossible. Everybody must have an account.
Could users save its assignments into file?
Good suggestion. Yes.
 Operating Environment
What is the specific version of the web browser required to access the online
Not the specific version, but can be browsed in both IE and Firefox. However, it is
good that it can be browsed in an old version of explorer.