PPG meeting Dec 2014 (website)

Minutes of a Meeting of the Ruskington Patient Participation Group held at
Ruskington Medical Centre on Tuesday 2 December 2014 at 1.00.pm.
1. Present
Dr. T Ryder, Julie Walsh , Yvonne Woodland and Melissa Wall.
Patient Representatives
JF, LB, AR, PB, RK, BC and AC.
Stacey Wilbraham, PS, PB, JD
2. Minutes of Tuesday 2 September
The minutes from the last meeting were discussed and signed.
JF was appointed as Vice chair for the Patients Participation Group. She was
proposed by Julie Walsh and seconded by Anne Cunningham.
Flu jabs are still available at the Surgery.
The Patients Participation Group will meet every two months from February 2015.
PB to be in charge of the key for a Patients Suggestion Box to be situated in the
3. Appointments
System is working well but some patients are still finding it difficult to obtain an
appointment. There are three receptionists to answer the phone from 8.00 – 10.30
every morning for appointments and on line appointments are available. The
number of missed appointments is starting to rise again inspite of a text reminder
service. The patients concerned are sent a letter; frequent offenders are sometimes
phoned and noted on their records. This is a national problem which Healthwatch is
currently trying to solve.
Appointments are released daily at 8.00am and on line at 6.30.pm.The Minor
Ailments Clinic led by the two Nurse Practitioners is proving very popular. It operates
on a ‘pitch up ‘system between 8.30 and 10.00 every morning. The Nurse
Practitioners can treat ‘minor ailments only’ in this clinic such as chest, ear, eye
infections – should be a quick appointment, patients are informed at time of arrival,
Minutes taken by Anne Cunningham 6th December 2014
given a slip explaining the clinic. This is allowing the Doctors to deal with the more
complex medical needs.
Evening appointments are available on alternating Tuesday and Thursday from
6.30pm– 8.00pm. On duty there is a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner, a practice nurse
and Health Care Worker.
Sleaford Medical Group operate a Minor Injuries Clinic seven days a week from
8.00.am – 8.00.pm. They also hold a Minor Ailments Clinic 6.30pm – 8.00pm monFriday (when the Ruskington Medical Practice is closed) 8am – 8.00pm Saturday and
Sunday. This may be useful for Ruskington patients especially at weekends. They
have the same system and share patient’s records.
The members of the group all felt the need to advertise the different Clinics and
appointments offered at the Ruskington surgery even though the Surgery operates a
web site and there are informative notice boards within the Surgery. Suggestions
were the Ruskington Quarterly magazine, the Parish Notice board and Mrs Borrett
said the information could also be put into the Cranwell and Leasingham Newsletter.
Patients are reminded that 48 working hours are needed to generate prescriptions.
Some drugs take time to obtain. Prescriptions ordered from the Chemist etc take 4
days. Patients are reminded any items ordered this week will cover the Christmas
Patients Participation Group
It might be possible for members of the Ruskington group to share ideas with the
patients group at Croxton Kerrial perhaps with views for raising funds. LB suggested
the need for a wheelchair in the practice and JF mentioned the Automatic doors into
the Doctors and Nurses corridors.
RK asked about diagnosis for Dementia and Dr Ryder explained that after a
consultation with own doctor patients are referred to the Memory Clinic at
Grantham Hospital for diagnosis. The health and Support service can be a great help.
AC praised the care she received from all the staff during recent illness.
The Group welcomed the significant improvement in the service provided by the
reception staff.
n 2015 the Ruskington Patients Participation Group will meet every 2 months namely
the first Tuesday in the month.
The next meeting of the group will be held on:
Tuesday 3rd February in the medical Centre at 2.00.pm.
Minutes taken by Anne Cunningham 6th December 2014
Ruskington Medical Practice Patient
Participation Group meeting dates 2015
Date of
3rd February
7th April 2015
2nd June 2015
6th October
1st December 1pm Christmas
Minutes taken by Anne Cunningham 6th December 2014