09 Sep 09 Research Fortnight Opportunities issue 330 United Kingdom FULL GRANTS BDF Newlife (formerly the Birth Defects Foundation), GB Proposals should be relevant to the aetiology, prevention and treatment of birth defects. Applications into areas such as foetal loss and late onset genetic disorders will only be funded in exceptional circumstances. Grants will not exceed £120,000 for a project duration of one to two years. Award amount max: £120000 Closing date: 09 Oct 09 RESEARCH GRANTS Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases (Climb), UK, GB These support research into metabolic diseases. Grants are worth up to £15,000, and Climb is unlikely to fund salaries at a senior level. Award amount max: £15000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09 FOOD, NUTRITION AND PREVENTION OF CANCER RESEARCH PROJECT GRANTS Breast Cancer Campaign, GB Grants will be for a maximum of £250,000 for up to four years, with no more than £75,000 available in any one year. Award amount max: £250000 Closing date: 05 Oct 09 PHD STUDENTSHIP AWARDS Motor Neurone Disease Association, GB These enable registered students to undertake full-time research for a PhD. A stipend of £15,000 (£16,000 in London) is provided per year, as is £7,500 per year for laboratory costs and £1,000 over three years for conference attendance. The association will also cover relevant tuition or bench fees for UK students. Award amount max: £24833 Closing date: 23 Oct 09 PROJECT GRANTS Epilepsy Research (formerly the Epilepsy Research Foundation), GB These support basic or clinical research into the causes and treatment of epilepsy for up to three years. Grants are worth up to £100,000. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 EPILEPSY RESEARCH FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP Epilepsy Research (formerly the Epilepsy Research Foundation), GB These support basic, clinical and scientific research work into the causes, treatment and prevention of epilepsy. Grants of between £150,000 and £200,000 are awarded over one to three years to support the fellowship. Award amount max: £200000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 RESEARCH GRANTS British Renal Society, GB These support clinical research in the subject areas of renal disease and renal replacement therapy. Awards are worth £5,000 to £45,000. Award amount max: £45000 Closing date: 19 Oct 09 BIOMOLECULAR ANALYSIS FACILITY (FORMERLY THE NERC MOLECULAR GENETICS FACILITY) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), GB Funding is available for small pilot or development projects to be undertaken at the NBAF Edinburgh and Liverpool nodes. Grants will include access to staff and equipment at the relevant BAF node, plus up to £8,000 for the direct costs of consumables. Award amount max: £8000 Closing date: 23 Oct 09 AMGEN BONE BIOLOGY FELLOWSHIP European Calcified Tissue Society, GB The fellowships are intended to support scientists working in the field of bone biology. Successful candidates will be awarded a fellowship of three years duration with a value of 125,000 euros, half of which should be deployed to cover salary costs. Award amount max: €125000 Closing date: 13 Nov 09 HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESMENT CLINICAL EVALUATION AND TRIALS Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The aim of the trials is to assess the effectiveness of technologies within the NHS. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 21 Oct 09 SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE GRANTS Alzheimer's Research Trust, GB These provide funding of up to £2,000 to assist with the costs of organising or hosting a scientific conference. Award amount max: £2000 Closing date: 02 Oct 09 GERTRUDE ELION MEMORIAL LECTURE AWARD International Society for Antiviral Research, GB The award is given to an outstanding scientist, not necessarily in the field of antiviral research but certainly someone who has made considerable contributions to the scientific field directly or peripheral to it. The award is worth $7,500. Award amount max: $7500 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 WILLIAM PRUSOFF YOUNG INVESTIGATOR LECTURE AWARD International Society for Antiviral Research, GB The award is given to an outstanding young scientist (not older than 45 years of age) who has demonstrated dedication and excellence in the field of antiviral research. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Oct 09 POSTDOCTORAL TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS FOR MB/PHD GRADUATES Wellcome Trust, GB This scheme provides an opportunity for newly qualified MB/PhD graduates to make an early start in developing their independent research careers. Fellowships are for up to four years, and are worth a maximum amount of £350 000. Award amount max: £350000 Closing date: 28 Oct 09 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME GRANTS Cancer Research UK, GB These are intended to provide long-term support for broad, multidisciplinary research where the aim is to answer an interrelated set of questions. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Oct 09 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PROJECT GRANTS Cancer Research UK, GB These provide support for a defined piece of work with objectives that are hypothesis driven and can be achieved in the time specified. Grants should not exceed £100,000 per annum. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09 JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Imperial College London, GB These fellowships give the world's top early-career researchers freedom to focus on research, by providing a competitive salary and laboratory support costs. The fellowship scheme provides funds for salary for three years (fixed term), and a contribution toward research and travel costs (up to £10,000 per annum) only. