TEMPLATES for preparing the Implementation Committee’s report to the Executive Body or the meeting minutes and the draft recommendations on compliance with emission reduction obligations Background At its 32nd meeting, the CLRTAP Implementation Committee discussed a proposal by the member of the United States to create templates for the formulation of the text for the ‘background’ and the ‘considerations’ part for each of the submissions or referrals under review to be included into the report or the minutes of the IC as well as for the drafting of the IC’s recommendations to the EB. Such templates could be made available on the “reference documents” section of the “member’s area” of the IC webpage. The templates could facilitate the knowledge and information sharing amongst IC members, in particular new members, and help preserve institutional memory. The secretariat proposed to create such templates, in cooperation with the member of the United States. Templates for drafting of the report of the Implementation Committee to the Executive Body or the meeting minutes In accordance with the Implementation Committee’s practice, minutes are prepared as a record of the first meeting of the year. The minutes are posted on the password-protected pages of the “members’ area” of the Implementation Committee for the Committee’s future reference. Following the second meeting of the year, the IC prepares a formal report to the Executive Body, in accordance with para 9 of its terms of reference. This formal report captures also the considerations and conclusions regarding the cases reviewed during the first meeting of the year which are reflected, in the same format, as the EB report, in the minutes. For each case under its consideration (in follow-up to an Executive Body decision, a referral by the secretariat or a submission), the minutes and report consist of the following two sections: A) Background and B) Considerations. In case the IC is ready to make a recommendation to the EB for further action relating to the case, a draft “recommendation” is added. All recommendations are contained in a formal document for the attention of the Executive Body in addition to the IC report to the Executive Body. In 2013, due to the large amount of cases under its consideration and in light of the word limits for official documents, the IC report to the EB consisted of two formal documents. The following templates could be used by IC members in drafting language for meeting minutes or the IC report in cases involving compliance by Parties with their emission reduction obligations: A) Background In case of a Follow up to an EB Decision: 1. In decision 20XX/XX the Committee was requested to review PARTY’s progress [and timetable] for achieving compliance with article X, paragraph X of the PROTOCOL1. 1 See listing at the end of this document for a reference to articles on emission reduction obligations in the respective Protocols. 1 2. The secretariat informed the Committee that it had communicated the decision to PARTY and had received a response [or: no response] to its letter indicating that PARTY [fill in details contained in the information received from the Party]. [Or, if appropriate: At the request of the Committee, the secretariat sent a letter to PARTY [fill in reasons for letter, e.g. regarding the type of information the Committee requested from the Party]. PARTY provided information [or: no information] to the Committee.] In case of a secretariat referral: 1. The Committee considered the secretariat’s referral concerning PARTY’s compliance with the PROTOCOL. According to the latest emission data, POLLUTANT emissions were XX tons/kilograms/grams in YEAR compared to the emissions of XX tons/kilograms/grams in BASEYEAR, the base year for PARTY [or: which was above PARTY’s emission ceiling2 of XX tons/kilograms/grams], an exceedance of XX per cent. This information suggested that PARTY was in non-compliance with its obligation under article X, paragraph X of the PROTOCOL. 2. The secretariat had informed PARTY about the intention to refer the issue to the Committee and of the opportunity to provide a response, which PARTY had done [or: however no response had been provided by PARTY]. In a subsequent letter, the secretariat had informed PARTY about the referral of its case, indicating that the issue would be on the agenda of the NUMBER session of the Committee. PARTY provided [or: did not provide] further information in response to the letter by the secretariat. To add IF the Party was invited to attend the IC’s meeting: The secretariat reminded PARTY of the invitation by the Committee to attend its next meeting. PARTY informed the secretariat that it would [would not] attend. B) Consideration In case of a Follow up to an EB Decision: 3. The Committee noted that the latest officially submitted data showed that POLLUTANT emissions in PARTY in YEAR were XX tons/kilograms/grams, which was [above][below] the BASE YEAR target level [or emission ceiling] of X tons/kilograms/grams. [Note: if below, can skip remaining considerations and move to conclusions] In all cases: 4. The Committee was thankful for the information provided by PARTY [or: The Committee noted that PARTY still had not provided the information requested in decision 20XX/X]. 5. (brief summary of the most important information provided by the PARTY as well as the Committee’s discussions on this issue to be included into the minutes or the official report; summary should especially note any unusual issues or issues of broader importance that warrant EB attention) 6. The Committee noted the information provided by PARTY on its efforts to comply with its obligation to reduce POLLUTANT emissions, and noted that the emission trend showed some improvement [or: but also noted that the situation of non-compliance had not improved.] IF the Party was present at the Committee’s meeting: In its discussions with the Committee, PARTY raised the issue of /indicated that … 2 Emission ceilings have been set for the 1999 Gothenburg Protocol and the 1994 Sulphur Protocol. 