1 Supplementary Material 1: Instructions for using program E-SURGE for implementing 2 models of habitat dynamics in the presence of misclassification. 3 4 It is possible to implement analysis of hidden markov chain models in program E-SURGE 5 (Choquet and Nogue 2010), freely downloadable at http://www.cefe.cnrs.fr/biom/En/ 6 softwares.htm. Program E-SURGE works by decomposing dynamics into parameters associated 7 with initial states, transitions between states, and classification probabilities that relate 8 observations (events) to true states. Occasion t t +1 Transition True states Events Events Observations Transition True states Observations 9 10 The basic structural form needed to run analyses is specified with the following “pattern" 11 matrices in the “GEPAT" module in E-SURGE. Here, “*” entries denote the complement of the 12 sum of positive row entries, and “-“entries denote zeroes. 13 Note that E-SURGE was developed as software to analyze multi-state mark-recapture data in 14 wildlife populations in order to estimate survival and transition parameters in the face of state 15 uncertainty (Pradel 2005). Because of this, it includes an absorbing state called “Dead” in the 16 structure of transition and events matrices and a state Not Observed in the event matrix. The 1 17 three other states correspond to Forest (F), Managed (M) and Urban (U) for the pixel level 18 analysis or to Dominant forest (F), Average forest (A) and Low forest (L) for the cell level 19 analysis. 20 The matrix notation used in E-SURGE is different than the matrix notation used in matrix 21 models of demography: in E-SURGE, departure states (or FROM) are defined in rows and 22 arrival states (or TO) in columns. In matrix models used in demography (the notation we used in 23 this study), departure states (or FROM) are defined in columns and arrival states (or TO) in rows. 24 25 We first describe the pattern matrices in GEPAT 26 1-For the initial state vector, we have 27 𝜋𝑡 = [𝜋 28 2-For the transition parameter matrix, we have 29 ∗ 𝜓 𝜓𝑡 = [ 𝜓 − 30 The fourth row and the fourth column correspond to the state Dead, an absorbing state from 31 which transition elsewhere is not possible. In models of habitat dynamics, this might correspond 32 to habitat that becomes completely unavailable (for example a parking lot). However, since these 33 instances do not occur in our data, we constrained transitions to and from Dead to 0. 34 3-For the event process (the habitat classification probabilities in our study), denoted as B: 35 − ∗ 𝛽 − 𝛽 ∗ 𝐵𝑡 = [ − 𝛽 𝛽 ∗ − − 36 The fourth row corresponds again to the state Dead, the first column to the state Not Observable. 37 Thus corresponding classification parameters are constrained to 0 in our models. 𝜋 ∗] 𝜓 𝜓 − ∗ 𝜓 − ] 𝜓 ∗ − − − ∗ 𝛽 𝛽 ] ∗ − 2 38 39 After these structures are specified in “GEPAT," the user must symbolically formulate 40 design matrices to specify linear models for each parameter. This can be done using the 41 “GEMACO" function in E-SURGE. 42 43 44 We analyzed 3 types of models in this study: 1- Models where classification is not accounted for. This is equivalent to constraining all 𝛽 45 parameters previously defined in GEPAT to 0 in GEMACO in order to set all 46 classification probabilities to either 1 or 0 (no misclassification) ( in “GEPAT”, this 47 matrix is slightly different from a diagonal matrix because of the presence of the Dead 48 and Not Observable states).(Fig.1) 49 50 51 52 53 54 Fig. 1: Schematic representation of type 1 models in E-surge : at each time step (or occasion), β 55 parameters of the matrix B (so-called event probabilities in E-surge or classification probabilities 3 56 in this study) are fixed to 0. Note that constraining the β (misclassification) parameters to 0 57 results in the diagonal (correct classification) elements being 1. 58 2- Models where information on true states at the level of a cell is obtained from computing 59 expected true states based on pixel accuracy information. Dummy occasions are created 60 at each time step in order to incorporate this additional information. Between dummy 61 occasions and real occasions, all 𝜓 parameters of the transition matrix previously defined 62 in GEPAT are fixed to 0 in GEMACO (resulting in an identity transition matrix) as well 63 as all 𝛽 parameters of the event matrix fixed (Fig. 2) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Fig. 2: Schematic representation of type 2 models in E-surge : for each time step (or occasion), a 77 dummy occasion is created. Between dummy occasion and real occasion, both transition and 78 event probabilities defined in GEPAT are fixed to 0. 4 79 3- Lastly, we also analyzed a model where ground-truth data are available to determine true 80 states, but only for a sample of habitat histories and only for the last occasion. Note that 𝛽 81 parameters are estimable for the last time period. Application of these classification 82 probabilities to data from previous time periods requires the assumption that these 83 classification probabilities are constant over time. 84 85 86 87 Fig. 3: Schematic representation of type 3 models in E-SURGE : in these models a dummy 88 occasion is created only for the last time step, where ground-truth data are available for a sample 89 of habitat histories (their habitat histories have a last column not equal to 0). Between the last 5 90 occasion and the dummy occasion, both transition and event probabilities defined in GEPAT are 91 fixed to 0. Note that when coding the habitat histories in E-SURGE, the group with no ground 92 truth has a negative number in the last column (indicating no data for the last occasion) 93 94 Reference 95 Choquet, R., and E. Nogue. 2010. E-SURGE 1.7 User’s Manual. CEFE, Montpellier, France. 96 6