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Oct 09 RESEARCH ON YOUNG PEOPLE, ALCOHOL AND LOCALITY Joseph Rowntree Foundation, GB The aim of this programme is to support research focusing on the influence of locality on the drinking and drinking cultures of young people ages 15-24. Up to £150,000 is available to fund a project of up to 18 months duration. Award amount max: £150000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09 RESEARCH ON YOUNG PEOPLE WHO DO NOT DRINK OR DRINK LITTLE Joseph Rowntree Foundation, GB The aim of the programme is to fund one study focusing on why and how some young people do not drink to intoxication, and how this choice impacts on their lives. Up to £70,000 is available to fund one project of up to 18 months duration. Award amount max: £70000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09 RESEARCH LEADER FELLOWSHIP SCHEME Medical Research Council, GB The scheme enables experienced research active scientists to exchange knowledge and forge successful partnerships between industry and academia. Personal awards of up to £75,000 are available. Award amount max: £75000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 HEALTHCARE PARTNERSHIPS FIRST CALL Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB his call supports collaborative proposals which address an important healthcare issue. The budget for this call is £8 million, with five to 15 projects expected to be supported. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMMES Medical Research Council, GB The aim of the scheme is to attract and develop research leaders of the future in pharmacology and pathology. Proposals worth up to £1.85 million may be requested. Award amount max: £1850000 Closing date: 07 Oct 09 SDO MANAGEMENT FELLOWSHIPS - EVALUATION OF A KNOWLEDGE MOBILISATION AND CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVE Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The aim of the programme is to conduct an external evaluation to examine the processes and impacts of the SDO fellowship scheme in the round. The budget for this call is £100,000. It is anticipated that a single project will be commissioned, ideally to be completed within six to nine months. MF261 Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 08 Oct 09 NOVEL TECHNOLOGIES FOR STEM CELL SCIENCE Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB Funding is available to support cross-disciplinary collaborations to develop novel technologies for characterisation, manipulation and monitoring in stem cell science. Up to £5.5 million has been earmarked for this targeted activity; it is anticipated that two or three proposals balanced across the range of challenges associated with translation of basic stem cell science will be funded. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 03 Nov 09 MACMILLAN’S USER-LED RESEARCH GRANT COMPETITION National Cancer Research Institute, GB Grants support projects addressing the impact of cancer on everyday life, or how people affected by cancer are involved in research. Applications received during the cancer conference will be shortlisted for work up to full proposals, for which up to £60,000 will be available for two projects. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 Oct 09 Belgium NOVICE RESEARCHER AWARD European Oncology Nursing Society, BE This enables young researchers to conduct relevant research projects. The award is made every two years and is sponsored by the European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 12 Oct 09 FP7-INFLUENZA-2010 European Commission Framework programme 7: Cooperation, BE Projects must address: HEALTH.2010.2.3.3-4 novel therapeutics against influenza; KBBE.2010.1.3-05 swine influenza surveillance network; KBBE.2010.1.3-06 pathogenesis and transmission of influenza in pigs. The budget for this call is 18 million euros. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 29 Oct 09 Switzerland AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CH ard for excellence in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. This honours a senior scientist for an outstanding lifetime achievements in clinical microbiology or infectious diseases. The award is worth 10,000 euros. Award amount max: €10000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARDS European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CH ppropriate research may be based on laboratory investigations, clinical studies, experimental animal studies or a combination thereof. Awards are worth 7,500 euros each. Award amount max: €7500 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 YOUNG INVESTIGATORS FELLOWSHIP European Society for Paediatric Research, CH This enables young investigators in paediatric research to share a short research experience in a foreign research institution. Fellowships are worth up to $20,000 over a maximum of 12 months. Award amount max: $20000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 ATTENDANCE GRANTS FOR THE ESCMID CONFERENCE ON ENTEROCOCCI: FROM ANIMALS TO MAN European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CH These enable young scientists, born in 1969 or later, to attend the conference, to be held in Barcelona, Spain, from 18 to 20 November 2009. Funding covers tuition fees of up to 700 euros, but no travel or accommodation costs. Award amount max: £700 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 PATIENT SAFETY SMALL RESEARCH GRANTS World Health Organisation, CH These provide seed funding for projects addressing patient safety priority areas, which will contribute to building local research capacity. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Sep 09 United States HEALTHCARE DELIVERY AND POLICY RESEARCH GRANTS: ASSESSMENT National Multiple Sclerosis Society, US The society supports research that assesses the potential impact of health care reform on people with MS. Between $200,000 and $300,000 is available for two-year long projects. Award amount max: $300000 Closing date: 28 Sep 09 NATIONAL GLAUCOMA RESEARCH American Health Assistance Foundation, US Grants are awarded for basic research on the causes of or treatments for age-related and degenerative diseases and improving the understanding and therapy of the disease process in glaucoma. Each award is for $50,000 per year for up to two years. