Wright County 4-H Project Kits
4-H Project Kits contain fun, hands-on learning activities to use with 4-H’ers at club meetings, club camps,
or other settings.
• Activities are based on the Experiential Learning Model, and most activities have been developed using
4-H Curriculum Materials.
• Project Kits contain most of the supplies needed for the activity and directions to facilitate the activity.
You are responsible for providing any supplies not included.
• Project Kits contain materials for 15-20 youth and are available to be checked out from the Wright
County 4-H Office.
How to check out a project kit:
1. Most kits are located at the Wright County Extension Office at the Wright Count Gov’t Center. Regional Office
Kits are located in an alternate location and need to be reserved five business days prior by contacting 4-H
Staff at 763-682-7394. You are welcome to stop in during business hours 8 am-4:30 pm to look through the
2. If there is a particular kit you are looking for, you can contact the office ahead of time to make sure that it is
not already checked out before you stop in.
3. When you come in to check-out a kit, please write the information requested on the clipboard provided.
4. Before taking the kit, be sure to double check contents to ensure all essential supplies are there and be sure
that you are able to provide what is NOT there.
5. When you are done using the kit, please tidy up the box and return it to the Extension Office. Please date
and initial when kit is returned on the clipboard.
6. Please be sure to inform the office if there are any missing materials in the kit (such as supplies we say we
provide) handouts, or if a project kit is in poor shape.
*Clubs are welcome to develop kits to add to our kit library! If you are interested in donating a kit please contact Kelly
Strei or Brittany Eich, 4-H Program Coordinators.
If you have any questions, please contact Wright County 4-H Staff at the
Wright County Extension Office at 763-682-7394.
October 2014
© 2014 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to 612-624-2116.
Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with at least 10 percent postconsumer waste material.
(kits are geared for youth K-5th grade unless indicated)
Build Your Own Flashlight
Learn the basics of electricity while assembling your own flashlight.
Use this method of separating out materials from a mixture to see the colors used to produce ink in a pen or marker.
4-H Science, Fine Arts & Crafts
Learn about how a simple robot works and how humans can control how it moves
Electricity – Static & Current
Learn how electricity works and experiment with designing your own circuit.
Experiencing Entomology
Discover the world through a bug’s eye view. Learn about insects; compound eyes, and make your own compound eye
viewer. Also, learn to recognize different insect mouth types and experiment with what human beverages insects prefer.
Fish, Fish, Fish
Make your own fish prints with life-sized stamps of fish. Also included is information on a variety of fish that are native to
Minnesota. Also, fish pairs game, fun outdoor game, and fish snack idea.
Fishing Sports, Creative Arts
GIS Maps
Investigate the layers of a GIS map. Design your own community park using GIS mapping.
Glow Sticks
Discover how glow sticks work and experiment with factors that impact how a glow stick “shines”
4-H Science
Heart Health
Learn how your heart pumps and how exercising makes it work harder.
Living Greenhouse
Learn what plants need to grown while assembling your own mini greenhouse
Plant Science
Owl Pellets
Discover an owl’s role in the food chain and become a scientist as you dissect an owl pellet.
Rockets To The Rescue
Become a rocket engineer while designing a rocket that will help bring food/supplies to residents of an island
suffering from a natural disaster. The kid will help youth learn engineering concepts, develop math skills, learn about
nutrition and help solve a relevant, global issue.
STEM, Aerospace
Squishy Circuits
What kinds of materials conduct electricity? What doesn’t? Experiment with objects that may or may not conduct
Straw Rockets
This simple and fun activity teaches about the basic principles of flight by creating and testing a rocket made from
simple drinking straws!
4-H Science
More Kits Coming Soon!
Regional Project Kits
The following kits are housed in the Regional Office in St. Cloud. They are available to other counties as well. If you would
like to use these kits, please contact Wright County staff 5 business days in advance to check them out.
Animal Tracks
Antarctica Animal Secrets
Antarctica Flexhabit
Boat Races
Conflict Animals
Earth Week
Face Paining
Penny Boats
Physical Activity Bingo
Raccoon Circles
Reading Makes Cents
Sock Puppets