2 (brief summary of main pertinent issues raised by the Party of relevance to the matter under review) IF the Committee wants to request further information from the Party: The Committee therefore requested the secretariat to send a letter to PARTY to provide additional information on: (include here the additional information requested by the Committee in order to be able to evaluate the Party’s potential non-compliance – for example: (a) A list of the specific measures PARTY intends to take to fulfil its emission reduction obligations under the Protocol; and (b) The quantitative and projected effects of further and more effective measures to reduce its POLLUTANT emissions up to and including the year of predicted compliance.) (c) compliance; A revised timetable specifying the year by which PARTY expects to be in The Committee might also ask for specific information related to a particular issue in question.) IF the Committee noticed that the Party had mentioned the inventory adjustment procedure in its response to a communication from the secretariat, sent at the request of the Committee: The secretariat was also requested to include in the letter language (a) Indicating that the Committee noted that PARTY had mentioned the inventory adjustment procedure set out in Decisions 2012/3 and 2012/12 and 2012/4; and (b) Indicating that the Committee will suspend action on referrals from the secretariat related to a Party’s compliance with its emission reduction commitments and would not consider any additional information only where a Party has provided notification of its intent to apply an adjustment. Possible conclusions by the Committee to be included into the considerations part: a) IF the conclusion is non-compliance: The information provided to the Committee indicated that PARTY was in noncompliance with its obligation under article X, paragraph X, of the PROTOCOL with respect to POLLUTANT. b) IF the case is being kept open without a recommendation to the Executive Body: In light of [information expected to be received; or upcoming developments], the Committee decided not to make a recommendation to the Executive Body at this time. [If appropriate: The Committee requested the secretariat to invite PARTY to provide to the Committee further information on (insert here information to be provided to the Committee).] c) IF the case can be closed: The Committee concluded that there was no reason to further review the compliance of PARTY. 3 Templates for the drafting of the Implementation Committee’s recommendations to the Executive Body concerning compliance by Parties with their emission reduction obligations a) Template for recommendations to the EB in follow-up to a previous EB Decision Draft decision concerning compliance by PARTY with the PROTOCOL (ref. X/XX (pollutant)) The Executive Body, Acting under paragraph 11 of the structure and functions of the Implementation Committee and the procedure for review (ECE/EB.AIR/113/Add.1, decision 2012/25, Annex), 1. Recalls its decisions 20XX/X, 200Y/Y,…; 2. (list all related previous Executive Body Decisions) 3. Notes the XX. report of the Implementation Committee on the follow-up to decision 20XX/X on PARTY’s compliance with its obligation under article X, paragraph X, of the PROTOCOL, based on the information provided by PARTY in MONTH/YEAR (ECE/EB.AIR/XX, paras. XX-XX); 4. Notes with concern/Remains [very] concerned that, in spite of the efforts made, PARTY still fails to fulfil its obligation to reduce the emissions of POLLUTANT listed in annex XX of the Protocol from their level in BASE YEAR [or: in accordance with its emission ceiling] by taking effective measures, as required by article XX, paragraph XX, of the Protocol; 5. Urges PARTY to fulfil its obligation under the PROTOCOL as soon as possible; 6. Requests PARTY to provide the Implementation Committee, through the secretariat, by DEADLINE, with: (list of information required regarding certain measures, reports, etc.) 7. Requests the Implementation Committee to review the progress [and timetable] of PARTY, and to report to the Executive Body thereon at its NUMBER session in YEAR. b) Template for recommendations to the EB secretariat based on a referral by the Draft decision concerning compliance by PARTY with the PROTOCOL (ref. X/XX (pollutant)) The Executive Body, Acting under paragraph 11 of the structure and functions of the Implementation Committee and the procedure for review (ECE/EB.AIR/113/Add.1, decision 2012/25, Annex), 1. Notes the XX. report of the Implementation Committee concerning the compliance by PARTY with its obligation under article X, paragraph X of the PROTOCOL with respect to POLLUTANT emissions (ECE/EB.AIR/XX, paras. XX–YY), following the referral by the secretariat pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Implementation Committee, its structure and functions and procedures for review (ECE/EB.AIR/113/Add.1, decision 2012/25, Annex); 2. Notes with concern that, in spite of the efforts made, PARTY has failed to fulfil its obligation to reduce the emissions of POLLUTANT listed in annex XX of the PROTOCOL from their level in BASE YEAR by taking effective measures [or: in 4 accordance with its emission ceiling], as required by article XX, paragraph XX, of the PROTOCOL3; 3. Urges PARTY to fulfil its obligation under the PROTOCOL as soon as possible; 4. Requests PARTY to provide the Implementation Committee, through the secretariat, by DEADLINE, with: (list of information required regarding certain measures, reports, etc.) 5. Requests the Implementation Committee to review the progress [and timetable] of PARTY, and to report to the Executive Body thereon at its NUMBER session in YEAR. To add for (a) and (b): IF information has not been submitted to the Committee despite the Committee’s requests: Notes with regret that PARTY did not provide the [additional] information requested by the Implementation Committee in documents ECE/EB.AIR/XX/X (para. XX); IF non-compliance is long-lasting Urges PARTY to [e.g. speed up the implementation of envisaged measures, and to consider whether there are any further additional measures that could be taken in order to come into compliance with its obligation under the Protocol]; Strongly urges PARTY to fulfil its obligation under the PROTOCOL as soon as possible; And/or stronger measures seem to be necessary: Requests the Executive Secretary to bring this matter to the attention of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of PARTY, noting that the obligation to reduce emissions of POLLUTANT is a binding obligation in international law that was accepted by PARTY when it ratified the PROTOCOL in YEAR; Calls on PARTY to make a presentation to the next annual session of the Executive Body to [report on its efforts to achieve compliance; present its progress in implementing measures; etc.] Also decides to caution PARTY that stronger measures will be considered by the Executive Body at its NUMBER session if PARTY should fail to provide the information requested in paragraph X of this Decision; IF Committee wants the Party to be present at the next Committee meeting: Decides to invite PARTY to participate in one of the Committee’s meetings in YEAR to elaborate on the information provided pursuant to paragraph X and Y above; 5 Relevant paragraph references to insert regarding the obligations to reduce emissions in the different Protocols: Gothenburg: article 3, paragraph 1 Heavy Metals: article 3, paragraph 1 POPs: article 3, paragraph 5 (a) 1994 Sulphur: article 2, paragraph 2 VOC: article 2, paragraph 2(a) NOx: article 2, paragraph 1 1985 Sulphur: article 2 6