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 23 Oct 09 STANDARD AWARDS IN ALZHEIMER'S RESEARCH American Health Assistance Foundation, US AHAF accepts proposals related to developing treatments, preventions, and cures for Alzheimer’s disease. Applications will be accepted for up to $400,000 for up to three years of funding, with a maximum disbursement of no more than $133,000 per year. Award amount max: $400000 Closing date: 19 Oct 09 EXFOLIATED CELLS AND CIRCULATING DNA IN CANCER DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS (R21) NIH: National Cancer Institute, US The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to develop novel technologies for capturing, enriching, and preserving exfoliated abnormal cells from body fluids or effusions as well as methods for concentrating the tumorderived sub-cellular material for use in biomarker studies. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 ESTHER HOFFMAN BELLER MEDAL Optical Society of America, US This award is presented for outstanding contributions to optical science and engineering education. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Oct 09 ERYTHROPOIESIS: COMPONENTS AND MECHANISMS (R01) NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US These aim to support research efforts towards a complete description of the molecular and cellular components of erythropoiesis and how these components contribute to erythropoiesis. Budgets for direct costs of up to $500,000 per year and a project duration of up to five years may be requested. Award amount max: $2500000 Closing date: 05 Oct 09 ANCILLARY STUDIES TO MAJOR ONGOING CLINICAL RESEARCH STUDIES TO ADVANCE AREAS OF SCIENTIFIC INTEREST WITHIN THE MISSION OF THE NIDDK (R01) NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US These fund ancillary studies to major ongoing clinical trials, epidemiological studies and disease databases supported by the Institute to capitalize on the already established infrastructure to enhance the scientific output of these studies. Budgets for direct costs of up to $500,000 per year and a project duration of up to five years may be requested. Award amount max: $2500000 Closing date: 05 Oct 09 DIET, EPIGENETIC EVENTS, AND CANCER PREVENTION (R01) NIH: National Cancer Institute, US These R01 grants seek to promote clinical and preclinical research to determine how diet and dietary factors, including dietary supplements, impact DNA methylation, histone posttranslational modification, noncoding RNA, and other epigenetic processes involved in cancer prevention and development. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 05 Oct 09 CLINICAL SCHOLAR RESEARCH AWARDS International Anesthesia Research Society, US The purpose is to further the understanding of clinical practice in anesthesiology and related sciences through clinical investigations. Awards are worth up to $80,000. Award amount max: $80000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 DIRECTED STEM CELL DIFFERENTIATION FOR CELL-BASED THERAPIES FOR HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD, AND AGING DISEASES (R21) NIH: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, US This funding opportunity solicits exploratory/developmental grant applications from applicant organizations that propose to define the factors and mechanisms controlling the differentiation of embryonic or adult stem or progenitor cells, either in vitro or in vivo. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 PILOT AWARDS IN ALZHEIMER'S RESEARCH American Health Assistance Foundation, US AHAF accepts proposals related to developing treatments, preventions, and cures for Alzheimer’s disease. Applications will be accepted for up to $150,000 for up to two years of funding, with a maximum disbursement of no more than $75,000 per year. Award amount max: $150000 Closing date: 19 Oct 09 EXPLORATORY INNOVATIONS IN BIOMEDICAL COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (R21) NIH: National Institutes of Health, US The NIH is interested in promoting research and developments in computational science and technology that will support rapid progress in areas of scientific opportunity in biomedical research. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH GRANTS Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, US These grants support basic research in anthropology. Grants are for a maximum of $20,000 towards research expenses. Award amount max: $20000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 J CHRISTIAN GILLIN RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAM Sleep Research Society Foundation, US This grant is intended to support beginning investigators in sleep research for the purpose of gathering pilot data to be used for future grant applications. These one year grants will be funded up to $20,000. Award amount max: $20000 Closing date: 14 Oct 09 ELLIOT D WEITZMAN RESEARCH GRANT Sleep Research Society Foundation, US This grant is intended for researchers to gather additional pilot data for NIH or other federal grants that are scored but not funded. One-year grants will be funded with up to $20,000. Award amount max: $20000 Closing date: 14 Oct 09 GENETIC AND GENOMIC ANALYSES OF XENOPUS (R01) NIH: National Eye Institute, US This funding opportunity announcement solicits investigator-initiated applications designed to exploit the power of xenopus as a vertebrate model for biomedical research. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Sep 09 GENETIC AND GENOMIC ANALYSIS OF XENOPUS (R21) NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, US This funding opportunity announcement solicits investigator-initiated applications designed to exploit the power of xenopus as a vertebrate model for biomedical research. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09 GENETIC AND GENOMIC ANALYSIS OF XENOPUS (R03) NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, US This funding opportunity announcement solicits investigator-initiated applications designed to exploit the power of xenopus as a vertebrate model for biomedical research. Direct costs are limited to $100,000 over a two-year period. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09 PARRTNERSHIPS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THERAPEUTICS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR DRUG-RESISTANT BACTERIA AND EUKARYOTIC PARASITES (R01) NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, US These grants fund translational research applications for projects that will lead to development of newer therapeutics or medical diagnostics for drug-resistant NIAID Category A, B or C bacteria and eukaryotic parasites. The annual direct costs that can be requested may not exceed $750,000. The total project period may not exceed 5 years. Award amount max: $3750000 Closing date: 23 Sep 09 NIAMS BUILDING INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH TEAM REVISION AWARDS (R01) NIH: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, US These teams should pursue a clear and significant scientific opportunity in an area of shared interest of relevance to NIAMS, and can undertake conceptually and technically novel approaches that would be less likely to succeed if undertaken by a more narrowly focused group of investigators. Direct costs requested for the revision are limited to $100,000 for a maximum of one year. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 13 Nov 09 HEALTHCARE DELIVERY AND POLICY RESEARCH GRANTS: EVALUATION National Multiple Sclerosis Society, US The society supports research that evaluates existing and innovative models of MS health care delivery. Between $300,000 and $450,000 is available for three-year long projects. Award amount max: $450000 Closing date: 28 Sep 09 HEALTHCARE DELIVERY AND POLICY RESEARCH GRANTS: INVESTIGATOR INITIATED National Multiple Sclerosis Society, US The society supports investigator initiated health policy studies in multiple sclerosis. Regular grants tend to be three years in duration with an average of $150,000 to $200,000 available for direct costs each year. Award amount max: $1000000 Closing date: 28 Sep 09 INNOVATIONS IN BIOMEDICAL COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (R01) NIH: National Cancer Institute, US These grants fund research and developments in biomedical informatics and computational biology that will support rapid progress in areas of scientific opportunity in biomedical research. The maximum annual budget allowable is $500,000. The maximum project period allowable is five years. Award amount max: $2500000 Closing date: 05 Oct 09 THE ROLE OF HUMAN-ANIMAL INTERACTION IN CHILD HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT (R03) NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, US These R03 grants fund studies into the impact of human-animal interaction on children's health and development and to test the efficacy of therapeutic uses of HAI with children. Budgets for direct costs of not more than $50,000 per year and a project duration of up to two years may be requested. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 19 Nov 09 THE ROLE OF HUMAN-ANIMAL INTERACTION IN CHILD HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT (R01) NIH: National Institute of Nursing Research, US These R01 grants fund studies into the impact of human-animal interaction on children's health and development and to test the efficacy of therapeutic uses of HAI with children. Budgets for direct costs of not more than $500,000 per year and a project duration of up to four years may be requested. Award amount max: $2000000 Closing date: 19 Nov 09 IMAGE-GUIDED DRUG DELIVERY IN CANCER (R01) NIH: National Cancer Institute, US This opportunity encourages innovative translational research in image-guided drug delivery in cancer. Budgets for direct costs of up to $500,000 per year and a project duration of up to five years may be requested. Award amount max: $2500000 Closing date: 05 Oct 09 OPTIMIZATION OF SMALL MOLECULE PROBES FOR THE NERVOUS SYSTEM (R21) NIH: National Eye Institute, US This program encourages research that develops new small molecule probes for investigating biological function in the nervous system via the application of advanced medical chemistry and the biological testing of compounds. The total project period may not exceed two years. Direct costs are limited to $150,000 per year. Award amount max: $300000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS IN ALZHEIMER’S RESEARCH American Health Assistance Foundation, US These fellowships are available to junior and senior postdoctoral fellows. Applications will be accepted for up to $100,000 for up to two years of funding, with a maximum disbursement of no more than $50,000 per year. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 19 Oct 09 BETA CELL BIOLOGY CONSORTIUM (U01) NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US These grants will fund participation in a consortium of investigators, the Beta Cell Biology Consortium. Expected direct cost amount for individual awards is $400,000 to $1.5 million for five years. Award amount max: $1500000 Closing date: 23 Nov 09 NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT FOR EMERGING BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL RESEARCH AREAS IN AGING (R24) NIH: National Institute on Aging, US These grants provide support that will facilitate research networks through meetings, conferences, small scale pilots, training, and dissemination to encourage growth and development in specified emerging areas and resources. A maximum of $750,000 direct costs over a five-year project period may be requested. Award amount max: $750000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09 NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT FOR EMERGING BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL RESEARCH AREAS IN AGING (R24): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institute on Aging, US These Aids-related grants provide support that will facilitate research networks through meetings, conferences, small scale pilots, training, and dissemination to encourage growth and development in specified emerging areas and resources. A maximum of $750,000 direct costs over a five-year project period may be requested. Award amount max: $750000 Closing date: 07 Jan 10 EFFECTS OF GENE-SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT INTERPLAY ON HEALTH AND BEHAVIOR IN LATER LIFE (R01) NIH: National Institute on Aging, US These grants will fund the development of multidisciplinary collaborations among existing longitudinal twin and family studies, with a focus on social and behavioral factors associated with aging outcomes. Direct costs are expected to range from $200,000 to $500,000 in the first year. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 09 Nov 09 HEALTHY AGING THROUGH BEHAVIORAL ECONOMIC ANALYSES OF SITUATIONS (R01) NIH: National Institute on Aging, US These fund applications that propose to translate basic findings from behavioral economics into behavior change interventions targeting health behaviors associated with chronic health conditions of mid-life and older age. The direct cost amount for each individual award will be no greater than $525,000 in total for three years. Award amount max: $525000 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 DYNAMICS OF HOST-ASSOCIATED MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES (R01) NIH: National Institute of General Medical Sciences, US These grants will fund applications that propose genetic, physiological, and ecological studies designed to reveal the basic principles and mechanisms that govern the symbiotic systems dynamics of microbial communities. Budget requests should not exceed $250,000 per year for up to five years. Award amount max: $1250000 Closing date: 15 Jan 10 EPIGENETIC PROCESSES IN DEVELOPMENT (R21) NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, US These grants seek to investigate the role of epigenetic processes at key points during normal or pathological embryonic, fetal, childhood, adolescent and reproductive development that are relevant to the NICHD’s mission areas. Directs costs are limited to $275,000 over a two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 18 Nov 09 NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY RESEARCH TO PROMOTE CARDIOVASCULAR AND PULMONARY HEALTH (R01) NIH: National Institute of Nursing Research, US This funding opportunity supports research on the roles of nutrition and physical activity in the development, prevention, and management of cardiovascular disease or pulmonary diseases. The total project period may not exceed five years. Applicants for an R01 award are not limited in dollars but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 05 Oct 09 NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY RESEARCH TO PROMOTE CARDIOVASCULAR AND PULMONARY HEALTH (R21) NIH: National Institute of Nursing Research, US This funding opportunity supports research on the roles of nutrition and physical activity in the development, prevention, and management of cardiovascular disease or pulmonary diseases. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two year period, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in a single year. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 CLINICAL RESEARCH TRAINING FELLOWSHIP IN HEADACHE American Academy of Neurology, US Each fellowship will consist of a commitment of $55,000 per year for two years, plus $10,000 per year for tuition to support formal education in clinical research methodology at the applicant's institution or elsewhere. Award amount max: $130000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 CLINICAL RESEARCH TRAINING FELLOWSHIP IN STROKE American Academy of Neurology, US Each fellowship will consist of a commitment of $55,000 per year for two years, plus $10,000 per year for tuition to support formal education in clinical research methodology at the applicant's institution or elsewhere. Award amount max: $130000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 PRACTICE RESEARCH TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS American Academy of Neurology, US This two-year fellowship will support training in clinical practice research. Research must be directed to care in the clinical neurosciences. The fellowship will consist of a commitment of $55,000 per year for two years, plus $10,000 per year for tuition to support formal education in clinical research methodology at the applicant's institution or elsewhere. Award amount max: $130000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09 INCREASING THE SERVICE LIFE OF DENTAL RESIN COMPOSITES (R01) NIH: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, US The objective of this R01 initiative is to better understand how degradation due to either physical and environmental factors or the composition of dental resin composites interacting with the biofilm in the oral cavity facilitates the development of secondary decay. Budgets may not exceed $250,000 per year for a maximum of four years. Award amount max: $1000000 Closing date: 04 Jan 10 INCREASING THE SERVICE LIFE OF DENTAL RESIN COMPOSITES (R21) NIH: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, US The objective of this R21 initiative is to better understand how degradation due to either physical and environmental factors or the composition of dental resin composites interacting with the biofilm in the oral cavity facilitates the development of secondary decay. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 04 Jan 10